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NARUTO 3426th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sat 6 May 18:00
When did they plan to fire Falcoon? Ok just kidding...
Seriously on KOF 2D. did they plan one day to make a huge update on graphics, fist a real step forward in special effects or animation, like Capcom did with SF3rd.
Why did they create (ridiculous) characters like Momoko, who are already hated at 50% during the locktests, when really wanted characters like Old FF or AOF characters or the Hizokus (Long, Ran, San...) are forgoten.
When did they will stop making 521 different stupid color edit of the characters with ridiculous skin or hair color. (No more green or blue skin SNK!!)
What did they plan to do with the 70% of the MOTW sequels that SNK already did?
For the 3D game, why did they've used The KOF name. The game is yet more hated than anything. Why they did create a 100% original serie? Falcoon would have been more free for his style. and Fan (Fanboys) wouldn't have complained...So, Why?
If you're getting answer to question like those, your strong!
 Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...