Got any questions for SNK and Crave for E3??? - Forums

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Occasional Customer

"Got any questions for SNK and Crave for E3???" , posted Sat 6 May 05:46post reply

I everyone, it's been a long while! I'll be interviewing SNK and Crave Entertainment at E3 2006 this year.

Last year I was unable to book an appointment so I couldn't ask any of the questions (I'm sorry.)

Anyways, I plan to do a full report on those two.

Are there any questions you'd like me to ask of SNK during the interview? Please post them here and I'll be sure to ask (provided it's appropriate).

By the by, as a side note, I've been debuting trailers for visual novel PC games at if any of you play those types of games.

"What? Sarah! Look not upon me with doubting eyes." - Motoko Aoyoma (Love Hina: Mystery Guests at Hinata Hotel)


Variable Savior
351th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sat 6 May 08:08post reply

Same thing I asked last year (I wish the old thread was still around - I would have just copy and pasted it): When will they abandon the NeoGeo sprites and move on to something representative of current standards?

I'm sure it's been asked a thousand times but it's still a valid question (unfortunately).

Oh, and will the US see a release of the DS Card Fighters game? And NGBC?? And XI???

Blood marks heaven's path

shin ramberk
259th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sat 6 May 13:00post reply

What other games do they have planned for the DS?

266th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sat 6 May 15:30post reply

Why is SNKP trying to move towards a less violent nature with their more violent series? Samurai Shodown fell to that issue with SS Tenka and it appears Metal Slug 6 does as well.

And btw, Cardfighter's Clash was already confirmed for US release. It will be one of their games at E3. Dunno about NGBC or KOF XI though.

For those who want blood in SS Tenka use this template.

Red Falcon
5668th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sat 6 May 16:11post reply

Why is SNKP trying to move towards a less violent nature with their more violent series? Samurai Shodown fell to that issue with SS Tenka and it appears Metal Slug 6 does as well.

Why is Abster beating a horse that not only died ages ago, but was indeed skeletonized during that period of time?

I'm looking forward to CfC... Oh yes, ask them if they want a Hyper board and some games so they could make that collection, haw haw. I have extras.

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3426th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sat 6 May 18:00post reply

When did they plan to fire Falcoon? Ok just kidding...

Seriously on KOF 2D. did they plan one day to make a huge update on graphics, fist a real step forward in special effects or animation, like Capcom did with SF3rd.

Why did they create (ridiculous) characters like Momoko, who are already hated at 50% during the locktests, when really wanted characters like Old FF or AOF characters or the Hizokus (Long, Ran, San...) are forgoten.

When did they will stop making 521 different stupid color edit of the characters with ridiculous skin or hair color. (No more green or blue skin SNK!!)

What did they plan to do with the 70% of the MOTW sequels that SNK already did?

For the 3D game, why did they've used The KOF name. The game is yet more hated than anything.
Why they did create a 100% original serie?
Falcoon would have been more free for his style.
and Fan (Fanboys) wouldn't have complained...So, Why?

If you're getting answer to question like those, your strong!

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

103th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(4):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sat 6 May 18:06post reply

Will we see a completely original franchise during the next-gen (as in, using no one from any other existing series)?

Will we see new kinds of games any time soon (anything other than fighters or Metal Slug)?

burning kyo
2413th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sat 6 May 18:43post reply

@ SNK :
- Why the ps2 ports of their arcade or neogeo games are so bad ?

~ Flowers Blooming on the Moon Flowers Scattering on the Wind ~

Bata kun
2875th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Shitsumon" , posted Sun 7 May 00:12:post reply

Naruto took my question on "MotW II" in regards of what will be done with it. So, I'll skip that.

1. Are there any plans of reviving "Gekka no Kenshi" now that we saw a revival of "Samurai Spirits"?

2. Followup, if so, will there also be a role playing game?

3. Is the Wii the only system to get a collection of all of the non-NGP "Metal Slug" games?

4. It's a long shot, but will there be a console that'll finally get "Psycho Soldiers"? As far as I know, no console known worldwide has it.

5. When will there be a "Nejibako II" if there are plans of it?

6. Is the DS "CFC" game the last game of the "SNK vs. Capcom" series or will there actually be a "SNK vs. Capcom: Chaos II"?

7. Will "Samurai Spirits" have a collection seeing that "GD", "RnK", and "GnK" as well as "MS" already have one?

There are more, but I'm in a hurry and my mind's still dead. Latter's pointed at questions with answers already.

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Sun 7 May 00:24]

Burning Ranger
1423th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sun 7 May 01:07post reply

I everyone, it's been a long while! I'll be interviewing SNK and Crave Entertainment at E3 2006 this year.

Are you going to talk to a PR rep, or are you going to talk to someone who really knows what's going on? I see a lot of these deep questions that can only be answered by higher-ups and not PR reps.

Anyway, what I want to know is: Will KOF XI be released in the US and on which console? Also, will NGBC get a US console release?

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!

Bata kun
2876th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sun 7 May 01:24:post reply

Anyway, what I want to know is: Will KOF XI be released in the US and on which console? Also, will NGBC get a US console release?

Yes for both and if I recall, only for the X-Box. Of course, I'm like 95% sure of it.

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Sun 7 May 01:27]

520th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sun 7 May 01:58post reply

Anyway, what I want to know is: Will KOF XI be released in the US and on which console? Also, will NGBC get a US console release?

Yes for both and if I recall, only for the X-Box. Of course, I'm like 95% sure of it.

2 words:
Kof DS

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New Customer

"Re(1):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sun 7 May 02:20:post reply

sorry about my earlier post that i edited, im new here and all.

about the topic:
SNK:what games are coming on the xbox live arcade/Wii virtual console/sony network?
is there any plans for an original new game?
is there any plans for an extention to KOF:AD anime?
can u pretty please port KOFXI,NGBC,TENKA to 360?

Crave: are u going to bring Shutokou Battle X(Tokyo xtreme racer)to the US and euro 360?

[this message was edited by badoor on Sun 7 May 02:45]

1093th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sun 7 May 04:38post reply

Same as Bootation: how long will it be till we get a KOF DS (a real fighter game) and a KOF Wii?
Also, do they plan to give a new iteration to KOF EX?

397th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(4):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sun 7 May 04:46post reply


Why did they create (ridiculous) characters like Momoko, who are already hated at 50% during the locktests, when really wanted characters like Old FF or AOF characters or the Hizokus (Long, Ran, San...) are forgoten.


However, I would love to have Ran in the next installment of KOF.

Q: Where's Cool Cool Toon 2?!


4182th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Sun 7 May 09:05post reply


- Has any 'external' company showed interesting in using old licenses? (like when Yuki did SS), if the answer is negative the question could be 'any chance to see an old saga reborn?'

- Is 98' REbout under development? or do we have to wait until 08'? I don't really care for 98'; but 98' in hi-res will be your biggest step foward to a new hi-res KoF, as something like 40% of the cast can be re-used/re-adapted.

- Any chance they they 'overcome' the 255 color palette? while some characters in 94' Rebout look really good; you still have to deal with SNES color palette swap, this is really frustrating when you have to edit your colors...

- Since Atomiswave is no more, where do they plan to release their new games? I doubt that they'll bring back the Neo-Geo/MVS...

- Do they have a 'favourite' home console right now? or do they plan to give 'equal chances' to all consoles on the market? Or will they aim to upcoming consoles (PS3 for example) or will they still support old consoles? (PS2 will be 'old soon' I, guess)

... That's it for now, the questions might need to be re-phrased as I'm pretty drunk right now... You could also ask them if they think that Iggy is sexy.

See??? He is a God...

Bata kun
2876th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Shitsumon" , posted Sun 7 May 14:05post reply

Oh, I got more.

8. What genres do they plan to cover in future?

9. What plans do they have in future for Neo Geo brand?

513th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Tue 9 May 03:01post reply

Why did they create (ridiculous) characters like Momoko, who are already hated at 50% during the locktests, when really wanted characters like Old FF or AOF characters or the Hizokus (Long, Ran, San...) are forgoten.

Personally, I could care less if the Hizokus pull a K9999.

I agree about AOF and FF characters though.

An even number of AOF and FF characters in the same KOF game would be nice.

7057th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Tue 9 May 06:36post reply

I just would like to know if they have anything totally new on the works, any game project that doesn't involves old SNK licenses.

majoria's news

Cain Highwind
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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Tue 9 May 09:06post reply

The only thing I can think of is if the whole thing for Wii goes well, if other titles could make it. I mean why can't they just add the Neo-Geo console as part of Nintendo's Virtual Console?

Oh and the other thing was with the PS3 supposedly being Region-free, will this affect distribution of titles. Perhaps having games released in Japan with English and Japanese language options, so importers could import freely.

57th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):Got any questions for SNK and Crave for" , posted Fri 12 May 15:54post reply

Hi everyone,

I was not the one who booked the appointment but we got booked with the Marketing director for SNK USA (Mr. Rudolph). I thought it would be Ben Herman (SNK USA President) because all my other interviews were always with him but not this time. Nonetheless I'll let you all know how it will turn out.

I'll ask about Garou II but I'm not sure if he'll know anything regarding that (I don't think even Ben Herman will know). From past interviews, I've found out that people on the boards sometimes knew more than the Prez of SNK himself (Example: KOF ONLINE).

"What? Sarah! Look not upon me with doubting eyes." - Motoko Aoyoma (Love Hina: Mystery Guests at Hinata Hotel)

Bata kun
2880th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"A late question?" , posted Sat 13 May 03:17post reply

I hope I'm not too late for what'll be my last question.

10. Will we ever see a revival of "World Heroes" or any other series I have not mentioned in which people want?