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Time Mage 2377th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Sony conference: disappointing" , posted Tue 9 May 18:12
Don't you think so?
First, the price. 500$ or 600$ in EEUU, and 500€ or 600€ in Europe (that is, a 25% price increase in Europe, they may think we are rich). That, even if expected, is a too high price.
Second, the controller. They ditched their own new controller (the boomerang one that NOBODY had the opportunity to test) because of the critics on its looks (or so it seems) and they return to the (already old in the PS2 era) dual shock design, with wireless and motion sensor functions, shamelessly copying Nintendo. Do they have any confidence in their own ideas? It doesn't seem so.
Third, the "games". Again, more CG's than real time demos, not a single gameplay footage, and still, the press agreed saying that all the footage shown was disappointing except, as always, Kojima's work, that is, his MGS4 trailer.
~~~Knowledge is power~~~
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Maese Spt 231th Post
Frequent Customer
| "Re(1):Sony conference: disappointing" , posted Tue 9 May 18:36
quote: a 25% price increase in Europe, they may think we are rich
You know, those are the things that totally piss me off. We europeans are the most mistreated market, games only reach our shores months (and even years!) after their japanese and/or american releases, yet they charge us with the highest prices... shame, shame, shame.
On the other hand, I'm happy with the good ol' PSX pad. That's the best controller design ever for me: comfortable, handy and reliable. Plus, I'm quite used to it.
I'm happy hearing they ditched that rumble device as well, few games really do improve with such a feature. To say the truth, I've always regarded that vibration stuff quite pointless since the very beginning. Well, gaming girls may think otherwise, though...
Anyway, I won't consider getting a PS3 until 2010 or so (aka: when the price would drop to a reasonable amount and Konami would have released a pair of of Suikoden or three), so who I am to argue...
Pollyanna 1769th Post
Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(2):Sony conference: disappointing" , posted Tue 9 May 18:51
quote: On the other hand, I'm happy with the good ol' PSX pad. That's the best controller design ever for me: comfortable, handy and reliable. Plus, I'm quite used to it.
For once, I totally agree with you.
Designing a new controller is good IF you have a better design in mind, but making a new controller for the sake of making a new controller is just silly when you already have an excellent model. That kind of thinking gets you Nintendo-esque messes with some buttons much bigger than others, weirdo analogs and buttons on the back of the controller.
The "boomerang" controller obviously didn't have any kind of increased functionality and nobody liked it, so sticking with it would have been foolish.
As for the motion sensor, well, you COULD say "Sony's already experimented with motion sensoring with the Eyetoy." Although that's almost definitely not the case, and they're almost definitely ripping off Nintendo. The thing is, if the alternative is NOT having that option, what's the benefit? If you have the choice of increased functionality that can compete with another system versus...not having it...the choice is obvious. The only thing is, the dualshock doesn't have a very "aerodynamic" shape, so I might feel silly moving it around. There's no place to grip it in the middle, but holding it with both hands seems unecessary.
I can't say I'll MISS the vibration, but I can't agree that it's useless. 9 out of 10 games don't use it well, but I have been quite delighted with the 10% (maybe more like 5%) that do.
As for the price...well, expensive technology is expensive. I just hope the thing doesn't break easily. I don't want a cheap system, I want a durable one. Of course, my opinion is one-sided, since I have plenty of money, but I still probably won't rush to buy one, because there aren't any games I want on it yet.
I held off on buying a PS2, not because I was waiting for a price cut, but because it didn't have any games that interested me until Silent Hill 2 came out.
That being said...so far...yeah...pretty disappointing on the game announcements/playable demos. I'm holding out for the TGS, though.
Time Mage 2379th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Sony conference: disappointing" , posted Tue 9 May 19:07:
quote: On the other hand, I'm happy with the good ol' PSX pad. That's the best controller design ever for me: comfortable, handy and reliable. Plus, I'm quite used to it.
For once, I totally agree with you.
Designing a new controller is good IF you have a better design in mind, but making a new controller for the sake of making a new controller is just silly when you already have an excellent model. That kind of thinking gets you Nintendo-esque messes with some buttons much bigger than others, weirdo analogs and buttons on the back of the controller.
The "boomerang" controller obviously didn't have any kind of increased functionality and nobody liked it, so sticking with it would have been foolish.
But the dual shock is one of the less ergonomic pads in existance! The "horns" were a great idea back in 1996, but now that same shape feels old, considering the better ergonomics that other controllers (the GC and even the XBox's one) have. That, plus the analog sticks position was fine when they had to force them in the original PSX controller, but they've had a lot of time to change it! Analog control is the main way of controlling games now, so analog sticks should occupy a prominent place in the controller. And you can do that without hindering the access to the digital pad, like what happens with the GC pad: The XBox controller does that quite well. If they wanted to make the controller better, there were plenty of easy things they could do. By keeping the exact same design (with added functionalities, yes) they are just trying to attract the people that, like both of you, think that just because you are accostumed to that controller, there's no problem in not changing it for better. I'm accustomed to the dual shock too (you can get accustomed to everything, I know a friend that plays CvS2 better on a GC controller than with anything else), but I see all its evident design flaws, also.
~~~Knowledge is power~~~
[this message was edited by Time Mage on Tue 9 May 19:09] |
Time Mage 2381th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Sony conference: disappointing" , posted Wed 10 May 03:23:
quote: Time Mage, I was actually curious but when you mentioned about the ps2 controller copying nintendos in term of motion sensor design, the motion sensor isn't so bad is it? I have no experiencing of it but I read a while back before the change that the ps3 specs for the controller were bluetooth enabled. Would one out favor the other in reception with the control and the system?
While I think I don't really understand what you are saying, I'll try to reply to what I think you're saying:
PS3 controller having motion sensing is not bad, of course. Used properly, it will add a lot to their games, I'm sure of it. What I criticized was the step backwards that was adopting yet again the same controller design (which, I repeat, I thing has some serious ergonomical problems that could be solved tweaking the design a bit), and the lack of confidence in their own ideas that this shows, along with partly copying Nintendo's idea. Regarding Bluetooth, I think it won't interfere with their motion sensing device, if that's what you were implying.
~~~Knowledge is power~~~
[this message was edited by Time Mage on Wed 10 May 04:08] |
Pollyanna 1775th Post
Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(6):Sony conference: disappointing" , posted Wed 10 May 07:55
quote: Sony might be overestimating their market dominance I think. While I'm sure they'll sell out their initial shipments, I'm not so convinced it will do so well afterwards. Most console launches are pretty crummy and I can't see paying more than half a grand so that I can play prettier versions of Dynasty Warriors.
It's a dirty and scary market right now. I would agree that Sony will get knocked down a bit, but the 360 really isn't delivering ANYTHING right now. Nintendo is the absolute wild card here...so I don't know how Sony's "dominance" is going to go. The excitement that the Wii is generating isn't really good for them.
However, I have confidence that they will remain very powerful, if not #1 in the end. They're using a lot of new technology on the PS3, so I think we'll be seeing a price cut later. By then, they'll have a strong (probably the strongest) selection of games, and they'll still be relatively early in their "life cycle".
So, they'll probably have a medium start, slow period, then come out very strong later. I'm hoping the same for the 360...or it'll just be useless.
It's funny how my perspective has changed now that I can actually afford all 3 systems. Before, I was saying "I want Microsoft out of the picture, because I know Sony isn't going away...and I want Nintendo to offer a completely different style of gameplay that won't compete with Sony."
But now...I think Microsoft has put forth some good ideas and they treat their fans better than Sony does. I'm hoping if nothing else, they'll inspire Sony to rip off some of their better qualities.