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Time Mage 2380th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Nintendo conference: promising, but..." , posted Wed 10 May 03:15:
...Graphics are not sooo important, but having things like that Tony Hawk (that would look only so-so on a PS2) and that truck game, or the sports game they showed... Okay, so not all games looked horrid like those, in fact Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Red Steel and Sonic looked very good, but still.
Okay, let's talk about what looks good: The gameplay seems quite promising. The people who were showing the games managed to not look like monkeys while playing, so that's a good thing. The different ways of using the controller shown in Zelda:TTP and Red Steel look well implemented, intuitive, and fun. The speaker in the controller, while it could be fun, isn't nothing but a curious extra. Sure, it can be implemented in many games with maybe interesting results, but I expected something more... Worthwile fom the last controller feature.
And now, let's talk about the "meh": Many games shown, but in very, very short videos or just in name. Very few of them seemed playable from what was seen in the show, also. the "24 connection" seems quite pointless in my opinion. Also, not a single mention on the virtual console functions, and very importantly, they didn't revealed the price of the console. "Play more paying less" sounds great, but I want numbers.
So... Discuss!
~~~Knowledge is power~~~
[this message was edited by Time Mage on Wed 10 May 03:17] | | Replies: |
Mokona 358th Post
Silver Customer
| "Re(1):Nintendo conference: promising, but..." , posted Wed 10 May 03:29
Does it really matter? The only console I'll be able to afford is the Wii anyway. (If I DO buy one...) Zelda looks awesome, can't wait to play it. The WiiSports game looks fun, but the minimalized graphics will only work well for the japanese audience. Americans will want to see some pretty graphics. Let's hope some third party sports games developpers will find the system attractive and make games for it, that'd be sweet. I mean, imagine playing Virtua Tennis like that... (or Top Spin...)
Also, was I the only one to find that game Disaster really interesting? (the small bits they showed anyway) That huge wave was kinda impressive... The graphics seem nice (taking into account that I watched this in a small streaming video...)
All in all, the gameplay seems appealing, and it has that "I at least gotta try that" feeling. But most of what they showed had really simple graphics. Now I'm really not the type to go with graphics over gameplay (I'm really the exact opposite of that philosophy), but I think they could have done a little better with some of the games they showed. Especially when you clearly see that the system is capable of it, watching some of the better games they showed in terms of graphics.
Just a Person 763th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(9):OMG! Solid Snake and others in new Smas" , posted Fri 12 May 08:38
quote: I'm hoping for some Ash Ketchum action in this game.
Yeah, why not? I'd love to kick his ass with every character from this game!
As I've seen so far, Nintendo already confirmed:
- Mario (wow, what a surprise!) - Link (Twilight Princess version, it seems) - Samus (without armor, so far) - Kirby - Pikachu (die, Pikachu, DIEEE!!!) - Solid Snake - Wario - some character from Kirby games - Kid Icarus - a nintendog (although I'm not sure whether it is a fighter or an item, like the pokéballs)
Is anyone missing from this list above?
Anyway, I must say that the Wii games have impressed me. They seem to be so cool! They can even compensate Nintendo for choosing such a stupid name as "Wii" for a console! Some PS3 games look good as well, like MGS4; but Wii has the most interesting games in my opinion, so far (amazing graphics are cool, but a fun game to play is way better).
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Shooo-rook 193th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(3):Moar Mario goodness" , posted Fri 12 May 12:38:
quote: On SSBB, only one word may describe... {LOVE
And now for sth completely different: I myself am much more excited about this:
Oh, Nintendo, I love you SO MUCH...
Somehow from looking at this I get the impression that Nintendo realized a whole generation of hardware went by without a traditional Mario game being released on the Gamecube, so they ripped out various Thousand-Year Door graphics and slapped together a Mario platformer as quickly as they could. The giant Mario pixel monster is pretty um, interesting... though
And there's New Super Mario Bros!!
But I gotta admit that even if I agree it feels like a copy-paste job, it still DOES look gorrrgeous!!
WHO CARES ABOUT NEW SUPER MARIO BROS, and the new paper mario, and SSBB when PARIS HILTON IS AT E3!?!?!?
EDIT: But seriously, Nobuo Uematsu will be doing the theme song for SSBB, here is the main theme song...
Are you slave to the blade?
[this message was edited by Shooo-rook on Fri 12 May 12:40] |