SOTA gives us Master Gouken - Forums

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shin ramberk
262th Post

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Copper Customer

"SOTA gives us Master Gouken" , posted Wed 10 May 16:52post reply

Surprising but not so surprising. This is the 2006 SOTA SDCC Exclusive

The neat thing is that he's not a straight repaint. I was expecting SOTA to gives us at least a new head mold like with Ken. But I compared him to Akuma and we are getting new hand/wrist molds, new shin/foot molds and a new beads. Plus the new head mold too.

This totally BEATS last years craptacular exclusive. Well, Cammy was a good exclusive but USA colors Guile was a WTF figure. I guess SOTA couldn't release Gouken until Gouki was released.

Maybe one day we can even get a Goutetsu remold from Gen.

Also, I just got my Series four figures from my online retailer. Haven't opened them yet but they look great. I hope the Series five figures are revealed by the time SDCC hits.


2473th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SOTA gives us Master Gouken" , posted Wed 10 May 23:36post reply

That's pretty slick looking. It's amazing how popular Gouken is considering he's dead and he's never been a playable character.

1224th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):SOTA gives us Master Gouken" , posted Fri 12 May 08:26post reply

It's a pretty cool exclusive. However, there is something you might like to know.

The head and hands are NOT interchangeable. This was because the figure was rushed to get it out in time for SDCC and two figures were made to help offset the price of making a completely new mold(SOTA's old factory has all the molds from rounds 1-4).

I just wish we got a black translucent Akuma instead of the red Birdie.

It's a shame that the SF series has been going so slowly that we've only gotten two or one rounds a year. Hopefully the pace picks up next year.

1237th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):SOTA gives us Master Gouken" , posted Fri 16 Jun 12:23:post reply

There is another, better picture in this thread

It's about halfway down

I have to say that it is pretty damn good, but sadly the hadouken accessory was canceled since they didn't have time to make it stay on right.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Fri 16 Jun 12:24]

Dr Baghead
3590th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SOTA gives us Master Gouken" , posted Fri 16 Jun 19:08post reply

There is another, better picture in this thread

It's about halfway down

I have to say that it is pretty damn good, but sadly the hadouken accessory was canceled since they didn't have time to make it stay on right.

SWEEEEEEEET I'm so buying the Stotic face one (and maybe the angry face one too... so he can fight Shin Akuma)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

3594th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):SOTA gives us Master Gouken" , posted Sat 17 Jun 01:30post reply


SWEEEEEEEET I'm so buying the Stotic face one (and maybe the angry face one too... so he can fight Shin Akuma)

Is this some kind of convention exclusive? If so, can you get me one? I'll paypal you.

756th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):SOTA gives us Master Gouken" , posted Sat 17 Jun 02:46post reply


Is this some kind of convention exclusive? If so, can you get me one? I'll paypal you.

I think you can pre-order him from the web site as well (VERY limited offer) but I'm not sure.

Dr Baghead
3592th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):SOTA gives us Master Gouken" , posted Sat 17 Jun 03:13:post reply


SWEEEEEEEET I'm so buying the Stotic face one (and maybe the angry face one too... so he can fight Shin Akuma)

Is this some kind of convention exclusive? If so, can you get me one? I'll paypal you.

Which version did you want? (because of Factory problems they couldn't do swapable heads. So Screaming head and Normal head are two different figures.... normal head might have open hands but I'm not really clear on that yet)

I'll pick up which ever one(s) you want for you. Just shoot me an e-mail:
H T O H M S O G @ O M I . O

how to decode: HITTO... continue going top letter, bottom letter from there

I guess I'll just offer now: Anyone else want any SDCC exclusives? Be warned, I might ask for a $10 surcharge if I have to stand in a line I didn't plan to wait in. (like the Bloody Mattel raffel)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

[this message was edited by Dr Baghead on Sat 17 Jun 03:15]

1240th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):SOTA gives us Master Gouken" , posted Sun 18 Jun 07:37post reply

Who designed Gouken's appearance anyway? For some reason I want to think the first time I ever even saw his incarnation was on the US Street Fighter cartoon.

shin ramberk
274th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(8):SOTA gives us Master Gouken" , posted Sun 18 Jun 07:58post reply

Who designed Gouken's appearance anyway? For some reason I want to think the first time I ever even saw his incarnation was on the US Street Fighter cartoon.

Gouken and Goutestu appear in Gouki/Akuma's SFA ending. I think Gouken's appearance got fully fleshed out in SF3-Ryu Final manga. The version of Gouken in that manga is the one that's been heavily reused by fandom and licensors like Udon and Sota.

1238th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):SOTA gives us Master Gouken" , posted Sun 18 Jun 10:59:post reply

I believe Gouken's first appearance was acutally in the manga Street Fighter II RYU by Masaomi Kanzaki. His appearace is a bit different from the one in the UDON books and SOTA toy.

Here is a picture of his back that I took to show off his kanji.

I'll scan another pic later.

His look is similar to his appearance is the US Street Fighter Cartoon

Just a little more rugged.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Sun 18 Jun 10:59]

1241th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):SOTA gives us Master Gouken" , posted Fri 23 Jun 03:42post reply

At the forums the SOTA people said that there will be a total of FIVE Gouken figures. The two for SDCC and three for online exclusives. One will be for SOTA the other two will be for Toy Rocket.

2530th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):SOTA gives us Master Gouken" , posted Fri 23 Jun 04:25post reply

At the forums the SOTA people said that there will be a total of FIVE Gouken figures. The two for SDCC and three for online exclusives. One will be for SOTA the other two will be for Toy Rocket.

Five? That's a hell of a lot of variations for a character that doesn't even have an in-game sprite. Are these just going to be color changes?

Dr Baghead
3593th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):SOTA gives us Master Gouken" , posted Fri 23 Jun 17:22post reply

Five? That's a hell of a lot of variations for a character that doesn't even have an in-game sprite. Are these just going to be color changes?

Well clearly it's gonna be:
-SDCC figure (calm face)
-SDCC figure (angry face)
-SDCC figure (US Cartoon version with black beard and headband, calm face)
-'First Appearence' Fuzzy Vest (calm face)
-'First Appearence' Fuzzy Vest (angry face)

Because I plan to get both at SDCC (calm to stand with normal Ryu, Ken, and Akuma. Angry to stand with Shin Akuma, Violent Ken, and Evil Ryu.) and revealing wacky new variants would force me to buy even more.

Or maybe just colors... I hope to god it's just colors. because I don't really care about color variants.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)