New Game Thread - Forums

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2472th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"New Game Thread" , posted Wed 10 May 23:13post reply

There are a lot of games being announced but since the information on most of them is scarce there's no reason to start an individual thread for each game. That, and a game-centric thread should keep the console discussion threads from getting too cluttered. Now for some of the news items that caught my eye:

A new trailer for Tekken 6 is out and it looks like crap. I'm certain the game is far from being done and the trailer doesn't use in-game footage but what was shown looked like a step down from T5.

Golden Axe is back? While it's nice to know I can beat up Death Adder yet again what will a barbarian in a blue speedo look like using next-gen hardware?

I was initially excited to hear that Hellboy was getting a game but that waned once I saw some screens. I was hoping the game would try and capture the stylized look of Mignola's art instead of coming across as a movie tie-in a couple of years after the fact.

Mercenaries- a game that I liked but found to be so ridiculously sprawling that I never bothered to finish it- seems to be getting a sequel as well. Hopefully you will be able to destroy the trees this time.

While there have been things that have bugged me about the past two MGS games I must admit I got excited while watching the MGS4 trailer. Kojima is a good game designer but his true strength seems to be as a salesman.

As has been noted elsewhere on the board Heavenly Sword looks like a gender swapped GoW. The heroine, however, looks like she dyed her in the kitchen sink. Maybe she has one of those designs like Kratos that only makes sense once you play the game but at the moment her odd outfit and tomato soup hair aren't selling me quite yet.

Virtua Fighter 5 is coming out as well. This was expected but it's still nice to hear.

Is DOAXVB2 the first game to feature water slides?


3167th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New Game Thread" , posted Wed 10 May 23:53post reply

Hey man, don't knock chicks with Ronald McDonald colored hair.

1224th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):New Game Thread" , posted Thu 11 May 00:57:post reply


Is DOAXVB2 the first game to feature water slides?

Virtual Bart had a level with a water slide.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Thu 11 May 00:58]

1976th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):New Game Thread" , posted Thu 11 May 05:46post reply

Tekken 6 doesn't look so hot, but it looks about the same as Tekken 5 without proper lighting or effects. In other words, like an early version. Plus the sample vid looks more like a real-time opening cinematic (like what the PS2 version of TTT had) instead of a gameplay vid, so maybe it's nothing to go off of yet. I have to wonder though, is this really supposed to be a launch title? 6 months isn't THAT far off.

Golden Axe is just... well, I'm not really looking forward to it. Every time I see this situation where a company whores out an old franchise to an unknown developer in exchange for next-gen eye candy, I dread what comes next. There are some cases where it's worked, most notably Metroid Prime, but that's been the exception. On top of that, games of the type Golden Axe is aren't faring so well these days... it'll be a tough sell to begin with.

Saw the full 2-minute DoAX2 trailer... looks nice, but unsurprising. It looks like XV1 except the cheesecake takes place with 2 at a time, and Kokoro has been added. Also since "Volleyball" was dropped from the title it hints heavily that waveracing will be the next "xtreme" thing that Itagaki was hinting at. Can't wait to see how he'll turn that into a zero-effort game.

MGS4 looks great as usual, but unlike most people, I'm not very excited at the inclusion of older MGS characters. I'd rather see some new ones first. Plus if Snake himself is that old, why does Campbell look roughly the same age as ever?

1778th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):New Game Thread" , posted Thu 11 May 07:04post reply


Saw the full 2-minute DoAX2 trailer... looks nice, but unsurprising. It looks like XV1 except the cheesecake takes place with 2 at a time, and Kokoro has been added. Also since "Volleyball" was dropped from the title it hints heavily that waveracing will be the next "xtreme" thing that Itagaki was hinting at. Can't wait to see how he'll turn that into a zero-effort game.

MGS4 looks great as usual, but unlike most people, I'm not very excited at the inclusion of older MGS characters. I'd rather see some new ones first. Plus if Snake himself is that old, why does Campbell look roughly the same age as ever?

First, Snake isn't "old", but "prematurely aged". That's why he looks older than everyone else.
To me, it's not that the game just looks graphically awesome, but stylishly beautiful. I'm thrilled that as we move into more and more realistic graphics, we also move into more artistry.

As for DOAX2. Wel, I really liked the first game. I like playing with costumes and it was really relaxing, so I'm looking forward to the next one. Butt-bumping is a brilliant idea for a minigame. looks pretty junky, and I'm irritated that the breasts don't want to stop moving after they've started. Like they have to "wind down". This is a much more severe problem in KOFMI2 than this, though. Also, why is Lei Fang in the skimpiest swimsuit? That's kinda wrong.

Red Falcon
5670th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New Game Thread" , posted Thu 11 May 11:46post reply


Golden Axe is back? While it's nice to know I can beat up Death Adder yet again what will a barbarian in a blue speedo look like using next-gen hardware?

My prayers have been answered all these years later? I wonder if it will make use of any of the characters from Revenge of Death Adder or the Megadrive/Genesis 2 and 3?

Best site EVER:Link Here

1979th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):New Game Thread" , posted Thu 11 May 14:12:post reply


First, Snake isn't "old", but "prematurely aged". That's why he looks older than everyone else.

But... the trailer said "OLD Snake", so that's what I thought it meant. Why do you have to be so mean? T_T

BTW, that moustache... evil.

Damn, I really want to see the full-length trailer now. When is someone going to post it?

[this message was edited by Gojira on Thu 11 May 14:34]

1781th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):New Game Thread" , posted Thu 11 May 14:40post reply


But... the trailer said "OLD Snake", so that's what I thought it meant. Why do you have to be so mean? T_T

BTW, that moustache... evil.

Damn, I really want to see the full-length trailer now. When is someone going to post it?

I'm sorry if that came across as "catty". My "first" was the sequential first, like "let me talk about this first before I get to the rest of the stuff."

Ah, there's a torrent out for the extended trailer. It talks a bit about Snake's "aging." The meaty stuff was still in the short trailer, in my opinion...unless you like super ninja action and...sexxxxyyyyyy ahhhhh!!!!

7690th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New Game Thread" , posted Thu 11 May 16:38post reply

My prayers have been answered all these years later?

Just to be sure...
Were you the one who prayed for a return of Altered Beast as well ?

Iron D
2687th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New Game Thread" , posted Thu 11 May 17:36post reply


My prayers have been answered all these years later? I wonder if it will make use of any of the characters from Revenge of Death Adder or the Megadrive/Genesis 2 and 3?

Revenge of Death Adder? Wasn't that the fighting game? If so ew. I only played that for maybe five minutes total, but what I did play I hated...

Zelkin. Pimped.

1979th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):New Game Thread" , posted Thu 11 May 17:56post reply


Revenge of Death Adder? Wasn't that the fighting game? If so ew. I only played that for maybe five minutes total, but what I did play I hated...


You're thinking of Golden Axe: The Duel.

1786th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):New Game Thread" , posted Thu 11 May 18:33:post reply

Ah, but this won't turn out like Altered Beast, because it's not made by Sega of Japan, it's made by an American company trying to cash in on nostalgia. So that means it'll be more like the new Final Fight game?

Whooo...that beats Altered Beast.

An American developer isn't necessarily a death sentence...but it doesn't bode well.

Oh, and it looks like Atlus is bringing Rule of Rose over? Good for them? It's not a very good game, but if it was a movie, I'd love it. It's just...unpleasant to play.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Thu 11 May 18:46]

Iron D
2688th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):New Game Thread" , posted Thu 11 May 23:20post reply



You're thinking of Golden Axe: The Duel.

How on earth did I make that mistake? Revenge of Death Adder is actually the Golden Axe game I played the most, and now I've forgotten which one it was!

I guess it's not quite as bad as the time I got Golden Axe mixed up with Dungeon & Dragons...

Zelkin. Pimped.

2475th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):New Game Thread" , posted Fri 12 May 03:36post reply

I guess it's not quite as bad as the time I got Golden Axe mixed up with Dungeon & Dragons...

I'm not sure you should feel too embarrassed about confusing one ill-defined fantasy world for another.

Phonenix Wright returns to the US.

Capcom Classics Collection 2 is coming out as well. That's good news but why didn't they provide a list of what games are on the comp?

Finally, there's Capcom Classics Mini Mix. Okay, I didn't see that one coming.

Variable Savior
357th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):New Game Thread" , posted Fri 12 May 08:59post reply

Oh, and it looks like Atlus is bringing Rule of Rose over?

Is this an E3 announcement? I've been scouring coverage for some Atlus news (yes, it's a desperate attempt to confirm a US release of Persona 3...) but I can't seem to find anything.

Blood marks heaven's path

408th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):New Game Thread" , posted Fri 12 May 09:04post reply


Oh, and it looks like Atlus is bringing Rule of Rose over? Good for them? It's not a very good game, but if it was a movie, I'd love it. It's just...unpleasant to play.


I've been scouring coverage for some Atlus news (yes, it's a desperate attempt to confirm a US release of Persona 3...) but I can't seem to find anything.

At least Devil Summoner is coming out in December.
Didn't one of the gaming sites report that Persona 3 is to be released in Q1 of 2007?


97th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):New Game Thread" , posted Fri 12 May 13:38post reply


Whooo...that beats Altered Beast.

Was the ps2 version of Altered Beast that horrible? I really want to play it but whenever I put a PAL disc in my modps2 it twitches and acts all crazy. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. The last PAL game I played was Bangai-O on Dreamcast. And that was just so I could see the crazy Nazi mom. I mean it can't be that bad. We got the goddman Virtualboy but no Altered Beast!?

1787th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):New Game Thread" , posted Fri 12 May 15:00post reply

Rule of Rose
If you could see Atlus' booth right now, then you could see the Persona 3 and Rule of Rose displays. Assuming I'm not some kind of crazy lying sadist, that should be all the confirmation you need.

But RoR is a BAD GAME. You can move...and you can attack...and that's it. Everything else is just menus. In terms of playability, it makes Silent Hill 2 look like Biohazard 4.

You just run around a lot. You follow people a lot. You follow your dog a lot. You backtrack like nobody's business. You solve "puzzles" like "put the red key in the red door" or "light the candle with the matches."


But...the cinemas are fantastic, and the music is just...beyond amazing. The presentation is altogether excellent, but...they make you suffer through "the game part of the game" to get to that.

Speaking of bad games...

Altered Beast

Yeah, it really is that bad. It's just...perhaps the most unecessary game I've ever played. It's boring, uninspired and below average in every possible way. Now, I didn't play it much. I barely even touched it...and thank God I wasn't dumb enough to buy it...but I doubt you'll hear a different opinion elsewhere.

If you're the type of person who is content simply with hitting things, no matter what they are, then the maybe you'll think the game is...satisfactory.

It's just...there are SO many games that are like Altered Beast that are 100 times better. It's a total waste of time.

So, unless you orgasm at the sight of musclehead polygon men turning into stupid-looking monsters, the game isn't for you.

99th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(7):New Game Thread" , posted Fri 12 May 16:25post reply


So, unless you orgasm at the sight of musclehead polygon men turning into stupid-looking monsters, the game isn't for you.

If you're the type of person who is content simply with hitting things, no matter what they are, then the maybe you'll think the game is...satisfactory.

So if Choaniki games, Conan the Barbarian, and Lucio Fulci's La Conquista float my boat I might like it? The only review I read for Altered Beast was the one on GAYmefaqs. It scored an 8. I think that's a higher rating than you gave the Giogio ps2 game. That doesn't seem quite right. I tend to trust some of the gamefaqs reviews moreso than the 'professional' reviews and the Castro-esque ones at insertcredit. But hell what do I know. I hardly ever actually pay for games anyway.

1788th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(8):New Game Thread" , posted Fri 12 May 17:30post reply


The only review I read for Altered Beast was the one on GAYmefaqs. It scored an 8. I think that's a higher rating than you gave the Giogio ps2 game. That doesn't seem quite right. I tend to trust some of the gamefaqs reviews moreso than the 'professional' reviews and the Castro-esque ones at insertcredit. But hell what do I know. I hardly ever actually pay for games anyway.

I tend to distrust Gamefaqs reviews because there are very few that are written without motives. People who like games a lot review them with inflated scores. Disgruntled gamers and people who need to get "revenge" on games with high scores review them with very poor scores. Few people review games just to review games.

Game magazine writers don't have motives, but seem "out of touch" sometimes and often don't spend enough time with the games. I've seen so many outright lies in game magazines that it makes me sick. Of's the same thing on Gamefaqs, but I'm not PAYING for that.

Altered Beast is NOT an 8. If it was, people wouldn't make fun of it. It is a half-assed effort in every respect, making it a 5 at best. The best 3D action game I can think of off the top of my head is DMC3, which I would probably give a 9 at best. Altered Beast is NOT almost as good as DMC3.

I mean, every game is SOMEONE'S favorite game, and somebody might be able to take something from Altered Beast. Some people just like video games, and Altered Beast is a video game. It doesn't fail at that. No one thing is inherently terrible about it (except perhaps the plot and characters), but nothing is good or noteworthy, either. It's uninspired, meaningless and styleless. In my opinion, that makes it worse than a terrible game that tries really hard.

I think I would give Altered Beast a 4...and that's being nice. It gets a 5 in every, graphics, gameplay for being servicable, but not extraordinary in any way. And a 1 overall for being completely unecessary.

7694th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):New Game Thread" , posted Fri 12 May 17:41post reply

Dear Pollyanna,

Who would win in an ultimate cagefight between Altered Beast and DMC2 ?

Thank you,

Iggy, age 9.

1789th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(10):New Game Thread" , posted Fri 12 May 18:04post reply

Dear Pollyanna,

Who would win in an ultimate cagefight between Altered Beast and DMC2 ?

Thank you,

Iggy, age 9.

Dear Iggy,

I didn't play DMC2, because I don't play shitty ga-uhm...I mean...let's refer to the Gamefaqs review center for a detailed look at both games!

Now, I don't have time to read all the reviews, but the titles of the reviews should give us a good enough idea.

Mr.Ron556 says DMC2 is "Perhaps the most disappointing game of all time". He gave it a 6. That either means that the most disappointing game of all time is either not very disappointing, or perhaps it ISN'T the most disappointing game of all time after all.

Then we have the definitive answer from Mr. Cristale who says the game is "Bigger, Badder and Better."

There you go. DMC2 wins, because it's "bigger badder and better" than Altered Beast, which "did a good job" according to Shift_Dragon. That's clearly something you say to someone who tried their best, but failed miserably.

So, in the words of our good Gamefaqs friend, Mr. Zidane Trebal, "Devil May Cry 2, so may you, for joy that is!"

Thanks for writing, and be sure to tune in next week when I challenge Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. to a bikini butt-bumbing contest!

-Hugs and kisses~!

Puri Puri Princess Pollyanna

3170th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):New Game Thread" , posted Fri 12 May 20:11post reply

Rule of Rose
If you could see Atlus' booth right now, then you could see the Persona 3 and Rule of Rose displays. Assuming I'm not some kind of crazy lying sadist, that should be all the confirmation you need.

But RoR is a BAD GAME. You can move...and you can attack...and that's it. Everything else is just menus. In terms of playability, it makes Silent Hill 2 look like Biohazard 4.

You just run around a lot. You follow people a lot. You follow your dog a lot. You backtrack like nobody's business. You solve "puzzles" like "put the red key in the red door" or "light the candle with the matches."


But...the cinemas are fantastic, and the music is just...beyond amazing. The presentation is altogether excellent, but...they make you suffer through "the game part of the game" to get to that.

Lately Atlus has been bringing over stuff of dubious quality but that will sell to people who follow imports (but not necessarily follow up and actual play the Japanese versions).

Rule of Rose sounded cool so it's disappointing that it has no gameplay.

Alls I care about is Persona 3 and that Atlus might do the "send us a dollar and we'll send you a neat trinket" deal they did last year after e3.

2556th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):New Game Thread" , posted Mon 15 May 02:19post reply

Ar Tonelico english version
Best news from E3 for me at least

410th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(9):New Game Thread" , posted Mon 15 May 02:24post reply

Ar Tonelico english version
Best news from E3 for me at least

Ar Tonelico is that big budget banpresto RPG right?


7700th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):New Game Thread" , posted Mon 15 May 05:31post reply

For the fans of THE Chikyû Bôeigun 2 :

THE Chikyû Bôeigun TACTICS


2478th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Chiki Chiki Boys Thread" , posted Tue 16 May 01:08post reply

Going from the trailer the list of games in the second Capcom Classics Collection is:

Side Arms
Black Tiger
Knights of the Round
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Three Wonders
Eco Fighters
Tiger Road
Captain Commando
Last Duel
Mega Twins
Magic Sword
Quiz and Dragons
The Speed Rumbler
Block Block
King of Dragons
Street Fighter

Some favorites of mine made it in so I'm happy. Still, they may be stretching the "classics" label with Quiz and Dragons.

1706th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Re(10):New Game Thread" , posted Tue 16 May 05:30post reply


Thanks for writing, and be sure to tune in next week when I challenge Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. to a bikini butt-bumbing contest!

-Hugs and kisses~!

Puri Puri Princess Pollyanna

Dear Puri Puri Princess Pollyanna,

What is your 3-size measurement? I'm asking because it has to do with new games.

- Mosquiton, age 1998

/ / /

1795th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Re(10):New Game Thread" , posted Tue 16 May 10:20post reply


What is your 3-size measurement? I'm asking because it has to do with new games.

- Mosquiton, age 1998

Dear Mosquiton,

Aren't you clever! That's next week's trivia question, so I'm afraid I can't spoil it for you. If you can get this week's trivia question right, I'll give you a hint, though! The question is: In Tales of Symphonia, how many times did Lloyd say "ふざけるな!"

Aim high, drink your juice and if you think it might be a man, don't tell anyone you masturbated to it!


187th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Chiki Chiki Boys Thread" , posted Tue 16 May 12:16post reply

Going from the trailer the list of games in the second Capcom Classics Collection is:

Side Arms
Black Tiger
Knights of the Round
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Three Wonders
Eco Fighters
Tiger Road
Captain Commando
Last Duel
Mega Twins
Magic Sword
Quiz and Dragons
The Speed Rumbler
Block Block
King of Dragons
Street Fighter

Some favorites of mine made it in so I'm happy. Still, they may be stretching the "classics" label with Quiz and Dragons.

That is hot!!!

Now they just have to collect AvP, Punisher, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, the two D&D games and a few more we would be set for the next few decades.

1796th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Re(10):Chiki Chiki Boys Thread" , posted Tue 16 May 14:50post reply

I forgot to mention that one of the very few games that caught my attention this year at E3 was God Hand, which I had never seen in motion before. It's probably my most anticipated game right now. The trailer got me really pumped.

I'm trying to "chill" about the whole next generation, since they don't have much to show at this point. Since the PS3 seems to be launching with...nothing, it feels like companies are jumping the gun a bit.

I got an Xbox360 so I could have a Christmas present, and I still only have one game on it. Things are happening slowly. I just found out I get a free 30 day trial of Xbox Live and I was thrilled to see how well it worked and many demos I could download (the Lost Planet demo is great! And hard!!!). But now, since the compatibility list for Xbox games is so lame and future releases are few and far between, I feel like I need to calm down and wait for the for the next generation to "really start" a year or so from now.

Iron D
2692th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Chiki Chiki Boys Thread" , posted Tue 16 May 16:40post reply

Going from the trailer the list of games in the second Capcom Classics Collection is:

Side Arms
Black Tiger
Knights of the Round
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Three Wonders
Eco Fighters
Tiger Road
Captain Commando
Last Duel
Mega Twins
Magic Sword
Quiz and Dragons
The Speed Rumbler
Block Block
King of Dragons
Street Fighter

Some favorites of mine made it in so I'm happy. Still, they may be stretching the "classics" label with Quiz and Dragons.

So basically, if you have CCC Remixed for PSP (which I don't have...heck I don't even have a PSP...but I plan on getting one of each), you don't need this. Though I don't see how I'd be able to finally have Knights of the Round at home otherwise...

Btw, I didn't see SSF2T in that trailer.

Zelkin. Pimped.

1313th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Re(10):Chiki Chiki Boys Thread" , posted Tue 16 May 16:58post reply

I forgot to mention that one of the very few games that caught my attention this year at E3 was God Hand, which I had never seen in motion before. It's probably my most anticipated game right now. The trailer got me really pumped.

I love the pictures of the groin kick.
They've released two of them now.
People in other forums have raved about how they plan on playing through the whole game with nothing but the groin kick.

I am somewhat disappointed at the lack of mohawked punks exploding, though.

3432th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):New Game Thread" , posted Tue 16 May 17:00post reply

Thanks for writing, and be sure to tune in next week when I challenge Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. to a bikini butt-bumbing contest!

-Hugs and kisses~!

Puri Puri Princess Pollyanna

Dear Puri Polly.
It seesm that your show have caught all my attention now... can you tell me which channel you're on?

Naruto: age Body 27 mind 2+7

Well don't know if someone alreday said something about this but, am I the only one surprised to see that Capcom didn't show anything related to RE5 or DMC4...not even screenshots.

Fortes fortuna juvat...

1799th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Re(10):New Game Thread" , posted Tue 16 May 19:01post reply


Dear Puri Polly.
It seesm that your show have caught all my attention now... can you tell me which channel you're on?

Naruto: age Body 27 mind 2+7

Well don't know if someone alreday said something about this but, am I the only one surprised to see that Capcom didn't show anything related to RE5 or DMC4...not even screenshots.

Dear Naruto,
Thanks for your interest! I'm on channel 272 in Ys, and 12 in Sumaru City. In Sumaru City, I come on at 1:00 AM, right after
"闇黒の声が聞こえますか?" Which I cohost every other week.

I don't know if I was expecting Biohazard and Devil May Cry stuff or not. Their initial videos were very poor and not especially telling. They gave me the impression that they were extremely early in development. But it still seems strange after all this time to have NOTHING new to show to get people prematurely pumped up over nothing. I feel like it made Sony look a little weak. They don't have anything real to show, just promises. I believe in those promises, but I might not bother buying a PS3 until they come true.

友情 パワー 4 Ever!

~P3 Polly