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Gojira 1987th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "What are your top PS2 JP imports?" , posted Tue 16 May 09:10:
Seeing as we're nearing the end of the PS2 life cycle, and since my domestic PS2 decided to go to console hell after I cleaned the dust out of it just once, I got to thinking what kind of games I might find for the import PS2 which has become my primary source of console entertainment. Seeing as we have many here schooled in the business of the import, I'd like it if you could just drop some of the best titles you know that have never been released outside of Japan. Yeah I know it hasn't been quite as much of an issue these past few years, but I'm sure there are still some worth mentioning.
I guess I can start off, but since I'm looking for suggestions I hope I won't be the only one talking.
Namco x Capcom : so many popular and nostalgic characters, you almost can't go wrong if you're a fan of either company. A little shallow, heavy on dialogue, but still pretty fun.
FFX-2 International + Last Mission : Yeah, it's FFX-2 so of course the story is totally stupid, but the numerous job classes, monster breeding and dungeon hack Last Mission mode are actually good additions. Plus catnip was balanced out.
[this message was edited by Gojira on Tue 16 May 09:10] | | Replies: |
Maou 856th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(1):What are your top PS2 JP imports?" , posted Tue 16 May 09:49
Hmm, most of my games I haven't bought yet are actually classics, oddly enough:
Treasure Box with Gunstar looks like some amazing ports.
The Sega Ages Phantasy Star II remake looks far better that PSI. Decent looking cinemas, a very new sidequest involving Nei...
Venus and Braves sounded sharp, too, but I forgot if it's PS1 or PS2 (seriously), and I never see it in stores. Sort of a multi-generational RPG thing, I hear, which makes for some sentimental scenes for those characters who are left behind and live in multiple eras, like Nall in the Lunar series. Sounded kind of interesting.
Digitalboy 309th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(1):What are your top PS2 JP imports?" , posted Tue 16 May 10:04
In no particular order: The Rumble Fish, any SNK Playmore import, and I can't really think of any right now because I just back from a 5K run.
quote: Seeing as we're nearing the end of the PS2 life cycle, and since my domestic PS2 decided to go to console hell after I cleaned the dust out of it just once, I got to thinking what kind of games I might find for the import PS2 which has become my primary source of console entertainment. Seeing as we have many here schooled in the business of the import, I'd like it if you could just drop some of the best titles you know that have never been released outside of Japan. Yeah I know it hasn't been quite as much of an issue these past few years, but I'm sure there are still some worth mentioning.
I guess I can start off, but since I'm looking for suggestions I hope I won't be the only one talking.
Namco x Capcom : so many popular and nostalgic characters, you almost can't go wrong if you're a fan of either company. A little shallow, heavy on dialogue, but still pretty fun.
FFX-2 International + Last Mission : Yeah, it's FFX-2 so of course the story is totally stupid, but the numerous job classes, monster breeding and dungeon hack Last Mission mode are actually good additions. Plus catnip was balanced out.
I don't know how to live But I've got alot of toys...
Pollyanna 1794th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(1):What are your top PS2 JP imports?" , posted Tue 16 May 10:08
Hmmm, I guess it isn't so much of an issue since most (good) games get brought over. Actually, I don't know what's come over and what hasn't, so excuse me if this is off.
Also, I'm not going to bother going into extensive reviews of the games, unless people are really interested.
1: Tales Games. Tales of the Abyss is without a doubt one of the best RPGs on PS2. I'll go so far to say "it's one of the few truly excellent RPGs made in years." I know an English release has been announced, but I don't trust Namco of America....their English Tales games are always raped. There's a full translation out there, as well.
Tales of Rebirth, although notably inferior to TOA, is worthwhile for its excellent fight system alone. You might be able to score it for fairly cheap now, and it's translated as well.
2: Super Robot Wars Games If you haven't played an SRW game, and they look interesting to you, you're missing out. I recommend MX, though I've heard Alpha 3 is very good. People who aren't huge fans will get sick of the series eventually, but if you're only playing one game, it'll blow your mind. I also highly recommend Scramble Commander to anyone who thinks they might like real-time strategy, though it hasn't recieved tremendously good reviews from some people, so I would ensure that you're really interested before trying it out.
3: Monster Hunter 2 If you liked Monster Hunter, you will LOVE MH2. If you loved MH, then MH2 will be your favorite game ever. The offline mode is improved and expanded upon enough to warrant the purchase...and if you want to play online, the process isn't terribly difficult. This game has so much to offer on every level that if I started ranting about it, I would never stop.
4: SNK Games Although people have gotten a bit fed up with their extensive recycling, I think SNK's recent efforts have been some of their best. If you have someone to play with you, I highly recommend KOF Neowave, NGBC and the new Samurai Spirits. If you want something new and exciting, these games aren't so hot, but otherwise, I think they're some of the best fighters I've played. Ah...well...maybe Samurai Spirits to a lesser degree, but if you're a fan of the series, you won't want to miss it.
5: Guitar Freaks/DrumMania V Excellent song list and it's totally easy to get cheap guitars that work as well as the Konami ones. Fans of Guitar Hero should like this, since that game was a somewhat shameless ripoff of Guitar Freaks.
Hmmm...I guess that's it? I buy all the Pop'n Music games, and they have tremendously good song lists, but they don't appeal to everyone. I know a few people who really liked Summon Night 3, though I only thought it was OK. Hmm...I'm sure there are more. Mushihimesama is good, but I don't know if it's worth the price...
Bata kun 2884th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):What are your top PS2 JP imports?" , posted Tue 16 May 15:02
For shooters, you need "Twinkle Star Sprites ~ La Petite Princese" and "Espgaluda" (seeing that it's hard to find "Esprade"). Though I haven't played it yet, get "Mushihime-sama" too. I plan on getting "Pink Sweets" though. I don't need to mention what you should do about "Metal Slug".
Fighting games, I won't bother here. You have the basics already. So, no need for me to repeat what's been said.
RPGs: um, "Venus & Braves" is a PS2 game for sure, as I checked out the special edition at the only import store in my area. I didn't get it because I didn't have the money at the time and no, I don't remember what's in it. Oh. I don't know how it is, but get that "Black/Matrix" game. Granted, it probably doesn't have the charm as the Sat/PS/DC versions, but it's still "Black/Matrix". "SRT", I am not going to bother with details. "Summon Night III", lots of people like that game as that was mentioned already.
I'm pretty sure I have more to say. Too bad my mind's sleepy now. Heh.
Pollyanna 1797th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(2):What are your top PS2 JP imports?" , posted Tue 16 May 16:30
quote: RPGs: um, "Venus & Braves" is a PS2 game for sure, as I checked out the special edition at the only import store in my area. I didn't get it because I didn't have the money at the time and no, I don't remember what's in it. Oh. I don't know how it is, but get that "Black/Matrix" game. Granted, it probably doesn't have the charm as the Sat/PS/DC versions, but it's still "Black/Matrix".
I'm confused. So you haven't played Venus and Braves or Black Matrix 2, but you're recommending them? Or did I misunderstand you?
Black Matrix is like Summon Night, so if you like one, you'll probably like the other. BM2 has ugly renders, though...while SN has nice, high-res sprites.
I don't recommend Venus and Braves, though it's not a bad game. It's just...wildly different. Not "different" in the "innovative" way, though. More like different in the "good idea, but not quite" way. The story has some interesting points, it has great style, and the battle system is mostly enjoyable, but you're just doing repetitive time-wasting and often frustrating crap for most of the game.
I had heard that there were plans to make an online game using the battle system, which would have been neat. It would have made for some interesting vs battles.
makatiel 189th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(2):What are your top PS2 JP imports?" , posted Tue 16 May 17:54
quote: 3: Monster Hunter 2 If you liked Monster Hunter, you will LOVE MH2. If you loved MH, then MH2 will be your favorite game ever. The offline mode is improved and expanded upon enough to warrant the purchase...and if you want to play online, the process isn't terribly difficult. This game has so much to offer on every level that if I started ranting about it, I would never stop.
I can read a bit of Japanese (not perfectly, but enough to thoroughly enjoy Ryu ga Gotoku) and I was wondering about whether or not I would be able to enjoy MH2. I don't know if there is any story, but are the game mechanics, item use, etc. difficult? Even if I can understand all the text, I hate getting bogged down by lots and lots of reading (or possibly non-intuitive controls).
In short, do you think it's worth picking up if my Japanese is not perfect, but relatively strong?
Pollyanna 1798th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):What are your top PS2 JP imports?" , posted Tue 16 May 18:32
quote: I can read a bit of Japanese (not perfectly, but enough to thoroughly enjoy Ryu ga Gotoku) and I was wondering about whether or not I would be able to enjoy MH2.
Plenty of people have played MH2 without knowing a single word of Japanese. They memorize items and such by color and rarity. I would recommend being FAMILIAR with Japanese, so you can remember things better, but there's no complex understanding necessary.
The thing is, MH2 is a VERY complicated game. That's not a language issue, though...that's just the way it is. You absolutely need a guide, no matter what language it's in. There are hundreds of items, you combine things, you need to plan for making equipment, etc.
Being able to read Japanese sometimes helps and sometimes doesn't, as the names for things are often silly or random and combining doesn't especially make sense. I would say that all the Japanese you'd need to "read" would be webpage stuff to know what you're looking for (this is what I carve from this enemy, this is what I mine here, this combines with this, I need this for this armor).
It was easy for me, because I was very familiar with the first game. Reading was secondary in importance. There's no real story, and while there IS townspeople dialogue, it's not especially important.
Deciding to get into MH2 is a daunting task, regardless of language. It's the type of game that takes a lot of learning. It's difficult, and it can be frustrating at times, but I think it's a tremendously rewarding journey. If you really want to get into it, I can try to give you pointers or answer any questions you might have. I have a great resource for it, too.
I still highly recommend the game, though. It's arguably my favorite game ever. It's somehow profoundly humbling and empowering at the same time. It's just not for everyone.
Pollyanna 1800th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(2):What are your top PS2 JP imports?" , posted Tue 16 May 19:06
quote: Street Fighter Anniversary Collection. Was not released in Europe, so I count it as an import, in fact. I could get the DC one, but two extra buttons on a PS2 controller let me get around the lack of an arcade stick (for button combinations).
Also, GGXX/, since I don't know if it will reach Europe either. ABA is a fun character to play with.
Whoo...there's probably a few more games that didn't make it to Europe, either. It seems like the market there has picked up in the past few years, though? I used to work with a European game company and the situation seemed rather dismal at times.
I agree that GGXX/ is good, but I can't recommend it if you put a lot of time into Reload. It has a lot of options and 2 very interesting new characters, but it doesn't beat buying a totally new game in its place.
I really like how increasingly far-out the GG characters are getting. There's so much originality and variety in there. Lots of neat ideas with the EX characters, too.
I like the variety in Hokuto no Ken, too (which needs a home port, or at least a soundtrack release!!!), but it is all ruined by the fact that no matter what fun things your characters can do, it all comes down to that low jab/kick that starts the combo.
Toxico 4183th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):What are your top PS2 JP imports?" , posted Wed 17 May 00:04
quote: ... and Siren, a fabulous horror game that has NOT been released outside Japan and is totally worth it.
Ho ho ho--- But Siren 1 HAS an english version available, and at least here in Chile the game is everywhere, it's pretty cheap and it's pretty good; but after playing for it for a while you just realize that the game was WAY better in japanese, so if you are aiming for a 'survival horror' you should import Siren 1 & 2 right away.
Other Choices are game that, well; are OBVIOUSLY always better on japanese only, like most Dynasty warriors games; Kamatari Damacy and certain RPGs like the one's Pollyana recommended...
I don't know if it helps; but this year my importing goals are King of Fighter XI, the Ryuuko no Ken collection pack and Super Robot Wars Original Generations, from the Super Robot Wars fame, the OGs always have better and a BETTER storyline, a storyline that was little less 'silly / mixed up' and they where better in toughness / difficulty, the GBA ones where pretty good games by themselves / on their own, they didn't trust in the fame of other franquishes, of course I'll import more games if I could, but that's all what my 'no way up job' salary can afford.... Well, that and Rhapael is cool.

See??? He is a God...
Maou 858th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(6):What are your top PS2 JP imports?" , posted Wed 17 May 03:25
quote: I kinda liked Venus & Braves though, the system was fun and interesting, and also boring and systematic at the same time and the music is one of the better ones I've heard on a PS2 game. I never finished the game though, I was near the end, but one of my... important newly bred party members died. It dealt such an emotional blow to my fragile heart that I stopped the game.
Heh, this sounds like a lot of emotional investment? But really, how's the story stack up? Like I mentioned above, I thought I'd heard people talk about some sort of inter-generational emotional thing with the characters, but I could be imagining Saga Frontier II in disguise. I've never met anyone who's played it, so I was curious.
Pollyanna 1801th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(2):What are your top PS2 JP imports?" , posted Wed 17 May 08:28
So many things to talk about!
Venus and Braves The plot is good enough. They do some interesting things with the generations, and you really feel the burden of someone who has to outlive people who are important to him (if that makes sense). Sometimes you have legitimate investment in the characters, but other times it's just like "I like this random guy a lot and I hate to see him go." The age requirements to keep a party "fresh" can be a little harsh. On one hand, it forces you to continually strategize, but on the other hand, you often feel like you're fighting a losing battle. The recruitment system doesn't help much.
I dunno...I don't feel like it's a bad game at all, but I think it "failed" all the same.
Sakura Taisen I didn't recommend this one, because I don't really like Sakura Taisen. It's not for me. I played the remakes of 1 and 3 and appreciated them as good games that just weren't made for me. If they look like they would appeal to you, then I wouldn't miss out. Is there something wrong with the 3 remake? I didn't play the original, and the remake seemed great to me.
Monster Hunter Iggy, I still think you would like this game. I think you'd appreciate its sense of humor. Of course, to play MH, you have to be able to laugh at yourself, too. SO many things can go wrong that it's actually quite funny if you aren't too caught up in wanting to win.
Buuut...it IS an online game, and you'll be missing out on an unreasonably giant crab, a giant squid, a minotaur and at least one other dragon if you play offline. Also, some weapons are much less useful offline (the horns) and you don't get all the equipment and special missions (the ones where the town is being attacked are quite cool).
My point is that MH2 is SUCH a good game, that even being crippled by only playing offline doesn't ruin the experience. I could easily put over 100 hours into playing alone...and that's well worth the price of admission.
FF12 Yeah, it started so strong! And...it really had me going for a long time, but about halfway through it became almost unforgivably tedious. Thanks to a strong set of final boss fights (there were like...8?) I left the game with an "overall OK" feeling. There was almost no character development whatsoever, though...and sometimes you don't even know the most basic things about your characters.
I was making jokes through the whole ending.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Like, I think it would have been much better if Balfleur's letter to Ashe said "I took that ring to hell with me!" and she had an image of his head (with devil horns) spinning in a sea of flames and laughing. Or maybe it would say "I sold your ring to my buddy Zorba, who lives at 345 Myatt street. Go talk to him if you want it back." And the next scene is Basch kicking some guy's door down and roughing him up.
Or maybe Garbranth is still alive, and he interrupts Basch's ending scene (in his underwear of course) to tackle him and knock him into the little pond by Larsa. ALl of this is great to the theme song.
End of Spoiler
makatiel 190th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(3):What are your top PS2 JP imports?" , posted Wed 17 May 11:11
Monster Hunter Iggy, I still think you would like this game. I think you'd appreciate its sense of humor. Of course, to play MH, you have to be able to laugh at yourself, too. SO many things can go wrong that it's actually quite funny if you aren't too caught up in wanting to win.
Buuut...it IS an online game, and you'll be missing out on an unreasonably giant crab, a giant squid, a minotaur and at least one other dragon if you play offline. Also, some weapons are much less useful offline (the horns) and you don't get all the equipment and special missions (the ones where the town is being attacked are quite cool).
My point is that MH2 is SUCH a good game, that even being crippled by only playing offline doesn't ruin the experience. I could easily put over 100 hours into playing alone...and that's well worth the price of admission.
well, im convinced. one of the main reasons i was so interested in the game in the first place is because it sort of triggers my weird sense of humor. just the fact that you can use this ridiculously huge bone as a club makes me think that the developers share my kind of humor.
i'll probably pick it up once i unlock everything in kof:mi2.