X-Men III - movie thread - - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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122th Post

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"X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sat 27 May 00:44post reply

I Watched it last night, I didnt like it..well..I liked some scenes, but the movie seemed empty and just silly, like a cartoon. The screenwriters should comit suicide, or go back to writing school.
I havent read the comics in a long while, so I dont know if the story is quite accurate, anyway, It didnt seem very accurrate to me.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"


Just a Person
765th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sat 27 May 04:54post reply

I Watched it last night, I didnt like it..well..I liked some scenes, but the movie seemed empty and just silly, like a cartoon. The screenwriters should comit suicide, or go back to writing school.
I havent read the comics in a long while, so I dont know if the story is quite accurate, anyway, It didnt seem very accurrate to me.

Well, could you answer me something?

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Does Psylocke (the purple-haired Asian woman) die in the movie?? Cause it would really suck...

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123th Post

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"Re(2):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sat 27 May 05:27post reply

I Watched it last night, I didnt like it..well..I liked some scenes, but the movie seemed empty and just silly, like a cartoon. The screenwriters should comit suicide, or go back to writing school.
I havent read the comics in a long while, so I dont know if the story is quite accurate, anyway, It didnt seem very accurrate to me.

Well, could you answer me something?

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She is not in the movie.

End of Spoiler

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

1090th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sat 27 May 05:55post reply

Just got home from seeing good movie imo.

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And yes she is in it and yes she dies!

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Fuu is a cutie!!

162th Post

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"Re(3):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sat 27 May 11:31post reply

I keep hearing around that Juggernaut says his trademark phrase quote from a couple of internet videos mind if anyone could confirm? Wanted to go but stuck sick in bed.

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"Im the juggernaut biiitch!?!"

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36th Post

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"Re(1):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sat 27 May 16:08post reply

I didn't mind the movie too much. In fact, I thought it was quite entertaining. It really falls apart logically once you start talking about it after you see it--there are dozens of plot holes, but it's entertaining enough that you don't think about them while you are watching (unlike say, the new Star Wars).

It stays more accurate to the books than you might expect, there's alot of little bonuses thrown in for the fans. Alot of the cameos kinda go to waste, and its not totally accurate to the comics. But really, the comics aren't any smarter and definitely don't make any more sense than the movie.

Also, make sure you stay till after the credits are done rolling.

3434th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sat 27 May 21:15post reply


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Yes he did it when Kitty stuck his leg on the floor...

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The movie deffinitely wasn't that great...
Too much caracters died so fast, some character like archangel are useless and so...

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Bring us Singer back...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

Just a Person
766th Post

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"Re(3):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sun 28 May 00:32post reply

Just got home from seeing good movie imo.

Oh man, that really sucks...

Anyway, thakns for the info, NeoRyu and Tai-Pan!

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

158th Post

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"Re(4):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sun 28 May 05:18post reply

X-men 3 is a bible on how NOT to write a final movie of a trilogy. I'm not even a big comic fan and I couldn't stand the writing in this film. It's all over the place. They tried to cram too much film into one movie. Great special effects, sometimes feeling overdone.

I haven't been to a movie in ages where the audience as a whole seemed to feel the same way. (And I saw Ultraviolet! YIKES) When the after-credits extra footage wrapped up, someone in the audience screamed "THAT WAS CRAP!"

Best parts of the movie probably were Beast's role and The Juggernaut's line.

Solid evidence they know this movie is bad - I swear I saw writing credits on IMDB yesterday and they're not there, today. I know David Hayter wasn't involved. (Writer of the previous two films and dub Solid Snake)

IMDB cache lookup! One of the writers was responsible for piles like the XXX sequel and the other's debut was Last Action Hero and also wrote Elektra! Good call, Fox!

Dr Baghead
3584th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sun 28 May 07:28post reply

Magneto and Xavier came across as so gay. What with Mangeto's very fashionable purple with matching hat and trenchcoat and Professor X saying he needed him with him in the first scene, and Magneto quitely playing chess alone at the end without his dear sweet Charlies.... it was just like Brokeback Mountain only fun and entertaining and not an hour too long!

I think they tried cramming too much into this movie, Beast and Juggernaut were awesome what little we got they really needed a lot more screen time.

I never liked Iceman, Rogue,and Mystique though, so I'm glad they got less screen time

and speaking of whom:

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I really hope the cure is either perminate on Mystique so she never waste time again or they use this as a chance to redesign her stupid looking self in the next movie

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Does Hugh Jackman have a no nudity clause in his contracts? In both this and Van Helsing there's no reason his pants shouldn't have torn off during the final battle and yet they stay on.

I don't buy the "this is the last movie" BS one bit, I think that's just a marketing gimic so:
1-Synger knows he's no longer welcome to the party, they moved on without him and are closing the door behind him.
2-So the audience has some actual emotional investment in the dying characters and sees the cure as a real threat. If they know for sure X4 is coming, they start to think "well how could so-and-so be brought back?" or "how will so-and-so get their powers back?" rather then "oh no! what a sad way for it to end for so-and-so!"

The day a movie studio who still has rights to a franchise says "wow! what a successful triology we just made! let's walk away and never do anything else with it!" is the day the sun turns into a giant ball of snow. I bet we see X4 after "Wolverine" and "Magneto" are made (and if they're making character specific movies, "Nightcrawler" would be nice)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

165th Post

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"Re(1):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sun 28 May 10:01post reply

I enjoyed it for what it was. But compared to the first and second, this one was completely written differently and just as sloppy as a comic. Which kills and brings back ppl constantly without any logic, just like the movie.

I was especially disappointed with Charles and Magneto. They acted very much differently than their true characters. Magneto lacked tact. Before he was sublime in the use of his power; simple and clever methods punctuated with displays of might. Previously his power was implied and felt. And don't he would just leave someone so dedicated such as Mystique like that.

Also I'm glad they left out the Sh'iar empire. See it for the fights and the Juggernaut.

3435th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sun 28 May 17:41post reply

When the after-credits extra footage wrapped up, someone in the audience screamed "THAT WAS CRAP!"
what there was something after the credits?? Damn I missed it, waht was it?

Fortes fortuna juvat...

1318th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sun 28 May 18:00post reply

the Sh'iar empire.

Good gracious, that would've been silly.

144th Post

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"Re(6):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Mon 29 May 04:21post reply

what there was something after the credits?? Damn I missed it, waht was it?

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Professor Xavier transplants his "soul" to the vegetative man from the video that the nurse sent him. You know, the video he show to his students asking them if they would transfer the consciousness of person with 4 children to that man or something like that. WACKY!!!

X-Men 4 for sure.

End of Spoiler

Death!!! But in this place... there is no happiness.

316th Post

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"Re(6):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Mon 29 May 04:28post reply

I overheard some true to life comic book nerds talking about that in a Gamestop store (true story: one big and round, while the other was short and skinny with a cross dresser for a girlfriend). What did happened after the credits finished rolling?

When the after-credits extra footage
wrapped up, someone in the audience screamed "THAT WAS CRAP!" what there was something after the credits?? Damn I missed it, waht was it?

I don't know how to live
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2496th Post

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"Re(7):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Mon 29 May 04:44post reply

The nadir of the X-Men movie series for me was the first movie when the X-Men put on their matching rubber disco suits and teamed up to heroically shoot an old man in the back. While X3 didn't have anything as great as that bit it did have plenty of opportunities for Ian McKellen to wave his fingers dramatically and wait for special effects to be added later. I admire any actor that can get away with doing something like that on-screen. Even better, he used his awesome powers to

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move the Golden Gate Bridge to make a nice little walkway when all he had to do was drop the bridge on the research facility and win the battle in one move. But movie Magneto's plans have always been a bit half-assed so I can't be too hard on him for not thinking about doing that.

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More importantly, however, was that this movie had the best wigs of the series. In X2 Hugh Jackman's wig was oddly puffy, as if Wolverine had just received a bad perm. But in X3 his wig swoops about his head in a way that looks sort of natural but is still distinctive. Halle Berry appeared to have a sporty looking hunk of spun fiberglass on her head but it was better than the dime store wigs she had worn in the past films. Even better, you could tell that Famke Janssen was wildly out of control due to that big, red thing sitting on top of her head. X3 is the movie by which all other movie wigs will be judged.

124th Post

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"Re(3):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Mon 29 May 05:55post reply

Just got home from seeing good movie imo.

She IS in the movie? Where? How? Am I that stupid for not noticing her?

imo the movie was entertaining but silly, so many silly parts, useless parts, stupid lines, It felt like a movie for kids, even though it doesnt even accomplish that.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

38th Post

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"Re(4):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Mon 29 May 07:19post reply

The more I talk about other people with this movie, the more I dislike it, BUT while I was watching it, it was fairly enjoyable. It just really really falls apart under scrutiny, so if you can turn your brain off, its entertaining.

Just got home from seeing good movie imo.

She IS in the movie? Where? How? Am I that stupid for not noticing her?

oh yeah, and as for Psylocke:

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No you're not dumb. She's just barely in the movie. She's that asian woman with a purple streak in her hair with the Morlocks. She has all of 1 line, uncamoflauges out of a wall (with Predator effect for some reason)then gets obliterated by the dark Phoenix

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As for the thing after the credits:

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I bet that if they make another movie I bet it'll be revealed that the prof WAS the veggie guy in the bed the whole time. He's just been astrally projecting himself so that his real body is never in danger. The reason is, they never show the guys face, and I doubt they'd replace Patrick Stewart. People like him and I don't think he's going to turn down another job.

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Anyhow, this movie definitely wasn't as good as X2. There weren't really any interesting fights and no one used their power in a creative or interesting way. In X2, NightCrawler used his powers even cooler than they'd ever been used in the comics (him attacking the President and everyone thinking it must be a group of terrorists, not just 1 guy). Also, X2 showed how destructive Magneto can be with just a few ounces of iron. Also, the fight between Wolverine and Deathstrike was cool cos it had good choreography and they could stab the shit out of one another as they both had healing factors.

X3 just didn't have any cool action. All the action scenes involved people getting hit by bolts or people getting punched. There was no back and fourth, just stuff happening.

Also, Magneto proved to be a pretty shitty leader in X3. None of his plans really made much sense:

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If he wanted to kill Leech, why did he send an army of weak Mutants. He could have just dropped the bridge on the whole building and kill everyone in there and be done with it. Or just sent Phoenix over there. Or lifted the building up by its iron supports and dropped it. Instead, he... lobbed cars randomly? Whoever planned out the action scnenes in x3 just didn't have any imagination

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Still, all in all i enjoyed the movie.

Dr Baghead
3585th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Mon 29 May 08:36post reply

Also, Magneto proved to be a pretty shitty leader in X3. None of his plans really made much sense

Maybe, instead of taking the easy road he wanted to send a clear message that he had an army willing to die for his cause.

Like if he did everything on his own, the message he's sending is "Magento is a super powered madman who must be stopped" if he's sending in a bunch of weaksauce mutants to die the message he's sending "even if we stop Magneto there are countless mutants out there who would risk their lives for him trying to destroy the cure, they could strike in mass across the country at his command even".... so his using an army rather then just himself turns it from hamfisted supervilliany to hamhanded social commentary on 'the war'

or maybe I'm making shit up to explain a loophole made so the movie could have an ending... YOU DECIDE!

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

356th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Mon 29 May 11:03post reply

Well how unlucky I am, when I watch something and talk about when its fresh/hot nobody seems to care about it (I dont mean only cafe, or the Da Vinci Code movie) eventhough its blockbuster or quality production or expected to be popular.
But when I couldnt watch a movie for some reason (I will see it thursday with my friends) which I want to see and comment, then everybody is talking about it non-stop. I am sure everybody will quit the hype after I watch it. Hold on till the thursday.

1818th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Mon 29 May 16:50post reply

Well how unlucky I am, when I watch something and talk about when its fresh/hot nobody seems to care about it (I dont mean only cafe, or the Da Vinci Code movie) eventhough its blockbuster or quality production or expected to be popular.

I have this problem with games. I import some game that I think is important, but nobody else picks up, then when it comes out a year later in America, I've already forgotten what it was about.

544th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Tue 30 May 09:34post reply

I keep hearing around that Juggernaut says his trademark phrase quote from a couple of internet videos mind if anyone could confirm? Wanted to go but stuck sick in bed.

Yes, that quote is in there. It made me LMAO.

Otherwise, I was disappointed in the movie. Storyline was not very solid compared to the first 2 movies. Too many holes.

159th Post

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"Re(5):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Tue 30 May 10:52post reply

It made me LMAO.

Yeah, that was probably the best part of the movie. Sounded even more strange from that Australian accent.

On the wigs thing, I agree. Halle Berry looks quite hot in that short white hair. Not sure if Wolvy's is a wig or really waxed hair.

I could poke fun at the dozens of plot holes one could drive a truck full of rich Fox execs through, or mock the laughable scriptwriting and scene editing, but I thought I'd mention a few quirks about that extra ending.
It's funny that...

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Charles is giving the kids a lesson on the morality of taking control of this man's body, when he winds up doing it in the end. Additionally, I wasn't aware a mental brain transplant resulted in keeping his firmiliar Captain's Log vocals. The only explaination might be the one postulated above, in that he was in the hospital all along. But then... if you could project yourself into another body or some form of spiritual projection, why would you pick the wheelchair guy?

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I've often equated such comics with Soap Operas in their never-ending, always-twisting ways, but this movie tries to be the worst soap opera around, especially if they're trying to pull sequel material out of that tar pit.

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"Charles! I thought you were dead!"
"I was. And now The Phoenix is having my baby."

End of Spoiler

39th Post

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"Re(6):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Tue 30 May 16:59post reply


or maybe I'm making shit up to explain a loophole made so the movie could have an ending... YOU DECIDE!

Haha, I do that all the time too.

That's a pretty good one though. And it does make sense. I mean, he can't be a one man army, he needs supporters to make a difference socially.

I was just being a jerk with complaining bout how Magneto uses his powers anyway. I could have taken the question further and asked, why doesn't magneto just carry around 10 tons of raw metal ore with him all the time? He can make it into any shape he wants and basically just smash anything in his path.

But the answer is, it's Marvel. If Marvel had to have a consistent logic to it, then it just wouldn't work.

Also, to say some good about X3, I thought Hallie Barry finally felt like Storm in this movie. She finally seemed like she was taking charge of things.

0th Post

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"Re(6):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Wed 31 May 12:34post reply

In all, I liked the movie more than the first (which had the stupidest Magneto plan in recent memory) but not nearly as much as the second.

Yeah, that was probably the best part of the movie. Sounded even more strange from that Australian accent.


On the wigs thing, I agree. Halle Berry looks quite hot in that short white hair.



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Charles is giving the kids a lesson on the morality of taking control of this man's body, when he winds up doing it in the end.

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It's not that suprising. If you've followed the comics, how far Xavier and the X-Men go in their fight for "freedom" ceases to amaze. The Fatal Attractions arc is a particularly good example:

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Chuck & co., with help from the U.N., set up an electromagnetic trap for Magneto (who is merely asking mutants to leave earth to join him in his space colony where they can live free of persecution). When the latter triggers it, it backfires on earth, killing "tens of thousands" (according to the X-Men). Xavier and his buddies suit up, invade Magnus's home, kidnap and forcefully brainwash his students, challenge him to a one-on-one duel, renege on the deal, then murder him. (What's even more interesting is that Magneto's monologue at the start of the arc ("I don't want to do this, Charles. Because you and your X-Men are weak I must be strong...") is censored in the trade paperback re-issue.)

It's possibly worthwhile to note who and how many are killed by whom in the movie.

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In short, the X-Men are no strangers to hypocrisy.

1233th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Thu 1 Jun 01:22:post reply

I just saw the movie and it is good for some mindless fun. The tone of the movie seemed more like Ultimate X-Men than regular(or 616 if you prefer) X-Men. The story had potentiial, but things moved too fast to let anything sink it.

One of the best things of the movie IMO were the display of powers of the main characters(especially Beast).

However, several things still bothered me.

I agree that there was a huge opportunity lost for cameos(that WASN'T Psylocke, I don't care what the credits say).

Wolverine, is REALLY toned down in terms of attitude. Sure he had the usual one-against- many fight scene, but other than that he was laid back. That whole peaceful looking off into the distance thing at the end just didn't seem right.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Thu 1 Jun 01:24]

361th Post

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"Re(1):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Fri 2 Jun 19:22post reply

Well guess Who watched the movie.

Half of me loved the movie "remorsely", half of me really hate it.

Why do I hate it.

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They killed fucking Cyclops, he appeared for five minutes then killed disrespectly and we never saw him again. Not even a dieing scene in flashback or something.
They "cured" Mystique.
They "cured" Rogue and she appeared less in action as Cyclops.
And still has no fucking Gambit.
I dont even want to talk about Psylocke.

Did those make the movie bad? No. But for me its kind of horror movie.My favourites are First Gambit then Iceman, Rogue, Cyclops and Mystique (I'm not familiar the comic mystique, but I loved the movie mystique). All my favourites are wasted. Except Iceman.

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Why do I love it.

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Seriously even though Colossus never enough, I enjoyed watching them.And finally I saw the true Iceman. In the last two I really dissappointed about Iceman cast. I didnt like the boy they choose. In this movie I approve his Bobby.
Oh and the Danger Room fight and Sentinel.

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Other complaints

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Angel was lost in movie somewhere. I thought it was about him and he'd play a important role.
Morlocks were too random.I thought they hate humans and mutants equally who live above them. In the movie They only hate humans, and it was just about cure. I could be wrong but as far as I remember, their proud was being in Morlocks, not being mutant.
Transferring Pr. X is more stupid than anything stupid in the movie.It ruins the sequel idea in my mind.Yet the danger room fight assist the idea. You know, there was a episode in cartoon in the future where all the x-men are dead and world in a chaos. So new X-men travel back in time and try to save them. Something like that. Thats how they can fix the losses with this scenario.

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Does Hugh Jackman have a no nudity clause in his contracts? In both this and Van Helsing there's no reason his pants shouldn't have torn off during the final battle and yet they stay on.

Exactly.No reason at all.

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Thinking Phoenix is desire non-stop,and jean grey has feelings on him why the pants was on. We dont need to see anything they could cover up with visual effects but seeing his skin gone piece by piece and pants are still on. People can think "Wow he has stronger pants than his skin to resist".

End of Spoiler

2504th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Fri 2 Jun 23:16post reply

Random thought: It's a shame that Joe Don Baker got old and fat since he would have made a great Juggernaut.

362th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sun 4 Jun 05:28post reply

Well what I said in the 20th Post. When I watch the movie nobody post anything about except about suggesting someone's young version as juggernaut.I gues the hype couldnt survive til I watch the movie.
Sure there's imdb but theres a difference posting and discussing about film with total strangers and posting and discussing about film with total strangers I knew for a while.

867th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sun 4 Jun 10:12post reply

I personally felt that Niles or Daphane should've made a 3 second cameo.

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And why was Magneto able to move a plastic chess piece at the end?

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396th Post

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"Re(1):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Sun 4 Jun 11:39post reply

Meh.. I should have watched this on a Matinee at a smaller screen.


Just a Person
771th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Mon 5 Jun 09:13post reply

I personally felt that Niles or Daphane should've made a 3 second cameo.

Well Phoenix, to answer your question:

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I guess that chess piece was supposed to be made of metal, so that Magneto moving it means that maybe the "cure" wasn't permanent...

End of Spoiler

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

366th Post

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"Re(4):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Mon 5 Jun 22:46post reply


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I guess that chess piece was supposed to be made of metal, so that Magneto moving it means that maybe the "cure" wasn't permanent...

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I certainly hope so. Cause

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Curing rogue unacceptable.

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1237th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Mon 5 Jun 23:31post reply

Best part about the movie

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Jean murders potentially hundreds of people and Professor X and still gets a nice headstone next to Captain Jean-Luc.

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365th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Tue 6 Jun 00:36post reply

I personally felt that Niles or Daphane should've made a 3 second cameo.

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And why was Magneto able to move a plastic chess piece at the end?

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X4, starring Ian McKellen as Plastico... he can control plastic!!!

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J/k. I guess it was pretty obvious the piece was metal, at least to me.

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Just a Person
772th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Tue 6 Jun 01:16post reply

Best part about the movie

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Jean murders potentially hundreds of people and Professor X and still gets a nice headstone next to Captain Jean-Luc.

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And it's almost certain that Jean killed Psylocke (although the movie's novelization states that Psylocke escaped through the shadows). What's a shame, cause I really wanted to see Psylocke in a fourth movie, but Jean blew my hopes away...

End of Spoiler

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

48th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(7):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Wed 28 Jun 06:03post reply

It's damn good plastic to make it through clothing and skin... The movie was okay. Too much bouncing around and having generic mutants near the last scene was a snooze. And Juggernaut isn't a damn mutant. I haven't read a lot of the comics, but I don't think Leech can steal Juggernaut's power.

Dr Baghead
3595th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):X-Men III - movie thread -" , posted Wed 28 Jun 10:45post reply

And Juggernaut isn't a damn mutant.

Really? Then why was he in a truck full of dangerous mutants and listed as one if he was human? How did Leech take away his powers if he wasn't a mutant then?

Obvisously he's a mutant.

(don't gimme no crap "well in the comics..." cuz it clearly ain't the same continuity as the comics. If so wouldn't Colosus have snapped Ice Man in two for hitting on his girlfriend, and wouldn't Rogue have been too busy being sad she can't make out with Gambit to be sad Ice Man was hitting on Colosus' girlfriend to begin with? Wouldn't X1 have been about Jean, Cyclopse, IceMan, Beast, and Angel? Wouldn't X3 have taken place on a Moon?! Movie Juggernaut doesn't have to follow Comic Juggernaut rules, in fact aside from it explaining his accent, I but he isn't Charles brother either like Mystique wasn't Nightcrawler or Rogue's mom.)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)