[social] What move would you learn ? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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7725th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Thu 1 Jun 22:58post reply

It's not like anything is going on lately here, so let's have a stupid fighting-game-board-related thread.

If you could learn one move and only one from any fighting game, what would it be ? Ryû's shinkû hadôken ? The yoga teleport ? Dio's "Toki yo tomare" ? Twelve's taunt ?

Tell us which one, and why.


143th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Thu 1 Jun 23:17post reply

It's not like anything is going on lately here, so let's have a stupid fighting-game-board-related thread.

If you could learn one move and only one from any fighting game, what would it be ? Ryû's shinkû hadôken ? The yoga teleport ? Dio's "Toki yo tomare" ? Twelve's taunt ?

Tell us which one, and why.

i pick........DA WORLD!

Nothing Serious. Casuals Only.

319th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Thu 1 Jun 23:49post reply

Terry Bogard's (any version) Buster Wolf(!). Think about it. If someone ever makes you angry and you would ask:

"Are you okay?"

<insert random reply here>

And you would end with:

"Busta Woooolf!"

It's not like anything is going on lately here, so let's have a stupid fighting-game-board-related thread.

If you could learn one move and only one from any fighting game, what would it be ? Ryû's shinkû hadôken ? The yoga teleport ? Dio's "Toki yo tomare" ? Twelve's taunt ?

Tell us which one, and why.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

Time Mage
2404th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Thu 1 Jun 23:56:post reply

It's not like anything is going on lately here, so let's have a stupid fighting-game-board-related thread.

Good idea, indeed.

My choice would be Kim Kaphwam's Houou Kyaku, Real Bout Special version.

I mean, it's the best excuse I could get to be able to yell "atatatatatatatatataaaaaaaaa" without looking too strange.

Well, that, and the column of light and the phoenix.

And dashing a ridiculous distance on one feet.


~~~Knowledge is power~~~

[this message was edited by Time Mage on Thu 1 Jun 23:58]

3583th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 00:02post reply


Tell us which one, and why.

Gill's Resurrection.

Why? Because I want to be the blesser of all souls... and wear a sexy thong

7726th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 00:23post reply

And dashing a ridiculous distance on one feet.

It could be indeed quite useful when you are late for a date, but you must be careful not to hit your girlfriend or you would automatically beat her senseless. I think the move the quite unfit for, say, win the marathon of NY.

Gôki's teleport allows you to move through the croud by using only two feet finger. Far better to win the price.

My move of choice would be, of course, Rasputin's hana no barasono.
I always wondered what happens in this rose bush ?

70th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 00:26post reply

SF3-Ryu's Shin Shoryuken.

Why ? Because I'd like the whole world to zoom on me sometimes (but I'd like to be hi-res please).

105th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 00:35post reply

Probably Mature's Death Claws. Slashing things with wind waves sounds fun.

shin ramberk
272th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 01:28post reply


Gôki's teleport allows you to move through the croud by using only two feet finger. Far better to win the price.

You know what this suddenly reminded me of? The old Flintstones cartoon where Fred would run forward on his tip toes and then launch the bowling ball down the alley. Now I know where Gouki learned the ashura senkuu (sp?)

My move would be... Remy's mumbling taunt from SF3. Just because I'm so bad ass that I can stop in the middle of a fight and start mumbling to myself.


2558th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 01:39post reply

Felicia's Please Help Me!
But only if I call Kittys and not little duplicates of myself.

516th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 01:47post reply

Kensou's RDP+kick, cause it's cooler than any rising uppercut move.

Maese Spt
240th Post

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"Re(5):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 01:58post reply

Twelve's body-copying special (was it called X-Copy?) all the way.

So I would adopt Mai Hosho's body and touch myself to my heart's content. Wow.


burning kyo
2416th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 02:01:post reply

<3 Goenitz' "soko desu ka ?" move !!
because i'm so cool ;p

~ Flowers Blooming on the Moon Flowers Scattering on the Wind ~

[this message was edited by burning kyo on Fri 2 Jun 02:02]

4212th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 03:32post reply

Unrelated note, whenever I'm in the street and a cop is directing the traffic this happens; when they are calling in the traffic they do a 'come one' gesture with their hands; and sometimes, just sometimes when I'm with someone who will get it I say 'Reppu ken'; but in the Fatal Fury 1 tone (RRE-PPPPPPU-kEN!), and oddly,
most of the cops get it XD

Also in an unrlated note, when my group is drunk enough and when it will be funny we do the AoF 1 Ryo's 'Ora Ora' taunt, it's looks so stiff that's just funny XD

AND in a related note since there are no 'obscene voodoo dance teleport' characters I'll try to be more specific and choose... It's hard to, but I'll choose AoF 1 Ryo Sakazaki's ko-oh-ken; it's mainly becuase the motion and the voice sample make it easy for you to... well, laught at it (in it's time it was the hottest thing next to pale skinned Iggy, but it hasn't aged well); note that when we are drunk we too mimic this move XD.

See??? He is a God...

864th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 03:51post reply

Barring the shinkuu hadouken, which I find classy, I'd actually choose Soul Calibur Siegfried's general strength so I could do the rook spliter (the enemy-tracking joudan-giri)and do the blade storm without getting tired when I use my home-made zweihander. But especially rook splitter and blade storm.


553th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 04:52post reply

My move of choice would be, of course, Rasputin's hana no barasono.
I always wondered what happens in this rose bush ?

Dammit Iggy, you stole my move. :(

--- http://ngmc.retrogames.com

7727th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 04:53post reply

The best move to learn must actually be the normal guard from any game.

Think about it : you just cross your hands before you, and everything, Mike Tyson's punches, vicious knee in the balls, pure energy bolts, and roadrollers all alike.

1820th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 06:16post reply

The best move to learn must actually be the normal guard from any game.

Think about it : you just cross your hands before you, and everything, Mike Tyson's punches, vicious knee in the balls, pure energy bolts, and roadrollers all alike.

This is a good point, as long as you make sure "chip damage" doesn't get you.

The problem with a lot of these moves is that they can be stuffed by a well-placed jab. Just imagine how shocked you would be if you arrogantly picked a fight, planning to do you amazing super move, then some thug punches you in the face and you don't get to do the move, because otherwise, you're a wuss, and the thug is tougher than you. Also, God only knows what your super gauge is and how long it takes to get it up.

As for me, I'm leaning towards Midnight Bliss, without the blood sucking, as a way to punish assholes and see if my friends turn into references to anything. However, the inability to do it on myself would inevitably lead to more frustration than it was worth.

1320th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 06:39post reply

The best move to learn must actually be the normal guard from any game.

Pushblock would be even better.
Someone/thing attacks you, and now matter how big/powerful/non-physical/ridiculous it is, you push the person who launched that attack back. I imagine you could do a lot of harm with something like this in real life, which is all the more reason why it would be great to have.

7729th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 06:41post reply

As for me, I'm leaning towards Midnight Bliss, without the blood sucking, as a way to punish assholes and see if my friends turn into references to anything. However, the inability to do it on myself would inevitably lead to more frustration than it was worth.

I think learning the Midnight Bliss would be the worst malediction someone could cast on me.

Variable Savior
366th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(4):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 07:04post reply

I'd go with Jedah's Splecio (head decapitation move). Somehow the idea of slicing off my own head and spraying opponents with blood appeals to me.

Blood marks heaven's path

426th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 08:33:post reply

I would learn either :

-Hinako's Gasshou Hineru
( I always liked this move ever since I saw Hinako fly across the screen and death-toss her opponent)

-Kusaregedo's "Mud" Throw
( Scat is always fun)

-Shermie's F-Capture
(French mammaries)


[this message was edited by Evenor on Fri 2 Jun 09:24]

Bata kun
2899th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 09:46post reply

Outside of the Shinkuu Hadouken, it has to the Power Geyser. What else needs to be said?

163th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(10):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 12:51post reply

I believe I would have to choose K's Crimson star Road.

If I walked through a group of people just on a single strip I could play it off as if I was in an IPOD commercial grooving to the beat and giving people thumbs down while I pass through folks or heck I'd even make a mockery of that heineken commercial with the beer bottle randomly turning around at the screen. *Whistles said commercial tune*

Spiritus Sancti
Catalyst Jukebox: He is legend - The Walls have teeth

Red Falcon
5676th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):[social] What move would you lea" , posted Fri 2 Jun 14:01post reply

Raoh's fatal KO. Just because the pose is cool... and because it causes an explosion for no reason.

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Undead Fred
2692th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):[social] What move would you lea" , posted Fri 2 Jun 14:18post reply


It doesn't matter if I'd have gotten hit with a fist, a foot, or a nail bat; I'd be able to take a full-force strike to the face and it'd just trigger some horrible counter-punch that sends the opponent flying. If I couldn't have that one, Snake Arms would be awesome as well. You'd get speed and distance, as well as a little bit of a psyche-out bonus if you held it first.

1252th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Re(10):[social] What move would you lea" , posted Fri 2 Jun 15:16post reply

All I want to do is shoot flying dentures at random people on the streets.

360th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 17:01post reply

Rogue's Kiss.

71th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Fri 2 Jun 17:28post reply

You know what ? I can't believe nobody thought of this one :

Demitri's Midnight Pleasure.

nuf said.

1512th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Re(10):[social] What move would you lea" , posted Fri 2 Jun 17:43:post reply

I believe I would have to choose K's Crimson star Road.

To me, then, it'd be K''s Chain Drive, for just one friggin' reason: Being able to stun someone just by throwing my sunglasses at him/her.


Yeah, afterwards teleporting and combo badassness ensues (specially in 2k3 onwards' version), and it looks cool and all, but it's just that first move that rocks my world everytime I see it.

And of course, I'd be carrying a "big enough" amount of sunglasses in my jacket's inner pocket without them making any bump on it at all. That has its merit too!

EDIT: Buttons.

Time for some long due Samus Aran love...

"It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it"
An undead friend.

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Fri 2 Jun 17:45]

2500th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):[social] What move would you lea" , posted Fri 2 Jun 21:43post reply

While my initial thought would be to go with something from Dan Hibiki's arsenal it seems wrong to seperate one attack from the rest of his killer move list. Saikyo isn't just a fighting style but a way of life. Instead I'll go with Brian Battler's Screw Body Press. While I don't much care for the character a move that would allow me to spin around in the air is too awesome to be overlooked. For special occasions I would have a chorus of Japanese children sing Gamera's theme song while I'm performing my pilfered special move.

146th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):[social] What move would you lea" , posted Fri 2 Jun 22:15post reply

I've always had a thing for Shun Goku Satsu. You know, the first time I saw it I was impressed by it (ol' times...).

I also like Morrigan's Darkness Illusion a lot.

Death!!! But in this place... there is no happiness.

333th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):[social] What move would you lea" , posted Sat 3 Jun 08:46post reply

Yoga Flame
Think about the things you could do with it:

*Light your cigars!
*Cook your own meals!
*Keep yourself warm in cold winters!
*Be a hit in social parties with an unique act!
*Dislike someone? Burn him/her to a crisp!

Call 1-800-YOGAFLAME-NOW an order yours!

363th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Sun 4 Jun 05:44post reply

Rogue's Kiss. So I could kiss each and evryone of you to do that moves or better I could kiss the fighter characters to do every move I want.

1708th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Sun 4 Jun 15:22post reply

Hanzo's Shrike Drop. Rock's Hard Edge would also be really awesome and would probably be able to end a real life fight in one move. Especially if I could land the C version. :P

Great priority on both. The Hard Edge might be more practical for indoor use though...

/ / /

207th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Mon 5 Jun 00:50post reply

I would learn May's Mr. Dolphin... Think about it... (1)I could fly around on land with a dolphin
(2)Keeping the world greener
(3)All the ladies would want to pet my dolphin

Are you slave to the blade?

4215th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Mon 5 Jun 01:10post reply


(3)All the ladies would want to pet my dolphin

THEY WILL NOT; because it's aggressive-- perhaps it might work if you name it doris and add a pink ribbon

See??? He is a God...

Maese Spt
246th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(5):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Mon 5 Jun 04:20post reply


Rogue's Kiss. So I could kiss each and evryone of you

You naughty boy...*blush*


364th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(6):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Mon 5 Jun 04:38post reply

You naughty boy...*blush*

Come here now....mmmmmmmmmm....Now I can perform Matsuken Samba.

1236th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Mon 5 Jun 04:46post reply

Raging Demon of course, so I could whip ass at the bar and everyone will look around wondering what happened when the lights went out.

Maese Spt
248th Post

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"Re(8):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Mon 5 Jun 05:37post reply

Now I can perform Matsuken Samba.

Beware! It's so ludicrous a dance you could very well burn in hell for an eternity or two! Do it at your own risk, lover boy... and watch your hips!


208th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(5):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Mon 5 Jun 06:28post reply


(3)All the ladies would want to pet my dolphin

THEY WILL NOT; because it's aggressive-- perhaps it might work if you name it doris and add a pink ribbon

Are you slave to the blade?

366th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(9):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Mon 5 Jun 06:42:post reply

Beware! It's so ludicrous a dance you could very well burn in hell for an eternity or two! Do it at your own risk, lover boy... and watch your hips!

Thanks for warning . I lost the ability of matsuken already.I'm waiting for my next victim.

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Mon 5 Jun 07:34]

776th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(10):[social] What move would you learn ?" , posted Tue 6 Jun 18:10:post reply

Well, I guess I'm partial to the Kasane Ate, if only because it was once Todoh's only move and I like Kasumi a lot. But only if it looks like it does in Art of Fighting, with the "sheets". Not like in KOF...somehow it doesn't look as cool there.

That or the Shermie Spiral. No, I don't know why I want to thrust my crotch into someone's face and take them to the ground either.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

[this message was edited by Nate on Tue 6 Jun 18:11]

165th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):[social] What move would you lea" , posted Wed 7 Jun 11:46post reply

That or the Shermie Spiral. No, I don't know why I want to thrust my crotch into someone's face and take them to the ground either.

Literally ground and pounding right there =p

"You and Wilson have my skills Mr Hayden. In return I received a taste for Radiohead and an encyclopediac knowledge of pornographic knock-knock jokes. Yes I'd like to switch back if possible" - Black Swan

1097th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Re(10):[social] What move would you lea" , posted Thu 8 Jun 03:00post reply

I'd invent a Midday Bliss, to transform all straight women into man-loving men.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Or I'd be a Kikouken!

End of Spoiler

7080th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):[social] What move would you lea" , posted Thu 8 Jun 03:10post reply

Easy, Xiangfei's drunk grab from Fatal Fury Wild Ambition!

news - art

Undead Fred
2696th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):[social] What move would you lea" , posted Thu 8 Jun 13:43post reply

I'd invent a Midday Bliss, to transform all straight women into man-loving men.

I hope that super has a built in new-way-to-reproduce feature, or the population would mysteriously "stop growing" after that move was performed. Heh heh heh.

367th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):[social] What move would you lea" , posted Thu 8 Jun 15:53post reply

I choose secondarily healing move in the PowerStone.
I really wished that I could do that move.
No wait, it's my first choice. Rogue's Kiss is secondary.

47th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):[social] What move would you lea" , posted Wed 28 Jun 05:49post reply

I'd invent a Midday Bliss, to transform all straight women into man-loving men.
I hope that super has a built in new-way-to-reproduce feature, or the population would mysteriously "stop growing" after that move was performed. Heh heh heh.

Lesbians and bi-sexual women would be untouched, so there's still a chance to repopulate.

I might say I'd want Twelve's morphing ability.