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Professor 2357th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "New Stripping(!?) Arcade fighter on the way" , posted Fri 2 Jun 01:54:
A new beat-up named Jingi Storm is apparently in development for the arcades.
There's two really interesting things about it: One, the game maker is a total mystery. And Two, it involves Stripping.
Here's a rough translation of the text printed on the site's main illustration.
Left side: "A storm blows through a world without honor or humanity".
Right side: "Beat up on the men and strip the women! A rule-breaking stripping arcade game to make its debut!"
Bottom: "Featuring great illustrators!"
This site has been up for a while already, but I've ignored from reporting about it since it seemed like nothing but an obvious hoax. For one, the developer remains to keep itself secret. And two, the game was originally announced as an adult game for "ages 18 and above only" , and well, adult games aren't allowed for release in arcades anymore (notice that there's no more new strip mahjongs being developed in recent years).
However, as it turns out, the game seems like it's real after all. It's been neutered to an "all-age" rating, and what's more, a beta test has suddenly been announced for this weekend.
It's been quite some months since the arcades had a new fighter... looking forward to see what this looks like.
[edit: The site doesn't say whether the game is 2D or 3D. Personally, I'm hoping that it's 2D.]
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 2 Jun 02:32] | | Replies: |
Bata kun 2898th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Wa~!" , posted Fri 2 Jun 09:40
If it's 2D, I guess I'll take it. Chupiler would probably do the same. We just need a 2D fighting game badly.
Going sort of off-topic for a bit, Professor or anyone that knows (most likely Zepy), Chupiler showed me a fighting game with a shinsengumi theme recently and to win, you must take photographs of your opponent's panties. Do you know what it's called? I forgot its name already.
quote: This site has been up for a while already, but I've ignored from reporting about it since it seemed like nothing but an obvious hoax. For one, the developer remains to keep itself secret. And two, the game was originally announced as an adult game for "ages 18 and above only" , and well, adult games aren't allowed for release in arcades anymore (notice that there's no more new strip mahjongs being developed in recent years).
Out of curiousity, since when?
quote: The artist looks like Edayan, who did Project Justice, but he's no longer with Capcom I think.
I highly doubt it's him.
NARUTO 3436th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):New Stripping(!?) Arcade fighter on the" , posted Fri 2 Jun 19:18
quote: A new beat-up named Jingi Storm is apparently in development for the arcades.
There's two really interesting things about it: One, the game maker is a total mystery. And Two, it involves Stripping.
Here's a rough translation of the text printed on the site's main illustration.
Left side: "A storm blows through a world without honor or humanity".
Right side: "Beat up on the men and strip the women! A rule-breaking stripping arcade game to make its debut!"
Bottom: "Featuring great illustrators!"
This site has been up for a while already, but I've ignored from reporting about it since it seemed like nothing but an obvious hoax. For one, the developer remains to keep itself secret. And two, the game was originally announced as an adult game for "ages 18 and above only" , and well, adult games aren't allowed for release in arcades anymore (notice that there's no more new strip mahjongs being developed in recent years).
However, as it turns out, the game seems like it's real after all. It's been neutered to an "all-age" rating, and what's more, a beta test has suddenly been announced for this weekend.
It's been quite some months since the arcades had a new fighter... looking forward to see what this looks like.
I can even add more strangeness to the news. On neo-arcadia it was announced 2 days ago, and they said that the developer announced is Mr Yamauchi... Yes the Old Nintendo CEO would be behind all this, which makes most a the Neo-arcadia member think that it's a hoax... but now that the Professor announced a locktest....
 Fortes fortuna juvat...
Professor 2359th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(9):New stripping Arcade fighter on the way" , posted Sat 3 Jun 11:00:
[edit] Updated with a short report. This game sucks. [edit 2] Other people are also saying that the game seems as though it's a recycled Force Five.
First up, the game is 3D. The quality of the graphics... is something that looks 4-5 years old. It's not terribly bad, but there's nothing standing out at all. It reminded me a lot of Sammy's Force Five, which just disappeared during development and never came out in the arcades. In fact, some of Force Five's backgrounds look suspiciously similiar to Jingi Storm....
The game is controlled with a joystick and three buttons (G,P,K). It plays with typical 3D game combination attacks (like    ), and there's also a few command moves (like   ). You can sway to the back or front of the stage by shortly tapping or .
ALL THE CHARACTERS WERE MALE. There were 7 characters at the time of beta testing and an additional 5 slots were hidden, so maybe there's one or two female fighters hidden there. Maybe.
Each fighter, for some unknown reason, is paired up with a girl that only appears during the demo scenes (demo scenes are done in 2D illustrations), drawn by different artists. After the end of each match, the girl on the loser's side strips. It's just one illustration (no animation), and her clothing dissapears in four levels, depending on how badly the player was beaten.
To sum it up, Jingi Storm is a mediocre 3D fighting game with mediocre stripping at the end of each match. It feels more or less like some budget, Simple 1500 series game. (And apparently, I wasn't the only beta tester that thought so (/JA) .) It's as though the developer figured out that the game sucked and wouldn't sell, so they just sloppily slapped on a stripping feature on it.
For anyone interested in additional details, there's a breif overview on this site (/JA) . Photography wasn't allowed, but some people apparently took shots with their cell.
Also, there weren't any labels on the arcade cabinet to indicate the game's developer. (Rumor is that the game's being made by Yuki Enterprize, though it'd be best to take it with a grain of salt until there's an official announcement.)
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 3 Jun 23:15] |