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Juke Joint Jezebel
3512th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"TOP SECRET LETTER TO FRED" , posted Fri 2 Jun 02:19
Dearest Undead,
invading Dallas next weekend (10, 11) let's details!
probably won't be able to do it on aim because of addictions so i will await your reply!
Love, jjj
Undead Fred
2693th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):TOP SECRET LETTER TO FRED" , posted Fri 2 Jun 14:35
quote: Dearest Undead,
invading Dallas next weekend (10, 11) let's details!
probably won't be able to do it on aim because of addictions so i will await your reply!
Love, jjj
My dear JJJ,
Your letter finds me well. Nary a fortnight has passed since the last time I was able to get any sleep. The fields of AnimationLand are stained with the blood of animating and sculpey and computars. There will be a meeting of animation industry people coming up that weekend that I'd like to go to, but I have no idea what my schedule's ACTUALLY going to be like. Let's to continue details!
If Houston Zone Assaulted Nuts doesn't perform...... then the terrorists have truly won.
Undead Fred
2699th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"HAY JJJ" , posted Thu 15 Jun 12:29
email me pls i cant fine ur email adress to ask u about action figures
Wow... if you don't count the syllables, it reads like an AOL haiku.
Juke Joint Jezebel
3514th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):HAY JJJ" , posted Fri 16 Jun 05:32
u liek action figures?
quote: email me pls i cant fine ur email adress to ask u about action figures
Wow... if you don't count the syllables, it reads like an AOL haiku.
lol i think this is the last delay. last minute stuff popped up. gotta pick people up from the airport, some weird seminar no one told me about, another friend decided to come to town, etc etc
Undead Fred
2700th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):HAY JJJ" , posted Fri 16 Jun 15:30
quote: u liek action figures?
lol i think this is the last delay. last minute stuff popped up. gotta pick people up from the airport, some weird seminar no one told me about, another friend decided to come to town, etc etc
Okay, cool. Yeah, I've still been really busy, but I should have free time coming up in the near future... I THINK I have your e-mail address now, so I'll be sending one your way soon.