What are your favorite old platformers? - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Red Falcon
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Sun 11 Jun 23:47post reply

Because I feel bad about always being a grumbly old bastard, I decided to post something "fun" for everyone to ignore! Anyway, to the meat: What is your favorite old platformer (Snes/Megadrive era or earlier) and why did/does it stand out for you? Hmm... that sounds like some sort of test question. -_-

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"Re(1):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 01:07:post reply

Of course it's anything that release for Famicom/NES, there's absolutely no denying the impact that Nintendo's 8-bit console had on the video game industry.

[this message was edited by freak on Mon 12 Jun 01:28]

7746th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 01:22post reply

Chômakaimura, because it was really beautiful at the time, and even though it was an.... oboege-, it still offered a lot of freedom to play (once you've decided yourself to stop using those stupid arrows). Also, it was one of the first games I had in japanese.

Oh, and Kid Icarus, because of the music, and because it was also one of the first games I had.

I would like to add Rockman 1-6, but the more I think of it, the less it is easy to take one episode over the others. They all have their share of great sequences and cheesy ones.

2004th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 01:22post reply

For some reason the first thing that poopped to mind was Magician Lord. But I have no idea why!!

Popful Mail probably. I didn't own it, only borrowed it from a friend (OLD-SCHOOL PIRACY ARR!!) but the game was rather silly so it stuck in my head.

148th Post

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"Re(1):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 01:26:post reply

Megadrive: Sonic 1 (of course), Ristar, WonderBoy 3, Kid Chamaleon, Chiki Chiki Boys, James Pond Robocod, New Zealand Story.

SNES: Mario World (logic), Joe&Mac, Megaman X, PC Kid, ActRaiser, Go Go Ackman, Mickey & Donald, Super Adventure Island, Pop n' TwinBee

NES:Mario Bros, Kirby's Adventure, Chip n' Dale, Ducktales, Darwing Duck, Megaman, Adventure Island, Kid Icarus, Ufouria, and one which I can't remember the name at the moment in which you control 4 characters iirc, 2 of them being a little mouse and a rock monster T__T

Enjoy ^^

Death!!! But in this place... there is no happiness.

[this message was edited by Arngrim on Mon 12 Jun 01:30]

Variable Savior
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"Re(2):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 02:11post reply

Not a console game exactly (no, I don't acknowledge the Master system version or Hudsons Adventure Island) but I used to really really love the arcade version of Wonder Boy. I can't really say why but it had a great sense of action to it that SMB lacked.

And speaking of arcades I used to really love the Willow arcade game. Not really a plaformer I guess but it had that cool old school charm. And with multiple playable characters, hidden secrets, and a novel powerup system it was ahead of it's time.

Console-wise, I'd go with Bionic Commando on the NES. Nagivating platforms via the bionic arm just made things so much more interesting.

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"Re(3):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 02:30post reply


NES: Kid Icarus


373th Post

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"Re(1):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 02:45post reply

Well Mario bros., Megaman x series, Kirby, An Alaaddin game I remember.. And also Im not exactly sure it was a platformer also I dont exactly recall its name, but there was a game where you control both of the blue and pink penguins and try to get them together. That was so nice.
Oh and there were Ice Climber and Road Runner that I sucked at both but they were fun.

4219th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 02:48post reply

...and one which I can't remember the name at the moment in which you control 4 characters iirc, 2 of them being a little mouse and a rock monster T__T

I think it Was "the adventures of little samson" or "might little samson", definately one if the BEST game times ever.

I don't know how most pagans had missing it, but a robot mech game for the NES called metal storm was perhaps THE BEST Nes game, almost perfect 'pre-snes graphic', perfect 'pre-snes' music, huge difficulty, engine originality and longevity; and a fairly good replay value; in many aspects towers and ties with Chyrstalis, but this isn't an advaventure/rpg game.

Like I said in the poor PS3 girl thread, It's a shame to die without tasting the goodness of a pc-engine/NES game; nes games had more variety, but games that where on BOTH, the PC-Engine & NES where almost 100% better in PCE, after it had better graphics and sound capabilities.

From PCE games, the one that pop up my mind the most where "Jackie Chan's Adventure" (it was fairly great in Nes too); Bomberman and a very LARGE amount of japanese puzzle games that I was too naive and conceint to be able to translate, most of them where simple and catchy to play, so there it was no problem.

From my NES memories, I'll try not to list 500 titles, but the ones that pop up to my mind inmediatly are "Robocop 2", "Double Dragon 3", Megaman 3" (IMHO the best music), "Dragon Slide", "Castlevania series", "Phantom Fighter" and w.a.a.a.a.y.y.y.y.y to many others to listen, I tried to go for the well known ones.

Whenever I say "It's a shame to die without tasting the goodness of a pc-engine/NES game" I feel like an old master who is pouring sake on a Poor soul's grave, drinking the rest along the deceased one.

This thread is good <3~

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Red Falcon
5683th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 02:58post reply


I think it Was "the adventures of little samson" or "might little samson", definately one if the BEST game times ever.

I don't know how most pagans had missing it, but a robot mech game for the NES called metal storm was perhaps THE BEST Nes game, almost perfect 'pre-snes graphic', perfect 'pre-snes' music, huge difficulty, engine originality and longevity; and a fairly good replay value; in many aspects towers and ties with Chyrstalis, but this isn't an advaventure/rpg game.

Toxico, I already knew it, but you are a connoisseur of classic gaming. I'll post some of my own later, but Gojira seems to already have an inkling as to what one of them will be, ho ho.

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4222th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 03:41:post reply

Toxico, I already knew it, but you are a connoisseur of classic gaming. I'll post some of my own later, but Gojira seems to already have an inkling as to what one of them will be, ho ho.

I remember that playing early atari like shooting games wasn't that much; but after playing Mutan Fighter zillions of times, or hearing crime fighters boss death creams for the 1.000.000 time I knew that I didn't came out off it sane XD

For the record I always forget to tell you that here P.o.W. was considered an extraordinary game; the main keys to clear it where the infinite combo and the 'jumping' method, the infinite combo allows you to kill characters or characters groups without danger; the jumping method allowed you to stop enemy actions (most enemies doesn't go after you when you are in the air)...

Eventually people good enough popped up to clear the game with the gun and both methods AND without losing lives, then those people cleared the game without the gun; then later without the infinite combo to finally clear the game without the gun, without the infinite and without the jumping method, it was hard as hell, but it was fun XD, sometimes when I'm drunk enough and I'm sleeping I still heard those punching sounds XD

For the record now I have to eat and drink, so I'll catch up with this thread later XD

See??? He is a God...

[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 12 Jun 03:42]

1828th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 04:39post reply

A lot of people are posting what I would consider "action games". So...like...is Castlevania a platformer? What about Shinobi?

Anyway, I loooooove all the Makaimura games, especially the Megadrive/arcade one. Castlevania Bloodlines is also pretty good.

I liked Makeru na! Makendo/Kendo Rage quite a bit as well.

Ohhh...and Rygar. The arcade Rygar is wildly fun.

My ALL TIME favorite action/platformer is Shinobi 3, though. I think it's just...a completely fantastic game in every way. If it had a soundtrack as good as the Shinobi 2, it'd be one of the best games ever.

These are all games I can go back and enjoy even now (and have done fairly recently), so my love for them isn't based on nostalgia alone.

I can't see how people like Megaman/Rockman so much though. While I've never played a BAD Megaman game, I don't get the widespread appeal of the series.

Time Mage
2411th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 05:33post reply

My favorite one is probably the most modern of the "allowed" games, but I'm really in love with that game: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. This game, besides being really fun has a special charm. It's the graphics, the music, the baby Mario running around when he gets a star, the colured yoshis, etc. It is not the hardest, nor the longest, but to me, it's the best.

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Red Falcon
5686th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 05:51post reply


Ohhh...and Rygar. The arcade Rygar is wildly fun.

The arcade Rygar is indeed an excellent game. Have you ever beaten it?

Anyway, yes, we can consider stuff like Castlevania and the like... I was going to myself.

Anyway, Magician Lord has to be one of my all time favorites; it was probably the first Neo Geo game I played (it MIGHT have been Ninja Combat, but... that game is better for laughs than for serious play) I still enjoy playing through Magician Lord, even though it's almost like a mechanical event now.

I also like both the arcade and NES Astyanax, although they are completely and utterly different; I love the sudden appearance of Giger-esque aliens at the end of the arcade one.

And of course... Contra. Specifically, the arcade Super C. Shorter than the NES version but twice as intense, with a sound track that is still awesome, IMO. Gun down hordes of aliens and possessed humans. That's what Contra is all about!

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Variable Savior
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"Re(6):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 05:57post reply


My ALL TIME favorite action/platformer is Shinobi 3, though. I think it's just...a completely fantastic game in every way. If it had a soundtrack as good as the Shinobi 2, it'd be one of the best games ever.

Damn, I forgot about Shinobi 3! I really loved the flowing sense of action this game offered. I doubt I'll express this correctly but S3 offered an almost fluid sense to it's gamplay - you could fly through the stages killing enemies without breaking stride (at least until the last stage). It's sense of continous motion was something you rarely see - I can only equate it to Jet Set Radio.

Hmmmmph... nice memories

Blood marks heaven's path

1832th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 06:01post reply


The arcade Rygar is indeed an excellent game. Have you ever beaten it?

I also like both the arcade and NES Astyanax, although they are completely and utterly different; I love the sudden appearance of Giger-esque aliens at the end of the arcade one.

I haven't beaten Rygar. It gets quite...erm..."frantic" later in the game. How many levels are there? I actually used to play it on Lynx, along with Ninja Gaiden. Those two games made an otherwise useless system completely worthwhile. I miss the days of 3 (or no) continues where you make it just a LITTLE further each time.

I LOVED Astyanax when I was a kid (I made this kid "play pretend Astyanax" with me sometimes), but I haven't played it recently enough to say if I still like it. At the time, I thought the story and world were really interesting. I'll have to hunt down the arcade version.

Maese Spt
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"Re(7):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 06:55post reply

Natsukashii... platformers were my favourite kind of games when I was a kid and was discovering the videogame world yet

I'm a Mario man, I have no shame to admit it. I think Super Mario World is one of the greatest games ever. Even now I play it every now and then, and it never ceases to amuse me. My No. 1 favourite, beyond all doubt.

Moreover, the original Super Mario Bros still amazes me (such a game back in 1985? Miyamoto must have a godlike mindset!) and SMB 3 is gorgeous beyond telling as well. I love them both and still play them sometimes. But, while I admit it's a wonderful game, I consider Yoshi's Island an unworthy (perhaps I should say "bastardized") succesor to the ever-gorgeous SMWorld.

Also, if Castlevania games are allowed, I must say I'm totally in love with Super Castlevania IV and, of course, that marvel called Rondo of Blood, my all-time favourite on the series.

Other than that, although difficult as hell, Namco's Whirlo (SNES) is a delight to play, but I dunno if it qualifies as a platformer... Ganbare Goemon saga had some great platformers too, back on the SNES. That platforming intent on the N64 didn't impress me that much, though.

Oh, and I have great memories of Toki, that old arcade where you played as a caveman turned into an ape. But, obviously, being a clumsy player I didn't enjoy arcade platformers as much as console ones. Those were the times!!

Argh, I feel much older now! Red Falcon is really a mean guy after all... :_(


3585th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Mmmmhh..." , posted Mon 12 Jun 07:45post reply


I can't see how people like Megaman/Rockman so much though. While I've never played a BAD Megaman game, I don't get the widespread appeal of the series.

I never thought I could find someone that won't agree on the greatness of the NES Megaman games.
I mean, they're FUN to play, have great music (I'll always rank Megaman 2-4 among the games with best soundtracks in videogame history) and great graphics.
Same with the X series.

My favourite plattaformers were the Megaman series (of course!), the Castlevanias, Bugs Bunny in Birthday Blowout, Adventure Island (I never played the SNES ones), Little Nemo, Ninja Gaiden, The Flintstones, Goemon, Battletoads (it's a shame I never played Ragnarok's World), Toki (by the way, is there any way to get an mp3 of the music played in the first stages?) MCKids, and many more, but I?m too sleepy to remember right now.

381th Post

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"Re(8):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 07:55post reply

I'm a Mario man, I have no shame to admit it. I think Super Mario World is one of the greatest games ever. Even now I play it every now and then, and it never ceases to amuse me. My No. 1 favourite, beyond all doubt.

Wait a minute, I never saw/hear anyone from any nation that ashamed of loving Mario Bros. Except from Türkiye. (Well sometimes some people can be ashamed of even playing videogames. No matter how mature rated it is. Some narrow minded people still thinks videogames for children).
Either you re Turkish in disguise or Mario became old fashioned (is that possible?).

2515th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Mmmmhh..." , posted Mon 12 Jun 08:12post reply

Okay, I'm a little confused as to what a platformer is. Off the top of my head I would say that the main component of platformers is navigation. Whether it's knowing the layout of the stage or just hopping frantically from one platform to another, the primary point is that to stay alive you have to move. Destroying enemies -whether it's by punching the platform above them, jumping on them and crushing them with your ass, or some other esoteric means of winning- is secondary. Action games, however, always seemed in my book to be much more concerned with the killing. Whether you're using a sword, throwing stars or spread gun the goal in action games is to get through the game by using as much violence as necessary. As an example, for me the Strider games have plenty of platforming and general jumping around but I've always considered them to be action games since you can't get through the game without fighting.

The problem with that narrow a denfinition is that when it comes to platformers all you're left with is Mario and all those scab knock-offs. Whenever I think of the games that wanted to be Mario but never would be I always think of Bubsy. I haven't played that game in years but I still get annoyed thinking about it.

Red Falcon
5690th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Mmmmhh..." , posted Mon 12 Jun 08:45post reply

Hmm... perhaps "platformer" was too narrow or misworded. I think "action game" might work better? But it might be too open-ended...

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"Re(3):Mmmmhh..." , posted Mon 12 Jun 09:46post reply

Is Double Dragon 2 for the NES an action platformer game? If it is, it's my choice for this thread. Reason being it's the first game together me and my brother get to take down a gang with our bare hands.

Hmm... perhaps "platformer" was too narrow or misworded. I think "action game" might work better? But it might be too open-ended...

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269th Post

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"Re(3):Mmmmhh..." , posted Mon 12 Jun 09:55post reply

Well, the NES was the king of sidescroller games. Among my favorites for that system were Faxanadu, Goonies 2, Ironsword, and my all time favorite, Dragon Slayer 4 (Legacy of the Wizard)

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"Re(4):Mmmmhh..." , posted Mon 12 Jun 13:45:post reply

Among my favorites for that system were Faxanadu, Goonies 2, Ironsword, and my all time favorite, Dragon Slayer 4 (Legacy of the Wizard)

Goonies 2 was one of the first NES games I owned. It's fun to beat Godzilla with a yoyo or boomerang. It was also fun to hit Koonami Man in the nuts with a hammer or fist. OUCH WHAT DO YOU DO!? If you bitch slapped Konami Man too many times he wouldn't heal you. Sheer genius. I liked the Goonies arcade game better though. Whatever happened to Konami Man?

Mario 3, Toejam & Big Muthafuckin' Earl, Altered Beast, Duck Tales, Contra, Bubble Bobble, Metroid, Shinobi arcade (fuck the console versions), Ninja Gaiden arcade. I loved beating up Jason Voorhies wannabes and the Road Warriors. I especially thought it was cool when synth Black Sabbath song 'Iron Man' busted out when the Road Warriors appeared.

[this message was edited by simonbelmont on Mon 12 Jun 13:47]

Undead Fred
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"Action!" , posted Mon 12 Jun 14:50post reply

My personal favorites were River City Ransom (if that counts), Bionic Commando, Mega Man 2 and 3, and Super Mario Bros 2 on NES... then Flashback and Earthworm Jim 1 and 2 on Genesis.

I think River City's pretty much my all-time favorite NES game as well... I've always loved the feel of the game, and buying those books to beat up Frat Boys and Squids. Plus, I think that was the first game I had seen where you could re-name your character, so I thought that was amazing.

270th Post

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"Re(5):Mmmmhh..." , posted Mon 12 Jun 14:56post reply

Among my favorites for that system were Faxanadu, Goonies 2, Ironsword, and my all time favorite, Dragon Slayer 4 (Legacy of the Wizard)

Goonies 2 was one of the first NES games I owned. It's fun to beat Godzilla with a yoyo or boomerang. It was also fun to hit Koonami Man in the nuts with a hammer or fist. OUCH WHAT DO YOU DO!? If you bitch slapped Konami Man too many times he wouldn't heal you. Sheer genius. I liked the Goonies arcade game better though. Whatever happened to Konami Man?

Mario 3, Toejam & Big Muthafuckin' Earl, Altered Beast, Duck Tales, Contra, Bubble Bobble, Metroid, Shinobi arcade (fuck the console versions), Ninja Gaiden arcade. I loved beating up Jason Voorhies wannabes and the Road Warriors. I especially thought it was cool when synth Black Sabbath song 'Iron Man' busted out when the Road Warriors appeared.

Actually, you only had to hit Konamiman once for him to not heal you for the rest of the whole game :p *Bangs him with a hammer* Please! Help me!

Double Dragon NES was great for its leveling up system. River City Ransom was also real creative back then. Little Samson was the name of the NES game with the odd cast of an Elf, Dragon, Golem, and Mouse.

As for Sega, El Viento, any Sonic game, Alisia Dragoon, Decap Attack, and Popful Mail for CD were my fave picks, even though the US version of Mail is painfully hard.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Nostalgia...." , posted Mon 12 Jun 18:08post reply

Hard question Red Falcoon... Well at 1st I would says Psyko Fox, because it's the 1st game I did by myself, and the 1st one I did finish myself.

But on plateformer there is some much good games.

Genesis: Phantasia hard but fun, Kid Chameleon one of the best game ever, anything called Wonder boy...Robocod long and nice...

SNES: Mr Nuts magnificent, All the DK games, Joe and Mac, Sparkster...

Neogeo: Magician lord even if he's hard, Blue journey don't ask why...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

16th Post

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"Re(1):Nostalgia...." , posted Mon 12 Jun 18:20post reply

Baby Jo and BC Kid on Amiga.. because I never played the PC Engine versions

Silhouette Mirage on Sega Saturn, such creative level designs and bosses...spectacular!

Global Gladiators was fun... also Rolling Ronny... the Amiga had so many decent platformers.

1836th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Mmmmhh..." , posted Mon 12 Jun 18:27post reply


Battletoads (it's a shame I never played Ragnarok's World)

I never thought that anyone ACTUALLY liked Battletoads. I mean, well...maybe people liked it when they were young, but I thought the unanimous decision was that it wasn't ACTUALLY good, but funny to say that it was good and insult anyone who stated otherwise.

As for Megaman, I liked the first 2, but it was old to me by 3. I think it was 8 (the first PS one?) and X4 I really liked after that, but there are still too many Megaman games out there for me. Given that I'm the minority, I guess that's my problem, not Megaman's.

3th Post

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"Re(2):Mmmmhh..." , posted Mon 12 Jun 19:26post reply


I never thought that anyone ACTUALLY liked Battletoads. I mean, well...maybe people liked it when they were young, but I thought the unanimous decision was that it wasn't ACTUALLY good, but funny to say that it was good and insult anyone who stated otherwise.

I think Battletoads is good. When I was young I hated it because I could never get passed the third level (the hover-bike-thingy level) even though I owned the damn game.

The reason many people hate Battletoads IMO is because the first level tricks them into thinking the game is something it's not. The first level is a simple beat-em-up, the second level is an excuse to hoard 1ups for the rest of the game, and all the levels after that are hellish platforming with millions of instant-death-spikes.

Some reasons I can think of why Battletoads is awesome: The music is really good, level 2 is a lot fun, it's challenging, and the silly character designs.

P.S. Castlevania 3 is good. Really good.

1516th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 21:18post reply

Hmmm... since most of the classics I discovered later...

I'd go with one of the first games I had for the first console I had, and the only Game Gear title that's worth a replay every now and then(out of the ones I own, I mean):

The GG Shinobi! for Yuzo Koshiro Goodness!

Time for some long due Samus Aran love...

"It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it"
An undead friend.

148th Post

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"Re(2):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 22:47post reply

This thread is awesome.

It's made of nostalgia and platforms.

You won't believe how much I miss GOOD 2D platforms.

And Toxico, you are my new idol. I was searching for the title of this game like crazy, but I wasn't successful.

Also, the Rockman series on the NES are emblematic, really. Not only for their awesome music but also for their playability and charm. I remember playing Megaman 2 and 3 in my NES and that was quite an experience.

I agree the music in Megaman 2 and Megaman 3 to belong to the group of the best vg soundtracks ever.

Really I love these series. Too bad Capcom is burning them down T__T

Moving on to the next point, I remember when I was a kid I once saw a review on Blue's Journey on the once awesome and now tragically crappy "Hobby Consolas" for Neo·Geo and, since then, I developed some kind of fixation with that game, until I was finally able to play it through emulation. It was pretty nice, indeed ^__^

You know, I'm a sucker for colorful, cute and charmy platormers.

Well, I also love Splatter House.

Guess I am the complicated type.

Death!!! But in this place... there is no happiness.

520th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Mon 12 Jun 22:50post reply


The GG Shinobi! for Yuzo Koshiro Goodness!

Yuzo Koshiro FTW! Have you played the second one?

Well, when I think of this genre, many game series come to mind: Castlevania, Mega Man/Mega Man X, Ninja Gaiden, Super Mario Bros., Sonic The Hedgehog, etc.

But if I have to pick up one, that's Another World (Out of this World) a brilliant action game, with unique visuals and a superb cinematographic style. And all the game was programmed from beginning to end by a single person: Eric Chahi. He only didn't do the music.

Check out the new hi-res Windows version, and the story behind the making of the game and Eric Chahi's career so far at:


4225th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Mmmmhh..." , posted Tue 13 Jun 00:29post reply


Most megaman games didn't really brought a big evolution with every sequel, the main point of the secuel was to 1.- reconfing the thoughness of the game 2.- add more weapons types; researching the enemy weakness was a very big part of the game. So, if you wanted every game to bring revolutionary changes to the saga; or you got bored of researchin enemy weakness, then perhaps it's natural that the game really grow out tired for you; it's like zelda, the instruction manual should have said "if you don't want to fire every bush in the game, don't approach this".


I think Battletoads is good. When I was young I hated it because I could never get passed the third level (the hover-bike-thingy level) even though I owned the damn game.

It's hard to say what's really hot for battle toads; the graphics where great, the music was catchy, but I thing that one of the most important things of the game was the masochist factor; you MUST be willing to suffer and go through hell in order to go fowards, most people doesn't like a long upward hill road that doesn't have that much of a reward; I still remember that I was fast enough to clear the bikes stage on my second or so play through, but I was so concentrated that my head spinned around in demonic possesion; and most of the unattached things of my room where levitating around me in a reddish odd background

Sorry about the spelling, but I don't double check everything when I'm drunk XD

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116th Post

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"Re(3):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Tue 13 Jun 00:53post reply

Hmmm, I really think some of you are crazy for liking Magicians Lord so much. I mean are you going based on memories or have you played it recently? As far as platforming games on the Neo-Geo go Top Hunter is much better and on top of that, actually quite good from a technical perspective.

In the strict sense of the definition of platforming game, Don Doko Don has always been one of my favorites. Snow Bros (only the first one) comes in a close second, but was much harder for me to find/play at the time. Given a little more time I may warm up to Snow Bros. a little more.

I also must comment on Rainbow Islands. I never really got a chance to play the Arcade version of the game until Taito Legends came out, and I must say that I really enjoy the NES version of the game a lot more.

I also wanted to pimp out Umihara Kawase for the SNES. It is a really fantastic and quirky platforming game where you are a young girl who uses a rubber fishing line to do some exceptionally challenging platforming. Excellent game, even if it is a little rough around the edges.

615th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Tue 13 Jun 01:10post reply


The GG Shinobi! for Yuzo Koshiro Goodness!

Yuzo Koshiro FTW! Have you played the second one?

Well, when I think of this genre, many game series come to mind: Castlevania, Mega Man/Mega Man X, Ninja Gaiden, Super Mario Bros., Sonic The Hedgehog, etc.

But if I have to pick up one, that's Another World (Out of this World) a brilliant action game, with unique visuals and a superb cinematographic style. And all the game was programmed from beginning to end by a single person: Eric Chahi. He only didn't do the music.

Check out the new hi-res Windows version, and the story behind the making of the game and Eric Chahi's career so far at:


Another World was one of the greatest action/platform/puzzle games ever made, if not the best. Now that I beat the remake, I just can't stop praising it, it's the adventure of a lifetime. Plus, Lester Knight Chaykin looks exactlty like 4chan's Cockmongler !!!!

One of my favorites was Sega Genesis'/Megadrive's "Risky Woods" the only Spanish game available for this platform. This action/platformer was serious business, one of the best european games of its time, quite deeper and far more adult-oriented than all these shitty games about Marsupilami and Smurfs those french fags from Infogrames published around the same time...

Red Falcon
5694th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Tue 13 Jun 01:24:post reply

Hmmm, I really think some of you are crazy for liking Magicians Lord so much. I mean are you going based on memories or have you played it recently? As far as platforming games on the Neo-Geo go Top Hunter is much better and on top of that, actually quite good from a technical perspective.

I play it all the time. Have you ever seen my one CC vid?

I like it a lot more than Top Hunter, which is shamefully easy (but still a charming and fun game).

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 13 Jun 01:24]

Iron D
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"Re(6):Mmmmhh..." , posted Tue 13 Jun 01:31post reply


As for Sega, El Viento, any Sonic game, Alisia Dragoon, Decap Attack, and Popful Mail for CD were my fave picks, even though the US version of Mail is painfully hard.

My...my goodness. Someone else in existence has actually played Decap Attack? This is some sort of a miracle...I've never met anyone else that has played this game. Well, the friend that I borrowed the game from as a kid, but that's it.

I feel weird about including it, as I always thought of it as a beat 'em up, but River City Ransom is definitely up there. Uh...all Mario games of course. Battletoads (if it counts), Tiny Toon Adventures (NES)...

Genesis/Mega Drive: The Sonic games, Earthworm Jim 1 and 2, Decap Attack, Gunstar Heroes (more of a shooter, I know), Quackshot, Rocket Knight Adventures, Dynamite Headdy, Revenge of Shinobi, X-men 2: Clone Wars, Vectorman

SNES: Super Mario World 1 and 2, Actraiser (does that count?), Xmen: Mutant Apocalypse, The Adventures of Batman and Robin,

Saturn: Silhouette Mirage, Nights into Dreams, Astal

Arcade: Strider

Zelkin. Pimped.

117th Post

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"Re(5):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Tue 13 Jun 02:35post reply

I play it all the time. Have you ever seen my one CC vid?

I like it a lot more than Top Hunter, which is shamefully easy (but still a charming and fun game).

Well, ok then! Actually it is possible that I say your 1CC vid. I saw one about a year and a half ago, but I don't remember where I got it from.

Seriously though, ML is really unbalanced and pretty nasty as a game. While Top Hunter is (much) easier, has a lot going on, and is visually charming... I don't know where I am going with this. Yes, TH is easy but that doesn't make it bad. It is harder than Super Mario Bros. (to 1CC).

Seriously, Umihara is where it's at.

Maese Spt
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"Re(9):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Tue 13 Jun 02:37post reply

Plus, Lester Knight Chaykin looks exactlty like 4chan's Cockmongler !!!!

Fukken signed!! Now I won't be able to play that game on a serious mood again...


Either you re Turkish in disguise or Mario became old fashioned (is that possible?).

Ironically, our fellow Hayato himself looks more turkish than me, if only for his dark-skinned complexion and prominent moustache.

But I digress. Silly as it may sound, on many videogame circles nowadays Mario games are regarded as "unmature" games, no worth of further praising. I, much on the contrary, think that many (if not most) of them are truly masterpieces which everyone who calls him/herself a game-lover should play. I'd say more: perhaps, if not for the first SMB, videogames would not be the same thing we all know and love... But don't bother with it too much, it was only rethoric.


1519th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):What are your favorite old platformers?" , posted Tue 13 Jun 05:03:post reply


The GG Shinobi! for Yuzo Koshiro Goodness!

Yuzo Koshiro FTW! Have you played the second one?

Yes. A friend lent it to me for a long while, and recently I've had the chance to play it again (through means that are of no importance to this topic )

EDIT: Oops, forgot to continue here:

So, yes, I have played the second, but I still prefer the first one over it. Nostalgia reasons, probably.

You know, it's one (well, they're, the sequel too. But the first one came first, eh...) of those very few games that were made explicitly for Game Gear, [personal child trauma]not another of dunno how many shitty ports of Mega Drive games, that I'd buy with all my illusion only to be disappointed when comparing it to the real thing... T_T[/personal child trauma].
(And Sega Spain only made things worse by putting MD captures on the GG screen for the ads. The bastards.)
And Shinobi, while still being a port of a MD game, took only the name from it and used all of GG's full potential for really beautiful grafics animations, music (but of course!), et al.

I'd better get going...

But if I have to pick up one, that's Another World (Out of this World) a brilliant action game, with unique visuals and a superb cinematographic style. And all the game was programmed from beginning to end by a single person: Eric Chahi. He only didn't do the music.

Check out the new hi-res Windows version, and the story behind the making of the game and Eric Chahi's career so far at:


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I wonder how come I didn't see this one coming.
IkariDC, sir, you rock

Time for some long due Samus Aran love...

"It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it"
An undead friend.

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Tue 13 Jun 05:13]

618th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Mmmmhh..." , posted Tue 13 Jun 05:30post reply


My...my goodness. Someone else in existence has actually played Decap Attack? This is some sort of a miracle...I've never met anyone else that has played this game. Well, the friend that I borrowed the game from as a kid, but that's it.

Well, I played it too. And it was quite entertaining, to say the least! As a child, I didn't like this Halloween atmosphere it had, but overall it was a great platformer.

Genesis/Mega Drive: The Sonic games, Earthworm Jim 1 and 2, Castle/World of Illusion, Puggsy, Dynamite Headdy, Shinobi III, Vectorman 1 and 2, Mega Turrican...

SNES: Super Mario World 1 and 2, Actraiser 1 and 2, Plok, Hagane, Ganbare Goemon 2,Castlevania 4...


Saturn: Astal

I seriously hope it deserves its fame : although I bought the original game, it's been 11 years since it was released and I haven't played it yet. I'm really looking forward for the final version of SSF (I can't get the current version to play the damn game), it's my last hope!!!!


Arcade: Strider

Never did a single name express such gaming greatness...

520th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):Mmmmhh..." , posted Tue 13 Jun 06:15post reply

Quite alot of my favorites for the NES has already been mentioned, so instead of listing them again, I'll just add one that I don't recall being listed;


Iron D
2701th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Mmmmhh..." , posted Tue 13 Jun 16:55post reply


Saturn: Astal

I seriously hope it deserves its fame : although I bought the original game, it's been 11 years since it was released and I haven't played it yet. I'm really looking forward for the final version of SSF (I can't get the current version to play the damn game), it's my last hope!!!!


Arcade: Strider

Never did a single name express such gaming greatness...

Amen. On a related note, has anyone played the Strider for PS1? Is it any good?

Zelkin. Pimped.

3441th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Mmmmhh..." , posted Tue 13 Jun 17:12post reply

Amen. On a related note, has anyone played the Strider for PS1? Is it any good?

If you're talking about the remake with Flashy effects in 3D backgroud, yes I played it.
No bad but not as good as the old one either.
Nice story, with art, nice level but the game is really short and the "mega attacks" that hiryu have is damn too powerfull making the game really easy...
On a side note when finished you can play as strider hien, which is cooler than hiryu and makes the game harder.

But comming to think of it there is indeed a lot's of game I did forgot.
Like hagane, Yoshi's island, Alisia Dragoon, Alice evans, all the bubble bobble, Pc Kids, Dragon eggs, Quack shot...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

120th Post

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"in stride" , posted Tue 13 Jun 22:41post reply

On a related note, has anyone played the Strider for PS1? Is it any good?

The port is not too bad either if that is what you were talking about. Oddly the silkscreening for mine (and many other people's) disc was backwards on the Strider 2 release (Strider the arcade port was actually on the disc labled Strider 2). As far as "arcade perfect," I am not an expert, but I didn't notice any differences between the two (aside from the loading).

Strider 2 was pretty good as well. It is only easy if you use unlimited continues (where Strider 1 is still a pain in the ass with unlimited continues). The US release had the voice acting cut from it though (both arcade and home release). The PS1 release also looks really nice with the Texture Smoothing option on from the PS2 (one of the few games I found that actually look better with this option). Still, overall not quite as good as Osman.

620th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):in stride" , posted Wed 14 Jun 00:17post reply

Saturn: Astal

I seriously hope it deserves its fame : although I bought the original game, it's been 11 years since it was released and I haven't played it yet. I'm really looking forward for the final version of SSF (I can't get the current version to play the damn game), it's my last hope!!!!


A japanese Sega Saturn emulator (in fact, the best one out there).

On a related note, has anyone played the Strider for PS1? Is it any good?

The port is not too bad either if that is what you were talking about. Oddly the silkscreening for mine (and many other people's) disc was backwards on the Strider 2 release (Strider the arcade port was actually on the disc labled Strider 2). As far as "arcade perfect," I am not an expert, but I didn't notice any differences between the two (aside from the loading).

One can choose an alternate soundtrack, which isn't as good as the original. And in case you finish it, I'd suggest you to save the file and start a new game in Strider 2. This will unlock Episode 0, the Amazon level, which is worth the effort.

Strider 2 was pretty good as well. It is only easy if you use unlimited continues (where Strider 1 is still a pain in the ass with unlimited continues)


Still, overall not quite as good as Osman.

Strider 1 isn't so hard... not if you played it for about 6 years!!

And it isn't, by far as hard as Osman (whose Engrish is superior!!!)

Iron D
2703th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):in stride" , posted Thu 15 Jun 14:58post reply

Thanks guys. Looks like I'll have to hunt it down after all.

Zelkin. Pimped.

367th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):in stride" , posted Fri 16 Jun 03:44post reply

Prince of Persia (the second one was good too, but nothing beats the original)
Alex Kidd (the one that came with the Sega Master System...)
Also, Shinobi (for SMS too). My neighbour had the SMS, and I ended up playing at his house very often (since my parents wouldn't buy me a console...) and it was the first game I finished before him, I was so proud of myself, ahah!

There are old Atari games, or even Amstrad CPC games out there that I could pull out of my hat.


Red Falcon
5697th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):in stride" , posted Fri 16 Jun 06:13:post reply

Osman is great. I've been meaning to make a no death video of it, heh heh. DO YOU WANT TO KILL?

Edit: We should all bow down to Abdullah the Slaver. I've been wanting to try and find a PCB of the "Cannon Dancer" version of it to see if there are any differences, but I haven't had any luck.

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Fri 16 Jun 06:14]