Fenky is gone - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Fenky is gone" , posted Tue 13 Jun 16:35post reply

www.video-fenky.com is finally gone, too sad, Fenky disappeared without giving any clues (even though some of you know what he is doing now), but I liked his site and stuff; anyway, too sad that the site is gone.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"


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"Re(1):Fenky is gone" , posted Tue 13 Jun 22:32post reply

Uuh... I don't know if I may sound stupid for not knowing it but... what was this site about?

I cannot quench your thirst
Because even if you yearn for the truth you refuse to believe in it.
But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one the that put you into the desert.

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"Re(2):Fenky is gone" , posted Wed 14 Jun 03:19post reply

Uuh... I don't know if I may sound stupid for not knowing it but... what was this site about?

Mostly gaming news and translations of Japanese blog entries and articles, with a nice dose of wit. I'm not surprised that he's let the domain lapse, after watching the site become cluttered with spam comments through neglect.

Right now he writes about gaming magazines for gamesetwatch.com.