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Pollyanna 1847th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(1):Monster Hunter 2 - import friendly ?" , posted Fri 16 Jun 05:24
Plenty of people have played the game (all the way through) with absolutely no Japanese knowledge and done better than me. My Japanese is so-so, and I didn't have any problem. If you've played the original, then things will be quite easy for you, as some people recognized items by color and rarity, without even bothering with the names.
Of course, it'll be a lot less painful if you know some Japanese, but the names for everything are totally different anyway.
I HIGHLY reccommend the game. If you like the PSP one, you'll definitely love MH2. It's much much better, and in my opinion, one of the best games on the system. Of course, if you can't play online, you'll still be missing out on some cool monsters and armor (and some weapons are kind of useless without a party), but the offline experience is much better than MH1/MHP.
There's STILL no word on an American release, so I assume the first one sold especially poorly. I think this could turn into a "big" series for Capcom, so it's a bit of a shame.
Oh, if you're going to play, you'll want this page http://mmpotato.hp.infoseek.co.jp/codes/MH2/index.html
I've put a lot of time into the game, so if you have any more questions, ask away. I don't think anyone else here has played it...
Pollyanna 1850th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(4):Monster Hunter 2 - import friendly ?" , posted Sat 17 Jun 10:51
quote: (Roam. Kill beasts. Finished? Kill more.) Tell me it's not and I'm sold. I mean, is the game "beat" at a certain point, even? Taking in stray cats so they can cook my meals is certainly appealing.
You can "win" MH2, in a way. I mean, you do everything you can do, then you get a FMV. I don't think you get credits, but that's like winning. There are "key" battles, so you have a sense of advancing.
It's not like an MMORPG in that there's no "overhead map" or huge areas to explore and it's an action game. It's mission based. No EXP or anything, and it's quite possible to beat most of the enemies "naked" (though you'd have to have a decent weapon, or you'd run out of time).
You do end up fighting the same monsters over and over, but there's a good variety, and it's fun to do. There's no long treks through wide worlds and "press a button to win" fights. You can actually get good. You HAVE to.
There are some "boring" parts, too. You have to collect a lot of stuff and combine things to make other things. It's really not bad or horrendously time-consuming, though...it just gives you more to do.
The PSP one isn't as good as MH2, though, and I'm not sure that you can "win" it. It's good for a portable game (or if you want something on PSP) and it's still fun, but I wouldn't HIGHLY recommend it. It would be fun with friends, but decidedly less so alone.
The biggest obstacles for any potential MH player are that it takes a while to get started, the controls take a lot of getting used to, and it can be VERY frustrating. You will, without doubt, suffer many terrible losses when you play. If you can't laugh at yourself or you aren't up to a big challenge, then you'll just find yourself hating the game. On the other hand, the first time you beat a new monster, it's VERY rewarding.
samson 76th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(5):Monster Hunter 2 - import friendly ?" , posted Tue 27 Jun 21:54
quote: You will, without doubt, suffer many terrible losses when you play. If you can't laugh at yourself or you aren't up to a big challenge, then you'll just find yourself hating the game.
I almost threw my PSP across the room yesterday :) I can't beat this Yian Kut fucking Ku chicken wyvern. I beat the 1st one (urgent mission), no big deal. The one that won't stop killing me is the blue and pink one (2* mission).
I tried everything I could think of: flash bombs (randomly working), sonic bombs, traps, small bombs, SnS, GS, Mega potions...everything works fine, until the point it's heavily damaged. Then it enters some kind of chicken fury and kills me before I can drink any potion.
I think I have a decent armor : Vespoid/Ioprey mix And decent weapons : vile serpent blade/assasin dagger.
oh I'm wandering : if I leave an area to use items (combien traps, potions, steaks, stones...), will the giant chicken of death gain some health back ? What happens when it escapes ? Does it heal itself over time ?
Please help me defeat this evil, evil chicken.
Pollyanna 1858th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(6):Monster Hunter 2 - import friendly ?" , posted Wed 28 Jun 06:33
quote: oh I'm wandering : if I leave an area to use items (combien traps, potions, steaks, stones...), will the giant chicken of death gain some health back ? What happens when it escapes ? Does it heal itself over time ?
Please help me defeat this evil, evil chicken.
You can leave an area without any consequence. It WILL heal itself, but only if it goes to a watering hole or goes to sleep. You'll need to learn where it runs when it's injured. That's a key to beating many of the monsters.
It slowly gets health back when it's sleeping or drinking, but also leaves itself vulnerable. So, while it's sleeping, you can put a trap/bombs under it if you like.
For the Kut-Ku, I don't really think bombs/traps are necessary, though. When it's going nuts, you just have to be very VERY careful. It may end up running away, but make dodging a priority. If you're using a sword and shield, you have your jumping attack which is fast and covers a lot of range. If you wait, you WILL find an opening to throw that in.
If you're going to use flash bombs on any dragon, there's only one good time to use them. After they've charged past you and are facing away. As they start to turn towards you, throw it, and it'll hit them as soon as they see you. If they start running or aren't looking straight at you, the bomb will "miss".
That should help out at least a bit. All of the "upgraded" monsters go nuts like that, but it's only really bad with the Khezu/Furufuru.
Pollyanna 1867th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(8):Monster Hunter 2 - import friendly ?" , posted Thu 29 Jun 16:49
quote: Thanks !
In fact I managed to kill Yian Kut Ku yesterday...maybe it was just luck, or maybe I got better at using the GS combos. And rolling after attacking is great to gain precious seconds.
It still cost me several mega potions, I've got to find more bee hives...I thought you could have one in the farm...do you know how ?
To-do list : - gather items and money for Poison Battleaxe and Eager Cleaver - capture Yian Kut Ku - slay Gypceros (any tips ?)
This game is sooo GREAT ! I can't wait to play MH2...
I don't know anything about farming, actually. I don't have MHF, so I haven't spent much time with it. Honey -is- rather bothersome to obtain in the first game, but I would use no more than 3 mega potions on most missions, so it never was much of an issue.
You should do fine on the Gypceros. I consider it the easiest wyvern in the game. It has the irritating run around, can poison you, has the flash attack, and plays dead, but none of these are very dangerous. (although one time, a bullfango knocked me onto a "playing dead" Gypceros, and I died instantly)
I find that the Gyp is just the right size for ass-kicking and easy to do consistant damage to. He's especially vulnerable to the katana in MH2.
Samson 78th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(9):Monster Hunter 2 - import friendly ?" , posted Thu 29 Jun 17:18
I don't know anything about farming, actually. I don't have MHF, so I haven't spent much time with it. Honey -is- rather bothersome to obtain in the first game, but I would use no more than 3 mega potions on most missions, so it never was much of an issue.
You should do fine on the Gypceros. I consider it the easiest wyvern in the game. It has the irritating run around, can poison you, has the flash attack, and plays dead, but none of these are very dangerous. (although one time, a bullfango knocked me onto a "playing dead" Gypceros, and I died instantly)
It can be fun to enter a cave full of bullfango, listen to the sound they make and predict an attack from an off-screen boar...rolling madness ! :) You just don't need this when a wyvern is on your back.
No trouble against Gypceros...I used the same traps/bombs/katana process. I guess my poison negating armor helped. I've not noticed the playing dead thing...can you explain ?
The farm is a place you reach via the village, here you have a fishing spot, bugs, a mine, and a field where you can plant seeds to gather herbs or other seeds. I've just planted a power seed and an armor seed, and I used wyvern dung to fertilze the soil :) I wonder what I'll get ! When you spend money in town, you gain points, allowing you to upgrade the farm (a tree for mushrooms, more fishes...) The game mentions a bee hive, but I can't find how to get it...
Can you think of an easy way to get poison sacs ?
I'll play with a friend soon, any advice ?
Pollyanna 1868th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(10):Monster Hunter 2 - import friendly ?" , posted Thu 29 Jun 17:51
quote: I've not noticed the playing dead thing...can you explain ?
Can you think of an easy way to get poison sacs ?
I'll play with a friend soon, any advice ?
When the Gypceros is low on life, it "plays dead". It's just like you defeated it, only without the music. If you touch it, then you die. It's fun to throw rocks at it at this point.
As for poison sacs...it depends on what missions give them as rewards. There's probably an iodrome mission that you could do that would get you some from carves and also as a bonus. It's much easier to do this in MH2, with its "secondary missions". You can also get them from the Gypceros, which is more fun and more money, but probably too much trouble for you to do repeatedly at this point.
As for playing with someone else...uhm...the number one rule is "don't use the upswing with the GS and launch them into the air." Anything else just depends on what weapon they're using.
My best team experience happened one time when I had three gunners helping me on a Gravios. I was using a lance, and the thing was so messed up and confused that I was able to stab it non-stop the entire time. Nobody got hit, even once.
Samson 81th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(2):Re(10):Monster Hunter 2 - import friend" , posted Tue 4 Jul 17:00
quote: When the Gypceros is low on life, it "plays dead". It's just like you defeated it, only without the music. If you touch it, then you die. It's fun to throw rocks at it at this point.
As for poison sacs...it depends on what missions give them as rewards. There's probably an iodrome mission that you could do that would get you some from carves and also as a bonus. It's much easier to do this in MH2, with its "secondary missions". You can also get them from the Gypceros, which is more fun and more money, but probably too much trouble for you to do repeatedly at this point.
It's cool, I think I've reached a new level...I don't have any trouble against Yian Kut Ku and Gypceros (I've seen its playing dead thing, can you take advantage of this ? Bomb him maybe ?) I rely more on my GS than on traps and bombs, and it's more statisfying. When I'm under the wyvern, I spam the infinite combo (O, /\+O, O...) until the monster manages to hit me or decides to fly away. I use power and armor seeds too. They're a little bit expensive, but if you buy one and plant it at the farm, you gain 6 when you harvest !
My MH2 has still not arrived :(
Pollyanna 1885th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):Re(10):Monster Hunter 2 - import friend" , posted Tue 4 Jul 17:43
quote: I've seen its playing dead thing, can you take advantage of this ? Bomb him maybe ?) I rely more on my GS than on traps and bombs, and it's more statisfying. When I'm under the wyvern, I spam the infinite combo (O, /\+O, O...) until the monster manages to hit me or decides to fly away. I use power and armor seeds too. They're a little bit expensive, but if you buy one and plant it at the farm, you gain 6 when you harvest !
My MH2 has still not arrived :(
I dunno if it's worth trying to bomb him, since he's almost dead when he does it anyway. Also, it's extremely dangerous to get close to him, since he kills you in one hit when he wakes up.
Eventually you're going to have to change your strategy to "only get hit in rare, accidental occassions!" You can't spam anything on the Khezu and you'd have to be lucky to survive the fish dragon (Cephalos? I forgot its English name) that way. Same goes for most of the MH2 monsters.
I spent over 100 hours in MH being totally mediocre. When I started playing MH2, I had to start learning a lot of things. I had to get where I could watch and predict the monsters. Before, I just used a lance, so I didn't pay attention to any small details and blocked when things went bad. That stopped working after a point, though.
Yeeee! I can't wait till you get MH2. It sure is taking a long time, though.
Samson 88th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(6):Monster Hunter 2 - import friendly ?" , posted Wed 12 Jul 07:09
I don't know who's to blame, Play-asia or mail services all around the globe but a one month delay is not acceptable.
Ok, I've done all the tutorial quests...it was fun trying all the weapons type on those poor velocipreys ! :) I like the Lance, and the Bow looks great on my huntress...but it seems realy hard to use...
I'm having a hard time forgeting my PSP reflexes to adjust to the PS2 gameplay !
I think Japanese will be an issue, mainly while harversting, and to recognise the target items.
Anyway the game looks, sounds and plays great !
Any translation you know on the net, I'm interested in (it's Yoda language, isn't it ?)
I'm going back to it, see ya ;)
Pollyanna 1902th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(7):Monster Hunter 2 - import friendly ?" , posted Wed 12 Jul 09:07
quote: Any translation you know on the net, I'm interested in (it's Yoda language, isn't it ?)
I'm going back to it, see ya ;)
Well, there's the page I gave you. You can run that through a translator if you like. Really, since a lot of the names for things are arbitrary (or puns), you can cross-reference everything on that page and know everything you need (since they have item search percentages, carve percentages, rewards, mission objectives, etc.) I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.
The bows are almost totally useless alone. The Rathian and Basarios bows are...decent, but otherwise, even if you don't get hit, you'll run out of time before you can kill a monster. The poison and stun arrows are only useful in a group. You won't be able to do enough "stun damage" with the bow alone, but if you add your stun damage to someone else's (with a SnS for example) then it's really effective.
I'm babbling again. It took me a bit to get the aiming down, but I had a lot of fun with the bows. The gunlances are kind of fun, too...especially with the "upward stab/fire" attack. There aren't any good gunlances until way late in the game, though. I feel like the weapon balance (especially in terms of availability) isn't so hot sometimes.
Hahah...uhm...but what's "Yoda Language"?
samson 95th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(2):Re(10):Monster Hunter 2 - import friend" , posted Fri 1 Sep 00:47
Polly, I made a big mistake. One evening I was about to play MHF online (I'm HR5 now, the game stole 260 hrs of my time), when I realized my PC was so full of virus/spywares that it could affect my gaming session. So I decided to run a few scans, and play offline. I was not in the mood for solo MHF, so I tried MH2. I had to kick myself to bed at 5am. So now, I have to play MHF AND MH2. Not enough time !!!
Now I've done research and translation, the game is far less frustrating...most of the time I manage to accomplish all 3 objectives, I give town people the items they ask, I can upgrade my armor, buy new weapons...
So far I've killed Doslanpos, Dosgenepos, Dosfangos, and my first YKK !
I've built a katana that will eventualy become Eager Cleaver...I'm not to good with katanas yet, so if you have any tips...
I'll soon make Deathprize, a water DS, and a fire DS. It's nice you can make element weapons that early in the game.
One thing I'm still wondering : what is this "slot" thing ? You can add skills to weapons thanks to stones ? Sounds like FF7 materia :)
I saw on a site that sharpness can be upgraded too...how ?
In MHF I heavily rely on armor and power seeds I get in large numbers in the farm. How can I get lots of "free" seeds in MH2 ?
Last one : my box is full already. When will I be able to add a page ?
Thank you for your help !
Pollyanna 1972th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):Re(10):Monster Hunter 2 - import friend" , posted Fri 1 Sep 06:20
First... Nobinobita: I don't have any MH boooooks! (Sorry, I'm useless!) Are the encyclopedias good as resources or art books? I've seen the various small artbooks, and the art is REALLY cool (there's some awesome concept stuff), but the price and the toys...well...I don't want all of them. I wish I could just buy a super artbook, then buy the toys I want.
Moving on...
I've built a katana that will eventualy become Eager Cleaver...I'm not to good with katanas yet, so if you have any tips...
Well, obviously, your objective with the katana is to get the full combo off. It's only then that it becomes a really worthwhile weapon. Also, keep in mind that when you do the special slash it beats armor. If you can get and keep your gauge up, at this point in the game, you can wipe out just about anything ina few combos. I was able to repeatedly kill the Kutku and Gypceros without getting hit, and essentially wailing on it the entire time. You can beat "dos" versions of smaller bosses this way...usually in 2 good combos or so.
Later, it loses its usefulness, especially on enemies with stronger armor/quicker reaction time. I wouldn't recommend it as much on a Rathian, for example, because you won't have the opportunity to hit the full combo very often, and with the few hits you DO pull off, you could be doing better damage with a different weapon.
Another thing worth mentioning is the "hop backwards slash". If you're afraid of committing to a larger combo, or need to get out, throw this in. The draw slash/hop slash combo is one of the safest ways to attack in the game, and in a tough situation, can serve as a good "poke" to get your gauge up. For example, on the Khezu, you can get in a draw hit, then hop back hit, and be out of range of its lightning attack. However, if you find yourself doing nothing but this, then you're wasting your time with the katana.
quote: I'll soon make Deathprize, a water DS, and a fire DS. It's nice you can make element weapons that early in the game.
Yeah, everything gets started a lot faster in this one. It's nice, especially for people who played the first one to death.
Also, the deathprize is a great weapon, but I still think the poison battle axe (fully upgraded) is the better choice. Both of those are TREMENDOUSLY effective. You'll be using them for a long time.
quote: One thing I'm still wondering : what is this "slot" thing ? You can add skills to weapons thanks to stones ? Sounds like FF7 materia :)
Well, it's similar, but in many cases, you use it to compliment existing skills. Like, you have a more dynamic skills system this time. For example, with the Kutku set (if I recall) you get attack +. But it's not about the set anymore, it's just that each piece gives you so many points TOWARDS "attack +" and when you wear all of them, then you get the skill. However, if you wore different pieces and added attack + gems to them, then you could get the same effect. Similarly, if you can get enough points, you can get the BETTER attack +.
As for upgrading sharpness, there is a sharpness skill you can use like any other.
Have you been upgrading your armor? Not like with slots, but just upgrading. That's new too, right? I didn't play through MHP/G...
quote: In MHF I heavily rely on armor and power seeds I get in large numbers in the farm. How can I get lots of "free" seeds in MH2 ?
I don't think there IS a method early in the game. I think the soonest you can mine for them is the volcano level? I don't use power or armor seeds -ever-, so I wouldn't know for sure, though.
Last one : my box is full already. When will I be able to add a page ?
Now. Last page on the shop. It'll be awesome when you upgrade your house, I promise.
samson 96th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(4):Re(10):Monster Hunter 2 - import friend" , posted Fri 1 Sep 17:35
Nobinobita, I have the official Capcom MH2 Guide Book : http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v642/Samson_Unit/MH2book.jpg
It's not an art book at all, more like a bible full of stats and pictures ;) It has more than 1000 full color pages, with all the monsters/quests/armors/weapons/items...
Regarding art, do you have a larger version of this ? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v642/Samson_Unit/MH_Dragons.jpg
Polly, I've tried to kill a blue YKK with my katana, but I was not able to land enought hits to build up my gauge...I'm kind of sad to hear Eager Cleaver won't be as effective on Rathian than before ;)
I'll make Deathprize, then PBA. But I used that one a lot in MHF, so I'd like to try something else this time...
Regarding Deathprize, do you know of a piece of equipement with the skill that makes paralysis (or sleep) happen more often ? In MHF there's a shroom based helmet...
What you explain about armors and skill points is the way it already works in MHF, doesn't it ? Full sets never did anything more than providing one or two skills thanks to the points of their parts. If I understand well, the only difference is that now, the weapon can be used to add more points, like if it were another armor part, right ? Can added gems be removed ? And can they be used on another weapon ?
And yes, I upgraded my Lanpos armor, that's a great new feature...
I'll play more tonight, so new questions may arise ;)
Pollyanna 1974th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(5):Re(10):Monster Hunter 2 - import friend" , posted Sat 2 Sep 19:08
quote: I've tried to kill a blue YKK with my katana, but I was not able to land enought hits to build up my gauge...I'm kind of sad to hear Eager Cleaver won't be as effective on Rathian than before ;)
I'll make Deathprize, then PBA. But I used that one a lot in MHF, so I'd like to try something else this time...
Regarding Deathprize, do you know of a piece of equipement with the skill that makes paralysis (or sleep) happen more often ? In MHF there's a shroom based helmet...
I'm...really useless here. You seem to have asked a series of questions I can't answer.
As for the katana vs the Kutku, it should be fairly easy to get the gauge up, either by attacking from a safer position (like the side) or using repeated slash/backslash attacks. Knowing how far in you can get and still get out with the backslash is key. You can always use the surrounding enemies as well.
The problem with the katana and the Rathian, is that it's harder to get all of your hits off without getting trampled. Unlike GSs, I don't feel that whacking at the legs with a katana is an effective means of attack. It's so easy to get head shots safely and consistantly with a SnS that the katana becomes practically useless (for a while at least). It's especially bad on the pink Rathian, because it bounces so much.
Unfortunately, I don't know any armor that boosts stun. I assume there's a gem for it, but I haven't looked it up, myself. I've only used a hammer with stun, as I think that the deathprize is only really good when used in a party. 1 or more deathprizes, a bow and arrow, and hopefully someone who can do very big damage is quite nasty.
The PBA is ridiculously overpowered, in my opinion. I keep trying to get away from it, but for half the game, it's hard to find anything that's more effective overall. It's especially nice on temperamental dragons such as the Khezu and Diablos.
When I quit, I was still trying to get my katana maxed out. It goes a level higher than it did on MH1. I really like the katana and I have the most fun with it, but the game is very poorly balanced in giving you an equal selection of weapons. I mean, there are points in the game where it's just not good to use a certain weapon, because no good ones are available.
Also, yeah...I assume the skills system is just like MHF, but I only played the game briefly, so I really know very little about it.