American Remake of Battle Royale - Forums

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"American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Tue 20 Jun 00:40post reply

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3426th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Tue 20 Jun 01:04post reply

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people are remaking seven samurai too. I mean...what the fuck.

1239th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Tue 20 Jun 01:58post reply

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people are remaking seven samurai too. I mean...what the fuck.

Magnificent Seven was a good movie though.

2525th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Tue 20 Jun 02:39post reply


Magnificent Seven was a good movie though.

These remakes, however, are not.

3428th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Tue 20 Jun 03:41post reply


Magnificent Seven was a good movie though.

that wasn't a remake, that was a similar story, appropriately themed, and more importantly, not named the same.

this will be a total redux with chinese people thrown in it, probably speaking english, and nobody will know the damn difference.

zhang ziyi being the main character in memoirs of a geisha, as much as I like her, was ridiculous. so yeah. I hope it bombs, bombs, bombs - though of course it won't because everyone's stupid.

kurosawa's son has nothing to do. he licensed seven samurai for that shit sammy game as well. he should learn how to do something for himself!

Variable Savior
372th Post

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"Re(4):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Tue 20 Jun 06:50:post reply

If that link is to be believed it seems like they're basing the American version of BR off the estupido movie and not the muy bueno book. Maybe it's just me but I thought that the overall purpose of the BR program in the book gave the whole story more significance then the movie's idiotic eliminate rowdy students premise. You take away the deeper meaning and it's just another meaningless action movie.

Oh wait, that's perfect for American audiences. Unfortunately...

::adjusts his red, white, and blue cowboy hat while reloading six-shooters::

Blood marks heaven's path

[this message was edited by Variable Savior on Tue 20 Jun 06:51]

2005th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Tue 20 Jun 07:17post reply

Let them. I have a whole list of idiot teen idols they can kill off in the first half hour.

1330th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Tue 20 Jun 08:55post reply

Let them. I have a whole list of idiot teen idols they can kill off in the first half hour.

Someone knows how this should be enjoyed.

162th Post

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"Re(7):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Tue 20 Jun 11:16post reply

Let them. I have a whole list of idiot teen idols they can kill off in the first half hour.

Someone knows how this should be enjoyed.

It's been done enough times before in slasher flicks, why shouldn't they borrow ideas for more excuses?

Wasn't the original film never released in the US because the director knew Americans wouldn't "get it"?

121th Post

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"Re(5):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Wed 21 Jun 00:16post reply

If that link is to be believed it seems like they're basing the American version of BR off the estupido movie and not the muy bueno book.

I thought I was alone on this. I read the book at least a year ago, if not more, and really enjoyed it. I finally saw the movie about two weeks ago and thought they completely missed the point.

Anyways, Oldboy is also getting remade in the US. That is going to be pretty terrible too. Or at least I can assume as much.

Maese Spt
264th Post

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"Re(4):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Wed 21 Jun 02:34:post reply


this will be a total redux with chinese people thrown in it, probably speaking english, and nobody will know the damn difference.

zhang ziyi being the main character in memoirs of a geisha, as much as I like her, was ridiculous. so yeah. I hope it bombs, bombs, bombs - though of course it won't because everyone's stupid.

kurosawa's son has nothing to do. he licensed seven samurai for that shit sammy game as well. he should learn how to do something for himself!

My thoughts exactly. Kurosawa's son is managing very poorly his fahter's legacy. What a shame.

The whole "Samurai 7" thing was just terrible, and thanks heavens that wacky theme park project finally fell into oblivion... but this crazy remake tempative is too much. Holy shit, I've even heard Goerge Clooney's is going to play Shimada Kanbei!! Zhang Ziyi and Donnie Yen were bad enough, but this would be ludicrous beyond redemption.

By the way, that's what A.J. Bryant, a somewhat reputable historian and expert on japanese stuff, thinks about this mess:

You know, when they did a remake of "Poseidon Adventure" (POSDEIDON frikkin' ADVENTURE, for God's sake!) I knew we were in trouble. I've now seen commercials for a remake of "The Omen" -- a still effective film that is in NO WAY needing of a remake -- that I knew Hollywood truly was bankrupt.

But this? THIS?

Hollywood has gone right past bankrupt into insane degeneracy.

They HAVE to be insane, because this has the earmarks of any typically written PARODY of a Hollywood film construction.

"Hey, let's make a remake of the film widely considered to be the best motion picture in the history of the world!"
"Great idea, HW!"
"But let's make it more current, wider appeal."
"Great idea, HW!"
"We need a face."
"Tom Cruise?"
"Been done. Besides, he wants too much moolah up front."
"Good point, HW!"
"Course it's a good point. Clooney! We'll put in Clooney!"
"Brilliant, HW!"

I myself don't know wether to cry or to lol...but poor Akira must be revolving on his grave, that's for sure.

EDIT: credits


[this message was edited by Maese Spt on Wed 21 Jun 02:41]

113th Post

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"Re(6):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Fri 23 Jun 09:07post reply

This thread inspired me to go and watch Battle Royale. And I have 2 words .. holy shit! So let me get this straight, there's a superior manga version out there, and a (likely-inferior) American remake on the horizon .. any other BR stuff I should know about? Games? Figures?

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

1242th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Fri 23 Jun 11:44post reply

This thread inspired me to go and watch Battle Royale. And I have 2 words .. holy shit! So let me get this straight, there's a superior manga version out there, and a (likely-inferior) American remake on the horizon .. any other BR stuff I should know about? Games? Figures?

Battle Royale is all based off the even superior novel that has also been released in America.

780th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Fri 23 Jun 13:30post reply

This thread inspired me to go and watch Battle Royale. And I have 2 words .. holy shit! So let me get this straight, there's a superior manga version out there, and a (likely-inferior) American remake on the horizon .. any other BR stuff I should know about? Games? Figures?

The manga's not superior...not by a long shot. Some of the directions it goes in are interesting but there's a lot of crappy character design and it was "rewritten" for American audiences so who knows what extra liberties they decided to take. Then again, there might be more than one BR manga by now. I'm not sure. The one I've read kinda blows though.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

Undead Fred
2701th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Fri 23 Jun 19:36post reply

By the way, that's what A.J. Bryant, a somewhat reputable historian and expert on japanese stuff, thinks about this mess:

You know, when they did a remake of "Poseidon Adventure" (POSDEIDON frikkin' ADVENTURE, for God's sake!) I knew we were in trouble. I've now seen commercials for a remake of "The Omen" -- a still effective film that is in NO WAY needing of a remake -- that I knew Hollywood truly was bankrupt.

But this? THIS?

Hollywood has gone right past bankrupt into insane degeneracy.

They HAVE to be insane, because this has the earmarks of any typically written PARODY of a Hollywood film construction.

"Hey, let's make a remake of the film widely considered to be the best motion picture in the history of the world!"
"Great idea, HW!"
"But let's make it more current, wider appeal."
"Great idea, HW!"
"We need a face."
"Tom Cruise?"
"Been done. Besides, he wants too much moolah up front."
"Good point, HW!"
"Course it's a good point. Clooney! We'll put in Clooney!"
"Brilliant, HW!"

EXCELLENT quote. It sums it up very nicely... Hollywood's gone way past creative bankruptcy and I know I'm not the only one that doesn't appreciate the unnecessary remakes. I'd like to start a movement and create awareness of this problem so that Hollywood would stop defiling the classics and make their own content for once instead of cranking out masturbatory sequels and remakes... but what I'm GONNA do is piss and moan like an impotent jerk, and then BEND OVER AND TAKE IT UP THE TAILPIPE!!!

333th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(7):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Fri 23 Jun 23:37post reply

"Holy shit" is only the best way to sum it all up.

This thread inspired me to go and watch Battle Royale. And I have 2 words .. holy shit! So let me get this straight, there's a superior manga version out there, and a (likely-inferior) American remake on the horizon .. any other BR stuff I should know about? Games? Figures?

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

2532th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):American Remake of Battle Royale" , posted Sat 24 Jun 00:45post reply

Since the subject of BR has come up again I thought I would ask about something that I've been wondering about for some time: What is the theme and/or message of BR book? The only version of the story that I'm familiar with is the movie so I would like to know what the differences are. While I did enjoy the feeling of generational disconnect that permeated the movie I get the feeling that other versions of the story have different issues that they focus on. I did flip through the manga but the story seemed to be laboring under the delusion that I gave a rat's ass about what happened to the kids so I decided it wasn't for me.

122th Post

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"Battle Royale" , posted Sat 24 Jun 01:29post reply

Battle Royale is all based off the even superior novel that has also been released in America.

Yes, and it is many times better than the Movie. I am really confused as to how so many people like it, I mean aside from the "OMG Kidz kill'n kidz LOL!" side of it, the message is fairly hollow.
What is the theme and/or message of BR book? The only version of the story that I'm familiar with is the movie so I would like to know what the differences are. While I did enjoy the feeling of generational disconnect that permeated the movie I get the feeling that other versions of the story have different issues that they focus on. I did flip through the manga but the story seemed to be laboring under the delusion that I gave a rat's ass about what happened to the kids so I decided it wasn't for me.

The book is much more social satire/commentary. It has a lot to do with being a teenager as opposed to over-the-top violence. I sat and read the first volume of the manga and thought it was terrible. The movie was dissapointing. The book is good, while not really at the level of "real liturature." While the "story" is pretty much the same (until the end of the movie anyways) the focus and emphasis are pretty much completly different.

2006th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Battle Royale" , posted Sat 24 Jun 05:20post reply


The book is much more social satire/commentary. It has a lot to do with being a teenager as opposed to over-the-top violence. I sat and read the first volume of the manga and thought it was terrible. The movie was dissapointing. The book is good, while not really at the level of "real liturature." While the "story" is pretty much the same (until the end of the movie anyways) the focus and emphasis are pretty much completly different.

I never read the book, but I thought the movie had a lot to say about social behaviors and Japanese gameshows. I thought the violence was just a result of movies being a visual media.

Variable Savior
372th Post

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"Re(2):Battle Royale" , posted Sat 24 Jun 07:23post reply

I thought that the book conveyed a sense of the difficulties people have in ever really trusting or believing in one another. IIRC in the book the purpose of the BR program (and the reason for it's public profile) was to illustrate the treacherous disunity displayed by it's participants. I believe the idea was that a constant reiteration of this theme in ordinary everyday citizens (and children none the less - usually thought of as more innocent and trustworthy then adults) would seep doubt into any individuals seeking to band together to challenge the totalitarian government. I don't know how well it would work in real life but I have to think that it'd have an effect on some level. All and all the book's 'isolation' theme is an interesting reflection on our inherent fear of and reservations about our fellow man.

I also thought it mirrored alot of the angst of growing up, with the ebb and flow of one's relationships at that age. Sort of a statement on how the more significant the relationship the more complex and threatening it becomes.

Blood marks heaven's path

Ikari Loona
135th Post

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"Re(3):Battle Royale" , posted Sun 25 Jun 02:27post reply

VS put it quite nicely above - my view on the whole point is pretty close to that, only I tend to see it more like an extreme exageration of some dog-eat-dog dynamics of the world, where someone only gains something if somebody else loses something else, with the random objects everybody gets replacing things like the financial situation one is born into as a starting point in life - all in this rather nice scenarion where it's not hard to imagine people getting along in other circumstances.

I got to watch the movie version before anything else (not knowing anything about it back then, so even the general pot of it was a bit of a surprise), and I did enjoy it and found it a powerful experience.

I eventually ordered the book and it was interesting to see that

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Kiriyama and Kawada were actually part of the original class, which further emphasized the whole point, and that Kiriyama wasn't as much doing it for kicks than siply doing as was expected of him with machine-like efficiency, which can be seen in a way as what whatever powers-that-be would rather have everyone acting like

End of Spoiler

I do not reccomend the manga, especially not the english Tokyopop version, because twisting the plot to turn it into a TV gameshow not only messes up the purpose of the whole thing, it also blinds you to whatever the characters were saying that ended up being replaced for references to said televised version.
That, and several scenes and backstory dragged on for way too long with too much repetition - there's also some twisted focus on showing gruesome bloody shots, yet at the same time being getting shot in all sorts of places tend to look like cheese sculptures where somebody poked their fingers, regardless of the related areas of the characters' anatomies having bone under the skin or fabric above it... Oh, and they made sure that most scenes with Mitsuko seem like something out of some ecchi manga.
What really bothered me though is that

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
they completely changed Sugimura and Kotohiki's meeting: the original version where emotionally powerful, since Sugimura liked her and put a lot of effort finding her - and then she shoots him because she practically didn't know him since they never talked before and she was afraid; the manga made some half-assed backstory for them to justify a happier meeting and tossed in Kiriyama to finish them both off in an almost DBZ-ish battle.

End of Spoiler

Making Sugimura a martial artist helped some previous scenes, but this cancels a lot of the impact of the original.

Do not spend money on the manga if you know what's good for you - I did, and once I was done with the whole thing I donated the whole collection to this anime and manga club nearby so that nobody there had to spend money on the thing.

I can undertand some of the changes that were made for the japanese movie version, but I'd rather not think of what Hollywood will be capable of inflicting on it...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

Burning Ranger
1434th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Battle Royale" , posted Sun 25 Jun 06:55post reply

How is the English translation of the Battle Royale novel? I think Tokyopop handled it, but I've been very distrustful of them after all the bad comments I've heard about their manga translations.

Anyway, a Battle Royale US movie would only work if Quentin Tarantino would do it. I can see no one else pulling off a movie like this.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!

114th Post

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"Re(5):Battle Royale" , posted Sun 25 Jun 14:19post reply

Since my last post 2 days ago I've seen BR2 and read vol.s 1-12 of the TokyoPop manga. I'm absolutely crazy about BR now. I haven't been hit this hard by a show or movie in a long time, and have personally rated the series as "FUE" (more Fucked Up than Eva!). More questions fo ryou guys ..

1 - Is the second movie simply a continution of the first movie, or was it based on novel/manga as well?
2 - In the novel is the teacher Kitano or Kamon?
3 - Though I wasn't exactly fond of Kitano, I DESPISE the character of Kamon. Can anybody tell me if he gets his later on in the manga?
4 - Also, can you folks reccomend any similar, "holy shit!" live-action jpn. movies?

Wither Blister Burn + Peel

1246th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Battle Royale" , posted Sun 25 Jun 14:36:post reply


1 - Is the second movie simply a continution of the first movie, or was it based on novel/manga as well?
2 - In the novel is the teacher Kitano or Kamon?
3 - Though I wasn't exactly fond of Kitano, I DESPISE the character of Kamon. Can anybody tell me if he gets his later on in the manga?
4 - Also, can you folks reccomend any similar, "holy shit!" live-action jpn. movies?

1 - As far as I know the second movie was all original. If I recall correctly, the original director died and his son took over midway through production.

2 - Sakamochi Kinpatsu is the name of the teacher in the book. It is a play off the J drama teacher Sakamoto Kinpachi who has had a couple of series. The teacher in the manga is drawn to be vaguely similar to Kinpachi-sensei.

On a related note, is there any famous American TV teacher that would make an interesting stand in for Kinpachi-sensei if they decide to use a similar reference in the American remake? The only one I can think of is Mr. Kotter.

3 -

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

End of Spoiler

4 - Have you seen Ichi the Killer?

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Sun 25 Jun 14:38]

Variable Savior
374th Post

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"Re(7):Battle Royale" , posted Sun 25 Jun 16:00post reply


2 - In the novel is the teacher Kitano or Kamon?

I might be wrong here (I read BR some time ago) but in the novel the guy in charge of the BR program isn't the class's teacher - he's just the guy in charge of the program and has no relationship to the students before their involvement in the program. That was one of the things I hated about the movie - the whole teacher gets revenge aspect just seemed so trite.

Blood marks heaven's path

783th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Battle Royale" , posted Mon 26 Jun 00:07post reply

How is the English translation of the Battle Royale novel? I think Tokyopop handled it, but I've been very distrustful of them after all the bad comments I've heard about their manga translations.

It was rewritten completely so that it seems more like a reality TV show, rather than following the novel. Yeah. Take that as you will.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

2534th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Battle Royale" , posted Tue 27 Jun 03:17post reply


On a related note, is there any famous American TV teacher that would make an interesting stand in for Kinpachi-sensei if they decide to use a similar reference in the American remake? The only one I can think of is Mr. Kotter.

Why not just cast Ben Stein in the role? Having the actor, game show host and Nixon speechwriter terrorizing a group of middle school kids would be oddly entertaining.

Burning Ranger
1436th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Battle Royale" , posted Tue 27 Jun 12:01post reply


Why not just cast Ben Stein in the role? Having the actor, game show host and Nixon speechwriter terrorizing a group of middle school kids would be oddly entertaining.

Bueller? Bueller?, sir, he's not here...
I know, I killed him. LOL!

Hell, just have the original guy play the role. Make him the Japanese language/gym teacher.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!