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Iggy 7778th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):La fete de le random news" , posted Fri 23 Jun 16:38
- The nests hen will have the NG version, the DC version, plus something else. Bonus. - There are still plans to relase a WH collections, Fûun, and other NG games. - Tenkaichi was supposed to be the last 2D Samurai Spirits, but ultimately, the point is not what SNK wants to do, but what the fans want to play. So they will listen, and develop accordingly. - Nejibako 2 ? "maybe". - MOTW2 ? "maybe not MOTW 2, but definitely a game that will expand and end the story began in MOTW." - They would like to do a game with only the SNK heroins. Maybe in 3D. - Yumeji might very well be a man. - The young man that becomes mizuchi is not Chris's clone ; it's a weapon created by WAREZ. - It is not impossible to have another collaboration with Capcom. - They are waiting to see how the 360/PS3/Wii do to make definitive decisions about them.
Nate 781th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):La fete de le random news" , posted Fri 23 Jun 16:56
quote: SNK
- The nests hen will have the NG version, the DC version, plus something else. Bonus. - There are still plans to relase a WH collections, Fûun, and other NG games. - Tenkaichi was supposed to be the last 2D Samurai Spirits, but ultimately, the point is not what SNK wants to do, but what the fans want to play. So they will listen, and develop accordingly. - Nejibako 2 ? "maybe". - MOTW2 ? "maybe not MOTW 2, but definitely a game that will expand and end the story began in MOTW." - They would like to do a game with only the SNK heroins. Maybe in 3D. - Yumeji might very well be a man. - The young man that becomes mizuchi is not Chris's clone ; it's a weapon created by WAREZ. - It is not impossible to have another collaboration with Capcom. - They are waiting to see how the 360/PS3/Wii do to make definitive decisions about them.
If only they'd addressed Shion as well. Then again, doesn't Shion's story specifically call her a him? I don't know; I'd rather Shion be an awesome female midboss.
ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!
freak 15th Post

New Customer
| "Re(2):La fete de le random news" , posted Sun 25 Jun 17:25
quote: SNK
- The nests hen will have the NG version, the DC version, plus something else. Bonus. - There are still plans to relase a WH collections, Fûun, and other NG games. - Tenkaichi was supposed to be the last 2D Samurai Spirits, but ultimately, the point is not what SNK wants to do, but what the fans want to play. So they will listen, and develop accordingly. - Nejibako 2 ? "maybe". - MOTW2 ? "maybe not MOTW 2, but definitely a game that will expand and end the story began in MOTW." - They would like to do a game with only the SNK heroins. Maybe in 3D. - Yumeji might very well be a man. - The young man that becomes mizuchi is not Chris's clone ; it's a weapon created by WAREZ. - It is not impossible to have another collaboration with Capcom. - They are waiting to see how the 360/PS3/Wii do to make definitive decisions about them.
Another summarization by remukhan @ CX
- KOF98 and KOF2002 will come out as singles games (presumably as Rebouts) instead of Online compilations.
- KOF NESTS Hen is delayed because SNK wants to add both NeoGeo and DC versions, plus a bonus.
- World Heroes, Kizuna Encounter/Savage Reign and other NeoGeo games will come out as NeoGeo Online Collections as planned.
- Samurai Shodown Tenkaichi Kenkyakuden was planned to be last 2D Samurai Shodown game, but it all depends on the fans which way they want SNK to take the series.
- NeoGeo Battle Coliseum 2 is not currently in plans, but SNK will develop it if there is enough demand to continue the series from fans.
- Garou: Mark of the Wolves story will continue, but SNK is still looking at the possibility whether to develop MOTW2 or take the story into a new series.
- SNK Playmore is also looking at the possibility of releasing its portable (mobile phone) games outstide Japan, as some of dating sim games with SNK characters have had great success.
- After the success of Playstation game 'Athena' and a portable game 'Athena on Stage', SNK will release another action based game on KOF heroin, tentateively titled 'Athena: Full Throttle". This portable game is expected to come out in July.
- SNK would also like to do a 3D fighting game based on SNK ladies only. (DOA???)
- Yumeji Kurokochi of Samurai Shodown is likely to be a man. But SNK is in midst of verifying it (what the??!)
- In NBC, Mizuchi's original form is not some clone of Chris. But its some kind of weapon created by WAREZ.
- SNK will also port its KOF Pachinko (Slot) Machine games to Portable (mobile) platform.
- It may be possible to renew their collaboration with Capcom, to release (fighting) games with characters of both companies.
- SNK is also looking forward to the next generation console wars before deciding their strategy, since success of each console also varies from country to country.
Iggy 7802th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Bastard!!" , posted Fri 7 Jul 16:14
quote: I guess it just looks like another 3D action game, but I was really sold on the trailer.
I haven't played it or anything, but to me it looks like one of those games one or two years ago, when Capcom, Namco and I don't remember who released a few Final Fight - and - clones games, all looking below average. Except this time the game looks really, really ugly.
I mean, come on : the game looks amazingly bad. After Ôkami, it kinda hurts the eyes. Oh, but when you hit the ennemies, they are sent flying. I think that's the humourous element everyone is talking about.
This game confuses me, like if everyone on earth saw some amazing hidden movies and such, and I missed them and I can't join the fun.
Pollyanna 1893th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(6):Bastard!!" , posted Fri 7 Jul 16:56
I mean, come on : the game looks amazingly bad. After Ôkami, it kinda hurts the eyes. Oh, but when you hit the ennemies, they are sent flying. I think that's the humourous element everyone is talking about.
This game confuses me, like if everyone on earth saw some amazing hidden movies and such, and I missed them and I can't join the fun.
The flying made me chuckle a bit, but it was really the strange dancing, the fat guy tripping and especially axe kicking the midget into the ground, then repeatedly stomping his head that got me. The game is delightfully and shamelessly low-brow.
I don't really think it looks "ugly" like "poor." I think it looks ugly and brown like Hokuto no Ken, which is obviously what it's going for. Also, the motion capture is good, so the characters have "personality" in their movements. It's ugly, but it has style. It has "ugly style" and that's funny to me. It might just be ugly to you.
Of course, I might end up hating the game, but I don't think it looks like a cheap or poor production on any front. I was totally wrong about Okami, though. I mean, Okami is a great "thing", like "work of art", but it's a pretty boring game. It's like going to the museum, only with amazing (FAR too infrequent) boss fights.
Pollyanna 1896th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(1):kicking in the crotch" , posted Sun 9 Jul 05:52
quote: On a related note, is really Ôkami that boring? How dissapointing, I had high expectations for this one...
For most of the game there's no challenge, and very little excitement. When you go through what would normally be a "dungeon" you'll only have to fight maybe 2 enemies (which you can kill in 2-3 hits) and you can't really get lost or anything, you just kind of go until you reach the end. Most of the puzzles are only mildly challenging, so it's pretty much just "running around" for large portions of the game.
There are tons and tons of extra things to do to get more experience, new skills and extra items, but there's little motivation to do them. These things just make you stronger...but when you can avoid almost all the enemies with no consequence and bosses are few and far between (not to mention totally easy), then what's the point? At first, I felt intrinsically motivated to do extra things, because I wanted to fully explore the world and make everyone in it happy ("if I don't do this sidequest and help this person, then I'm not doing my job!"), but that gets old after 8 hours or so, especially when "healing" is no longer the focus of the story.
There's a lot of "talk to this person, then go talk to this person" stuff, too. Everyone talks too much. The game doesn't need so much dialogue when it has such a strong visual presence. It's not poorly-written, but it's entirely too much. I'll start reading a scene, then end up angrily pressing the button just to get past it. This isn't AS bad later in the game when there's more backstory going on, but by then, you'll probably be totally fed up with people talking too much and you won't care anymore.
The boss battles are GREAT, though, and there are a few good "dungeons" in the game. To me, the game would be perfect if it had difficult dungeons and bosses that you would be motivated to power up to get through. After finishing a boss, you'd want to "cool down", so you'd be motivated to do all the extra stuff to prepare for the next dungeon. As it is, why do you need to be stronger when you can already kill anything without getting hit?
I can tolerate how boring the game is because it has lots of good points. It's (obviously) very beautiful. More beautiful than it looks, even. It doesn't have any "choppy textures" or breakup. It feels like you're really part of a painting or something. The music is fantastic as well. The control is excellent and boss battles are some of the best I've ever seen. The puzzles are fun and the classical-looking pictures used in cinemas add a really nice flavor. It's like a "masterpiece" that doesn't quite make the cut.
So yeah, it's boring...but it's a great game if you're not looking for something exciting.
Pollyanna 1897th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):kicking in the crotch" , posted Tue 11 Jul 03:54
quote: You make it sound more like it's a great game if you want something that's pretty.
Well, that implies that it only has good graphics. It's beautiful in many other ways. The music, the boss battles, some of the puzzles and a few scenes would still have been beautiful with less-good graphics. It's a beautiful experience...sometimes.
But yes, the graphics are probably the best part. A lot of games, when played in high def sort of...well, it's like their flaws become more apparent, but Okami is pixel perfect.
I get what you mean. VJ is sort of...mean sometimes. I wouldn't say you don't have any "creativity", but it does demand a high level of precision. I prefer that to "progressing through nothing more than panicky jumping and blind luck", but saying that doesn't necessarily credit VJ's approach.
I'm not just wild about VJ, but I don't think there was really anything "wrong" with it.
Pollyanna 1900th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):kicking in the crotch" , posted Wed 12 Jul 06:40
quote: Afyer all, Shadow of the Colossus didn't have so much thrilling action neither, and I managed to have fun with it... Hmm, I guess that means I've become a different type of gamer than before *shrugs*
I considered Shadow of the Collosus tremendously exciting, and a good portion of it was spent on the fights (and none of it was spent on fetching things). So, I think the only valid comparison here would be if you could say "I enjoyed just running around in the SOTC world, so I would probably enjoy running around in the Okami world as well."
Well, from my perspective at least. I dunno, the point remains that I highly recommend Okami if you don't demand a really exciting action game, so I guess it works out the same.
black_hayato 168th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(7):kicking in the crotch" , posted Mon 17 Jul 12:47
quote: The stories of Oni 1-3 weren't exactly masterpieces (Golden Evil Statue in Oni 2 anyone?!). If anything, DoD was an improvement, particularly in terms of character development.
I think the story in Onimusha 3 was one of the worst I've ever seen in a game. Of course, the execution of that story was a bit more exciting than Oni 4's. Oni4, in my experience with it, felt very "anime". Oni3 felt like a Hollywood movie or something.
This isn't to discredit Oni4, or credit Oni3, though. I'd say 4 had a better story/cast altogether, but it wasn't as exciting or attention-grabbing as 3.
It felt like I had seen or played the plot of Oni4 in some other form; not just with the cliches. I can deal with that, but straight deja'vu, to the point in which I was predicting exact lines. I personally only liked Oni1's story, especially the original Sam character. (becoming is usually more interesting than being). More occult and less fantasy-fantasy. But it may just be 1st-itis.