KOF XI PS2 out... - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sun 25 Jun 13:07post reply

KOF XI was released a few days back, yet nobody in the cafe is talking about it? Where's the love, man!

Messed about with it for a few hours going through the insane challenge mode to unlock the new stuff. My mate who's a old time KOF player seemed to really like the game. Mostly because they brought Eiji back.

Nice they added Team Play, which is basically classic old style KOF matches, without character swapping in Arcade. Fun. Changing the options to Arrange mode makes it a very different gaming experience. Top tiers have been nerfed, and crouch poke timings are broken..

Oh yeah, classic totally remixed themes abound. Kyo's 96, Geese, Robert, Duck, Terry's RB, Shingo, 94 Gal Theme and more are in.


1854th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sun 25 Jun 14:27post reply

I mentioned it on another topic, but I'm glad someone else brought it up.

It is, -by far- SNK's best home port ever. If you don't like the arcade version, you still won't like it, but it has quite few improvements.

I didn't think Challenge Mode was that bad, though. I cleared all but about 5 in a few hours. That was enough to unlock everything but the sub bosses. I love the Ralf vs Clark 5 second mission. The team of sub bosses is fuuuun too.

Arrange mode was a great idea, especially because it's optional...you know...for people who prefer the game less balanced or get irritated when they can't pull their usual junk.

The special team ending pictures are neat, too. I haven't done many of them, though (just the bird team and the older brother team).

The initial character selection made me like XI less than NGBC and Neowave, but after spending some time with the home version, I've totally changed my mind.

Ahhh...I can't do some things that I can do in NGBC with Hotaru, though.

14th Post

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"Re(1):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sun 25 Jun 15:12post reply

Review at ITMedia

404th Post

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"Re(2):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sun 25 Jun 19:57post reply

Also the gallery mode is fantastic.
Its already become my most favourite one. I was blindly fall in love with 99 (well I almost love every series, but I have deeper feelings for 99) and it reminds me the joy of playing 99. Oh that feel can bring tears to my eyes (I'm serious). This game what it should be the other ports like nejibako or collection series.

Hagen de Merak
911th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Mon 26 Jun 09:34post reply

I mentioned it on another topic, but I'm glad someone else brought it up.

It is, -by far- SNK's best home port ever. If you don't like the arcade version, you still won't like it, but it has quite few improvements.

I didn't think Challenge Mode was that bad, though. I cleared all but about 5 in a few hours. That was enough to unlock everything but the sub bosses. I love the Ralf vs Clark 5 second mission. The team of sub bosses is fuuuun too.

Arrange mode was a great idea, especially because it's optional...you know...for people who prefer the game less balanced or get irritated when they can't pull their usual junk.

The special team ending pictures are neat, too. I haven't done many of them, though (just the bird team and the older brother team).

The initial character selection made me like XI less than NGBC and Neowave, but after spending some time with the home version, I've totally changed my mind.

Ahhh...I can't do some things that I can do in NGBC with Hotaru, though.

you probably just suck at this game, better yet, at all fighting games.

Just a Person
775th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Mon 26 Jun 11:31post reply

Great to read that! And I still haven't seen KoF XI even in the arcades...

Is it true that the PS2 version of KoF XI has endings for special combinations of characters, like in KoF'97?? (it would be really cool to see these endings to know what we can expect from KoF XII... will it be the last chapter from Ash's saga?? Will it be the last KoF tournament happening before Garou:MotW?? Will that Kensou-Bao relation from KoF'2001, as well as the NESTS survivors (K9999 and Angel) still appear at the series at all?? Doubts, doubts, doubts...)

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Cain Highwind
705th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Mon 26 Jun 12:11post reply


Is it true that the PS2 version of KoF XI has endings for special combinations of characters, like in KoF'97??

I'd say it's more like KoF 99 for the PSX. Where using certain combinations gets you a special "artwork", no extra dialog or anything. There's some cute stuff in here from the likes of Tonko as well as Hiroaki and I think Falcoon.

3449th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Mon 26 Jun 17:44post reply

Great to read that! And I still haven't seen KoF XI even in the arcades...

Is it true that the PS2 version of KoF XI has endings for special combinations of characters, like in KoF'97?? (it would be really cool to see these endings to know what we can expect from KoF XII... will it be the last chapter from Ash's saga??

Not for sure...Now that KOF didn't have date anymore they are not force to fallow the "3 acts-dream match" way. Especialy now when KOF NW and NGBC did take the Dream match as other series...
ASH story can go up to 4 or 5 games...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

405th Post

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"Re(3):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Mon 26 Jun 19:05post reply


ASH story can go up to 4 or 5 games...

I think it should...

4th Post

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"Re(4):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Mon 26 Jun 19:19post reply


ASH story can go up to 4 or 5 games...

I think it should...

I'd rather it didn't.

He's a pretty good villain or supporting character, but he's one of the least interesting characters to play as. Maybe now that he's stollen Iori's flames or whatever they'll change the way he plays a little.

Just a Person
776th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Mon 26 Jun 22:49post reply


ASH story can go up to 4 or 5 games...

I think it should...

Well, 5 games seems too much (I mean, even the first Orochi saga, which was absurdely popular, had just four games), but 4 is a good number, I guess.
Maybe KoF XII could have Ash stealing Kyo's treasure, as well as some development in other stories (Leona and her berseker state, the power related to Kensou and Bao, K's control over his flames, the relation between Elisabeth and Ash) and some characters aging (after Terry, SNK could make older versions of Kim, Andy and Joe, and use Ryo's and Robert's versions from NGBC).
And then, finally a KoF XIII would resume everything, with Ash finally revealing his true intentions (would he be a hero after all or not, I don't know).

Well, that's just an idea, after all...

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79th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Tue 27 Jun 03:47post reply

I kind of fell out of the KOF LOOP a couple years ago, but after playing this game, MY LOVE IS BORN ANEW. how inspiring! I never had a chance to play the arcade version, what with the arcades around here being completely dead and buried and pissed on, so the PS2 port was a FRESH EXPERIENCE for me.

even though some of my favorite characters are missing from the lineup (OH HINAKO ;w;), the addition of the super obscure SNK fanservice midboss characters totally makes up for it. I don't particularly feel like taking the time to learn how to use Gai, but it's sure nice to have him!

and on top of that, Shion is pretty awesome, whatever it is.

1855th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Tue 27 Jun 04:03post reply


He's a pretty good villain or supporting character, but he's one of the least interesting characters to play as. Maybe now that he's stollen Iori's flames or whatever they'll change the way he plays a little.

I totally agree. I hope he gets completely changed in the next game. One of the things that made Kyo an interesting main character was his constant changes in gameplay. I guess maybe he's "evened out" now.

Of course, I'll be excited to see Iori do something different for once, too.

As for missing people...yeah, it's not a good year for me, considering that my favorites are Shermie, Hinako, May Lee, Jhun and Angel. I'm having fun with a lot of different people this time, though and I like a large number of the new characters.

557th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Tue 27 Jun 07:48post reply

Me like~

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v601/JJWE/kofxi_portrait_shingo.png [Image Attached]

--- http://ngmc.retrogames.com

4237th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Tue 27 Jun 11:06post reply

As for missing people...yeah, it's not a good year for me, considering that my favorites are Shermie, Hinako, May Lee, Jhun and Angel. I'm having fun with a lot of different people this time, though and I like a large number of the new characters.

You should be used to it; everytime a 'saga' within KoF changes snk is pretty loose for cutting characters off; they fo it really easily...

About the Ash thing, if you think about it Kyo had... well, a lot of 'revolutionary' changes; K' got... well, a lot of small changes in every game; so when playing both main characters you have actually adjust to changes if you wanted to play an indepth game with them; while Ash had his / her /it amount of changes; they mainly keept the concept pretty clear up there; since K' and Kyo are somewhay bound to changes; perhaps they want to make an 'stable' character gameplay wise, it makes sense to the drunken me.

In my book, it's 1000 times better a weakened out guile clone (Ash) than a beffed up shoto clone (Iori).

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524th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Wed 28 Jun 03:22post reply

Nice they added Team Play, which is basically classic old style KOF matches, without character swapping in Arcade. Fun.

That alone sold me! Tag's so overrated. The old school set-up gave KOF it's unique feel when compared to other team fighters at the time.


ASH story can go up to 4 or 5 games...

God, I hope not...

In my book, it's 1000 times better a weakened out guile clone (Ash) than a beffed up shoto clone (Iori).

I'm not particularly fond of either of those.

Guile was the sole reason I had such a venomous hate of charge characters for as long as I did. Won't even start on the Shoto clones.

Thankully in time I learned that not everyone who has a projectile and uppercut can be played like Capcom's 3 sons or everyone who utilizes charge moves plays like Guile. A major plus imo.

1859th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Wed 28 Jun 06:38post reply

Is it just me, or do the running throws have ridiculous priority this time around? Against Maxima, I used to be able to jab whatever to stuff him, but now it ends up beating a lot of attacks. Beyond that, you can't roll (forwards OR backwards) to dodge and it pulls Gai out of his dodge. Adelheid's might be even worse.

What's REALLY getting me is Clark's frankensteiner (I think that's the move? The one where he grabs you with this legs?). That seems to go through ALL attacks. I've had it go through multi-hit supers. The only solution is to either throw him (which is a bit risky) or do a jumping attack, which can be easily anti-aired after a fakeout. With this, combined with his easily pulled off, or easily dream canceled LDM, he's a monster.

338th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Wed 28 Jun 07:46post reply

I just got mine today. Right now, I am trying to get every hidden character. Man, this is how NGBC should have loaded.

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1259th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Wed 28 Jun 16:04post reply

Pollyanna's throws

It's probably just you, I think. I haven't noticed anything special about the things you've mentioned in XI, and these properties have already been in kof since at least 2001 last I remember.

Adel's running throw is really fast though, which is kinda neat, but not neat enough to make up for his weaknesses.

1862th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Wed 28 Jun 19:26post reply


It's probably just you, I think. I haven't noticed anything special about the things you've mentioned in XI, and these properties have already been in kof since at least 2001 last I remember.

Adel's running throw is really fast though, which is kinda neat, but not neat enough to make up for his weaknesses.

Well, I haven't played a good Clark player up until recently, so I had no idea what he could do. I swear I could stuff Maxima easier on Neowave, but it may be because I was using completely different characters.

I almost just rubbed toothpaste all over my arm instead of lotion. Maybe my brain is rotting and that's the problem.

4243th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Wed 28 Jun 23:52post reply


I swear I could stuff Maxima easier on Neowave, but it may be because I was using completely different characters.

Maxima was, well.... w.a.y. weaker in Neowave and 02' than in XI, then again, perhaps every Maxima is weaker than Maxima in KoF XI, they fixed a lot of things.

See??? He is a God...

7786th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Wed 28 Jun 23:59post reply

Maxima was, well.... w.a.y. weaker in Neowave and 02' than in XI, then again, perhaps every Maxima is weaker than Maxima in KoF XI, they fixed a lot of things.

A strengthened Maxima ? That interests me, could you explain further ?

As for Clark, I used to fight a very good Clark player, and I was learnt to fear Clark running in any post-98 version of the game. I don't know if it became even worse in this version, though.

Burning Kyo
2417th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Thu 29 Jun 00:40post reply

A strengthened Maxima ? That interests me, could you explain further ?

- He can guardcrush and stun the opponent very fastly.
- His basic combo is an easy 50 %.
- His Vapor Canon push the opponent against the wall, and wired if it's a counter.
- Good jump E, jump C (very good crossup) and stand D (*new animation* good anti-air).
- He still has his many auto-guard moves.
- The bunker buster (2*qcf +B) has free-juggle capacity.

~ Flowers Blooming on the Moon Flowers Scattering on the Wind ~

4246th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Thu 29 Jun 03:22:post reply

A strengthened Maxima ? That interests me, could you explain further ?

Speed wise, Maxima is much more like is 99' version, which was the fastest Maxima.

* You can access the long jump attacks in a short jump; this gives easy cross up and easy sweep defense while in short jump; and that's something that Maxima needed.

* New air CD attack actually provides a long range high prority attack ala Chang's air CD, something Maxima didn't have before.

+ Old air CD can be perform by pressing , so you can't whine that it's gone.

* New close standing and far standing D attacks, both are ubber speed and aiming upgards; imagine Goro's close stading and far stading D attacks, they aren't as abusable as Goro, but they are pretty nifty.

* You regained the 99' B low kick; this means that you can interrupt it in special moves or chain it into a crouching A; regaining Maxima's long lost flexible low game.

* Close standing C has improved, making it almost as good as it was in '99.

* The is like it's 99' version, is slower and is mainly used for juggles and combos now; since everything else has been beefed up and this was hard to use I don't really miss it.

* The ability to cancel the vapour cannon add less predicitibility against rolls; after way too many years of playing maxima, the enemy might have learned when to properly roll; more than an offensive faint this actually prevents this little scenario; you can still use this as an offensive feint provided that you know what the heck you are doing.

* The has improved, making it easier to grab; and like in 2k3, they can't escape the follow up when the first move hits.

* The is way faster, like in 99'; it has less range, but since it's faster you can use it to punish things that you couldn't previously, and that's a plus.

+ The System 1 combo (the move stated above) is pretty good for tag combos; with 2 skill stocks starting with Maxima it's almost a guarantee that you will stun the enemy if you start with Maxima and do the cls C (1 hit), , x 2; then tag to other character; do something similar (Kyo / Kasumi / Malin and the like have "long" combos), then tag Back to Maxima and do the first combo again.

* The is way faster; and thus now is actually a prime time useful move.

* The Bunket Basta works a little bit differently; you can get most of the damage even if the last hit doesn't connect and you can "catch hit" / "sure fire" / "OTG" the enemy with the B version (this means that you can hit anywhere with the move, like K's air minute spike in 2k1 or like a striker in 2k); you can dream cancel it and in certain circusntances you can normally juggle after it.

* Leader DM is actually useful this time around.

+ Almost all of the Maxima's 2k2 goodness are left intanct; you don't have to face really big nerftings, like some characters had.

I can't elaborate more, since I should be taking a test right now.

Edit: "*" where previous to de edit, "+" are included after the edit for completeness sake7

See??? He is a God...

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 29 Jun 06:34]

415th Post

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"Re(9):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Thu 29 Jun 06:57post reply

A strengthened Maxima ? That interests me, could you explain further ?


You forgot his jump as his old CD attack and its very useful when you have your opponent in air. His is very useful, too. Hes fastest Maxima ever and he is the first character I pulled a quick shift combo with. He is a demon.

133th Post

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"Re(1):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Thu 29 Jun 11:09post reply

Since it wont have a US release, where can I get it? Any good import store?

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

1863th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Thu 29 Jun 11:53post reply

Since it wont have a US release, where can I get it? Any good import store?

NCSX and Play-Asia are my buddies for importing.

Maxima's LDM looks SO LAME. I liked the "breast of fire" version better. I can take him out quite easily with Ash or Kensou, but Ash is boring and I've been using Kensou since 94. I think this is his best year, though. Not in terms of power, but in terms of his move list.

525th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Thu 29 Jun 15:45post reply

Are we sure that KOF XI won't appear in the US or Europe? I know that NeoWave is going to get released on PS2 this summer in Europe, and Samurai Shodown V is now on the shelves (my god, it has been pushed back for sooo long).

That leads me to another question. I haven't been following this series, so I don't know if the game is worth the 30$ they want to charge me for it. From what I recall being discussed here, Special was the thing to look after, and I don't know why they didn't bring that one instead.

So, is it worth my time/money, and what was different between this one and Special?

4247th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Thu 29 Jun 15:47:post reply

You forgot his jump as his old CD attack and its very useful when you have your opponent in air. His is very useful, too. Hes fastest Maxima ever and he is the first character I pulled a quick shift combo with. He is a demon.

But... I listed those 3 issues within the original post... You must be confused, or perhaps you where on a rush...

Are you declaring yor blind love-love to Pollyana with this air-head?? XD Does not compute.

Edit: Mushrooms, and -more importantly- Ostrichs

See??? He is a God...

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 29 Jun 15:55]

1866th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Thu 29 Jun 16:16post reply


That leads me to another question. I haven't been following this series, so I don't know if the game is worth the 30$ they want to charge me for it. From what I recall being discussed here, Special was the thing to look after, and I don't know why they didn't bring that one instead.

So, is it worth my time/money, and what was different between this one and Special?

I wouldn't buy SSV on principle. It's just not as good as Special. I'm sure Iggy could lay out the differences much better than me, but the bottom line is, I don't think SSV is even remotely worth it unless you have a lot of people who want to play with you. If you're going to get a SS game, go for Tenka, either way.

134th Post

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"Re(3):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Fri 30 Jun 01:26post reply

Since it wont have a US release, where can I get it? Any good import store?

NCSX and Play-Asia are my buddies for importing.

Maxima's LDM looks SO LAME. I liked the "breast of fire" version better. I can take him out quite easily with Ash or Kensou, but Ash is boring and I've been using Kensou since 94. I think this is his best year, though. Not in terms of power, but in terms of his move list.

How come I cant find this game on any online store, is it already out of print?

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

341th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Fri 30 Jun 02:16post reply

At Play-Asia.com they still have it in stock.
How come I cant find this game on any online store, is it already out of print?

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

526th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Fri 30 Jun 02:48post reply

I wouldn't buy SSV on principle. It's just not as good as Special. I'm sure Iggy could lay out the differences much better than me, but the bottom line is, I don't think SSV is even remotely worth it unless you have a lot of people who want to play with you. If you're going to get a SS game, go for Tenka, either way.

I put more time in SSV than Special personally. Even after tracking down a MVS cart of Special, I still prefer SSV. Don't know why, but it has more atmosphere to it than Special.

418th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Fri 30 Jun 08:34post reply

Maxima's LDM looks SO LAME. I liked the "breast of fire" version better. I can take him out quite easily with Ash or Kensou, but Ash is boring and I've been using Kensou since 94. I think this is his best year, though. Not in terms of power, but in terms of his move list.

Well actually I like this one, at first it feels like obscure but its the beauty of it. Its like a retro game laser move, that leads me its a reference to Robo Army.
To tell the truth beast of fire is really good but its like another haoh-shokoken. Maybe they might use beast of fire laser for DM, retro laser beam for LDM or SDM -if they bring back SDM's- in the future.

But... I listed those 3 issues within the original post... You must be confused, or perhaps you where on a rush...

Sorry my bad. I guess I didnt read carefully.

Are you declaring yor blind love-love to Pollyana with this air-head?? XD Does not compute.

Im working on it s/h/i'll be mine soon.

9th Post

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New Customer

"Re(7):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Fri 30 Jun 12:45post reply


As for Clark, I used to fight a very good Clark player, and I was learnt to fear Clark running in any post-98 version of the game. I don't know if it became even worse in this version, though.

Seems like Clark's running is easily escapable. Then again, I remember it being like that in 2003.

Any good Oswald player out there? I usually enjoy using any new characters, but I can't win matches with the guy! It is quite possible that I just suck...

Red Falcon
5700th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Fri 30 Jun 14:53post reply

Any good Oswald player out there? I usually enjoy using any new characters, but I can't win matches with the guy! It is quite possible that I just suck...

Remember, it isn't KOF XI, it's KOG XI... Kula, Oswald, Gato.

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529th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(9):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Fri 30 Jun 15:47post reply

About SSV, It doesn't appeal to my friends. I was thinking of playing it alone because of the story mode. Unlike KOF dream match games, I like fighting games with a story mode, that way the game makes me learn how to play with every character just to see the ending. Wasn't the story mode butchered in the english arcade verion of SSV? I don't think they'll done that to the home release.

I played a bit of SS Tenka and I liked it a lot, but I was confused with all those spirit modes. I played with Haohmaru and won every match until I reached the final boss. There was no way I could defeat him.

So, I was thinking of getting SSV for warming up with the series, and learning how to play with every character. I also want to support Ignition for bringing all those SNK games to Europe, I wish they'll bring NGBC, SS Tenka and KOFXI!

Just a Person
777th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(8):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Fri 30 Jun 21:43post reply

Still about KOF XI, does anyone really know the story of it? I have read some bits of information (like the stories for Ash's Team, Terry's Team, Elisabeth's Team, Ryo's Team, Athena's Team, Ralf's Team, and even the ending for Kyo's Team), but there are still many things I don't understand, like: has SNK already explained who are these people trying to bring Orochi back? And why do they do this? And where do they get their powers from?
What happened between Elisabeth and Ash? Why are Malin, Kasumi and Eiji together (I know all three of them have rivalries with the Sakazaki family, but Kasumi is quite a nice girl to be alligned with two people of bad reputation...)? Actually, why is Malin entering in the KOF tournaments at all (I mean, KOF 2003 never suggested any rivalry with the Sakazaki family from her, did it?)?? Why are Jenet, Tizoc and Gato in the same team?? Have they ever really met? Or why has Mary teamed up with Vanessa and Ramon (and where is Seth)??

There used to be a website ( www.kofonline.com ) which would always have every explanation for the whole story of every KOF game (I mean, the ones which have a story, not the dream match ones); unfortunately, it seems that this website doesn't exist anymore, and since the new KOF games are getting rare in the Arcades (at least in Brazil), it's getting really hard to keep up with the storyline...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

Ikari Loona
142th Post

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"Re(9):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sat 1 Jul 02:03post reply

Some of the team stories are at Cyberfanatix:


However, it's missing a few - I'm particularly curious about the anti-Sakazaki team's...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

Time Mage
2432th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sat 1 Jul 03:02post reply

Remember, it isn't KOF XI, it's KOG XI... Kula, Oswald, Gato.

However, the arrange mode supposedly fixes that.

I haven't tried it long enough, but so far it looks like the best KOF since '98. Too soon to tell, but the sensations it leaves are very good.

~~~Knowledge is power~~~

1872th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sat 1 Jul 03:59post reply

Remember, it isn't KOF XI, it's KOG XI... Kula, Oswald, Gato.

However, the arrange mode supposedly fixes that.

I haven't tried it long enough, but so far it looks like the best KOF since '98. Too soon to tell, but the sensations it leaves are very good.

Yes. Arrange mode definitely fixes that. Well, it takes away their most abusable stuff at least. They still might be top tier, but I doubt it.

I looooove arrange mode. The only people I've seen bitch about it are people who abused characters because they could be abused or used a team specifically because it was overpowered. Maybe I'm on the wrong side of the internet, though.

It's definitely one of the best KOFs. I consider 98 to be overrated, though. When it came out, it was definitely amazing, but I think it's a little stale by today's standards. That doesn't make it any less of an achievement, but if you look at XI, I feel that it has so many more interesting characters and things to do.

Time Mage
2433th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sat 1 Jul 04:06post reply

I looooove arrange mode. The only people I've seen bitch about it are people who abused characters because they could be abused or used a team specifically because it was overpowered. Maybe I'm on the wrong side of the internet, though.

Since I haven't had the chance to play the arcade version, I'm going to play always on arrange, it seems logical: everyone is more balanced (or less broken), so you can pick whoever you like, not being forced to pick someone of the top to stand a chance. There will be tiers in arrange too, of course, but I guess they won't be as prominent because the hardcore players will only play the arcade version. Which leads me to what I wanted to say: The arrange mode is for those that want to play with the PS2 with their friends, and the arcade mode for those who want the game to practice stuff for the arcade.

~~~Knowledge is power~~~

4250th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sat 1 Jul 04:38:post reply

I haven't tried it long enough, but so far it looks like the best KOF since '98. Too soon to tell, but the sensations it leaves are very good.

KoF 98' was by far my worst dissapoiment with KoF; every one says, 'oh, it's great'; they fail to realize that almost all characterstics that most characters had where gone with that game; 96 and 97 where insanely brocken and stupidly filled with bug and infinites; but many characters had fairly distinct uses and ideas; Vice's 96's attacks doesn't look at anything alike the attacks of Iori, Yashrio, Kasumi and Kyo... But when 98' came out; most characters that had 'distinct' personas, most of the characteristics of the characters where lost; in a simple game with no true deep ideas; is "how you use the attacks" and "how you calculate things" what's makes the difference; 98' has brought the most generic case of characters to the series; even Street Fighter 2, Samurai Spirits 1 or Fatal Fury Special aren't THAT generic with the characters and calculating the tempo, in fact most of those games aren't really generic with basic attacks at all.

In 98'; what characters are truly 'different'?? Chang and Choi.... And if you strech yourself perhaps Heavy D!, Chizuru and Chin; all of the rest of the characters can attack, counter attack, defend and perhaps run away and/or have a stupid anti air attack, play close or mid distance games; of course there are 'profeciences' with in the characters; but even then the ideas are very basics... I was very glad when I saw in 2k2 characters focused 100% in attacking, taking risk or movements; and XI keeps many of these so called 'advanced' ideas, and that's what make the game good, it almost makes me think that this is the first game where snk could almost handle a huge cast, including more different ideas per character than other games.

See??? He is a God...

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 1 Jul 04:55]

Time Mage
2434th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sat 1 Jul 06:41post reply

I really don't get what you are saying. '98 was "simply" picking '97, adding quite a lot of characters, and balancing and tweaking the gameplay a bit. It's more playable, and much more balanced. but I don't see it as more "generic". Not more than '97, at least.

If you want to play once or twice against the CPU while you enjoy an entertaining (by fighting games standards) story, then '97 is your game. But to play with friends, I don't see the point of playing '97 over '98.

~~~Knowledge is power~~~

419th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sat 1 Jul 07:03post reply

What toxico said.

Im not gonna propose you toxico but I agree with you (mostly). Well, I think 98 is really overrated. Its a good game but I easily choose 99 over it. Its essence was fresh, actually gameplaywise it wasnt so bad either(no pro here), and I really had fun "discovering new characters" enjoying the new style and new system -they were good enough to feed the interest for a long time- .

I like almost all kofs but I had fun exactly the same (or more)while playing KofXI.

Anyway I loved the background related LDM and special move of Shion. The Falllin Ceiling. Its a good one.
Also I hate my friend whining about Shion. He says he doesnt like "overpowered" characters, and she is unnecessary to add, says who plays with Daimon, Duo Lon, Malin in 03 all the time.

1873th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sat 1 Jul 07:52post reply


Also I hate my friend whining about Shion. He says he doesnt like "overpowered" characters, and she is unnecessary to add, says who plays with Daimon, Duo Lon, Malin in 03 all the time.

I don't think Shion is overpowered outside of her ceiling hit (not the LDM, the normal one) and the flying darts move. When I play with my friends, I don't use those moves out of courtesy.

As an occassional Kula player, I'm happy she got downgraded a bit, because I hate to have an unfair advantage. Of course, I hate that I tend to like bottom tier characters as well, but on the level that I play, I find XI to be wonderfully balanced (on arrange).

673th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sat 1 Jul 15:01post reply

I really don't get what you are saying. '98 was "simply" picking '97, adding quite a lot of characters, and balancing and tweaking the gameplay a bit. It's more playable, and much more balanced. but I don't see it as more "generic". Not more than '97, at least.

The normalized damage in '98 made the whole thing rather stale.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

1874th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sat 1 Jul 18:39post reply

This is a bit off subject, but I just remembered something. Wasn't Gai based off of some real K-1 fighter guy? I saw this guy once, and he looked quite a bit like him. Slightly less attractive, but still pretty cool.

Does anyone know his name?

421th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sat 1 Jul 19:15post reply

This is a bit off subject, but I just remembered something. Wasn't Gai based off of some real K-1 fighter guy? I saw this guy once, and he looked quite a bit like him. Slightly less attractive, but still pretty cool.

Does anyone know his name?

Something like Baki or something begins with B.

220th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sat 1 Jul 22:21post reply

This is a bit off subject, but I just remembered something. Wasn't Gai based off of some real K-1 fighter guy? I saw this guy once, and he looked quite a bit like him. Slightly less attractive, but still pretty cool.

Does anyone know his name?

Sakuraba Kazushi

burning kyo
2418th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sun 2 Jul 03:03post reply

I looooove arrange mode. The only people I've seen bitch about it are people who abused characters because they could be abused or used a team specifically because it was overpowered. Maybe I'm on the wrong side of the internet, though.

Tell that to the Duck players ...

~ Flowers Blooming on the Moon Flowers Scattering on the Wind ~

Time Mage
2435th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sun 2 Jul 03:51post reply

Tell that to the Duck players ...

Could you expand?

~~~Knowledge is power~~~

1875th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sun 2 Jul 04:02post reply


Sakuraba Kazushi

Thank you! That isn't the guy I was thinking of, though. I think what happened was that I heard that Gai was based off of someone, saw some cool-looking guy and (stupidly) assumed it was him.

Kofoguz, you're probably thinking of Grappler Baki, who is a manga character many people say Gai was based off of.

As for the Duck thing, he's lost a lot of easy combos that start from A/B. On a basic level like I'm playing at, it seems like a big deal, but I don't think this gets in the way of some other great stuff he can do, based on videos I've seen. Really, I'm no Duck expert. I'm working on him, though. If anyone seems "unfairly weakened" it would be him, but I have to assume they had something in mind.

4250th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sun 2 Jul 04:14post reply


As for the Duck thing, he's lost a lot of easy combos that start from A/B. On a basic level like I'm playing at, it seems like a big deal, but I don't think this gets in the way of some other great stuff he can do, based on videos I've seen. Really, I'm no Duck expert. I'm working on him, though. If anyone seems "unfairly weakened" it would be him, but I have to assume they had something in mind.

Even though he has little to none air moves; his air game is strong; also the best way to make a stupidly abusive tier is to give him high damage instant pokes (noticable with chars as 2k3 duolon; 2k1 foxy or maylee and 2k2 kim, Billy and Athena); I guess they didn't wanted 80% of the tier abuse players to turn to duck; suck it it up and rely in heavy attacks instead

For the record, most whiners are already winning about EX Kyo abilities, he wasn't that much of a moronicly tier in NBC (everyone says he is); and he isn't one here.

See??? He is a God...

422th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sun 2 Jul 08:00post reply

I hate whiners, well I only have one opponent for now in this case "whiner. Well were playing random select and whenever he gets Shion, turtles like hell then he gets in -yeah I'm the master mood- when I get Shion I use her offensive (seriously I cant turtle so I lose most of the time) and when I win against him he start how ridiculous Shion is. I dont even use ceiling and dart moves to be fair, sometimes I dont wanna use her spear coz of his endless whinings. (well this is little off-topic, sorry)

I think the best thing about this game is nearly no over-weakened, nerfed characters, bottom tiers. Sure there are God tiers (I didnt play arrange yet) and top tiers but I dont think there is bottom-tier like 03 Whip, Ralf, Maxima.

1877th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Sun 2 Jul 14:52post reply


I think the best thing about this game is nearly no over-weakened, nerfed characters, bottom tiers. Sure there are God tiers (I didnt play arrange yet) and top tiers but I dont think there is bottom-tier like 03 Whip, Ralf, Maxima.

Well, if you're not playing arrange, there's a sizable difference between an Oswald, Gato, Kula team and an Elizabeth, Momoko, ???? team. In arrange mode, though...it seems to be really excellent balance by KOF standards.

Back to Duck King, isn't his air dodge one of his best assets?

Just a Person
782th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Mon 3 Jul 12:11:post reply

Some of the team stories are at Cyberfanatix:


However, it's missing a few - I'm particularly curious about the anti-Sakazaki team's...

Thank you for the link! Unfortunately it only has six team stories, and it seems that the last update happened a long time ago. Which is sad, because I also wanted to know the story of the Anti-Sakazaki team (like, how did Kasumi accept to enter a team where the other members hate her old partners King and Yuri??), the Agent team (why has Blue Mary teamed up with Vanessa and Ramon, and where is Seth??), the Garou team (why are Jenet, Gato and Tizoc in the same team?? How have they met each other??)... it would also be nice to know what happens in the cutscenes, to know a little more about Shion and Magaki.

Well, at least we had a little more luck with the endings. Here are some links (credits go to Syochan from gamefaqs.com):

Anti-Kyokugen-ryu team

Kyokugen-ryu Team

Ash team

Kyo and Iori team

Rival team

Psycho Soldiers team

Fatal Fury team

MOTW team

Adelheid Ending (Untranslated)

K' team (Thanks to CGrascal)

Agent team (untranslated, credit goes to Camui Gackt): part 1, part 2 and part 3

Ikari Warriors team (no text)

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Tue 11 Jul 08:03]

1575th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Mon 10 Jul 14:22post reply


Well, at least we had a little more luck with the endings. Here are some links (credits go to Syochan from gamefaqs.com):

The links aren't working right.

Just a Person
781th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Tue 11 Jul 07:54post reply


Well, at least we had a little more luck with the endings. Here are some links (credits go to Syochan from gamefaqs.com):

The links aren't working right.

Sorry, my mistake. Try the links now.

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

86th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Tue 11 Jul 18:05post reply


Sorry, my mistake. Try the links now.

Thanks ! I think I want this game now.

Just a Person
782th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Wed 12 Jul 03:16post reply


Sorry, my mistake. Try the links now.

Thanks ! I think I want this game now.

You're welcome! And I want it too, unfortunately in order to buy it I'd also need to have a PS2...

BTW, ZamIAm, I really liked the picture in your signature! Carmen Sandiego rocks! (how come she never got a movie produced? Maybe she stole the script from it?)

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

439th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Wed 12 Jul 04:12post reply

BTW, ZamIAm, I really liked the picture in your signature! Carmen Sandiego rocks! (how come she never got a movie produced? Maybe she stole the script from it?)

Yeah, totally. The series once aired for a while (maybe for one season) but it never continued ~as far as I know~ in Türkiye. It might be the theft issue, a thief as a heroine. I remembered I missed it so much, is there any game of the series. If there is, is it any good?

Just a Person
783th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Wed 12 Jul 05:19post reply

Yeah, totally. The series once aired for a while (maybe for one season) but it never continued ~as far as I know~ in Türkiye. It might be the theft issue, a thief as a heroine. I remembered I missed it so much, is there any game of the series. If there is, is it any good?

But Carmen isn't the heroine, she's just the main character. In the TV series and even in the games, the goal is to catch her, not to let her escape.
Also, I think Carmen isn't much different from Jack Sparrow, for instance (he's also an allegedly dangerous pirate, isn't he?); she's a thief, yes, but she usually returns the stolen things when the detectives don't find her in time, she never tries to hurt the detectives, she even saved their lives sometimes.

Anyway, the most recent game about Carmen Sandiego was for PS2 and GameCube, something like "Carmen Sandiego and the Stolen Drums". From what I've heard, it isn't very good.
The coolest game I ever saw from her was one for PC which actually brings the characters from the TV series (it remembered the LucasArts' games somehow). But it wasn't mine, and I can't remember its name...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

1576th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Wed 12 Jul 08:56post reply

But Carmen isn't the heroine, she's just the main character. In the TV series and even in the games, the goal is to catch her, not to let her escape.
Also, I think Carmen isn't much different from Jack Sparrow, for instance (he's also an allegedly dangerous pirate, isn't he?); she's a thief, yes, but she usually returns the stolen things when the detectives don't find her in time, she never tries to hurt the detectives, she even saved their lives sometimes.

Yeah, Carmen is very much a "fair fight" enemy. Not just the fact that she has saved their life before, she isn't "greedy". One of my favorite episodes is when one of her henchmen double crosses her and she teams up with the agents. When he tries rob Fort Knox and try to escape, he literally can't escape because he was too full of himself to realize that gold is heavy and thus his vehicles couldn't move at all due to the weight. I hate the fact that I missed the series finale that involved some stuff with her parents.

---Back on topic.

The AOF team ending is hilarious. It would be awesome if King and Ryo finally hooked up.

7810th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Wed 12 Jul 17:55post reply

The AOF team ending is hilarious. It would be awesome if King and Ryo finally hooked up.

They can't, they're both gay.

Just a Person
784th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Wed 12 Jul 22:45post reply

The AOF team ending is hilarious. It would be awesome if King and Ryo finally hooked up.

They can't, they're both gay.

No, they're not.

Anyway, a nice touch in this game is that most of the endings are connected to each other. Like this one: if you only see the AOF Team's ending, you can't know why are Malin, Eiji and Kasumi in the last picture; however, the Malin Team's ending shows exactly that - but it doesn't show why King threw the table at them...). I hope they keep up with this idea in KoF XII (whenever it comes out - and probably it won't be released for a long time...).
Another funny ending (unfortunately I can't see it from here) is the Psycho Soldiers' one, with Kensou using his psychic powers to represent Chin, Bai-Tang, Bao and Kaoru - and Athena's and Momoko's reaction to his version of Kaoru...).

Now, some questions remain until KoF XII:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
1) Who are the two people that appear to Heidern? And what do they really want?
2) Were Mary, Vanessa, Seth and Ramon in the ship that exploded? (Geez, I hope not...)
3) Which organization did Elisabeth and Ash belong to? And why has Ash left it?
4) Why in the world is Malin in the tournament? I mean, she has thisrivalry stuff with Yuri, I know, but I remember in 2003 she mentioned an organization to Athena and Hinako; plus, she sent some henchmen to attack King, Mai and Mary. Could she have some relevance in the main plot of the series?
5) Why is Lin with Ron in the Psycho Soldiers' ending?
6) What happened to Rose Bernstein?
7) Is Shion a man or a woman??!
8) Will this saga end in KoF XII, or last until a KoF XIII??

End of Spoiler

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

440th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Thu 13 Jul 01:18post reply

Now, some questions remain until KoF XII:

You forgot;

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Who the hell attacked Takuma?...

End of Spoiler

Just a Person
785th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Thu 13 Jul 02:46post reply

Now, some questions remain until KoF XII:
You forgot;

Yes, that´s true. Even though he doesn´t seem so concerned about it anymore, it seems that he knows something about "them", about his attacker(s).

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

Ikari Loona
145th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):KOF XI PS2 out..." , posted Thu 13 Jul 21:30post reply


Now, some questions remain until KoF XII:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

> 1) Who are the two people that appear to Heidern? And what do they really want?

Vice and Mature analogues, so it seems this far...
In any case, it's interesting how the Ikari team always seems to end up having some role in the greater plot of just about every KoF game that bothers to have one, and it seems this tradition will be kept.

> 2) Were Mary, Vanessa, Seth and Ramon in the ship that exploded? (Geez, I hope not...)

As long as Vanessa makes it I'm fine - but ever since 1994 that the KoF people consistently survive this sort of thing.. nothing to worry about really...

> 3) Which organization did Elisabeth and Ash belong to? And why has Ash left it?

My guess would be an anti-Mukai-and-Magaki-and-gang group, only Ash is taking a more radical stance on the thing, with the appropriating of Chizuru and Iori's powers...

BTW, is it me or Ash seems to be a bit of a Char Aznable analogue?...

On a vaguely related note, I wonder if KoF XII Iori will be as flameless as he was in Another Day - I wouldn't mind the change in his gameply that would come from that, he could use some after all of these years and considering Kyo's ever-changing moveset...

> 4) Why in the world is Malin in the tournament? I mean, she has thisrivalry stuff with Yuri, I know, but I remember in 2003 she mentioned an organization to Athena and Hinako; plus, she sent some henchmen to attack King, Mai and Mary. Could she have some relevance in the main plot of the series?

Maybe it's something they're "planting" for a later year just in case, like Kensou's "dragon power" thing since 99/2000?
Malin is quite young, and even if KoF hcaracters usually don't age, it's make some sense if she were involved in some major family plan or whatever to pave the way for her future in charge of some greater KoF plot in a few years time...

> 5) Why is Lin with Ron in the Psycho Soldiers' ending?

Kyo has joined with Iori over the Orochi thing and these developments - perhaps Kensou's own developments are inspiring an unlikely reunion?...

> 6) What happened to Rose Bernstein?

Looks like she'll be as mind-controlled as Chizuru was in KoF2003 - I figure KoF XI will involve some emotional blackmail or hostage situation on Adelheid because of her... and he might be playable from the start due to that... easier if he's not dragging her around, but is actually being dragged into the tournament because of her IMO...

> 7) Is Shion a man or a woman??!

Hi - mi - tsu?...

I hear the AoF and early KoF female-shirt-bursting-through-specials is popular in some circles, and I get the feeling that'd be the only way we'd get an answer, by the next game, considering how long it took SNKP to blow the whistle on Yumeji from SS0...

As for the Takuma thing, I prefer to think the only one bad assed enough to pull that off would be Silber - whom I now also like to think of as a possible "gym breaker" candidate for the Marco plot in Garou, given his Buriki One intro.
Some speculate on Eiji, but he's not that good to handle Mr Karate IMO...

End of Spoiler

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"