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335th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Umbrella" , posted Wed 28 Jun 02:12post reply

This is driving me crazy. A teacher told me that English speakers say "I WEAR an umbrella when it's raining", but that sounds very strange to my ears.

I'd rather say "I use an umbrella" or "I carry an umbrella" I looked up in Google and couldn't find examples with the use of "wear" + "umbrella".

Could any native speaker of English tell me what is more natural to you to say? "wear" or "use"? Thanks.

Mmm, and to make this related to videogames, let's discuss about RE's Umbrella. What happened to them? In RE 4 it seems the company is no more, but then there's this nifty satellite where you can watch ganados, a babe in red, and God knows how many premium channels. Discuss!


4243th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Umbrella" , posted Wed 28 Jun 02:56:post reply

This is driving me crazy. A teacher told me that English speakers say "I WEAR an umbrella when it's raining", but that sounds very strange to my ears.

I'd rather say "I use an umbrella" or "I carry an umbrella" I looked up in Google and couldn't find examples with the use of "wear" + "umbrella".

Could any native speaker of English tell me what is more natural to you to say? "wear" or "use"? Thanks.

When we are drunk with the good 'old pals (that happens pretty often) we start the engrish taking, that's mainly becuase one of my pals teaches english; and the best we came out with is "pull off the fucking umbrela" while we where prunch drunk, while it's proper to speak as your teacher suggest; I have to say that I cleared kinder garden more than 20 years ago.

Edit: Add the spoiler warning; I'm still haven't finished RE3 yet \(ΊτΊ)/

See??? He is a God...

[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 28 Jun 03:09]

3432th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Umbrella" , posted Wed 28 Jun 03:27post reply

you carry or use an umbrella. carry is most natural. to wear one, you'd have to have one of those bizarre ones that perch on your shoulders. I think that's just a japanese novelty gift though.

I'm pretty sure umbrella is still there behind the scenes, funding ada.

7784th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Umbrella" , posted Wed 28 Jun 03:28post reply

I just noticed Bio Hazard and Gyakuten Saiban are set in the same universe, and Chinami is actually the clone of the first researcher of the T Virus.

Therefore, Gyakuten Saiban 4 will be called "Resident Evil 6" in the States.

1246th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Umbrella" , posted Wed 28 Jun 03:55post reply

Do you wear Umbrella Hats?

1333th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Umbrella" , posted Wed 28 Jun 04:29post reply

This is driving me crazy. A teacher told me that English speakers say "I WEAR an umbrella when it's raining", but that sounds very strange to my ears.

I'd rather say "I use an umbrella" or "I carry an umbrella" I looked up in Google and couldn't find examples with the use of "wear" + "umbrella".

Could any native speaker of English tell me what is more natural to you to say? "wear" or "use"? Thanks.

Mmm, and to make this related to videogames, let's discuss about RE's Umbrella. What happened to them? In RE 4 it seems the company is no more, but then there's this nifty satellite where you can watch ganados, a babe in red, and God knows how many premium channels. Discuss!

"Wearing an umbrella" would be like "wearing a suitcase"... totally valid, but probably not quite what you mean, at least in Canada.

"Wearing" tends to mean something that is affixed to your body, except when you mean "wearing" in the sense of "wearing out"... in which case you might not be actually "wearing" it, if you know what I mean. You can wear a gun, but you can also hold or carry a gun.

336th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Yo uso paraguas y Ud?" , posted Wed 28 Jun 05:19post reply

Well, I guess that when you're dead drunk you can do many things with an umbrella (Austin Power's scene in the tent comes to mind... Those perv spies!)
Regarding RE, you should try Codigo Veronica, it's nice an available for the PS2.

Exodus & GekigangerV
That's the picture that comes to my mind when I put "wear" + "umbrella" together. So for you it sounds more natural to say use/carry. OK

Thanks for the examples. You're right about those other uses for "wear". So from a grammatical point of view it's fine... but what I want to know what people really say (what sounds more NATURAL to say) when it's raining...

*It's raining outside and you want to go out, your mom says:
1. "Dear, you should wear an umbrella"
2. "Dear, you should use an umbrella"
3. "Dear, you should carry an umbrella"

Do you get what I mean?

1861th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Yo uso paraguas y Ud?" , posted Wed 28 Jun 06:52post reply

If someone said "wear an umbrella" I would probably laugh at them. Your teacher is a hack.

413th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Yo uso paraguas y Ud?" , posted Wed 28 Jun 20:37post reply

If someone said "wear an umbrella" I would probably laugh at them. Your teacher is a hack.

Sometimes 'wearing glasses or shades sounds funny, put on seems more fitting, doesnt have to be right though.

3433th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Yo uso paraguas y Ud?" , posted Thu 29 Jun 03:24post reply

Do you get what I mean?

in that situation, 'bring'.


but probably carry is what you're looking for.

2009th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Yo uso paraguas y Ud?" , posted Thu 29 Jun 03:54:post reply

What most everyone has said is true. Bring an umbrella, carry an umbrella, take an umbrella, use an umbrella, those are all proper ways to say it. "Wear an umbrella" sounds completely ridiculous and nobody who speaks proper English would ever say it like that. Wearing implies that you are keeping something on your body without using your hands. There are some very slight exceptions, such as things you might put on a belt, but an umbrella is not one of them.

EDIT: how the hell did I reach to above 2000 posts. My life is all in vain.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Thu 29 Jun 04:02]

4245th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Yo uso paraguas y Ud?" , posted Thu 29 Jun 06:19post reply


EDIT: how the hell did I reach to above 2000 posts. My life is all in vain.

It's because you frecuently crush Tokyo, like your avatar suggest.

See??? He is a God...

337th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Singing In The Rain" , posted Fri 30 Jun 03:09post reply


in that situation, 'bring'.

but probably carry is what you're looking for.


Let's see. You know that I have a red umbrella. It's raining, and you're walking outside with a friend. Suddenly you see a person with a red umbrella:

Exodus: Ha! That must be Makondo!
Your friend: Who?
Exodus: That guy over there who is 1. CARRYING / 2. USING / 3. WEARING a red umbrella.

Thanks a lot for your input. When I see my teacher again, we're going to have a nice discussion (Internet V/S old-school knowledge)

Maese Spt
266th Post

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Copper Customer

"a vueltas con el paraguas de los cojones" , posted Fri 30 Jun 04:00post reply

Man, I love this place.

Other videogame sites just crush the little english you have managed to learn over the years... but good ol' Madman's Cafe not only keeps your gaming knowledge in shape, it hepls you to improve your english skills as well! And without resorting to that greenish, furry, clock-eating creature! Hooray!

By the way, I'd say "carry" an umbrella. But that's only mere guessing, hee hee.

マツケン サンバ!!!!

3434th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Singing In The Rain" , posted Fri 30 Jun 04:44post reply


Exodus: That guy over there who is 1. CARRYING / 2. USING / 3. WEARING a red umbrella.

here, carrying!

although frankly, I'd probably say 'the guy with the umbrella'. It's all very complicated. english has many nuances, but I do enjoy talking about them.

Like if you saw a guy who had a green shirt on, you could certainly say "the guy wearing the green shirt", but colloquially, you're more likely to say 'the guy with the green shirt'.

However, in the umbrella scenario, it could continue this way:

exodus: that guy with the red umbrella.

my friend: that one there? (pointing to someone leaning on an umbrella)

exodus: no, the guy carring the red umbrella.

it sounds a bit clunky, but maybe you see what I mean?

1870th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Singing In The Rain" , posted Fri 30 Jun 06:58post reply


here, carrying!

although frankly, I'd probably say 'the guy with the umbrella'. It's all very complicated. english has many nuances, but I do enjoy talking about them.

Yeah, that's right. I second everything he said....about umbrellas and grammar at least.

1248th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"RE Extinction movie shots" , posted Sat 1 Jul 07:47post reply

Damn they are making another one?

You'd think with the popularity of RE4 they would try to throw that in, but they are using Claire.

I wonder how many zombies they can kill, how much random shit they can blow up or how many black stereotypes they can go through in this movie.

4340th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):RE Extinction movie shots" , posted Sun 2 Jul 02:33post reply

K-Mart (Spencer Locke) and Nurse Betty (Ashanti)

Variable Savior
375th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):RE Extinction movie shots" , posted Sun 2 Jul 04:33post reply

K-Mart (Spencer Locke) and Nurse Betty (Ashanti)

Yeah, that's pretty weak. It almost makes me wonder if this movie could actually be worse than UltraViolet.

Blood marks heaven's path

2540th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):RE Extinction movie shots" , posted Sun 2 Jul 10:49post reply


Damn they are making another one?

This is actually going to the theater and not straight to video? Was the last RE movie so financially successful and rich in theme and plot that they needed to do another one? Or is the contract with Capcom for a three picture deal?

106th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):RE Extinction movie shots" , posted Mon 3 Jul 20:11post reply


Damn they are making another one?

This is actually going to the theater and not straight to video? Was the last RE movie so financially successful and rich in theme and plot that they needed to do another one? Or is the contract with Capcom for a three picture deal?


2.)Yes to the former, no to the latter.

3.)Probably not (there's supposed to be a fourth after this one).

338th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Singing In The Rain" , posted Tue 4 Jul 02:46post reply


exodus: no, the guy carring the red umbrella.

it sounds a bit clunky, but maybe you see what I mean?

Yes, thanks a lot for your time.

About that next RE movie... ugh, nothing can be worse that "Alone In The Dark". At least we'll have zombies (have they explained in the movies all the many viruses that Umbrella has? Or is it only the T-virus?)

Undead Fred
2712th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):RE Extinction movie shots" , posted Sat 8 Jul 03:06post reply


Damn they are making another one?

You'd think with the popularity of RE4 they would try to throw that in, but they are using Claire.

I wonder how many zombies they can kill, how much random shit they can blow up or how many black stereotypes they can go through in this movie.

"Claire Redfield" looks gross.