Is the PS3 so versatile it can use Mac OSX, like Kutaragi once said while in drunken stupor ? Or does Sony, to create the official site of the very item which while save or kill them, doesn't see necessary to buy the complete version of Shake, the flash utility used to make the site ?
Also, the demo version of Shake doesn't have a save function. I would find it extremely funny if it was a pirated version of Shake.
Well, it's already quite funny as it is.
Burning Ranger
1437th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
"Re(1):Random PS3 randomness" , posted Sun 9 Jul 01:03
I saw that and thought it was somewhat humorous. But on the other hand, if the PS3 had some kind of iPod support, then I'd be somewhat pleased. Still doesn't justify the price, though.
Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger ...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!
shin ramberk
280th Post
Copper Customer
"Re(1):Random PS3 randomness" , posted Sun 9 Jul 01:18
That doesn't make any sense. The image reminds of one of those Latin American visions of the Virgin Mary. Where the Virgin appears in random objects and people quickly start making shrines around the object. Here, it looks like Saint. Steve Job's corporate symbol has divinely appeared on the PS3. It therefore must be the blessed and chosen console!
But seriously, what is this all about? Sony and Apple teaming up? Not likely. They're competitors who build stylish electronic devices and that usually don't work with competitors products.
Hrm. Rnadom. I call photoshop shenanigans on this. Apple doesn't need Sony except for its music collection. And to prove to the world it can create more stylish and durable high-end boutique electronic devices.
quote:But seriously, what is this all about? Sony and Apple teaming up? Not likely. They're competitors who build stylish electronic devices and that usually don't work with competitors products.
No, really, as silly as it sound,
quote:Sony doesn't see necessary to buy the complete version of Shake, the flash utility used to make the site.
might very well be the right answer, since the Apple logo disappeared from the flash animation since.
quote:But seriously, what is this all about? Sony and Apple teaming up? Not likely. They're competitors who build stylish electronic devices and that usually don't work with competitors products.
Think of the possibilities of combining Apple's sometimes pretentious art styling with Sony's questionable hardware quality...
The PS4 might look like a table lamp, rather than a foot rest. And the next Mac might burst into flames once the warranty expires. (The laptops already get close, with the amount of heat they build.)
The first collective product will be a character aimed at a female audience, with products made by each company released starting in september.
Thanks for the heads up Iggy. I don't know how to react to this. Of course, I wanted a Capcom produced Transformers game but whatever. In the last eight months TakaraTommy has nearly abandoned their Transformers franchise for kawaii PVC figures. Eh. Too hell with everyone.
Is the PS3 so versatile it can use Mac OSX, like Kutaragi once said while in drunken stupor ? Or does Sony, to create the official site of the very item which while save or kill them, doesn't see necessary to buy the complete version of Shake, the flash utility used to make the site ?
Also, the demo version of Shake doesn't have a save function. I would find it extremely funny if it was a pirated version of Shake.
Well, it's already quite funny as it is.
Oh, Ken Kutaragi... the many things I could say about you. But it seems your flapping arrogant mouth has done my work for me. I'm not sure if I should thank you or spike your drink with some yummy fresh cyanide.
I haven't seen a loudmouth prick this bad in a long time. :/ Boo PR choice for Playstation.