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Mokona 370th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(1):Movie: Pirates 2" , posted Tue 11 Jul 00:14
I saw it. I loved it! It's a bit long to get started, but once it's launched, you can't get a pee-break... Also, without revealing too much of the story, it's a Empire Strikes back kind of film, where you get a lot of character development and no real ending. (They could almost have done a preview type of thing ā la Back to the Future...) My wife thought the effects weren't that good, but I don't see where she got that... Bill Nighy is the shit as Octopus-faced villain Davy Jones, the weirdest thing is that you can actually recognise him somewhat, lol. The action sequences are great, and if you like your sea-monsters... just one word: "Kraken"!
All in all, it's all that you're expecting, and a great summer movie, lots of humour, lots of action. Fun times!
exodus 3446th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Movie: Pirates 2" , posted Tue 11 Jul 05:53
not nearly as good as the first, but passable. the story stuttered for a while, and the cast was much more 'ensemble' than previously - it was far less about jack, and diluted over other minor characters, such as pirate henchmen, etc.
the action was not very exciting until halfway through, and it was too long to begin with. Not as much humor either.
the CG was all very excellent, and it looked pretty good at all times, but lost the whimsey of the first. Way too little jack sparrow overall.
it also ended on a classic TV cliffhanger, which was obnoxious.
and the voodoo queen was hot stuff.
Spoon 1337th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(5):Movie: Pirates 2" , posted Tue 11 Jul 08:01
quote: not nearly as good as the first, but passable. the story stuttered for a while, and the cast was much more 'ensemble' than previously - it was far less about jack, and diluted over other minor characters, such as pirate henchmen, etc.
the action was not very exciting until halfway through, and it was too long to begin with. Not as much humor either.
the CG was all very excellent, and it looked pretty good at all times, but lost the whimsey of the first. Way too little jack sparrow overall.
it also ended on a classic TV cliffhanger, which was obnoxious.
and the voodoo queen was hot stuff.
I agree with everything except that last one.
Just a Person 786th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):Re(10):Movie: Pirates 2" , posted Mon 24 Jul 12:12
quote: I didn't know dirty hobos had sexual identities.
I am a hobosexual.
and polly: that's correct, don't bother.
[edit] parrots
I watched it this weekend, and it's really great! I liked it much better than the first one (something I would never expect, considering I already liked the first "Pirates" a lot)! And it's really interesting how it leaves many mysteries to be solved in the third movie. Well, about other things in the movie,
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - - poor dog... I hope it can escape from those people in the island, even though it seems very unprobable... - what happened to Annamaria, the lady pirate from Sparrow's crew on the first movie? She didn't appear in it (or at least I haven't seen her), and she isn't even mentioned... - and another confusing part was the kiss between Jack and Elisabeth. I remember reading that Jack Sparrow was actually supposed to be a gay pirate, but since it's a Disney movie, it couldn't be really clear for the children. But that kiss seems to deny this statement...
End of Spoiler
Anyway, great job! I can hardly wait for the third movie!
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Undead Fred 2718th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Movie: Pirates 2" , posted Mon 24 Jul 15:55
quote: not nearly as good as the first, but passable. the story stuttered for a while, and the cast was much more 'ensemble' than previously - it was far less about jack, and diluted over other minor characters, such as pirate henchmen, etc.
the action was not very exciting until halfway through, and it was too long to begin with. Not as much humor either.
the CG was all very excellent, and it looked pretty good at all times, but lost the whimsey of the first. Way too little jack sparrow overall.
it also ended on a classic TV cliffhanger, which was obnoxious.
and the voodoo queen was hot stuff.
Yeah, I was liking the movie up until they Soul Reavered us with that crappy no-ending. There was also some cheese in the movie I didn't like (like when Jack shot those barrels), but overall, I thought it was a fun movie. Davy Jones was excellent... I found out later that he was 100% CG, which really threw me off. I figured the eyes, mouth, and body was real, but I was wrong. Heh heh. You could tell his crew was all CG, but they were still really good too. Really good work. I'm glad they kept the crowd-pleasing first-movie-referencing bullshit to a minimum, though. There was the "hello, poppet!" line, but not a whole lot more than that.
Yeah, a bit more Hunter Thompson Pirate would have been nicer, but oh well.
Tashoku Kisune 2199th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Movie: Pirates 2" , posted Fri 11 Aug 11:43
quote: Since it's out in US, I'm just curious to know if someone saw it, and can give me an opinion on it. Thanks!
Hmm, honestly, it was a good movie. It could've been greatly better. There were some things I could've lived without.
Plot: It could've spent more time trying to clear up some parts of the plot. It started a lot of new ideas, reopened some of the old ones, and none of them really got wrapped up.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - They brought in a lot of characters from the first movie. In fact, they brought in EVERYONE including the two prostitutes from Tortuga and the key-holding dog. I mean, even Barbosa?? That's stretching it a bit far.
End of Spoiler
The Ending: I'm sorry, but could you be any MORE obvious about a sequel? '_' It was practically beating me over the head with a frying pan SCREAMING "Pirates THREE!!!"
The good news is....
It retained a lot of the fun-filled action as the first one. You don't notice it's a 2(2.5?)-hour movie at all. The characters are kept consistent. The majority of the movie is indeed kept up to par with the first one, including the music and camera angles. I wish the humor didn't try to play on things that were funny the first time only, but a lot of their new jokes were funny enough to counter. :D
Over all, I'd give it 4 stars out of 5.