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Pollyanna 1909th Post
Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(2):Recent fighting game questions" , posted Wed 19 Jul 03:31
quote: Believe it or not, it's a VERY fun game. It's miles and miles ahead of the ones they've (Atari and whoever) been making recently. Hell, it's the only DBZ game I can honestly say is actually good.
I couldn't disagree more. I found it to be one of the least fun games I've played in a while. I can see someone enjoying it, but it doesn't have a lot of depth, extras or characters. However, unlike other recent DBZ games, it has the advantage of having more variety between the characters.
So, in my opinion, the music is bad, it's ugly, it's choppy and it is NOT on the level of other arcade fighters. It also fails as a license game because it is lacking in the large amount of fan service that the other DBZ games have, regardless of the system.
I don't know if I'd say it was a better game, but I enjoyed Sparking much more, simply because it recreated the "Dragonball experience" better, even down to the music. (I'm sure Americans didn't have this advantage, though)
I dunno, that's just my opinion, and obviously, it's not the only one, but I think the game is on a level where it's safe to say "maybe I won't like it".
Toxico 4252th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Fighting game controller question" , posted Wed 19 Jul 12:06
ANYWAY, does anyone have any suggestions on reliable (and durable) six button controllers for the PS2?? It's soooo frustrating to repeatedly fail to pull off a simple motion you can do in your sleep.
As far as I know, custom made controllers are simply the best, they need some patching up every once in a while (as any controller does), but calibrating them can be such a simple job that it can be done by yourself; and spare parts are easy to come by.
The one huge drag, however is to find someone you rely enough to make the accursed thing, theorycally speaking everyone with good electronics knowledge can do the ordeal, the thing is they it has to be someone that can actually plays some games and can pull out the moves that you want to get, without testing you'll end up with a piece of crap.
Here these customs models are pretty cheap (30 us dollas a 1p one; something like 80 0 100 for a full cabinet), and since most people plays game since trojan, they end up in a great condiction and can stand a fair amount of punishment.
It's a gamble, but results can be simply the best.
See??? He is a God...