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Pollyanna 1915th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):Anyone here going to Otakon this year?" , posted Thu 20 Jul 12:01
Evenor: Yeah, that's my favorite, too. I like it so much that until I heard Cover Parade I couldn't even pick a "second place". I like Cover Parade as much, but I feel bad saying "it's my favorite" when it's a cover CD.
quote: At least three of us, ha ha ha. Fear the Raoh spike loops! And... Mr. Heart's fatness!
Raoh's combos made me stop playing the game. They're SO IRRITATING. It's not just the absurd damage (I mean, just about everyone can do crazy damage), it's that they're SO SLOW! I can take having my ass kicked quickly (Rei), but when I have to sit there and watch myself get beaten for so long, make a mistake on wakeup, then have to watch it again, I can't take it.
I want to like the game more, but it relies far too much on "just getting that low jab in to start whatever killer combo."
Ahhh...I've never seen anyone use Jagi well. If you happen to find a video or know any decent combos with him, tell me. I normally just use Shin, but I got tired of doing THE combo with him.
Grave 942th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):Anyone here going to Otakon this year?" , posted Fri 21 Jul 23:31
quote: You want to BUY one of my three CPS3s and 3 Warzards? They're all dead, but if you are willing to replace the suicide battery it'll work again... I gave up on it though, I brought it to the last otakon and it died after I spent an hour wiring the damn sticks... CPS 3 is awful.
Jeez. I remember you talking about what a pain in the ass it was, but I didn't think it was... y'know, quite THAT bad.
And then I found this neo-geo.com thread while looking around...
"Excerpt taken from Meanbean from the forums- "All CPS3 security carts have a suicide battery. There are no exceptions to this rule. Currently, there is no method to revive dead CPS3 games and no one is working towards this end."
It's just the nature of the beast with this CPS3 stuff. The no cd version just has the information already installed on the board. The minus side to this is that if you lose the info, you might be out of luck. There are alternatives that have been cited around these forums to obtain the game info and reinstall it, but I'm not sure how that's done. The CPS3 games can have their battery changed, but this has to happen BEFORE they die, obviously."
Sounds like another winner from Capcom.
Grave 943th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(6):Anyone here going to Otakon this year?" , posted Fri 4 Aug 12:16
quote: Speaking of which, Grave, do you actually plan on being in the game room at all this year? I don't believe I saw you at all last time... although I admittedly don't entirely remember your appearance.
Just as a question for Grave or.. well, anyone else, can you think of anything else you'd like me to provide? I was thinking of bringing Ninja Master's Haoh Ninpou-Ko... I'm always eager to try and get people to play it.
Yeah, last year I was kind of... out of it. Bad times. Not a lot of time in the game room, not a lot of time anywhere actually. The schedule this year looks pretty bad, so expect to see a lot of us... I'm pretty sure I'll be able to pick you out.
My car broke down on I-95 and let me tell you, that's an amazing experience. Stopping dead in the middle of traffic... hoo boy. That was a nice one. Now that we're in Baltimore (finally, showed up at 10 PM), we better have a damn good time.
We're glad to try anything new or odd! Myself, I'd be interested in seeing any HNG64 stuff, or... well, the aformentioned CPS3 stuff is out of the question, I guess. Excited to see FotNS, but I've heard bad stuff.