She Hasn't Died! - Forums

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Tashoku Kisune
2174th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"She Hasn't Died!" , posted Tue 1 Aug 14:57post reply

Yeah, that's right. I haven't died. No, infact, I'm here. I'm awfully surprised, actually, that my account managed to stay alive. Fancy that.

I thought I'd drop by, now that I've got some nice sexy free time on my hands. (College was very time consuming mind you.)

So how has everyone been? :D


Bata kun
2918th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Tue 1 Aug 16:01post reply

Yeah, that's right. I haven't died. No, infact, I'm here. I'm awfully surprised, actually, that my account managed to stay alive. Fancy that.

I thought I'd drop by, now that I've got some nice sexy free time on my hands. (College was very time consuming mind you.)

So how has everyone been? :D

Get on AIM right now! XD

Tashoku Kisune
2180th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Tue 1 Aug 16:12post reply

Yeah, that's right. I haven't died. No, infact, I'm here. I'm awfully surprised, actually, that my account managed to stay alive. Fancy that.

I thought I'd drop by, now that I've got some nice sexy free time on my hands. (College was very time consuming mind you.)

So how has everyone been? :D

Get on AIM right now! XD

Har har har... my AIM name's changed. It's Mikage Mamiya now. :D But I need all your AIM names first because I keep myself on lock down. Too many creepy people out there that I've met. It seems I'm a magnet for weirdos. (Which explains why I'm so liked here. XD)

Bata kun
2919th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Tue 1 Aug 16:17post reply

Yeah, that's right. I haven't died. No, infact, I'm here. I'm awfully surprised, actually, that my account managed to stay alive. Fancy that.

I thought I'd drop by, now that I've got some nice sexy free time on my hands. (College was very time consuming mind you.)

So how has everyone been? :D

Get on AIM right now! XD

Har har har... my AIM name's changed. It's Mikage Mamiya now. :D But I need all your AIM names first because I keep myself on lock down. Too many creepy people out there that I've met. It seems I'm a magnet for weirdos. (Which explains why I'm so liked here. XD)

I don't remember if I gave you my new one, but it's now Shin Bata kun.

Tashoku Kisune
2181th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Tue 1 Aug 16:38post reply

Yeah, that's right. I haven't died. No, infact, I'm here. I'm awfully surprised, actually, that my account managed to stay alive. Fancy that.

I thought I'd drop by, now that I've got some nice sexy free time on my hands. (College was very time consuming mind you.)

So how has everyone been? :D

Get on AIM right now! XD

Har har har... my AIM name's changed. It's Mikage Mamiya now. :D But I need all your AIM names first because I keep myself on lock down. Too many creepy people out there that I've met. It seems I'm a magnet for weirdos. (Which explains why I'm so liked here. XD)

I don't remember if I gave you my new one, but it's now Shin Bata kun.

Wootage! :D

3467th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Tue 1 Aug 18:43post reply

So how has everyone been? :D

Wow! The mistress is back!!
Naruto, at your service MyLady...

That gonna make a long time since you posted here, so what's new by you?

Fortes fortuna juvat...

Tashoku Kisune
2184th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Tue 1 Aug 18:50:post reply

So how has everyone been? :D
Wow! The mistress is back!!
Naruto, at your service MyLady...

That gonna make a long time since you posted here, so what's new by you?

*swoons* Oh, Naruto... I DID miss you. *kiss*

It has been a very long time since I've been here. A lot has happened, too, in the mean time. Mainly, I have graduated college. I have a Bachelors degree in English. I'm applying for graduate school. I hope to get a Ph.D. in Linguistics.

But I thought of you often, as during my college days I did take one semester of French as an elective class. Every time I hear or see French I think of you. XD Is that strange?

I've changed a lot as a person. (You should see my new pictures. I got kinda cute! :D) But I'm still a videogame junkie, as always. Even though I wasn't physically here at this BBS I was still following the gaming world quite loyally. :)

How have YOU been doing? :)

EDIT: Oh yeah, and my art's gotten a bit better. :D

[this message was edited by Tashoku Kisune on Tue 1 Aug 18:52]

3469th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Tue 1 Aug 19:10post reply

*swoons* Oh, Naruto... I DID miss you. *kiss*


It has been a very long time since I've been here. A lot has happened, too, in the mean time. Mainly, I have graduated college. I have a Bachelors degree in English. I'm applying for graduate school. I hope to get a Ph.D. in Linguistics.

But I thought of you often, as during my college days I did take one semester of French as an elective class. Every time I hear or see French I think of you. XD Is that strange?

It's an honor for me!!
Nice to see that your doing so well in your studies, btw did you already know what kind of Job your wanted to do? I mean learning "Linguistics" stuff, did you plan to be teatcher or something?

I've changed a lot as a person. (You should see my new pictures. I got kinda cute! :D) But I'm still a videogame junkie, as always. Even though I wasn't physically here at this BBS I was still following the gaming world quite loyally. :)

Is that you in you AV?? ^^
As for Gaming, I did fallow it, as well...
I'm just waiting for some nice title right now.

How have YOU been doing? :)

Well I did change that much, the only thing I changed is my job, and I need to find a new one right now...
As for the other stuff, I'm still lurking here on the Café.

Fortes fortuna juvat...

Tashoku Kisune
2185th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Tue 1 Aug 19:17:post reply

*swoons* Oh, Naruto... I DID miss you. *kiss*

It has been a very long time since I've been here. A lot has happened, too, in the mean time. Mainly, I have graduated college. I have a Bachelors degree in English. I'm applying for graduate school. I hope to get a Ph.D. in Linguistics.

But I thought of you often, as during my college days I did take one semester of French as an elective class. Every time I hear or see French I think of you. XD Is that strange?
It's an honor for me!!
Nice to see that your doing so well in your studies, btw did you already know what kind of Job your wanted to do? I mean learning "Linguistics" stuff, did you plan to be teatcher or something?

I've changed a lot as a person. (You should see my new pictures. I got kinda cute! :D) But I'm still a videogame junkie, as always. Even though I wasn't physically here at this BBS I was still following the gaming world quite loyally. :)
Is that you in you AV?? ^^
As for Gaming, I did fallow it, as well...
I'm just waiting for some nice title right now.

How have YOU been doing? :)
Well I did change that much, the only thing I changed is my job, and I need to find a new one right now...
As for the other stuff, I'm still lurking here on the Café.

Yeah, I do hope to be a teacher. I'd like to teach college-level. But at the same time I also have the aspiration to teach English as a Second Language in foreign countries. And it's my dream to eventually move to Europe. :D Exciting!

But I'm not limiting myself to just teaching. A Ph.D. in Linguistics is a very versatile degree. So there might be other jobs that I could do besides teaching, though teaching is what I want to do.

Yes, that is me in my avatar. But you can't see the whole picture. Lemme dig some up and post links. <--really cute.

[this message was edited by Tashoku Kisune on Tue 1 Aug 19:22]

2573th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Wed 2 Aug 00:23post reply

Don't believe her; she's dead and she's come back to haunt us! Aieee!

Just a Person
790th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(10):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Wed 2 Aug 01:12post reply

Don't believe her; she's dead and she's come back to haunt us! Aieee!

So, we're in a haunted bulletin board? Scary...

Welcome back, mistress!! ^^

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

3480th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"She Hasn't Changed!" , posted Wed 2 Aug 02:00post reply

*swoons* Oh, Naruto... I DID miss you. *kiss*


340th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Hola!" , posted Wed 2 Aug 03:02post reply

Welcome back!

Do you still live in that eerie home or you moved?

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
And what about the tale you promised to write? :(

End of Spoiler

4342th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Wed 2 Aug 03:38post reply

So how has everyone been? :D

Do you actually own a DVD player now?

Tashoku Kisune
2185th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Wed 2 Aug 08:38post reply

Oh ho ho ho ho! To answer everyone's questions!

Ishmael's right. :D I'm actually dead. Oh ho ho! Guilty! I guess now that you've all found out I'll just have to be more conspicuous about my hauntings. ^.^

Just a Person: Thanks. :D Feels good to be back, even in spectral form.

Exodus: Awww, don't puke. I missed you, too! ~<3 *sickeningly sweet affection scene*

Makondo99: Ah heh heh hehe ^_^; What tale? It would seem I've forgotten. *Ducks and overs self, prepared to be whapped with a paper fan.* Remind me and I'll see what I can do. :D

And yeah, Makondo, I still live in that eerie home of mine. Though I spent some time living in the dorms at college, I'm back now for a little while before I'm off to grad school. And then I'll definitely have my own place. :D

Freeter: ¬_¬ Yes, Freet, I have a DVD player now. In fact, nearly everything I OWN plays DVDs. C'mon, man... have some faith in the tech girl. XD I keep as updated as money allows. (As long as the technology doesn't offend my general sense of morality, equality, and justice... such as the PS3. CURSE YOU, KEN KUTARAGI! >:( )

Undead Fred
2721th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Wed 2 Aug 11:39post reply

Yeah, that's right. I haven't died. No, infact, I'm here. I'm awfully surprised, actually, that my account managed to stay alive. Fancy that.

I thought I'd drop by, now that I've got some nice sexy free time on my hands. (College was very time consuming mind you.)

So how has everyone been? :D


Welcome back, Kisune. I was wondering where you went... now come help us bring the drawing board back from the dead.

3470th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Wed 2 Aug 16:53post reply

Yes, that is me in my avatar. But you can't see the whole picture. Lemme dig some up and post links.

Howww a MeganeKo no Tashoku.....

Fortes fortuna juvat...

Tashoku Kisune
2190th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Wed 2 Aug 17:41:post reply


Welcome back, Kisune. I was wondering where you went... now come help us bring the drawing board back from the dead.

I'd be delighted as soon as it'll load for me. :D The links seem to be a bit screwy right now. But I'm sure the Prof. will fix those posthaste! :D

EDIT: I corret myself. It appears to be loading just fine now. And seeing as though I've suddenly been whalloped with a desire to draw. I shall attempt to draw something. :D

[this message was edited by Tashoku Kisune on Wed 2 Aug 17:49]

Tashoku Kisune
2188th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Wed 2 Aug 17:42post reply

Yes, that is me in my avatar. But you can't see the whole picture. Lemme dig some up and post links.

Howww a MeganeKo no Tashoku.....

Megane... ko.. no? XD I feel like I should be flattered maybe. LOL. I know that only because it's you, Naruto. *pet pet pets*

So everyone, you guys have AIM names or what? :D I need those. I think I almost remmeber Naruto's email. LOL. Wow, it's odd the funny things I remember.... ish.

341th Post

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Bronze Customer

"A Tale of One City" , posted Thu 3 Aug 03:22post reply


Makondo99: Ah heh heh hehe ^_^; What tale? It would seem I've forgotten. *Ducks and overs self, prepared to be whapped with a paper fan.* Remind me and I'll see what I can do. :D

A solemn promise was made in the holiest of the corners of this very same cafe, that you would post the women's version of THIS TALE
The failure to do so, may result in your person becoming a herald of Iggy, The Devourer of Words, and you'd be eternally condemned to praise his self and announce everybody how awesome he is.
Or was it a deadly hit by a paper fan? I forgot's been quite a long time...

Tashoku Kisune
2190th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):A Tale of One City" , posted Thu 3 Aug 08:55post reply


Makondo99: Ah heh heh hehe ^_^; What tale? It would seem I've forgotten. *Ducks and overs self, prepared to be whapped with a paper fan.* Remind me and I'll see what I can do. :D

A solemn promise was made in the holiest of the corners of this very same cafe, that you would post the women's version of THIS TALE
The failure to do so, may result in your person becoming a herald of Iggy, The Devourer of Words, and you'd be eternally condemned to praise his self and announce everybody how awesome he is.
Or was it a deadly hit by a paper fan? I forgot's been quite a long time...

Ooooooooh yeeeeeaah. *Saves that* Good think you posted a link----good thing you still HAD a link. I remeber that I STARTED it at least. :D But my computer has crashed so many times since then, to the point where I've gone through 4 computers in the mean time. LOL. But yeah, I got half way through writing it. I don't know what happened to it. *ponders* Maybe it's still left on one of my backup file disks. Whatev. :D I'm so much better at writing now anyway. XD

I'll see what I can do. >:D

1577th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(10):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Fri 4 Aug 14:12post reply

Don't believe her; she's dead and she's come back to haunt us! Aieee!


Tashoku Kisune
2192th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Fri 4 Aug 15:12post reply

Don't believe her; she's dead and she's come back to haunt us! Aieee!


O.O' Yessir! *Rises.*

1089th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Re(10):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Wed 13 Sep 16:41post reply


nice to see you

243th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Wed 13 Sep 22:51post reply

what are the prereqs that you have to complete to get a doctorette in Linguistics? Is there a certain number of languages you have to know?

Are you slave to the blade?

Tashoku Kisune
2206th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):She Hasn't Died!" , posted Mon 18 Sep 10:32post reply

what are the prereqs that you have to complete to get a doctorette in Linguistics? Is there a certain number of languages you have to know?

Not to the best of my knowledge as far as the languages. I've gotta take a certain amount of classes, work on a doctorate thesis and all. I should be familiar with German already, but my undergrad college didn't offer it... so I have to catch up.