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Just a Person 792th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Lots of news and rumours about MK:Armageddon!" , posted Wed 2 Aug 23:58
For those who are expecting this game, as I am, here are some news:
1) MKA was originally planned just for the PS2 and Xbox; however, Midway has confirmed that Nintendo Wii will also get this game in 2007. No info yet about how will it be played (with the Wii-mote?? With GC's controller?? with Wii's Classic Controller??), if it will have online play this time, or if it will get any extras, but it's one more reason for many people to buy a Wii.
2) PS2 is gonna get a Premium Pack for MKA, with four different boxes: one with Sindel and Shao Kahn, one with Sonya and Kano, one with Johnny Cage and Goro, and one with the same art as the general retail box, but metallic. So far, it wasn't announced if Xbox and Wii will get Premium Packs for MKA as well. The extra features:
*An arcade–perfect, playable of the original Ultimate Mortal Kombat® 3 *Over 60 minutes of bonus DVD video content featuring a "History of *Fatalities" movie, along with new videos for more than 50 of the Mortal Kombat characters *An embossed metal package created exclusively for the limited edition *Premium Edition sets; there will be four unique box fronts in total *Animation cell cover art autographed by franchise co–creator, Ed Boon
3) For those who haven't seen it yet, the new group render and the new select screen. It's already known that the four "secret boxes" belong to Meat (why?!), Blaze (the new final boss), Taven (hero in the new Konquest Mode) and Daegon (Taven's brother and rival).
To end up, two weird rumours:
- As you can see in the group render, Motaro's lower body can't be seen. Because of that, some people are saying that maybe he will have only two legs, because of the difficulties to make a full centaur fighter in 3D. I hope it's not true... - Chameleon (male, from PSX's MK trilogy) can already be seen in the group render and select screen. However, Khameleon (female, from N64's MK Trilogy) isn't confirmed so far (which is weird, considering she was the one that had a story). But a british game magazine (I forgot its name) claims that she WILL be in it, and even showed what should be her render. So far, people don't know if it's true, since it looks almost identical as Li Mei's alternate in MK:Deadly Alliance (however, it's Midway we're talking about). Cinder, from the Midway forums, has not said so far whether it's a fake image or not.
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
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Dr Baghead 3608th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Lots of news and rumours about MK:Armag" , posted Fri 11 Aug 04:41
quote: I do, however, approve of keeping Liu Kang dead. Killing him off was a stroke of genius but having him continue to wander around even after he's dead gives him a quality you don't normally find in videogame heroes.
At first I thought that was just being lazy on their part, like they didn't want to make him a new costume so just kept his dead-skin in the game and didn't even bother to swap it so it was his 2nd Costume.
However, seeing as how Scorpion, Noob, and Smoke are in their 2nd Player costumes I guess their might be a storyline reason Liu is still a zombie, that should be neat.
... and I know they're not making any new costumes for returing characters but I wonder if they're gonna do anything crazy like make Scorpion's P1 costume every other ninja's P2 so people who hate costume design but love multi-colored pajamas can like the game again. If Mileena's P1 will become Kitana's P2 since it was designed to be her costume anyway and she even wore it in some endings. Or make Sub-Zero's P2 his DA unmasked look rather then his very unpopular Deception 'bald monk thing' look.
....I bet Khamleon is for the Wii version and will replace Chamleon. Seems like what they'd do. Also, How's Chamleon gonna work? Like (old guy from the last Konquest) where he can use all the moves at once? or will he be swapping ablities? Does he still change color? Since he no longer is a palette swap and now just a move swap, can he use Cyrax and Sektor's moves too since they're male ninjas? Would Khamleon be able to use Tanya's ablities? Tanya's supposed to be a female ninja right?
 Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny) my silly little drawin's
Just a Person 800th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(3):Lots of news and rumours about MK:Armag" , posted Fri 11 Aug 21:25
quote: However, seeing as how Scorpion, Noob, and Smoke are in their 2nd Player costumes I guess their might be a storyline reason Liu is still a zombie, that should be neat.
I remember someone from Midway stating that in the end of Deception, Liu Kang's body and soul would fight and then merge, but the winner might not be what people were expecting. Yeah, I'm also curious about him.
quote: ... and I know they're not making any new costumes for returing characters but I wonder if they're gonna do anything crazy like make Scorpion's P1 costume every other ninja's P2 so people who hate costume design but love multi-colored pajamas can like the game again. If Mileena's P1 will become Kitana's P2 since it was designed to be her costume anyway and she even wore it in some endings. Or make Sub-Zero's P2 his DA unmasked look rather then his very unpopular Deception 'bald monk thing' look.
That's a possibility, I guess. Then again, if these costumes are not available, maybe people can make characters with these looks (and maybe even the special attacks) in KAK mode.
quote: ....I bet Khamleon is for the Wii version and will replace Chamleon. Seems like what they'd do. Also, How's Chamleon gonna work? Like (old guy from the last Konquest) where he can use all the moves at once? or will he be swapping ablities? Does he still change color? Since he no longer is a palette swap and now just a move swap, can he use Cyrax and Sektor's moves too since they're male ninjas? Would Khamleon be able to use Tanya's ablities? Tanya's supposed to be a female ninja right?
Hmm... I don't really like the idea of not having Khameleon in every system, while useless characters like Meat or Mokap would be in all three consoles. I mean, she has a story, and she has the potential to be a good character. About Chameleon, someone at the MKO's Forum stated that someone from Midway said that Chameleon would have special attacks from every male ninja (a la Shujinko), and some of his own. But many people like to create fake news, so... But him using Cyrax's and Sektor's moves would be weird, since he's not a cyborg... or is he? As for Tanya, she did dress herself as a female ninja in MK4, but since she never wore a mask, some players may not recognize her as a ninja...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Just a Person 802th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(10):Lots of news and rumours about MK:Arma" , posted Tue 15 Aug 02:55
quote: If I recall correctly, Sheeva had 4 arms but it didn't affect her game play at all (she did her uppercuts with her two right arms, for example).
My thought was that it might look silly to do that in 3D and if the producers wanted to put out a quality product they would avoid that; I somehow forgot that this was MK we were talking about.
Speaking of "innovative" MK characters, does anyone know if the Noob/Smoke fusion is still in or have they been split back into two seperate characters? They are separate characters again... At least they have differents slot on the select screen.
About Noob and Smoke, it's true: they are no longer a tag team, but two separate characters. Even though Boon actually liked them as one team (in the E3 select screen you could even see them in the same slot), the vast majority of the players were against it, so they are separate now.
About the four-arms discussion, Goro seemed to use all of his four arms during battle in MK:Deception (GameCube version), but there were some glitches with it (like Darrius fatality where he rips every limb from the opponent; however, he doesn't rip Goro's lower arms). But I don't think that four arms, centaur body or even giant wings will be available for KAK mode, since these body parts would demand specific animations and all. I guess there will only be humanoid features (although non-humans, tarkatans and reptiles are still humanoids in body shape... although a Shokan skin for the character would be nice and wouldn't be too hard to make...)
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Just a Person 805th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(4):Motaro with variable breast size?" , posted Thu 24 Aug 09:19
quote: Air chains have rarely looked good in any game but those pokey little kicks are particularly silly.
A sliding scale for breast size! I wonder if the boob slider has to be unlocked in the krypt? While the attributes shot is good for a few cheap laughs I do appreciate that the character creation thing appears as if it's going to have a large amount of variables to twiddle with.
True about the air chains. Really true, unfortunately...
Yeah, the KAK mode seems really interesting! Will it be as good as the one in Soul Calibur III?? Time will tell...
And about Motaro, well, my first thought was: "Wow, he´s really cool!" (yes, I liked him now). But my second thought was: "Well, he´s cool, but how can Midway just change his race? It´s not right; it´s like putting Baraka without his arm blades, or Goro with just two arms, Mileena without her sais, or Kitana being a man...". But Shang Tsung also got changed by Midway, since he can no longer morph into other characters (although I guess Midway could say he still can, but programming issues prevented them to show him morphing).
Anyway, I hope a good explanation is given for Motaro´s new body (a REALLY good explanation, not that stupid "Shao Kahn didn´t die ´cos he made a magical clone of himself that was killed by the Deadly Alliance" from GC´s MK:Deception... I read an interesting possibility: if centaurs have some magic power, maybe he transformed himself into that to catch people off-guard with new techniques (but then, Midway´d better show him with 4 legs transforming into this 2 legged body before the first round...).
Now, I hope to see Khameleon. Even if she really is made from Li Mei´s alternate outfit from MK:DA, it´s still good; it´s still better than this change in Motaro (Chameleon also looks like a copy from MK:D Ermac, so there´s no problem after all...).
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Just a Person 807th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "No Khameleon... at least for PS2 and Xbox" , posted Fri 25 Aug 22:10:
quote: ....I bet Khamleon is for the Wii version and will replace Chamleon. Seems like what they'd do. Also, How's Chamleon gonna work? Like (old guy from the last Konquest) where he can use all the moves at once? or will he be swapping ablities? Does he still change color? Since he no longer is a palette swap and now just a move swap, can he use Cyrax and Sektor's moves too since they're male ninjas? Would Khamleon be able to use Tanya's ablities? Tanya's supposed to be a female ninja right?
You know, this may really happen. This week, it was confirmed that Khameleon will NOT be in MK:Armageddon. Shaun Himmerick, from the MK Team, stated she's not in the game (strangely going against the previous statement that "every character from every MK fighting game will be in Armageddon"...). Later, Cinder from the Midway Official Forum, stated that Khameleon will not be in MK:Armageddon for PS2 and Xbox.
However, he didn't say that she won't be in Wii. It's sad that she's absent from this game so far (while pointless characters like Mokap, Chameleon and Meat - who wasn't even a real character, he was a costume in MK4, will be in); but I hope at least the Wii's version gets her... Then again, we'd better not keep our expectations high for that to happen...
Edit: GekigangerV, thanks for the video! Nice kata at the end, but I hope in the final version the ending still gets pictures instead of that (Midway should leave the kata for the credits)
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Fri 25 Aug 22:12] |
Just a Person 808th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "NO KHAMELEON for PS2 OR XBOX... OR Wii" , posted Sun 27 Aug 04:42:
quote: Khameleon is NOT in MKA, but not it says "for the PS2 and Xbox" so I she's most likely Wii exclusive which (unless Chameleon is in the game too) is just retarded as they both probably have storylines now.
A funny thing is that it wasn´t even said that she would be in the Wii version, and there´s already a lot of people freaking out because of that (most of them are PS2 and Xbox owners), saying that Midway is giving all the bonus to Nintendo, that´s not fair that Wii gets one extra character whose story may interfere with the events in Armageddon... I guess Boon should put Khameleon in the Wii version and take out Chameleon (like Soul Calibur II and the exclusive characters for each console). I mean, I plan on buying a Wii, and not having Chameleon would not be the end of the world... But she should be in at least one version, so we can know what has happened to her. After that, Midway may just kill her (and Chameleon, for that matter) that I don´t care...
Oh, also, more news:
- Motaro´s ending (wow, he´s really cool! who needs 4 legs now??)
- Shang Tsung´s ending
- Sub-Zero´s ending
- Chameleon´s ending
- Sonya and Johnny Cage seem to have only two special attacks each (Poison Kiss and Square Wave Punch for her; Fireball and Shadow Kick for him), which is really irritating their fans...
- also, Moloch seems to be smaller than he was in MK:DA, and this is also irritating MK players...
Other than that, it still seems to be a great game.
Update: Cinder, from the Midway Forums, has edited his speech:
Khameleon is not in MKA.
Now, it seems that Khameleon won´t be in any of the versions of MK:Armageddon. And it really sucks.
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
[this message was edited by Just a Person on Mon 28 Aug 03:10] |