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Pollyanna 1942th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(1):Tales of the Abyss" , posted Fri 4 Aug 14:23
Yes, Abyss is the one. I like the battle system in Rebirth a bit better, and the soundtrack stinks, but otherwise, Abyss is the almost certainly the best game in the series. More than that, in my opinion, it's one of the few truly excellent RPGs on PS2.
The downside is that I'd love to play it again, but a few points of the game are very VERY heavy in cinemas and running back and forth and would be frustrating to have to get through when I'm only interested in the gameplay.
On another random note about the game, it's neat how you can change the difficulty level whenever you like (which I believe you could do on a Rebirth as well, if not a few other Tales games). Putting it on hard for bosses made for some of the most exciting fights I've had in a while.
Pollyanna 1943th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(5):Tales of the Abyss" , posted Fri 4 Aug 19:30
I think it's important not to look for ToP in ToA. I mean...well, I'm not crazy about ToP by today's standards. I think it was fantastic when it came out, and (next to ToA) is the most well-put together game in the series, but ToA is really nothing like it. I think if you're looking for the second coming of ToP, ToA will be a letdown.
I guess ToS was the "second coming?" That game DROVE ME CRAZY. I mean, I played all the way through it, and if nothing else it had some amazing skits (and...well...2 characters I liked), but there were several boss fights where I did nothing but TRY to get hit (attempting to do Regal's awesome hiougi) and somehow managed to win the fight. I can perhaps...PERHAPS tolerate winning incidentally, but I can't tolerate winning while attempting to get hit.
Anyway, ToA DOES have its flaws. Often the characters talk TOO much. They walk you through everything step by step and they say a lot of things that don't need to be said. (I can't even count how many speeches they had towards the end) They keep you out of fun mazes and fights and make you a bit antsy at times. It worked in this game (and it didn't in ToR) because the characters and story are really well put together...better than any other Tales game. I would still call that a shortcoming, though, because they didn't consider the player enough in the design.
I won't forget the game and the characters, though... because they made me feel things I've never felt before. There's a huge moral dilemma that pops up partway through the game that made me rethink my own feelings. It also has, what I would consider the best main character ever.
Now I'm just ranting. It's 5:30 in the morning and I'm getting excited about ToA again.
OH OH! ZEPY! How did you like Mother 3!?!? I just finished it, like...a month ago and I loved it DEARLY. I loved the characters and the soundtrack..and...well...excluding the time when you went underwater, I had an extremely good time all the way through. It's like I want to nitpick the game, but I had SO much fun and it left me SO satisfied that I can't seem to complain about anything.
Tashoku Kisune 2194th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Tales of the Abyss" , posted Sat 5 Aug 02:51
quote: Yes, Abyss is the one. I like the battle system in Rebirth a bit better, and the soundtrack stinks, but otherwise, Abyss is the almost certainly the best game in the series. More than that, in my opinion, it's one of the few truly excellent RPGs on PS2.
The downside is that I'd love to play it again, but a few points of the game are very VERY heavy in cinemas and running back and forth and would be frustrating to have to get through when I'm only interested in the gameplay.
On another random note about the game, it's neat how you can change the difficulty level whenever you like (which I believe you could do on a Rebirth as well, if not a few other Tales games). Putting it on hard for bosses made for some of the most exciting fights I've had in a while.
Ooooh, I love the Tales of games. Well, some of them. I loved Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Destiny a whole lot. Tales of Destiny II (Lame renamed title---should've just kept it Eternia) disappointed me.
Good to know Abyss is for PS2. :D 'Cause I got that console. Now I'm gonna have to go find it. XD Yay! Wish me happy hunting!
Pollyanna 1944th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(1):Tales of the Mother 3" , posted Sat 5 Aug 05:17
MOTHER 3 IS HORRIBLE. It killed video games for me.
Hahaah...for a split second, my heart sank when I read that.
I really can't believe how good the game LOOKED. When I first saw pics, I was dissappointed, because I thought it looked too much like the last game. I WAS A FOOL! None of the areas felt "tiled" at all...I really felt like I was "inside" the world. I was afraid that after playing so many fancy 3D games it would be less immersive, but it was exactly the opposite.
I think probably the best part was...
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - How they brought Porky in as a plot twist, then took him out of focus for the very end. As I was finishing up the game, I thought "this is fun, but isn't it a little lame to end the game as nothing but a tribute to Mother 2?"
But then there was the battle with Claus that just blew my mind and brought the game together so well. I don't remember the exact wording, but when it said something like "Lucas remembered Claus' smell" I just burst into tears. Similarly in the "cast credits" when Claus runs to stand with his family. It was such a little, insignificant thing, but it was so powerful to me. And I was thinking, "since when do I like Claus so much?"
Being able to figure out who was saying what in the darkness was kind of neat, too.
End of Spoiler
I can't pick a favorite song, but I think the Magypsy theme is very clever (sounding swanky and beautiful at the same time) and the crazy bass song in attic (?) above Club Titibu.
I forgot to say that I'm glad you're getting the Japanese version of the game. Well, I mean, you can't get the US version yet...and maybe it'll turn out great, but going off of Namco of America's track record, I'm not so sure.
It's not that all English dubs are bad nor is it that all Japanese dubs are good, but if the dub is even a little mediocre, it can totally take you out of the experience. I can't relate to characters that have distracting voices. I can't feel for them if they aren't well acted. I felt a little distant from Natalia because she didn't sound like she was really young, she sounded like an older woman TRYING to sound young...whereas she should have been like a younger woman who had an older woman's sophistication.
Anyway, maybe what I'm trying to say is: "I'm glad you'll be having the SAME experience as me." (assuming you try some of the boss fights on hard) That way, I don't have to feel like my recommendation might not be warranted.
If you really liked Destiny, I recommend the "real" Destiny 2. The plot is awful...really really awful, but it's totally full of fanservice (of the non-sexy variety) for the first game. The battle system (and sprites!) are super fun and I had a really great time with the game.
What was it that you didn't like about Eternia?
Ah, and keep in mind that ToA won't be out in America for a while before you start hunting. ^^'''
Pollyanna 1950th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):Tales of the Arc the Lad" , posted Mon 7 Aug 18:21
quote: And while we're random: Mother 3. I've never played 2 though it sounds magical and unique, if probably too old for me to play. Am I allowed to play 3 anyway?
Errmmm...that's tough. There's a point in Mother 3 that's very much tied to Mother 2. It's an pretty big deal, so if you haven't played 2, then you're really missing out (they even play a few songs that I'm sure made more than a few Mother fans wet their pants). The rest of the game is perfectly enjoyable (probably 90%), but I can't help but think that you'll feel left out if you haven't played 2. At the very least, I'd recommend reading a plot summary or something. Then, while you won't feel the same as someone who played it, you'll at least understand.
At the same time, if it wasn't for ToA, Mother 3 would have been the only truly excellent RPG I had played in years...so I still have to recommend it. I would even recommend trying Mother 2/Earthbound just to see if it hooks you.
Hmmm...making a statement like that, I wonder if I'm forgetting some excellent RPG.
I have never played an Arc the Lad game. That's one of a few series that completely passed me by. Never played Langrisser or Growlanser either. I wanted to go back and play the Tengai Makyou games, too...but the game market just won't stop throwing NEW mediocre RPGs at me.
I got halfway through Tengai Makyou 4 before my Saturn memory card thing died on me. Such a terrible cast of characters with a terribly boring battle system...but...ah...it was so funny. Arizona was amazing.
Maou 869th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(4):Tales of the Arc the Lad" , posted Tue 8 Aug 13:07
quote: Both games come from a time when T-RPGs had not yet fallen into the caricature they are today.
Thanks, Chaz, and yep, I did know that 1 and 2 were supposed to be the same epic game but that they were split in the rush, so since I have both it shouldn't be a problem. Despite having played dozens of RPG's, I've never really dealt with strategy RPG's beyond watching friends play Front Mission Alternative and Shining Force, even though I always meant to play Final Fantasy Tactics, so I don't think the weariness of the genre should hit me too hard.
On the other hand, what made me grab Arc was that the 2D graphics always seemed pretty in the magazines, and at least Amazon Japan (for what it's worth) had big praise for how unique and developed the characters were, to an extent I haven't heard outside of the Lunar series, especially given when they both came out. Since I mainly play RPG's for good stories, I'd be curious to hear how well they pulled it off...
Tashoku Kisune 2198th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Tales of the Mother 3" , posted Fri 11 Aug 11:13
quote: I didn't like Eternia for a number of reasons. I was less pleased with their battle system. But most importantly was their voice acting (at least the American version). And I just couldn't connect to any of the characters. Nothing about them made me WANT to love them. I'm a big character person being someone who sits around and thinks up characters all day long as her hobby. LOL. So it was mostly that stuff.
I think a lot of people became really attached to the characters in ToD and were disappointed in the ToE cast. I wasn't really crazy about any of the characters, myself...and yeah, the dub was tolerable at best. That was my "not playing anymore US Tales games!" game.
But I think it improved so dramatically on the system and visuals that it began the "Tales games of today". The backgrounds were lovely (instead of ugly tiles) and the characters were no longer squatty.
Most of all, I can't see how you couldn't like the battle system more! The ToD battle system was poorly balanced (so many cheap tricks!), slower and primitive. ToE didn't change anything drastically, but worked everything out much better. If someone likes the ToP battle system better, I can understand, since it did a good job of letting you manage your entire team...it was a different experience than the other Tales games. But I can't see what's superior about the ToD battle system in reference to the other games in the series.
Awww, I rather liked their squatiness. And I liked their backgrounds, too. LOL. I just think I have severely different tastes than most people. Which wouldn't at all surprise me to learn that by study it's TRUE. lol. :D Oh well.
IkariDC 543th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(5):Tales of the Mother 3" , posted Fri 11 Aug 19:55
All the hype and praise that Mother 3 was having made me try Earthbound. I'm playing it everyday now, so that's a huge compliment coming from me, because I don't play many RPGs.
I'm at the point of the game where...
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - You take a break by having a drink with a Mr Saturn, and some encouraging words are presented to you before you continue the journey. This means I've covered half of the game or they just wanted to cheer you up or something?
End of Spoiler
What I love from the game so far: The graphics and the music have a very personal touch. The dialogs and all the text everywhere! It's just so fun just to talk to people and to read every sign, etc. The game has many quirky details and that's a plus! It's a very unique RPG.
What I hate from the game so far: The limited inventory. With all the equipable stuff and key items, you have always the pockets full of stuff! I can't make room for food so I have to rely always on Ness' healing abilities. At least the relaxing butterflies are quite common. Also, when you have someones pockets full and you want to exchange items you just can't! When you have your pockets full and an enemy drops some food, why can't I eat some of my own pocket and get this afterwards, instead of having to discard something for making room?
Also, Jeff's ability to randomly repair broken crap (or not) when you have some sleep is lame. The ruler and the other thing that acordingly to the description you can use many times in battle are completly useless, right? Also what other key items I don't have to use anymore, for example, the Frankling badge or the bike?
I don't understand why the Mother 1+2 GBA game wasn't released in english. It's almost funny because the Mother 1 version of the GBA release is based on the unreleased NES version! Is there any chance of Mother 3 being released in the US?
Pollyanna 1954th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(2):Tales of the Abyss" , posted Sat 12 Aug 19:25
Tales of the Tempest looks...way...not good. I was pretty interested at first, but it seems like a lot more exciting, better looking DS games have either come out, or been announced since I heard about it.
As for Mother...yeah, the item thing is still a nuisance in 3. I'd say that was the only thing that I didn't -like- about the game. It's not that I mind having a limited number of items or items for each character, but when it comes to buying new equipment, it's a serious pain in the ass. I especially felt that way, because the music changes when you open the menu, and I really enjoyed the soundtrack in almost every place I went.
In other news...Persona 3 is addictiiiiiveeee! And just when I get a bunch of work to do, too...