Monster Hunter 2 Portable - Screenies - Forums

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"Monster Hunter 2 Portable - Screenies" , posted Sat 5 Aug 12:36:post reply

sorry I can't seem to get the click on link working... I tried replacing the phrase "link_here" and the link didn't show up in preview.

[this message was edited by trogdor on Sat 5 Aug 12:40]


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"Re(1):Monster Hunter 2 Portable - Screenies" , posted Mon 7 Aug 17:26post reply

Hehe, I've already spent more than 100 hours on the first, and I'm still playing it !

I have Dos on PS2, but it's too complex for my Japanese skills...and it seems quite deeper than the first...
Anyway, I don't have time to play anything else than MH Freedom :)

I've been playing MHF online for a few's a blast !