Street Fighter II for 360 - Forums

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1958th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Street Fighter II for 360" , posted Sat 5 Aug 17:50:post reply

As some of you may know, they just ported SF2Turbo to Xbox360. You can download it for...I dunno how much, but not much.

That's not the important thing, though. The important thing is that it's causing quite an uproar among people who have never played the game before as well as self-proclaimed "SF pros who have been playing for 15 years".

The general consensus is that the game is too hard, and that everyone cheats. If you use E Honda, you're a cheater. If you use fireballs, you're cheating. If you throw in the corner, you're a cheater. Any of these things, if coupled with winning, result in getting bad feedback from whiney players. Some people have gone from 100% good rep to like...50% in a matter of 2 days.

If you want a good laugh, just go to the Gamefaqs SFII board. Here's a good place to start.

Also, if you haven't heard, they're porting Symphony of the Night to Xbox Live Arcade something...whatever it's called. I hope they'll increase the number of games available for it in an attempt to compete with the Wii.

In other 360 news, they have a Dead Rising demo out now, where you can go to "Jill's Sandwiches." That made my day.

Uhm...I'm...probably the only person here who bothered to get a 360, huh? (that's probably for the best)

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Mon 14 Aug 14:21]


428th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Capcom for 360" , posted Sat 5 Aug 19:10post reply


Uhm...I'm...probably the only person here who bothered to get a 360, huh? (that's probably for the best)

Uhm...I'm...probably the only person here with a 360, huh?

I have one at work. I didn't have any free time to play the DR demo but co-workers praised it. I'll try it next week; what do you recommand to do in priority in the demo if I only have something like an hour of free time to play it?

SFII'HF's issue is that I can't bring myself to play the game on the 360's pad.

For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.

Time Mage
2443th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Street Fighter II for 360" , posted Sat 5 Aug 19:16post reply

If you want a good laugh, just go to the Gamefaqs SFII board. Here's a good place to start.

That entire game board is pure gold, thanks for sharing. The guy complaining because his "unstoppable" Honda is stopped by a random fireballing Ken is fun as hell. He even provides a video, in which he only tries to do the One Hundred Slap move, and of course he gets hadokened to death. Poor guy. xD

~~~Knowledge is power~~~

7848th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Street Fighter II for 360" , posted Sat 5 Aug 20:07post reply

In other 360 news, they have a Dead Rising demo out now, where you can go to "Jill's Sandwiches." That made my day.

Wait, where can I buy a 360 again ?

1350th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Street Fighter II for 360" , posted Sat 5 Aug 20:20post reply


Wait, where can I buy a 360 again ?

I hear Japan has tons.

1520th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3): Dead Fighter II for 360" , posted Sat 5 Aug 22:58post reply

I've played the demo of Dead Rising ten times now, just to poke around and play with all the weapons and special little items and such. Slammed into zombies with a shopping cart, drank a mixture that gave me super spit, got a deadly bj from the an undead lady... reminds me a lot of college, actually.

I hope Undead Fred doesn't play this. I think he would actually explode. - My own personal waste of time.

2031th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4): Dead Fighter II for 360" , posted Sun 6 Aug 00:07post reply

It's like 1994 all over again.

454th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5): Dead Fighter II for 360" , posted Sun 6 Aug 00:43post reply

....that annoying ryu keeps shooting this beam thing at me...


Dead Rising seems entertaining in the same way GTA series was for me : Ignored missions and just set people on fire for a few mintues, and then boredom occured.

Hopefully I am wrong.

悪 趣 味 な行為を
羊が百匹 羊が百一匹 眠れない

1946th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Capcom for 360" , posted Sun 6 Aug 01:39post reply


I have one at work. I didn't have any free time to play the DR demo but co-workers praised it. I'll try it next week; what do you recommand to do in priority in the demo if I only have something like an hour of free time to play it?

SFII'HF's issue is that I can't bring myself to play the game on the 360's pad.

I haven't tried any 2D fighters on the 360 pad because none of the Xbox ones are backwards compatible (arrrrgh!!). While I have a feeling it will suck, I managed to do fine with an Xbox pad, so I'm trying to remain optimistic.

As for the Dead Rising Demo...well, it's sort of short? There's a lot you can do, though. It's just if you go to the main plaza or the movie theater then it ends. You can do either of these things in under a minute, so the point of the demo is really just to screw around.

As Evenor mentioned, it actually seems to be pretty close to GTA in many respects. It HAS a plot and missions and such, but is more catered to just screwing around. I can't exactly praise the gameplay, but it's much better than GTA, which I consider almost unplayable. It's not really my kind of thing, but so far I've played the demo several times and found new things to do each time. It wins BIG points for letting you wear a horse head.

Haven't gotten the super spit, though...hmmm...

As for Street Fighter...yeah, I never knew Honda's hundred hand slap was considered some sort of unstoppable/unfair move, but evidentally, it beats everything and only cheaters use it. But...if you beat it, then you're a cheater, too. Actually, it seems like the ONLY way to win on SF is to cheat.

3485th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Capcom for 360" , posted Sun 6 Aug 03:06post reply

just to say, I've heard lots of legitimate problems with it. When I played it it felt a little off, and I couldn't put my finger on why. Then people were saying it felt like the speed was changing during play at times, tending to speed up when the AI is losing. Can't confirm it, but a few people on the ic boards have mentioned it, and it did feel off to me, like I'd play equally well twice in a row and inexplicably win or get trounced each time. Polly, you didn't have that experience?

Variable Savior
383th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(4):Capcom for 360" , posted Sun 6 Aug 03:38post reply

DISCLAIMER: I have zero online gaming experience (despite owning a regular Xbox) so forgive me if this question is naive.

This report on SFII crybabyism is interesting but isn't this how most online gaming experiences are? I mean, everytime people talk about their online experiences all I ever hear about is cheaters and opponents who complain, swear, or racially MF people.

I will eventually own a 360 (and probably a Wii and PS3) and am interested in trying online gaming but I have to ask if there really is fun to be had with it. I'm sure you can have a good time with the right game and/or people but how likely is one to find such arrangements (ie. 50% of the time? 10%???). Anyone with online experience care to offer an opinion?

Blood marks heaven's path

2578th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Capcom for 360" , posted Sun 6 Aug 04:29post reply

While us grizzled vets can have a good chuckle at the expense of those weaklings who can't handle a real game like HSF2 Variable Savior brings up a good point. How good is on-line play? Are people so desperate for that type of gameplay that they are willing to overlook lag, disgusting behavior from players and other problems?

SotN is coming to the 360? Will it be the PSX version or will the Saturn extras get tossed in as well? It seems that one of the selling points of the 360 is that with HSF, SotN and other downloadable games it's just like owning an old console but a lot more expensive.

1947th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Capcom for 360" , posted Sun 6 Aug 04:55post reply

I haven't tried the game yet, actually. My Live membership ran out, so I don't have much motivation to get it. If I can try a demo I will, though. It may have some issues, since there are a number of complaints, but plenty of people who have spent a lot of time playing SF2 don't have any problems. I think it's safe to say that it isn't arcade perfect, but the question is if that really matters or not.

As for people being good sports, I've only played DOA4 online, and that went very well. A lot of the people playing SF2 online have played fighters before with good experiences...certainly not a large number of ridiculous incidents where they get bad feedback and people quitting.

Also, lag isn't worse than any other game, and if you pick who you play carefully enough, then it's not a problem at all. Some people, who have mediocre connections, play people with mediocre connections, or play people all the way across the world have some problems, but many people have played over 100 matches and said "What lag?". With DOA4, as long as I chose a good or optimal connection room, it was either perfect or nearly perfect.

Of course, with SF2, there might be a bigger issue of finding opponents a few months/year from now.

As for SoTN, it hasn't been said if it'll be the PS or Saturn version, but I think a lot of people would be excited to be able to play the Saturn one, so I hope that's the case.

It also might be worth mentioning that downloads go fairly fast. I imagine it will take less than half an hour to download SoTN, which is quite handy.

2032th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Capcom for 360" , posted Sun 6 Aug 09:07post reply

As for SoTN, it hasn't been said if it'll be the PS or Saturn version, but I think a lot of people would be excited to be able to play the Saturn one, so I hope that's the case.

That's pretty unlikely though. No english version of the Saturn port was ever made so it would take extra work to convert over all the translation work from the PS version into a Saturn game for the 360. That's a lot of work for a mostly free (?) download.

0th Post

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New Customer

"Re(8):Capcom for 360" , posted Sun 6 Aug 10:59post reply

That's a lot of work for a mostly free (?) download.

Most Xbox Live Arcade games cost ~$5, but HF is ~$10. I'd imagine that SotN would be closer to $20.

4267th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Street Fighter II for 360" , posted Sun 6 Aug 14:15post reply

I got the 3 red rings of death on my X-box, but managed to play street fighter at a friend's house.

The game does feel a little off, but it played fine. What did irk me is that if a person quits the game you get no credit for it. They had this garbage at CvS2, so my recods looked stupid because I took my loses and when I won people quit.

About the "cheating," several people got very cute spamming blanka balls, weak attacks into throws, or Sagat's close medium kick. I countered those things and got called colorful names and got several "unsporting" playing reviews.

I played the Dead Rising demo a ridiculous amount of times, so it made it all better.

The general consensus is that the game is too hard, and that everyone cheats.


1948th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Street Fighter II for 360" , posted Sun 6 Aug 18:13post reply


About the "cheating," several people got very cute spamming blanka balls, weak attacks into throws, or Sagat's close medium kick. I countered those things and got called colorful names and got several "unsporting" playing reviews.

Wow, that happened fast.

As for SoTN, it could turn into quite a big deal if they bother porting the Saturn version, because then it would appeal to SoTN fans. As it is, I assume most fans of the game already have the PS one and might not be willing to shell out the money just to have the novelty of playing it on 360. However, if they advertised it as a "new upgraded version never before seen outside of Japan", then it would not only raise the popularity of the game, but get people thinking about Xbox Live Arcade in different terms.

I'm not saying that's what will happen, but I think it would be a good move, assuming the transition wouldn't be too difficult.

1605th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(something): Symphony of the Night for 360" , posted Sun 6 Aug 18:54post reply

As for SoTN, it could turn into quite a big deal if they bother porting the Saturn version, because then it would appeal to SoTN fans. As it is, I assume most fans of the game already have the PS one and might not be willing to shell out the money just to have the novelty of playing it on 360. However, if they advertised it as a "new upgraded version never before seen outside of Japan", then it would not only raise the popularity of the game, but get people thinking about Xbox Live Arcade in different terms.

I'm not saying that's what will happen, but I think it would be a good move, assuming the transition wouldn't be too difficult.

... unfortunately, though, 1up updated its story a while ago to mention that it would indeed be a port of the PS1 version, not the Saturn version.

A bit of a shame that Saturn versions seem to be overlooked if the PS1 versions are more prevalent. The same happened with Megaman 8 on the Megaman Anniversary Collection, at least from what I saw of it -- no Saturn Tenguman music, no water image-warping effects, etc. (Didn't get far enough to see if Cutman / Woodman were also cut.)


Tashoku Kisune
2196th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Re(something): Symphony of the Night fo" , posted Sun 6 Aug 19:10post reply

As for SoTN, it could turn into quite a big deal if they bother porting the Saturn version, because then it would appeal to SoTN fans. As it is, I assume most fans of the game already have the PS one and might not be willing to shell out the money just to have the novelty of playing it on 360. However, if they advertised it as a "new upgraded version never before seen outside of Japan", then it would not only raise the popularity of the game, but get people thinking about Xbox Live Arcade in different terms.

I'm not saying that's what will happen, but I think it would be a good move, assuming the transition wouldn't be too difficult.

... unfortunately, though, 1up updated its story a while ago to mention that it would indeed be a port of the PS1 version, not the Saturn version.

A bit of a shame that Saturn versions seem to be overlooked if the PS1 versions are more prevalent. The same happened with Megaman 8 on the Megaman Anniversary Collection, at least from what I saw of it -- no Saturn Tenguman music, no water image-warping effects, etc. (Didn't get far enough to see if Cutman / Woodman were also cut.)

But it is kinda interesting that it's popped up again. I find it to be one of the best games. I'm sorta picky about the games I fall in love with---especially side-scrollers (because I get severely motion sick). But I adored SotN.

341th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Re(something): Symphony of the Night fo" , posted Mon 7 Aug 00:22post reply

... unfortunately, though, 1up updated its story a while ago to mention that it would indeed be a port of the PS1 version, not the Saturn version.

A bit of a shame that Saturn versions seem to be overlooked if the PS1 versions are more prevalent. The same happened with Megaman 8 on the Megaman Anniversary Collection, at least from what I saw of it -- no Saturn Tenguman music, no water image-warping effects, etc. (Didn't get far enough to see if Cutman / Woodman were also cut.)

The MM8 on the MMAC disc is the PSX version through-and-through. The only difference is the (obvious) loading being gone. The only game they actually had to do any real work with to port was MM7 since no version of it exists outside of the SNES. Capcom was already working on porting the arcade games, so that wasn't even an issue.

It might also be an issue of how the port would be for SotN. I mean, as many extras as the Saturn version has the port itself wasn't very well done thanks to the Saturn "missing" certain features that made the PSX version look so well.

1606th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2): Symphony of the Night for XBLA" , posted Mon 7 Aug 03:05post reply

I mean, as many extras as the Saturn version has the port itself wasn't very well done thanks to the Saturn "missing" certain features that made the PSX version look so well.

In any case, though, what folks would most likely want is a port with the visuals of the PS1 version and the extras of the Saturn version.

... here's a thought, though -- could it be that Symphony on XBLA would just be the original software with a packaged PS1 emulator? I'd imagine the 360 hardware would be powerful enough to run it -- and making a PS1 emulator would allow them to release all sorts of other Konami PS1 titles on XBLA.


3486th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3): Symphony of the Night for XBLA" , posted Mon 7 Aug 05:39post reply

yeah, I'm almost sure it'll be emulated, as that'd be the easiest thing to do. But what if they have to upres the sprites? ahhhh, I can dream. Certainly they'll have to do *something* about the resolution, given the PS1's rather tiny specs.

I only played through the saturn version, and the extra areas were nice, but there's not that much to them, really. That said...I sort of feel like playing through it again!

429th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4): Symphony of the Night for XBLA" , posted Mon 7 Aug 06:01post reply

It is much easier to perfectly emulate PS than Saturn.

For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.

3487th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5): Symphony of the Night for XBLA" , posted Tue 8 Aug 02:17post reply

It is much easier to perfectly emulate PS than Saturn.

True, but girigiri engine is officially licensed by different companies now. That's why you can't find it on the net anymore. The Princess Crown PSP port, for instance!

Burning Ranger
1439th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"I stopped playing SFAC online..." , posted Tue 8 Aug 09:56post reply

I got frustrated with the online Xbox Live scene, especially when it came to Street FIghter Anniversary Collection and Halo 2--it just wasn't a friendly environment, even in non-ranked games. I think things would have been different if SFAC had a rank-free online mode. Cheapness aside, I think had there been no ranked mode, I wouldn't have mind the spammed Aegis Reflector and Ken SRKs. Then there's people who just love to talk shit, even in unranked games (Halo 2) and those who really do cheat (modders).

And the funny thing is, my brother wants me to buy a 360 so we can get some FPS gaming on. I wish he would just upgrade his PC.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!

548th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):I stopped playing SFAC online..." , posted Tue 8 Aug 11:05post reply

I still play SFAC... I had to change my attitude about the whole online scene and it worked in my favor. I don't care about droppers anymore, as long as I mark them down and don't play them anymore, I'm fine. And with 1/2 of my games affected by lag, it's just not worth the stress from the game. I just play to kill time, and that's it. I don't care about my rank at all.

It's better than having nothing at all.

431th Post

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Gold Customer

"Dead Rising" , posted Tue 8 Aug 19:03post reply

So I played the DR Xbox Live demo. It was pretty fun and technically better than previous DR demos, though the game already feels a bit repetitive after four runs. I really enjoyed the photo shooting system asking to "create" interesting situations. The shopping cart is very useful in appropriate situations, but I think the most useful weapon (besides the shotgun) was the Golf Club. The main character can snipe like hell with these tiny golf balls. I was quite disappointed by the fact weapons would rarely wreak havoc in the background, except in pre-selected areas such as large windows. I guess fully destroyable backgrounds is still Next-Next-Gen.

In four runs, I found four different ways to finish the demo, which is quite nice. The cutscenes were fun and the characters in these cutscenes were really respectful of Romero's movies (except maybe the mad priest in the movie theater, though I guess he is here to represent right-wing religious fanatics). The Sniper RIAA family was my personal fav. On the other hand, I was quite disappointed by the "acting" in the opening demo. The yummychubby lady was unconvincing and Capcom could not resist placing those trademarked too long close-ups on her face. The animation when she gives the gun (which we don't have in the subsequent demo for some reason) is crappy as well.

All in all it was vrey fun. Not enough to get me running in the nearest shop to buy a X360, but I would/will get the game if/when I get/got one
According to some guy on a Japanese blog found by some guy on GAF, the game will be heavily censored in Japan. So was Bio Hazard 4 apparently; I didn't know that.

For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.

675th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Re(something): Symphony of the Night fo" , posted Wed 9 Aug 00:10post reply


A bit of a shame that Saturn versions seem to be overlooked if the PS1 versions are more prevalent. The same happened with Megaman 8 on the Megaman Anniversary Collection, at least from what I saw of it -- no Saturn Tenguman music, no water image-warping effects, etc. (Didn't get far enough to see if Cutman / Woodman were also cut.)

Cutman and Woodman aren't in it. They were only in the Saturn version.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

3488th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Dead Rising" , posted Wed 9 Aug 00:40post reply


According to some guy on a Japanese blog found by some guy on GAF, the game will be heavily censored in Japan. So was Bio Hazard 4 apparently; I didn't know that.

hmm, I didn't know that either. that sucks for them!

421th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Capcom for 360" , posted Wed 9 Aug 04:21post reply


SFII'HF's issue is that I can't bring myself to play the game on the 360's pad.

You could always pick up the DOA4 stick. I did. Not that it's likely to stand up to the highest specifications of arcade enthusiasts, but it's certainly a step up.

Anyway, it's a tad disappointing that SotN isn't the Saturn version. What I've actually started to get excited about, though, is the prospect of what kind of achievements the game might have. Every 360 game has to have achievements, much like they have to have the custom soundtrack option. I haven't downloaded HSF2' yet, but I'd assume it applies that that too, as it applies to every other XBLArcade game I've seen. Though it's a tad hard for me to imagine achievements for that game outside of online win streaks. At any rate, they could potentially throw in some fairly creative goals for SotN. Could be interesting.

Dead Rising is Jesus, by the way.

2579th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Capcom for 360" , posted Thu 10 Aug 00:53post reply

Dead Rising not only appears to be great fun but one of those games that I won't get a chance to play at any point in the near future. If anyone gets to try out the full game please give us your impressions.

133th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):Street Fighter II for 360" , posted Thu 10 Aug 17:52post reply

Uhm...I'm...probably the only person here who bothered to get a 360, huh? (that's probably for the best)

Uhm...I'm...probably the only person here with a 360, huh?

gamertag "cviii"

will voice chat

(you have japanese 360? i will duel you in zegapain. you should join the mixi xbox 360 community.)

also, hyperfighting is not available on japanese live. and, it seems, it WON'T be. as capcom is still making ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ off PS2 Hyper Anniversary Edition.

this week's xbox live game in japan is YAY PAC-MAN

15.4 megabytes for pac-man -- probably 15 of that is in the wallpaper

1953th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Street Fighter II for 360" , posted Thu 10 Aug 20:10post reply


gamertag "cviii"

will voice chat

(you have japanese 360? i will duel you in zegapain. you should join the mixi xbox 360 community.)

I don't have a Japanese 360, because I assumed I would be unable to get online with it (being in America). Since there's such a slow trickle of games on the system, I thought "surely they'll bring everything to America, anyway! And what they don't bring probably won't be region locked."

I may have been wrong on every point.

If I have a non-region locked Japanese copy of DOA4 (regardless of if such a thing exists), and American Xbox live service, can I play it online? Obviously, I can play against Japanese players...but what if the game doesn't have an American version?

I don't have Xbox Live (Gold) anyway. I used my 30 day trial having a jolly good time on DOA4, but I haven't been motivated to renew it because I've been bombarded with other games and work.

The voice chat thing is...really weird to me. I don't talk much. One time someone said to me, in reference to my costume choices in DOA4, that nobody could beat my ugly dresses. I said I was wearing the same dress in reality, but that I was from Texas so I looked like Bass. A friend of mine read the Bible over the mic while someone else played. I was sad that I didn't run into anyone crazy.

Is Zegapain actually any good? And what's the "mixi Xbox 360 community"?

4269th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):where are the zombie dogs" , posted Fri 11 Aug 02:34:post reply

I have beaten the game yet, but here are a few things-

The game is pretty unforgiving but has a satisfying difficulty. There are very few save points and they are pretty far apart from each other. If you screw up on your saves it might be a better option to restart the game with all your skills (think Dragon Quarter).

Some of the boss fights or other situations can get hard, but not to the point where it is impossible or cheap.

The regular game doesn't let you roam as freely as there are time limits on the main and side quests. You can ignore the side quests if you want, but you'll miss a lot of experience and other stuff. You can also finish all the quests early so you can explore or stock up on items.

Escort missions might seem annoying at first, but for me they actually made the game feel a lot like a zombie movie. Some of the survivors were really eager to help, and were pretty effective when I gave them guns or sledgehammers. Others would suddenly stop to cry uncontrollably, so I had to go back, whack the zombies that were about to eat him, and constantly tap the follow button to make him stop crying and to follow me.

The only thing that annoyed me was that the game text looks unreadable on non HDTVs. I play this on a vga monitor so its not a problem to me, but every other 360 game can be played in any mode without being unplayable.

There are no zombie dogs, what the hell Capcom. No wait, maybe just one. But STILL WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!

If anyone gets to try out the full game please give us your impressions.


[this message was edited by Juan on Fri 11 Aug 02:36]

3493th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"JUAN, JELP" , posted Fri 11 Aug 02:57post reply

I need your prinny drawing, and I can't find it on buttermonster. It needs to accompany a newspost I just made!



4270th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):JUAN, JELP" , posted Fri 11 Aug 03:46:post reply

I can't find the prinny drawing, and it's not on the drawing board archives. But here's a new one just in case

edit at will

I need your prinny drawing, and I can't find it on buttermonster. It needs to accompany a newspost I just made!




[this message was edited by Juan on Fri 11 Aug 03:47]

3495th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):JUAN, JELP" , posted Fri 11 Aug 04:17post reply

did you loseded it?


thanks for the new one though, I use.

4270th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):JUAN, JELP" , posted Fri 11 Aug 05:19post reply

thnx dood

did you loseded it?


thanks for the new one though, I use.


2582th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):where are the zombie dogs" , posted Sat 12 Aug 04:53post reply


There are no zombie dogs

Thanks for the report. I'm sure that there are people who are disappointed by not having the game be more free roaming but as far as I can tell making it so you have to play the game doesn't sound like the worst decision in the world. Not only does it add a bit of weight to your choices but it helps make DR be more than just a sandbox game with zombies.

Dogs are too smart to turn into zombies. Besides, what sort of self-respecting dog hangs out at the mall?

4272th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):where are the zombie dogs" , posted Sat 12 Aug 05:44:post reply

Yeah the time limit worked pretty well for the feel for the game. During the demo it really didn't feel like you were in any sort of danger, as the zombies were easily avoidable.

On the actual game I had to finish stuff quick so I could make time to grab a snazzy suit (important!) and the zombies were more of a threat as I could not take the time to kill them or a survivor would lag behind and get bit.

Speaking of choices-

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
At one point I ran out of time after fighting a boss, and had the option of rescuing two guys. Went for the one at the sandwich shop as it was the closest to the base. Turns out is this obese guy with mutton chops demanding food. No big deal, there is a bag of chips outside. Later on the janitor calls and says the fat guy is riling up the other survivors so he can make a search party for food. I go back but forgot to bring him more food, so he throws a fit and takes all the people I saved, probably to their deaths.

End of Spoiler



There are no zombie dogs

Thanks for the report. I'm sure that there are people who are disappointed by not having the game be more free roaming but as far as I can tell making it so you have to play the game doesn't sound like the worst decision in the world. Not only does it add a bit of weight to your choices but it helps make DR be more than just a sandbox game with zombies.

Dogs are too smart to turn into zombies. Besides, what sort of self-respecting dog hangs out at the mall?


[this message was edited by Juan on Sat 12 Aug 05:46]

134th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(3):Street Fighter II for 360" , posted Mon 14 Aug 12:18post reply

I don't have a Japanese 360, because I assumed I would be unable to get online with it (being in America). Since there's such a slow trickle of games on the system, I thought "surely they'll bring everything to America, anyway! And what they don't bring probably won't be region locked."

I may have been wrong on every point.

If I have a non-region locked Japanese copy of DOA4 (regardless of if such a thing exists), and American Xbox live service, can I play it online? Obviously, I can play against Japanese players...but what if the game doesn't have an American version?

Everyone is wrong about the Japanese Xbox 360. It's kind of sad. If you put the Japanese 360's default language into English, you can play Western-developed games (like Perfect Dark Zero) in English. Switch the console back to Japanese to play it in Japanese. Games like DOA4, too, are in English if your system is in English.

Also, you can create an American Xbox Live account with a Japanese 360!! Or a Japanese Live account with an American 360!

Also, Dead Rising isn't region locked, so you can play the American version on the Japanese 360.

So basically it's a cornucopia of something.

Zegapain is actually quite great -- though also painfully short.

Voice chat is fun!!

The mixi Xbox 360 community is . . . well, the Xbox 360 community on mixi, that's what it is?

If you don't know what mixi is, that's kind of sad. Or extremely fortunate. Or a mix of both.

7854th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Street Fighter II for 360" , posted Mon 14 Aug 16:30post reply

Also, Dead Rising isn't region locked, so you can play the American version on the Japanese 360.

They should write this on the cover, since the japanese version is censored despise being Z rated.

136th Post

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"Re(5):Street Fighter II for 360" , posted Tue 15 Aug 16:10post reply

Also, Dead Rising isn't region locked, so you can play the American version on the Japanese 360.
They should write this on the cover, since the japanese version is censored despise being Z rated.

It's on sale at pretty much every niche shop in Akihabara right now. In fact, lots of kids on 2ch and mixi have it and have beaten it already. I reckon it's sold a couple 360s.

It seems like the news of the censorship has done wonders to push dozens (of hundreds) of gamers over the edge of anger, want the American version, want it NOW (instead of the end of next month), and buy a 360. Kind of a clever tactic, if it's a tactic.

The pricetag at Game Hollywood is like 8900 yen. Which is quite a bit.

I ordered mine from Play-Asia, and it still hasn't gotten here :''''''''''''(

1959th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Street Fighter II for 360" , posted Tue 15 Aug 19:19post reply


So basically it's a cornucopia of something.

If you don't know what mixi is, that's kind of sad. Or extremely fortunate. Or a mix of both.

It's a cornucopia of confusion. Or complication at least. I guess since more good games come out in Japan and fewer English ones are region-locked, Japanese 360s are the way to go. there's not really any downside to having a Japanese one, huh? I might be selling my 360 and getting a new one...

I'll take my chances with being sad/fortunate and not pursue the mixi matter any further.

Of course, I probably won't touch my 360 for months with Persona 3 and Sengoku Basara 2 to play.

531th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Capcom for 360" , posted Wed 16 Aug 12:17post reply


Actually, it seems like the ONLY way to win on SF is to cheat.

And here I thought I constantly loss at SF2 because I stunk at the game.

Guess I'm doomed to forever lose at SF.

1246th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Street Fighter II for 360" , posted Fri 18 Aug 22:47post reply


It seems like the news of the censorship has done wonders to push dozens (of hundreds) of gamers over the edge of anger, want the American version, want it NOW

About time they felt like we did, usually it is us American gamers salivating over Japanese versions.