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nobinobita 55th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(4):Street Fighter Legends: Sakura" , posted Sun 29 Oct 09:46
quote: Blame Alvin "perfectionist" Lee for that. Udon spoils him.
Holy crap, it was only a minute ago that I realised that Pat Lee and Alvin Lee are different people!!! Ever since their debuts their amerimanga art just blended together in my mind. It never occured to me that they had different names.
I had a similar reaction recently when I realised that "Too Human" and "Mass Effect" were not the same Xbox 360 game.
But I digress.
I'm sad to see Arnold Tsang leave, because he was by far my favorite artist at Udon, but I think he's gone on to better things (doing concept work in Korea or something like that?).
Just look at this Onepiece fanart that he did!
It's incredible!
It's going to be really hard to replace someone like him, because he was so damn talented and American comics just pay so little.
There's very very little financial reward for what the guys at Udon do. They do it because they love it probably, but after a while it must be disheartening knowing that for all your specialized skill and labor you put into your comics, you could make more money at McDonalds.
Love is great and essential, but you also have to put food on the table.
I guess that's why I respect the Udon guys so much. I don't even like their art very much, I just like that they got off their asses and are accomplishing things (and getting better as artists in the process).
Also, the Rival Schools comic stinks. It's unforgiveably bad. But Sharknife is actually a pretty cool comic. Don't let Rival Schools be your only judge of Rey. He's actually a pretty good artist (really!).
That said, I have NO IDEA why Rival Schools looks the way it does.
I guess if that's your first taste of Rey, then i don't blame you for the unbridled hatred you guys seem to feel for him.