New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match - Forums

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7870th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 02:53:post reply

A new arcade GG will have a beta test this week end
Nothing else is known, beside the fact the voices have been re-recorded.

SNK will show at the TGS :
KOF 98 Ultimate Match(video only)
SNK slot panic (something something, my eyes are tired)
Garô Densetsu Battle Archive 2
PSP : Metal Slug Complete.
360 Live arcade : Garô Densetsu Special

No new game beside that KOF 98 UM, let's hope they show at least one original title...

[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 25 Aug 03:36]


Time Mage
2444th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 05:19post reply

A new arcade GG will have a beta test this week end
Nothing else is known, beside the fact the voices have been re-recorded.

I bet for another revision. With new voices!


4348th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 06:05post reply

A new arcade GG will have a beta test this week end
Nothing else is known, beside the fact the voices have been re-recorded.

I bet for another revision. With new voices!

They should call it "Guilty Gear Desuka" and add Robo-Sol...

1964th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 06:05post reply


I bet for another revision. With new voices!

GGXX is so hard to improve on, though. I mean, I want something meaty...something new, but I don't want them to ruin what they have. What's the minimum for it not to be considered a revision?

If I have new levels, 3 new characters, a new boss, and at least one new gameplay element, I'll be more than happy.

I don't even need ALL new levels...just SOME new levels.

793th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 06:46post reply


GGXX is so hard to improve on, though.

Don't you think Ishiwatari's been milking it a bit too long by now, though? I mean, three revisions so far of GGXX alone? Not to mention that it's been the same visually since GGX, which first came out six years ago? They could at least make the animation a bit better on some characters (BRIDGET 3-FRAME WALK).

I mean it's nice that they fix some of the crap about characters each year but blehhh. Please stop oversaturating us, Daisuke.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

637th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 06:52post reply


GGXX is so hard to improve on, though.

Don't you think Ishiwatari's been milking it a bit too long by now, though? I mean, three revisions so far of GGXX alone? Not to mention that it's been the same visually since GGX, which first came out six years ago? They could at least make the animation a bit better on some characters (BRIDGET 3-FRAME WALK).

I mean it's nice that they fix some of the crap about characters each year but blehhh. Please stop oversaturating us, Daisuke.

LOL Daisuke!!! He's the best at fan-milking. I'd vote for a name with some references to the clasiccs, "GGXXX' Justice Edition" or something like that...

1965th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 07:03post reply


Don't you think Ishiwatari's been milking it a bit too long by now, though? I mean, three revisions so far of GGXX alone? Not to mention that it's been the same visually since GGX, which first came out six years ago? They could at least make the animation a bit better on some characters (BRIDGET 3-FRAME WALK).

Well, it mgiht not be Ishiwatari's fault, though I suppose we don't have anyone else to blame. totally agree. I want something new, too, but my point is that GGXX has reached something like Virtua Fighter 4 did, where they have a system that's popular and works, so it's difficult to do more than tweak.

I think asking for totally new sprites (as some do) is a bit silly, and extensive reanimating could cause timing issues, but reworking or changing animations (like you mentioned) would be a good idea to make it seem more "fresh." (not to mention better looking)

I'm not saying I WANT another rehash. You know...I'd like all the characters completely reworked, 25%+ of their animation changed, a completely new soundtrack (though I have no problems with the current one, I just want more), all new backgrounds, tons of new characters, dramatic system changes...everything. Personally, I've had enough XX.

But realistically, I'd be happy with what I said earlier...a few new characters (Slash didn't count), new levels...maybe a few new songs/remixes, something new with the system. To me, that's more realistic and enough to be interested in.

The PS2 port of Slash was really felt like it "completed" XX as much as it can be, so I'd certainly be disappointed at another tiny upgrade, I just can't expect a huge overhaul.

Red Falcon
5715th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 07:21post reply

Actually, I think the "rehashes" of GG are generally a good thing, as the character tiers get tighter and tighter... I wonder what new will be in this rather sudden test? (Or is it so sudden? I'm so out of touch with the actual NEWS side of things...)

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7870th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 07:27post reply

As long as Leopardon makes a come back, I'm fine with it.

I'm surprised no one cares about FFSpecial on Live, and even less about KOF 98UM...
I mean, where are the discussions about 98 being the best KOF, the comments about the lame hi-res filter of 94RB, the wishlists that will never be fulfilled, and so on ?

You people have aged.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
My money is on Heidern copy and pasted from 94 Rebout.

End of Spoiler

461th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 07:33post reply


I'm surprised no one cares about FFSpecial on Live, and even less about KOF 98UM...
I mean, where are the discussions about 98 being the best KOF, the comments about the lame hi-res filter of 94RB, the wishlists that will never be fulfilled, and so on ?

You people have aged.

I think most people are tired of " OMGZ I HOPE MEGA SHINGO APPEARS" type of wishes.

I am really looking forward its music ( hopefully AST). But since its SNKPLAYMORE; nothing is safe.

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Ikari Loona
151th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(7):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 08:26post reply

I'm surprised no one cares about FFSpecial on Live, and even less about KOF 98UM...
I mean, where are the discussions about 98 being the best KOF, the comments about the lame hi-res filter of 94RB, the wishlists that will never be fulfilled, and so on ?

On the places I hang out at there's still plenty of discussion about KoF XI, since that's the one where SNKP seems to have gotten back the hang of things, and whether or not the NGBC characters broughtt into it are fair game tournament-wise.

Still, KoF98 still has a rather big following, and at least this remake is avoiding that "re-bout" thing in its title, which is a welcome little plus.

I do wonder if they'll add anyone new like they did with 94, but considering how many character sprites they have to sharpen from 98 alone, I kinda doubt they'll bother with that and compromising 98's legendary balance (bar the grapplers-rule-it thing).

As for the new GG, what could they possibly add of any interest by now? Sane Faust?...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

150th Post

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"Re(5):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 09:16post reply


Don't you think Ishiwatari's been milking it a bit too long by now, though? I mean, three revisions so far of GGXX alone? Not to mention that it's been the same visually since GGX, which first came out six years ago? They could at least make the animation a bit better on some characters (BRIDGET 3-FRAME WALK).

Well, it mgiht not be Ishiwatari's fault, though I suppose we don't have anyone else to blame. totally agree. I want something new, too, but my point is that GGXX has reached something like Virtua Fighter 4 did, where they have a system that's popular and works, so it's difficult to do more than tweak.

I think asking for totally new sprites (as some do) is a bit silly, and extensive reanimating could cause timing issues, but reworking or changing animations (like you mentioned) would be a good idea to make it seem more "fresh." (not to mention better looking)

I'm not saying I WANT another rehash. You know...I'd like all the characters completely reworked, 25%+ of their animation changed, a completely new soundtrack (though I have no problems with the current one, I just want more), all new backgrounds, tons of new characters, dramatic system changes...everything. Personally, I've had enough XX.

But realistically, I'd be happy with what I said earlier...a few new characters (Slash didn't count), new levels...maybe a few new songs/remixes, something new with the system. To me, that's more realistic and enough to be interested in.

The PS2 port of Slash was really felt like it "completed" XX as much as it can be, so I'd certainly be disappointed at another tiny upgrade, I just can't expect a huge overhaul.

Actually Slash did bring about alot of complains from fans regarding balancing problems.

Been following what some of the top players are saying that characters that are easy are too strong and got over buffed in Slash.

Though I am in for a revision even I am surprised by how fast the revision is coming.

I worry though if it becomes another isuka.

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5th Post

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"Re(1):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 09:40post reply

Garô Densetsu Battle Archive 2

This is Real Bout Special and Real Bout 2 right?

Bata kun
2927th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 09:41post reply

Garô Densetsu Battle Archive 2
This is Real Bout Special and Real Bout 2 right?

Don't forget the original "Real Bout" game.

2599th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 09:55post reply

Sadly, the only thing on that list that has me really excited is GDBA2. If this has RB2 on it I'm there.

News of a new GG is interesting but the series has become so scared of it's own success that instead of trying something new they continue on with variations on the same game. If it turns out to be yet another revision it will be a disappointment. If it turns out to be a sequel to Isuka the whole series can go to hell.

The problem with KoF 98 Super Happy Match is that it's hard to get too worked up over the release of a game with 1998 in it's title in 2006. I'm sure it will look nice enough and that Geese Howard will somehow get shoe-horned into the game but watching SNKP expend so much energy on reliving past glories ultimately gets depressing.

1247th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 10:50post reply


I think asking for totally new sprites (as some do) is a bit silly, and extensive reanimating could cause timing issues, but reworking or changing animations (like you mentioned) would be a good idea to make it seem more "fresh." (not to mention better looking)

Well they could at least pull a SF-Alpha with the same sprites, but an actual fresh roster of new characters, a new story, and a new engine that plays differently from the others.

Red Falcon
5716th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 13:09post reply


I'm surprised no one cares about FFSpecial on Live, and even less about KOF 98UM...
I mean, where are the discussions about 98 being the best KOF, the comments about the lame hi-res filter of 94RB, the wishlists that will never be fulfilled, and so on ?

Oh, I'm going to check it out. But the reaction here is generally so negative, why even bother mentioning that fact one plans to do so?

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Cain Highwind
711th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Fri 25 Aug 14:49:post reply


I'm surprised no one cares about FFSpecial on Live, and even less about KOF 98UM...
I mean, where are the discussions about 98 being the best KOF, the comments about the lame hi-res filter of 94RB, the wishlists that will never be fulfilled, and so on ?

Oh, I'm going to check it out. But the reaction here is generally so negative, why even bother mentioning that fact one plans to do so?

I'm excited too. Namely for GBA2 (Real Bout Special is my personal favorite)

I'm glad we're finally going to see 98 Rebout. I think the General Opinion of 94RB was "The Graphical Upgrades were nice but why couldn't they apply this to a newer KoF like 98? The gameplay in 94 stinks and it's the same!"

The things I'm hoping to see are new Hiroaki artwork of the 98 cast. The filter was good from a screenshot standpoint (it was used in KoF2003's cutscenes), it just needs to be applied to characters who are better animated, because 94's animation was pretty blah even compared to other games at the time.

Not to mention they'll finally fix that music bug from the DC version I'm sure. I think that annoyed a lot of people including me.

[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Fri 25 Aug 16:06]

1274th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sat 26 Aug 00:32post reply

Been following what some of the top players are saying that characters that are easy are too strong and got over buffed in Slash.


because KA2 killed everybody with his weakened character

Red Falcon
5718th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sat 26 Aug 04:37post reply

Been following what some of the top players are saying that characters that are easy are too strong and got over buffed in Slash.

because KA2 killed everybody with his weakened character

I kind of agree, Ky and Anji are a lot better, but it isn't like they're overpowered now... and Jam is as terrifying as ever, anyway.

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Burning Ranger
1443th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sat 26 Aug 11:06post reply

A new arcade GG will have a beta test this week end
Nothing else is known, beside the fact the voices have been re-recorded.

SNK will show at the TGS :
KOF 98 Ultimate Match(video only)
SNK slot panic (something something, my eyes are tired)
Garô Densetsu Battle Archive 2
PSP : Metal Slug Complete.
360 Live arcade : Garô Densetsu Special

No new game beside that KOF 98 UM, let's hope they show at least one original title...

Damn it... you mean to tell me GGXX Slash isn't going to be the definitive GG now? Will it warrant a console release!?!

The PSP GGXX Judgement looks like a port of Slash rather than #Reload. I wonder if the US version will be the same.

As for KOF98 UM: it's about time. Just hope it looks good. Even with the high-res sprites, I thought the game didn't have the epic KOF-feel to it. Then again, I never played it anyway. I always thought it was wierd they 'enhanced' KOF94. KOF98 is an excellent choice. That or even a brand new dream match.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!

870th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sat 26 Aug 13:45post reply

So about GG, which one is the most definitive/balanced one currently? Is it Reload or Slash?
As for 98 UM, about freakin time.
(and wth happened to my av and sig...)

1968th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sat 26 Aug 14:01:post reply

Edit: New things...
Reports and videos from the Guilty Gear test seem to indicate that there's hardly anything new about the game at all, other than a character from GG Judgement named...well...Judgement (looks lame). Supposedly Raven is in it as well? I dunno...

The visuals before and after the matches are essentially the same too (BOOO!). Holy Order Sol's sprite was altered, but otherwise, the game seems like less of a change than Slash, even. I may be mistaken, though...or rather "proven wrong later". I'm sure Iggy knows something if he cares...

So about GG, which one is the most definitive/balanced one currently? Is it Reload or Slash?
As for 98 UM, about freakin time.
(and wth happened to my av and sig...)

There are so many things to reply to in this thread! It makes me just want to give up.

Anyway,I don't believe that Slash has notably better balance than Reload, but it isn't notably worse, either. I mean, I'm not a pro, so what I say is only based on what I've heard people complain about and my own experience. I PREFER Slash, not only for the new characters and the fantastic soundtrack options on the home port, but because of the changes. Although Anji has made me grind my teeth a few times, I still think the balance is close enough to Reload as to not play Reload instead.


Geese gives me trouble in KOFXI. Can you roll in between reppukens in the double? I know if you block both, he's almost completely safe. If you roll in the middle, do you get hit, or can you get around it? I've only been able to beat him by pressuring him and stuffing before he can get an offense going. That's not really...fixing the problem, though.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sat 26 Aug 20:53]

7871th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sun 27 Aug 00:04post reply

Sorry, I'm not at home, stuck on a computer without any japanese support, I didn't find anything beside this crappy video.

3476th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sun 27 Aug 03:36post reply

For japanese readers : report
For english readers : another report

Fortes fortuna juvat...

462th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sun 27 Aug 03:49post reply

For japanese readers : report
For english readers : another report

Im not really liking the new [character's] design but Testament has some hot ass shoes.

Thank you!

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Olivier Hague
79th Post

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"Re(4):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sun 27 Aug 06:41:post reply

As far as I know, there isn't any new character in "Guilty Gear XX Accent Core"...
Oh well.

[this message was edited by Olivier Hague on Sun 27 Aug 06:44]

1249th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sun 27 Aug 09:24:post reply

-Has the story mode advanced at all?
="(tsssssss) well.. we're planning to work on that sometime soon"


btw am I the only one who thinks Judgement looks well...out of a SNES DragonBall Z game?

[this message was edited by crazymike on Sun 27 Aug 09:26]

Red Falcon
5720th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sun 27 Aug 10:27:post reply

Edit: New things...
Reports and videos from the Guilty Gear test seem to indicate that there's hardly anything new about the game at all, other than a character from GG Judgement named...well...Judgement (looks lame). Supposedly Raven is in it as well? I dunno...

Actually, I hear:
some sort of parry thing

And of course, new moves and properties for all characters. And no new charas.

So if all of this is true, it seems like there is quite a bit of new stuff! But of course the balance will probably be set back again...

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sun 27 Aug 10:29]

1968th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sun 27 Aug 11:16post reply


Actually, I hear:
some sort of parry thing

And of course, new moves and properties for all characters. And no new charas.

So if all of this is true, it seems like there is quite a bit of new stuff! But of course the balance will probably be set back again...

Yeah, the more I read, the more it sounds like quite a bit was changed. Watching videos, it all looks the same, though. I guess that's the player's fault, not the creators, but it makes me think that many of the changes might not be particularly relevant to me.

I think "new moves and properties for all characters" is a bit of an overstatement, though, as I don't believe all the characters have new moves.

Where are you getting this "some sort of parry thing" from?

Red Falcon
5721th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sun 27 Aug 14:59:post reply


Actually, I hear:
some sort of parry thing

And of course, new moves and properties for all characters. And no new charas.

So if all of this is true, it seems like there is quite a bit of new stuff! But of course the balance will probably be set back again...

Yeah, the more I read, the more it sounds like quite a bit was changed. Watching videos, it all looks the same, though. I guess that's the player's fault, not the creators, but it makes me think that many of the changes might not be particularly relevant to me.

I think "new moves and properties for all characters" is a bit of an overstatement, though, as I don't believe all the characters have new moves.

Where are you getting this "some sort of parry thing" from?
and they change some move properties in every GG (and in every fighter revision, to..well, be probably inaccurate) and as far as I know, at least most charas have at least one new move (and do the EXs not count?) Air potemkin buster = yes!!
And as for the parry, I DID say "if it's all true". Some of it definately is, some might not be (like the new charas rumour, which I doubted anyway)

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Sun 27 Aug 15:02]

1969th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sun 27 Aug 20:28post reply


And as for the parry, I DID say "if it's all true".

I'm sorry if I came across as sounding like I thought you were stupid or something for believing the parry thing (I mean, what do I know?). I was honestly asking where you got the notion from. I still don't see it on the page.

This reminds me of the "screenshots from the Xbox360 version of Slash" or something that was floating around the internet a long time ago. It featured artwork for a new character (blonde, with an eyepatch, I think?) that, like the 360 news, hasn't appeared since. It certainly didn't look like a hoax (the artwork wasn't at least), but now I'm wondering what happened to that character and what the real story is.

Do you know what I'm talking about?

7872th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Sun 27 Aug 23:26post reply

Most of the time, they don't unlock new characters in the first location tests, so players keep using the old ones and balance them out.

It doesn't mean there WILL be a new character, but at least we should wait for the second beta test to be sure of that.

3477th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Mon 28 Aug 02:43post reply

It doesn't mean there WILL be a new character, but at least we should wait for the second beta test to be sure of that.

An other reason is possible. If for example the news characters are bosses, they won't be seen in the locktest, since those are done in 99% in a PvP mode.
that would expalin why we didn't saw them yet...we need to wait for an 1P mode test...
Or forget them...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

172th Post

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"Re(10):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Mon 28 Aug 05:15post reply

Oh... I was just lurking around and wasn't gonna post yet... but I need to say it desperately.

This new version NEEDS new characters. It's been quite a long time since Zappa, I-No, Slayer and Buri-chan striked the audience. A.B.A and Robo-Ky definetely were a great addittion to the cast but Isuka was, in my humble opinion, a total failure.

I'm a BIG fan of Guitly Gear, really, and I approve of gameplay tweaks, but it also needs a breath of fresh air, something that attracts the player's curiosity.

Story-line wise, they've made an awesome job throwing in the legendary weapons, That man's 4 followers, etc. But it hasn't progressed nor been expanded for quite a while.

And one more thing... I don't know if it's just me... but Judgment's design looks rather weak... and that SSj hair... I don't know if he will be added to the cast or left aside like Leopaldon. And sadly, I have little hope in seeing Raven in Accent Core (as much as I would like to finally see him in the roster).

The release of Accent Core now makes the release of Slash pointless, also. They should have waited and release Accent Core with the debut of A.B.A to the main cast (and the poor addittion of Order Sol) and the gameplay tweaks together... well, enough of ranting and let's wait for a reason to be interested in Accent Core besides some new backgrounds and moves...

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

Red Falcon
5722th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Mon 28 Aug 09:32:post reply


And as for the parry, I DID say "if it's all true".

I'm sorry if I came across as sounding like I thought you were stupid or something for believing the parry thing (I mean, what do I know?). I was honestly asking where you got the notion from. I still don't see it on the page.

I'd need to look to find it again, but a friend elaborated for me: "It's some sort of buffer instant block thing, I think people were implying that it had whiff animation, and you can only use it on slash and hard slash... But if you connect, you have practically no block stun."

This reminds me of the "screenshots from the Xbox360 version of Slash" or something that was floating around the internet a long time ago. It featured artwork for a new character (blonde, with an eyepatch, I think?) that, like the 360 news, hasn't appeared since. It certainly didn't look like a hoax (the artwork wasn't at least), but now I'm wondering what happened to that character and what the real story is.

Do you know what I'm talking about?

It wasn't for a 360 version of Slash, it was just.. a GG theme for the 360, although people thought it might mean there would be a GG of some form for the 360 (who knows, maybe there will be?) The character has no name, nobody knows who it is, although some people call him "Kuro-Ky".

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[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Mon 28 Aug 09:39]

1970th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(9):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Mon 28 Aug 10:07post reply



Hahaha...I think that's the name people use for the imaginary aggressive Ky in yaoi doujinshi when they want Sol to get raped. I didn't think that guy looked much like Ky though.

Anyway, thanks for clearing that up.

Arngrim...what's wrong with Holy Order Sol? I mean, I can see complaining about having the same character twice, rather than a new character, but he's nothing like Sol and a lot of fun to use, so at least he doesn't fail as a character.

549th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Mon 28 Aug 15:36post reply

I'm with Arngrim with this one, if this one isn't going to make the story step forward, I think I'll pass.

The last GG I played "seriously" was GGX2, I don't have many chances of playing this series with friends, so gameplay and balance tweaks isn't enough for me to pick up one of those revisions.


871th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Re(10):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate" , posted Mon 28 Aug 16:08post reply

I don't have many chances of playing this series with friends, so gameplay and balance tweaks isn't enough for me to pick up one of those revisions.

Exactly, if they released an improved version of AC on 360 live though that would be a different story. And thx again Polly and everyone for prompt answers.

174th Post

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"Re(10):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Tue 29 Aug 03:18:post reply


Arngrim...what's wrong with Holy Order Sol? I mean, I can see complaining about having the same character twice, rather than a new character, but he's nothing like Sol and a lot of fun to use, so at least he doesn't fail as a character.

Maybe I'm feeling some kind of a letdown with Order Sol, as his sole concept seems so cliché to me. This character can be interesting from a gameplay/plot twist point of view, but in my opinion, pales in comparison with the extremity of A.B.A, who can be less interesting gameplay-wise, but is a great example of a effective character addittion to draw the fans attention, and also EXPAND the background story (because even if it doesn't develop, it can be expanded).

I'm not particularly against Order Sol, but I think that, if one character of the roster had to inevitabily disappear, I would definetely vote for him. Even though he can be GREAT potential material if they give him a decent twist, like they did with Robo-Ky, who started more or less this way (as an alternate version of a character), and later developed into one of the most interesting characters. If they pull out something between Order Sol and Sol Badguy as they did with Axl Low and Raven (total different characters with different motivations story-line wise but the same characters in different time stages at the same time), this character will gain my respect as a solid addittion to the cast. I would like to see him as a new enemy in the story-line (if he gets in contact with That Man, for example), instead of a sub-plot secondary character...

Well, time will tell. Also, I've heard about "Kuro-Ky" as the somewhat evil version of Ky who taps Sol in the most rabid yaoi situations you can imagine. I don't think we'll ever see him in the official story, as he is just a fanfic character, just as Anko (the female version of Anji/last japanese woman on earth, which developes in a somewhat further Adam&Eve situation), who is tons more interesting than Kuro-Ky (in my opinion, at least).

I haven't seen that screenshot you are talking about, and I can't seem to find it. Could somebody please upload it to the BBS or provide a link?

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

[this message was edited by Arngrim on Tue 29 Aug 03:20]

7873th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate" , posted Tue 29 Aug 03:53post reply

A.B.A is a great example to EXPAND the background story

If I recall correctly, A.B.A doesn't has ties with any character and never met any since her creation, so saying she expands the universe is a bit of a stretch, especially since nobody in his right state of mind can seriously believe they have plans to continue the storyline in the next 15 years.

174th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate" , posted Tue 29 Aug 04:11post reply

A.B.A is a great example to EXPAND the background story
If I recall correctly, A.B.A doesn't has ties with any character and never met any since her creation, so saying she expands the universe is a bit of a stretch, especially since nobody in his right state of mind can seriously believe they have plans to continue the storyline in the next 15 years.

Well, I would call that expansion, in the sense that new concepts and possible tie-ins could be thrown in and make the universe of GG wider.

You know, Iggy, weird characters are the ones who tend to appeal more to the audience. And GG is a mine in that aspect.

I still have hope in a step forward in the storyline in a few years---

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

7875th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate" , posted Tue 29 Aug 18:15post reply

You know, Iggy, weird characters are the ones who tend to appeal more to the audience.

Do I ?

2602th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate" , posted Tue 29 Aug 21:20post reply

It sounds like this variation on GG is going to be quite an upgrade. Still, I'm going to miss being able to charge up the EX moves like you could way back in GG1. But is there enough of a fan-base for GG to support this many upgrades? Do the yaoi fangirls hold that much of a sway over the market?

175th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate" , posted Wed 30 Aug 01:17post reply


Do I ?

Yes, you do

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

Iron D
2705th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Wed 30 Aug 18:34post reply


There was Guilty Gear and then there was GGX2 (here in the States, at least). As seemingly the only person on this board who hasn't played any of the other versions besides the ones I just named, I have to say that I've completely lost track of how many GG games there are, and what the differences are between them.

Don't even get me started on trying to figure out the story at this point...

Zelkin. Pimped.

2039th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Wed 30 Aug 19:55post reply


There was Guilty Gear and then there was GGX2 (here in the States, at least). As seemingly the only person on this board who hasn't played any of the other versions besides the ones I just named, I have to say that I've completely lost track of how many GG games there are, and what the differences are between them.

Don't even get me started on trying to figure out the story at this point...

LOL neither have I. I played X2 for a while and that was it. I've pretty much ignored anything GG-related since.

Just for kicks, every 4-5 months I'll approach the resident GG nut here and say "so how about that new Guilty Gear" and he'll just go on about whatever he thinks I'm talking about when really I have no idea what I'm talking about. I've done this multiple times.

7876th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Wed 30 Aug 20:02post reply

I've completely lost track of how many GG games there are

Easy :

GG - Street Fighter 1
GGX - SF 2089
GGXX# red - SF2'
GGXX# blue - SF2T
GG Isuka - SF the movie
GGXXAC - SSF2X <============Current state of the series
??? - HSF2

One more game and we'll finally move to GG Zero.

550th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Wed 30 Aug 21:47post reply


GG - Street Fighter 1
GGX - SF 2089
GGXX# red - SF2'
GGXX# blue - SF2T
GG Isuka - SF the movie
GGXXAC - SSF2X <============Current state of the series
??? - HSF2

One more game and we'll finally move to GG Zero.

Lol, I like that comparison, it really started to feel like Capcom at this point. If they're going to follow their steps and finally release the equivalent to SFIII then I'm all for it!


1353th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Thu 31 Aug 06:31post reply


GGX - SF 2089


SF 2089 was a completely different genre from SF, featuring a familiar character in name only.

Unfortunately, I can't put SF Rainbow there because it came after HF and CE.

7880th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Tue 5 Sep 01:17post reply

SNK just announced on their Yusa Nikki something unexpected : they are developping a real totally new game.
At this point, it could be anything on any platform, but I guess it means their TGS boot will show 10 years old games rehashed and ported here and there, PLUS a totally new fighting game with 10 years old sprites.

Eh. I wouldn't mind a Nejibako 2 myself.
Oh, also, according to the way it's phrased, I think it means SNK is developping the game, so it might not be Yuki's new project. But maybe I'm wrong.

4349th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Tue 5 Sep 01:46post reply


SF 2089 was a completely different genre from SF, featuring a familiar character in name only.

It had nothing to do with SF. That was just CoA's cheap attempt at a marketing tie-in.

SNK just announced on their Yusa Nikki something unexpected : they are developping a real totally new game.

They will also include a cameo by Kyo so people will notice it.

944th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Tue 5 Sep 08:21post reply


GGX - SF 2089


SF 2089 was a completely different genre from SF, featuring a familiar character in name only.

It's 2010, you dirty heathens!

It had nothing to do with SF. That was just CoA's cheap attempt at a marketing tie-in.

Wrong! Changing the main character's name to Ken in the US was a cheap attempt at a marketing tie-in. The game was also known as Street Fighter 2010 in Japan, that didn't change.

3512th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):New Guilty Gear, KOF 98 Ultimate Match" , posted Tue 5 Sep 11:08post reply


GGXX is so hard

I want something meaty...

just saying

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