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sabo10 1358th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(1):Random thread while the summer is endin" , posted Tue 29 Aug 05:26
In other melty blood news:
There seems to be a bug in this game where you can do a certain combo, and lock the opponent in the corner with jabs in a way that you are not pushed apart, and the jabs can continue endlessly. Is this bug well known outside of Japan?
Due to damage scaling, the combo rarely ever kills anyone, but it is a convenient way to freeze the match and wait out the timer if you happen to have more health than your opponent. Currently, most matches I have seen here in Japan consist solely of someone landing that right combo, and then running the timer down with this bug. Without exaggeration, whenever I look over at a MBAC machines, there is some guy resting his head on his hands, throttling the jab button with one hand, and waiting out the timer.
Really, I can't believe anyone plays this anymore.
VManOfMana 656th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(2):Random thread while the summer is endin" , posted Tue 29 Aug 11:43
quote: In other melty blood news:
There seems to be a bug in this game where you can do a certain combo, and lock the opponent in the corner with jabs in a way that you are not pushed apart, and the jabs can continue endlessly. Is this bug well known outside of Japan?
Due to damage scaling, the combo rarely ever kills anyone, but it is a convenient way to freeze the match and wait out the timer if you happen to have more health than your opponent. Currently, most matches I have seen here in Japan consist solely of someone landing that right combo, and then running the timer down with this bug. Without exaggeration, whenever I look over at a MBAC machines, there is some guy resting his head on his hands, throttling the jab button with one hand, and waiting out the timer.
Really, I can't believe anyone plays this anymore.
If you are talking about the corner infinites they are fixed in the PS2 version (version B).
Most of them are realistically doable only on Shiki, since he is the character that falls the slowest.
Jabel D. Morales – VMan of Mana "Be prepare for the eternity battle."
CharlesProphony 33th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(3):Random thread while the summer is endin" , posted Mon 4 Sep 13:55
"From that day forth... my arm changed..."
Ooh, is this a hint about the DMC/God Hand crossover that nobody was asking for?
"Power.... Give me Power!" well, it's a really wild guess, but maybe it has some connection with Project ARMS? it's like an answer when the heroes of this manga have their overpowered ARMS made active... the "Do you want power? then you shall have power" thing with the jabberwock, the knight, white rabbit, queen of hearts, etc...(yes, for who haven't read it, there's various references to the lewis carroll's tale...) maybe the mangaka are drawing some art for the game? dante with nanomachines? sony is a subdivision of egrigori?
NARUTO 3480th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Random thread while the summer is endin" , posted Mon 4 Sep 16:25
quote: "Power.... Give me Power!" well, it's a really wild guess, but maybe it has some connection with Project ARMS? it's like an answer when the heroes of this manga have their overpowered ARMS made active... the "Do you want power? then you shall have power" thing with the jabberwock, the knight, white rabbit, queen of hearts, etc...(yes, for who haven't read it, there's various references to the lewis carroll's tale...) maybe the mangaka are drawing some art for the game? dante with nanomachines? sony is a subdivision of egrigori?
I deffinitely think to something more simple and less original, like MGS2 Ocelot with his arm possesed by Liquid snake. Here it could be dante with his brother soul in his arm...
 Fortes fortuna juvat...
Iggy 7881th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Vergil May Cry" , posted Wed 6 Sep 21:37
quote: So Nelo/Nero Angelo is the playable character this time out? As long as he doesn't surf on a rocket while hooting "yahoo" the switch in characters is fine with me. I do wonder, however, how the powers of his right arm are going to differ from Dante's Devil Triggers.
It can drag ennemies to Nero, to continue combos or maybe to moves things in the background(maybe like the gravity gun, or Roberto in Shin Onimusha, hahaha I know all there is to know). Also, Nero is a totally new character who doesn't know Dante. I wonder at what point of the game the mysterious past of the hero will be unveiled (and knowing the awesome writing capacities of the DMC team, I'm sure the scene will be unforgetable).
Also, for what it's worth, the director of DMC4 is the Justice Gakuen director. I like.
Pollyanna 1985th Post

Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):Random thread while the summer is endin" , posted Mon 11 Sep 12:59
quote: Blue Dragon Hmmmm, Sakaguchi and Toriyama somehow worked super-well in Chrono Trigger, but that's a boring looking magazine spread with dulldulldull stereotypes of characters, what gives? Going for the classic feel, I wonder? Sakaguchi's personalities haven't sounded like such simple archtypes like that since FFV, or pre-FFIV...
It's not that the characters in Chrono Trigger were exactly unique either, though. I'm not saying they weren't enjoyable, but they were pretty stereotypical. If we're thinking in terms of Chrono Trigger, then I'd say that Blue Dragon's biggest challenge will be capturing a grandiose world view and sense of adventure. I remember so many events in Chrono Trigger because everything was "big".
By today's standards, it's hard to recreate that, as at the time, it was one of the first RPGs to have a really powerful, consistant art style for everything in the world. The characters seemed like a part of the world, and the events (and characters) were huge and exaggerated. In my opinion, the only game I can think of that's tapped into that sort of big scale enthusiasm and life is Kingdom Hearts.
I'm interested to see if Blue Dragon tries to capture that sort of feel. I'm not saying the characters look especially exciting, but I think they look as interesting as the Chrono Trigger characters would if they were introduced today.
Maou 879th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(4):Random thread while the summer is endin" , posted Tue 12 Sep 02:06
Yeah, that may be right there, though I think that at the time, Chrono's characters were pretty distinct visually and personality-wise, though of course imitations of the robot-that-learns-to-feel and the brainiac character have become more common since then. The simple Blue Dragon outfits and black-haired designs didn't seem to stand out to me the way that Chrono's quirky but elaborate designs did (even the blue dragon is drawn very simply), but we'll see I guess.
Randomly on Chrono, now that you mention it, it really is interesting how vast a sense of scale or 世界観 the game created, despite having a simple world map with none of the sense of wide ground exploration like FFVI before it. It's somehow not as epic and huge a world design as VI, yet in a way the experience feels just as grand. A fun plot and the sense of space created by time travel made a "big" game out of a game with small towns and maps! I think it must have been the way it had a driven, linear plot, but that time travel made it clear to you how many different world maps were waiting for you to visitand tempted you to go off exploring in another era. The many endings actually didn't add to that as much for me, since New Game + never sounded fun, but I guess having a secret character in Maou/Magus and having the option from the start to SEE the last boss through the bucket at the Brink of Time made things feel very "big" indeed. If Blue Dragon does this, I'd be so excited.
Ishmael 2616th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Random thread while the summer is endin" , posted Tue 12 Sep 02:52
quote: Hawhaw, so does it mesmerize like the (Japanese version of) Shenmue did way back when? Granted, what I liked about Shenmue was that it really created the feel of normal 80's life (as I imagine it), with optional kungfu, whereas there have never been yakuza much in my life, so I wonder if it'll be as absorbing an atmosphere?
While Ryu Ga Gotoku is much more manly than Shenmue it does have the same flair for melodrama and a sense of place. I admit that Ryu Ga Gotoku is more streamlined and more closely follows videogame conventions in it's presentation but not getting bogged down by an in-game timer or having to manually lift every bag of chips you want to buy off the rack isn't the worst thing in the world. What the games share in common is the feeling that the game world is an attempt at recreating something human beings would actually live in instead of just another maze for your character to run through. As you guide your yakuza guy through a city block that is heavily populated with nothing useful it does give the impression that you're walking through the less savory section of a large city.
So far the biggest stumbling block in Ryu Ga Gotoku is that the fighting system is so elementary when the game starts out that it could easily put people off the game. Thankfully the abilities you gain as the game progresses help flesh it out considerably. Although I don't think the fighting ever becomes great it does eventually have enough variety to keep things fresh plus it never stops being violent so the lizard part of my brain remains entertained.
quote: It's not that the characters in Chrono Trigger were exactly unique either, though. I'm not saying they weren't enjoyable, but they were pretty stereotypical. If we're thinking in terms of Chrono Trigger, then I'd say that Blue Dragon's biggest challenge will be capturing a grandiose world view and sense of adventure. I remember so many events in Chrono Trigger because everything was "big".
By today's standards, it's hard to recreate that, as at the time, it was one of the first RPGs to have a really powerful, consistant art style for everything in the world. The characters seemed like a part of the world, and the events (and characters) were huge and exaggerated. In my opinion, the only game I can think of that's tapped into that sort of big scale enthusiasm and life is Kingdom Hearts.
That may be the best summary of what made CT work that I've seen. While FFVI may have been telling a large, sprawling story there was often the feeling that what the game wanted to present and what the SNES/SFC was capable of were at odds. With CT, however, everything that was in the game looked like it belonged instead of being a placeholder for whatever it was the programmers actually wanted. That, combined with the "Hey, we're going on an adventure!" vibe that kept things from getting too gloomy even at the end of the world go a long ways toward explaining why CT is still remembered so many years later.
Maou 882th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(5):Random thread while the summer is endin" , posted Tue 12 Sep 05:23
Spot on about Chrono, though I think what made FFVI my favorite was that it mostly did succeed in that grandiose vision...along with the wide world and exploration, it had movies (world ripping apart) and incredibly long spectacle sequences that looked what they should have looked like, rather than cartoon charicatures of real events with li'l tiny character models like V and IV. I think the limits showed up in the towns, which looked too similar and which wanted to be so different, and which Chrono avoided in making its towns abstract little units.
I'm kind of intrigued by what you say about Ryuu Ga Gotoku even if I never could find a cheap copy. It sounds like a vibrant world, but is there still much to do to just sort of mess around? The story should be exciting, I'm sure, but I admit that just screwing around in Shenmue made me happy way back when, Space Harrier and all. I'll always regret that between my friends and I we could never get a copy with a working disc 3 so we never got to go forklift racing, but that's just the kind of inane American RPG-type freedom I was hoping Ryuu Ga Gotoku would maitain a bit.