Chrono Trigger spoilerish question - Forums

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Chrono Trigger spoilerish question" , posted Sat 2 Sep 05:44post reply

While I was around randomly searching for some CT sprites I just found these:

Scroll down to Glenn

As far as I can remember (haven't played the game for a long while, tho') the only sprites for human Glenn in the Flashbacks were "generic townspeople" and "generic kid" with green hair.

I must say that, altho' I have seen the 10 or so alternate endings, I haven't seen all the variations for the main one...

So, my question to you fellow wise cafe members is:
{When do these Glenn-character-specific sprites appear?

Ling Yao. The king indeed.

"It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it"
An undead friend.


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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Chrono Trigger spoilerish question" , posted Sat 2 Sep 06:30post reply

While I was around randomly searching for some CT sprites I just found these:

Scroll down to Glenn

As far as I can remember (haven't played the game for a long while, tho') the only sprites for human Glenn in the Flashbacks were "generic townspeople" and "generic kid" with green hair.

I must say that, altho' I have seen the 10 or so alternate endings, I haven't seen all the variations for the main one...

So, my question to you fellow wise cafe members is:
{When do these Glenn-character-specific sprites appear?

There are about 15 or 16 endings (though a couple are variants) and one of them I believe is when you defeat Magus and then get a different ending or something. There IS an ending with that Glenn sprite there, though I'll be damned if I can remember exactly which one or when to trigger it.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Chrono Trigger spoilerish question" , posted Sat 2 Sep 08:18post reply

There are about 15 or 16 endings (though a couple are variants) and one of them I believe is when you defeat Magus and then get a different ending or something. There IS an ending with that Glenn sprite there, though I'll be damned if I can remember exactly which one or when to trigger it.

I think the only condition to have human glenn showing up in the ending was don't skip the magus fight after chrono dies and kill him; don't forgive him.

See??? He is a God...

1539th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Chrono Trigger spoilerish question" , posted Sat 2 Sep 20:50post reply

There are about 15 or 16 endings (though a couple are variants) and one of them I believe is when you defeat Magus and then get a different ending or something. There IS an ending with that Glenn sprite there, though I'll be damned if I can remember exactly which one or when to trigger it.

I think the only condition to have human glenn showing up in the ending was don't skip the magus fight after chrono dies and kill him; don't forgive him.

Yeah, I deduced it was like this after repeating the "Frog vs Magus" ending yesterday, to no avail.

So it is one of the things I haven't seen from the game, variations of the true ending (I count with/out Magus, with/out Chrono as variations of the main one ^_^ ).

Way to spoil myself u_u


Ling Yao. The king indeed.

"It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it"
An undead friend.