Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time! - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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553th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Tue 5 Sep 16:47post reply

Thanks for posting that little nerdy chit chat regarding Mana you had with Michiru Yamane and Iga! But, didn't Iga get angry the last time you mentioned Mana to him, in that Konami event were you got your hands on a Dawn of Sorrow demo? What was different this time around?

And yeah, that Q&A promotion was in the Harmony of Dissonance website, but since I don't understand japanese, I didn't know what were they talking about. The musical collaboration rumor has been spread all over the place!

By the way, I'd love to read that Yamane interview, when is it going to be available?

Thanks again, man!



3514th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Tue 5 Sep 16:53post reply

yeah, I think I started that rumor. eep.

they did talk about music in the Q&A, but yah...I think I made some assumptions, and my japanese wasn't as good at that time! I can't even find the original post I made, for the life of me...

He did get annoyed last time I talked to him about it, but a few factors changed. First, at the time, he probably thought I was just being fanboyish (which I was). Second, since then I've met him three times, so he knows me much better. He's an unbearably shy person, so was more into getting out of a conversation period.

As for when it'll go up...well, it's super-short, so maybe next month's Game Developer, maybe not. It'll be like a page.

Long interviews with Suda51 and Alexey Pajitnov in the September issue though! rock.

1976th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Tue 5 Sep 19:20post reply

That reminds me...I was really irritated by the fact that when Yoshiki mentioned a musical collaboration with Gackt at Otakon, someone asked if they were "more than friends."

I mean, that's funny, but I think I would have to say "No, so please stop masturbating to your fantasy of that."

Also, Brandon...I'm almost finished with "the review". I don't like it at all, and I'm still kinda busy, so it might take a bit longer, but I wanted you to know that I'm not blowing you off, and I'm really trying! As hard as a little retard can try!

Oh, and I wouldn't say Malice Mizer was like "Castlevania with guitars", as there have been several Castlevania guitar CDs along with guitar songs in game. I used to say Malice Mizer was like Castlevania music as well, but with no qualifier. I don't know why I'm typing this, as neither of us can very well UNsay what we've said and perhaps say something like "Malice Mizer is like Castlevania music with Gackt." instead.

Speaking of Malice Mizer...what the hell happened to Yu~ki? He just like...disappeared. He needs to team up with some other guys who I've forgotten (because they disappeared) and make boring, loud Dir en Grey ripoff music like everyone else does these days.

554th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Tue 5 Sep 20:58post reply

yeah, I think I started that rumor. eep.

they did talk about music in the Q&A, but yah...I think I made some assumptions, and my japanese wasn't as good at that time! I can't even find the original post I made, for the life of me...

I remember that back then, a friend who wasn't much into videogames but into the visual kei scene told me that it seemed that Mana did some songs for a Castlevania game. Of course I told him about the Q&A promotion with Iga on Harmony of Dissonance, and that if Mana's real name wasn't Soshiro Hokkai, the chances were slim.

So look how far did your rumor reach!

They always told me that if I liked Castlevania music, I would like Malice Mizer, but besides some songs in the Gackt era and "Beast of Blood", I couldn't get into it. Maybe I have to give them another chance?


As for when it'll go up...well, it's super-short, so maybe next month's Game Developer, maybe not. It'll be like a page.

Long interviews with Suda51 and Alexey Pajitnov in the September issue though! rock.

That's great! I'd love to read those two interviews as well.

That reminds me...I was really irritated by the fact that when Yoshiki mentioned a musical collaboration with Gackt at Otakon, someone asked if they were "more than friends."

I mean, that's funny, but I think I would have to say "No, so please stop masturbating to your fantasy of that."

Ha ha, that's funny. I knew you would be posting here as well, Polly! I'm very thrilled with this Gackt + Yoshiki teamup. It might turn out great, or it may sink their career even more. Ok, Gackt is still successful, but I stopped liking his work with Crescent and onwards. Now he's only repeating himself an turning songs with potential into sitty songs using awfull voice filters, etc.

So the trend is to imitate Dir en gray now? I'm fine with that!


1977th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Tue 5 Sep 21:20post reply

I was lying in bed thinking about cancer and dying, so I got up again to take my mind off of random unpleasant things.


So the trend is to imitate Dir en gray now? I'm fine with that!

Well, I mean...they started this sort of "screaming revolution" where everybody sings and looks the same. If anybody had any goddamn talent, it wouldn't be a problem, but most of these kids don't know how to sing or play for crap.

I feel sorry for DEG, because now they have to try NOT to be themselves so that they can be original again. It's a strange curse. (I like their new single, by the way. I wondered what the hell they've been doing...touring with Korn, I guess.)

Every time I hear another no-talent visual band, I feel sad, because I know that they're SOMEBODY'S favorite band. I mean, I know "good" is an opinion, but so many of these guys are so bad that they don't even qualify for that. I buy a lot of visual magazines, partially to look for interesting bands and partially to laugh at people. (This reminds me...have you ever heard "Devil Kitty?")

Gackt-era Malice Mizer is the most "Castlevania" MM...I would say the earlier stuff (Transylvania?). I liked their stuff with Tetsu, but...well...I don't want any MORE of it. They did a few songs, and that was enough. I thought their style was really unique back then. Tetsu's vocals were really...like..."insane". Intensely insane, especially on "Kioku to Sora".

I dunno...I go back and listen to MM stuff, and I think "This is SO CHEESY! Do people take this seriously!?" Of course, I used to take it seriously, too... but I relished its cheesiness at the same time.

I should scan this little manga/interview with Mana that was in Famitsu. If I recall, it was about his collection of old game systems. It was drawn by Shibata Ami...the lady that does Papuwa.

555th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Tue 5 Sep 21:50post reply


Well, I mean...they started this sort of "screaming revolution" where everybody sings and looks the same. If anybody had any goddamn talent, it wouldn't be a problem, but most of these kids don't know how to sing or play for crap.

I feel sorry for DEG, because now they have to try NOT to be themselves so that they can be original again. It's a strange curse. (I like their new single, by the way. I wondered what the hell they've been doing...touring with Korn, I guess.)

I understand what you mean, of course, no matter how much they try to imitate someone, if they're not up to it, it's no good! I just meant that I like Dir en gray, so I might like any other band with a similar style.

They changed their style over time, so I guess that if they want to, they'll be able to do it again. I thought that Ryojoku no ame was just ok, I haven't listened to the new single. I bought the US version of Withering to death, by the way!


Every time I hear another no-talent visual band, I feel sad, because I know that they're SOMEBODY'S favorite band. I mean, I know "good" is an opinion, but so many of these guys are so bad that they don't even qualify for that. I buy a lot of visual magazines, partially to look for interesting bands and partially to laugh at people. (This reminds me...have you ever heard "Devil Kitty?")

Lately, I've been listening to Rentrer en soi, The Gazette and Mucc. The self titled album of Rentrer en soi is great! Their previous work is in the scale of ok to good , though.

As you can see, I'm like in love with The Gazette or something. I liked Disorder very much, but I just loved NIL! I have preordered their latest live DVD release and everything! Too bad that their PVs kind of suck, besides Teion.

The j-rock scene in Europe is getting big, not only they're coming lots of bands to Germany and France, they're releasing lots of albums there too! Being able to buy "Headphone Children" and "Ikiru sainou" from The Back Horn here in Spain made me very happy.

Devil Kitty? Please fill me in!


Gackt-era Malice Mizer is the most "Castlevania" MM...I would say the earlier stuff (Transylvania?). I liked their stuff with Tetsu, but...well...I don't want any MORE of it. They did a few songs, and that was enough. I thought their style was really unique back then. Tetsu's vocals were really...like..."insane". Intensely insane, especially on "Kioku to Sora".

We call Tetsu "The Goat" because of his singing style, ha!

I'm not sure if I've seen that manga interview of Mana, so if you don't mind, scan it and explain some of the highlights in the interview!


3515th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Thu 7 Sep 06:10post reply

That reminds me...I was really irritated by the fact that when Yoshiki mentioned a musical collaboration with Gackt at Otakon, someone asked if they were "more than friends."

Yeah, that's ridiculous and annoying. I hadn't heard about the collaboration, but I don't keep up with these things. I'll listen to it when it comes out, I'm sure.


Oh, and I wouldn't say Malice Mizer was like "Castlevania with guitars", as there have been several Castlevania guitar CDs along with guitar songs in game.

True enough. Well, inseed I can't help that I said it.


Speaking of Malice Mizer...what the hell happened to Yu~ki? He just like...disappeared.

He's probably producing other groups under his real name or something. And yeah, dir en grey. Took me a while to even like them...they sounded a bit too uh, slipknot for my tastes. There are still some decent/semi-original vk bands out there (and I have unfortunately heard devil kitty, yes), but they're few and far between. There are the gackt-alikes and the DEG-alikes, but then there are the fringe weirdos who can't dress themselves but are awesome anyway, like Deshabillz, and the electronic-leaning but still pretty good groups like Pierrot.

1980th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Thu 7 Sep 07:12post reply


Oh, sorry. Ryujoku no Ame IS the "new" single. I say "new" for "latest" single, so it's still the new one until another comes out. I should have just called it by name. I end up confusing a lot of people that way.

Devil Kitty is...I guess they're my least favorite band (or favorite band to laugh at). They're...wow...awesomely bad. Their music assaults your ears. At the same time, though, I have to give them credit, because they don't sound just like every other band out there. That's an accomplishment.

Speaking of sounding like everyone else, I'm irritated that 12012 is coming to my state. I can see people who just like visual music (because it's visual music) liking them, but they're so painfully generic. When everyone is copying the same style and you start getting copies of copies of copies...things get kinda...mediocre. I listen to so many bands that if I hear the same old vocal style with uninventive guitar riffs and mediocre bass and drums, I can't even distinguish the bands anymore. Argh...so many bands have crappy bass and drums.

My favorite bad band is "Guruguru Eigakan" that does goofy, traditional Japanese music combined with visual rock.

I've got to try Gazette again. I only heard a little from them and I only heard it once.

I'm going to stop now before I go on all day.

Ah, and I think Klaha is goat-like as well. It's funny that my friends made fun of a different MM vocalist for the same reason.

Oh, wait...Devil Kitty isn't my least favorite band. This band that played before DEG when I went to see them is my least favorite, because their music was physically painful. It was like it was destroying me from the inside...like it was going to make my heart burst, or make me throw up.


Good to see that Devil Kitty's love has touched you as well.

I forgot that you listen to a lot of music. Somehow I pegged you as "too cool" to like visual music. I haven't even HEARD of Deshabillz until now, so I'll have to look them up. They SOUND awful, with a name like that. Haha...makes me think of "La Mule". Ohhhh...La Mule...

I didn't like DEG at first either, and even now, I resent them sometimes, but I think they've accomplished a lot and produced some really excellent stuff that's had an impact on me. If you say they're like Slipknot, then it must be the line between something sexy and something completely tasteless and revolting (given that I rather dislike Slipknot). As DEG has crossed the line into tasteless a few times, that's seems like a logical explanation.

3516th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Thu 7 Sep 10:07post reply


I forgot that you listen to a lot of music. Somehow I pegged you as "too cool" to like visual music.

unfortunately not. and indeed, why would I be interested in mana if not for VK? well...aside from the obvious. I do listen to Moi dix Mois though, even if it is very one-note.

Deshabillz is kinda old by now I guess...first album in '94, and they wrote their best song from that album in '92.

Kaggra also does some good/semioriginal stuff sometimes. But on the whole VK is a lot of me-tooism, something it shares with metal, which I have quite a lot of, sooooooooo whateverrrrrrrr.

speaking of good/awful - there's always SilverAsh - the chinese visual kei band. no lie! got two of their albums, even.

558th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Fri 8 Sep 01:05post reply


Oh, sorry. Ryujoku no Ame IS the "new" single. I say "new" for "latest" single, so it's still the new one until another comes out. I should have just called it by name. I end up confusing a lot of people that way.

I see, it's just that I knew that "Agitated Screams of Maggots" was announced so when you said "the new one" I thought it was out now, but it's not.


Speaking of sounding like everyone else, I'm irritated that 12012 is coming to my state. I can see people who just like visual music (because it's visual music) liking them, but they're so painfully generic. When everyone is copying the same style and you start getting copies of copies of copies...things get kinda...mediocre. I listen to so many bands that if I hear the same old vocal style with uninventive guitar riffs and mediocre bass and drums, I can't even distinguish the bands anymore. Argh...so many bands have crappy bass and drums.

One of those bands that I thought it was awful is Ayabie. I didn't like their music and their looks. I was shocked when I learned that they published an album in Europe, like "have I missed something and are they actually good?". They are going to release an album from 12012 in Europe as well, but I've never listened to them.


My favorite bad band is "Guruguru Eigakan" that does goofy, traditional Japanese music combined with visual rock.

That sounds... interesting! I wish that Onmyouza would put more enfasis on adding more traditional japanese music things into their songs, not only in the guitar riffs, but playing more instruments like flutes and kotos.

My favorite bad band must be "Noir Fleurir" if only because of their spanish flamenco visual style. I really didn't listened much of their music, but is was fun.


speaking of good/awful - there's always SilverAsh - the chinese visual kei band. no lie! got two of their albums, even.

Didn't Yoshiki produce a chinese band? Is this it?


1982th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(9):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Fri 8 Sep 06:40post reply

I'm not really a fan of Kagrra. Their music is too "weak" to me. They don't "rock" enough. That isn't necessarily to discredit them, but overall, I feel like they're lacking in energy a bit. I get a sort of Shazna feel from them. Which reminds me... I was surprised to see that Shazna got back together with Niy looking like Geese Howard.


Ayabie and 12012 are super "me too!" bands. Cute guys with "by the books" music. I think either of them could become decent at least (Ayabie, despite their awful vocalist shows some potential in the bass and guitar department), but at this point they don't deserve international careers. Their record label is very "international friendly" I think, as they're trying to push a number of their bands in America as well.

Speaking of that label, I tried out "Bis" lately, thinking they would be another wannabee band, but they're actually pretty good. They have a sort of "punk" sound on top of the usual visual stuff, so I feel like they're actually creating something unique, rather than imitating something else. A lot of visual bands can END UP making good music by imitation, but I'm only interested in those that can do something more unique.

With the way they look, you'd think Onmyouza would have a more "traditional Japanese sound", but they're totally a metal band. I liked them for a while (I even got their band scorebook to do their music myself), but they're getting a little stale now.

I forgot if I had mentioned them to you before, but have you heard Inugami? They don't use traditional instruments, but their music is a definite fusion of metal and classical Japanese. Some people are turned off by the vocalist, but they're a fantastic band with a very unique style. I would -highly- recommend their "best of" CD, or their new(est) album, "Sukeban Rock."

Speaking of Japanese bands with Spanish flair (that are embarrassing to watch), have you heard Dragon Ash's latest album "Rio de Emocion?". It has a very heavy Spanish music sound (as do their new singles). They aren't a visual band of course, but they ARE difficult to look at! I really like how they completely change their sound every album...and it works.

470th Post

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"Re(10):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Fri 8 Sep 06:47:post reply


Anyways, Pollyana - a Guruguru Eigakan fan?!? Im suprised by that. Also when you mentioned Inguami, do you mean Inugami Circus Dan?

I highly recommend the Gozen album by Kagrra, ( even though its 30 mins long).

BTW Anyone catch the new title of Dir en grey's single? "Agitated Screams of Maggots"


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[this message was edited by Evenor on Fri 8 Sep 06:53]

1983th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Re(10):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Fri 8 Sep 07:12post reply


I wondered when you'd show up.

Uhm...you might say I love to hate GuruGuru Eigakan. Or...I like them like I like a very bad, very funny movie. I'm not a "fan", but if you say "do you like them?" I'll say "I like to laugh at them." Of course, that's partially their intent, but their music is far too obnoxious to laugh at for very LONG.

And yes, I mean Inugami Circus Dan. I'm a big fan of theirs. I wish they'd make a scorebook. I was glad their latest album didn't have any drama tracks on it. I mean...they're funny and all (especially when they "summoned the spirit of Jimi Hendrix"), but after you hear them once, that's enough.

Do you like them?

470th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Fri 8 Sep 07:26post reply

I wondered when you'd show up.

Uhm...you might say I love to hate GuruGuru Eigakan. Or...I like them like I like a very bad, very funny movie. I'm not a "fan", but if you say "do you like them?" I'll say "I like to laugh at them." Of course, that's partially their intent, but their music is far too obnoxious to laugh at for very LONG.

And yes, I mean Inugami Circus Dan. I'm a big fan of theirs. I wish they'd make a scorebook. I was glad their latest album didn't have any drama tracks on it. I mean...they're funny and all (especially when they "summoned the spirit of Jimi Hendrix"), but after you hear them once, that's enough.

Do you like them?

I sorta have the same opinion about guruguru eigakan. I can listen to them for about 30 mins. I always imagine people surfing to their music.

Suprisingly, I really liked Inugami Cirus dan's last album.( my favorite track was Hyena). There is another angura kei band that it somewhat like Inguami circus dan; they are called Quaff. ( But their stuff is "OMG RAREZ"). They are VERY weird in general.

SHAMELESS PLUG: To know Deadman ( the band) is to know how to love.

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559th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Fri 8 Sep 15:45post reply

Welcome Evenor to the thread! You should put a link in your signature to your friend's site about them so I can check 'em again!


Which reminds me... I was surprised to see that Shazna got back together with Niy looking like Geese Howard.

I had a friend who was a super Shazna fan. I remember teasing some schoolmates with Izamu's pictures, and then telling them it was a man! Niy looking like Geese? I must check that out!


With the way they look, you'd think Onmyouza would have a more "traditional Japanese sound", but they're totally a metal band. I liked them for a while (I even got their band scorebook to do their music myself), but they're getting a little stale now.

Of course they're a metal band, but they like to throw in some traditional japanese music style vocals and guitar riffs here and there. The most obvious tracks are perhaps the ones featured in the Koga ninpoucho single. I'm 50% - 50% with Onmyouza, I love half of their tracks and the other half is pretty much forgetable.

I remember I heard a Inugami Circus Dan album once, their name catched my attention. I remember that I didn't dislike it, but for some reason I didn't listened to it again.


Speaking of Japanese bands with Spanish flair (that are embarrassing to watch), have you heard Dragon Ash's latest album "Rio de Emocion?". It has a very heavy Spanish music sound (as do their new singles). They aren't a visual band of course, but they ARE difficult to look at! I really like how they completely change their sound every album...and it works.

I love Dragon Ash! But I find Rio de Emocion very repetitive, most of the songs sound the same. Yeah, their look now is quite something. I remember that many years ago Kenji had some kind of afro hairstyle that looked like a nest or something. My favourite album will always be "Viva la revolution", half hip hop and half punk rock. Of course I also like when they mix those styles!

Speaking of punk rock, do you like Go!Go!7188? They are a blast when they play live too. I wish they were the ones featured in Kill Bill vol.1, or perhaps the Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, which I had the pleasure to witness the previous saturday. Now, that was a blast! Meeting them after the show was over was very cool too!


472th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Sat 9 Sep 00:03post reply

It's strange , but I have no idea whats this whole thread about. ANYWAYS:

If you like Onmyouza, you should try out D. They have a living fossil(in VK years) as a vocalist. With metal riffs and dramatic vocals, D is SURE TO PLEASE. Also, I'm a recovering GAZEBALLAD addict.

Anyone else here a Undercode Production whore like me?

I have a request: does anyone have any material by Rolly? Rolly was in that crappy Suicide Club movie,where he played that ugly Genesis character. I was wondering if someone here might have an album of his. ( I have Rolly's Rockyrolly album only)

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376th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Sat 9 Sep 01:26post reply


Anyways, Pollyana - a Guruguru Eigakan fan?!? Im suprised by that. Also when you mentioned Inguami, do you mean Inugami Circus Dan?

I highly recommend the Gozen album by Kagrra, ( even though its 30 mins long).

BTW Anyone catch the new title of Dir en grey's single? "Agitated Screams of Maggots"


Hey, I like Guruguru Eigakan too... I have 3 albums and a demo tape from them... I almost went to one of their gigs in 2001 when I spent 2 months in Tokyo, but I couldn't make it in the end... well, at least I could go to a Malice Mizer gig...
It's been a while since I've listened to any japanese music though (well, any music at all actually...)


80th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Sat 9 Sep 02:20post reply

SHAMELESS PLUG: To know Deadman ( the band) is to know how to love.

R.I.P. Deadman 2001-2006 ;w;

man, I used to be the biggest Mana fan around, but I finally had to cut the cord when the last Moi dix Mois album totally sucked on wheels. =w=

1984th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Re(10):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Sat 9 Sep 03:29post reply

So much to say!


Rio de Emocion was a bit repetitive, I suppose, (and their latest singles are morei n the same vein, just "softer") but I had almost forgotten about Dragon Ash when it came out, and I was delightfully surprised to find that it was very different than anything else I had heard before. My favorite album by them is still Buzz Songs, though. Viva la Revolution is great, but I think Buzz Songs is a better rap/rock fusion (just a different kind of rock than Viva).

I like Go!Go! 7188, but I don't -love- them. It's not that there's anything I dislike about them, just that their music doesn't like...inspire me, or make my soul sing or anything. Buuut...they did a Pink Lady cover, so they've won my approval.

When it comes to Rolly, I only have the Heavy Metal Thunder soundtrack, which he does one song for. Nowadays, he's more of a TV personality than a musician. Well...I mena, he makes a LOT of music, but he doesn't make ALBUMS. If you want more Rolly than you can stand, look him up on Youtube. I had a "totally Rolly weekend" thanks to that.

Also, you might want to try "Scanch", which was his previous band. They're FANTASTIC in an 80's/early 90s kinda way. If you like that kind of music, I would highly recommend their Best of CD, which is inexpensive and comes with a DVD. I wish they had a more comprehensive "Best of", like the Alfee 3 disk on. Actually, it would probably piss me off just like the Alfee one, because it would be lacking...like...4 songs I really want that are all on different albums (so I end up having to buy everything anyway).

Rolly is one of my idols, because he's like a cheesy Hanna Barbera villain or something. Kinda like a lizardman. What a great persona to adopt. His "This is your grave!" catchprhase on Heavy Metal Thunder/Rock Fujiyama is the best thing ever.

Seeing Malice Mizer seems like quite an accomplishment. I mean, because they put on great shows and because you can't see them anymore. Still, if I could go back in time and see anyone, it would probably be Raphael. Or maybe...I dunno...Scanch or Pink Lady? But not X, because I hate Toshi.

Moi dix Mois music hurts my stomach. I WANT to like them, and I wouldn't say I necessarily dislike them, but the digital drums start driving me insane after a while. They're...like...droning. I didn't get very far in their newest album before I shut it off and said "gay!" (and not in a good way).

562th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Hey Exodus... Stop! Mana time!" , posted Tue 12 Sep 04:39post reply


I have a request: does anyone have any material by Rolly? Rolly was in that crappy Suicide Club movie,where he played that ugly Genesis character. I was wondering if someone here might have an album of his. ( I have Rolly's Rockyrolly album only)

I agree that the Suicide Club movie is crappy, but I just think that Rolly's character is brilliant! The "throne" where he sits and repairs, what he says when he stomps a puppy on purpouse, the "because death" song... How can't you like it!?

I really want to listen to Scanch cos Rolly rocks! Also, a friend pointed me out those Rolly videos on youtube as well, I have to check them out!


I like Go!Go! 7188, but I don't -love- them. It's not that there's anything I dislike about them, just that their music doesn't like...inspire me, or make my soul sing or anything. Buuut...they did a Pink Lady cover, so they've won my approval.

I don't have a clue who Pink Lady is, but I like that "Peppa keibu" cover. I think I've got hooked to them after listening to their Cutie Honey cover and besides that one, I don't know the original songs from that album, but I think it's very good. I also listened to other covers of the "Ban ban ban" song.

I've gotta make a list with all the stuff you've been mentioning.

If you can, check out Shocking Lemon's "Denimhead" album. I'm addicted to it!