Penny Arcade making a videogame - Forums
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Tashoku Kisune
2204th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Penny Arcade making a videogame" , posted Thu 7 Sep 00:58
That's right, you heard it. Penny Arcade is making a videogame. I didn't get too much information.. and they're not talkin' which console it's for. And the release date is "whenever it's done", Tycho said. I found out that Penny Arcade is writing every single word of the dialogue so it'll have the real Penny Arcade feel. It's apparently supposed to be very much like an interactive comic, said Gabe.
Hear it from the horse's mouth! :D
2611th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):Penny Arcade making a videogame" , posted Thu 7 Sep 23:39
I can't imagine how PA would work as a game. The cast doesn't have fully formed characters but instead features mouthpieces whose main purpose in the strip is to comment on that day's topic. While that concept makes for a successful web comic I don't know if it would transfer well to a video game. Will the game be nothing but an extended riff on game culture? That sounds far too meta to work as a concept and too annoying to actually play through.
But even if the programmers do somehow make some sort of workable game out of the license I doubt it will be as epic as this game.
2044th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):Penny Arcade making a videogame" , posted Fri 8 Sep 02:09
quote: I can't imagine how PA would work as a game. The cast doesn't have fully formed characters but instead features mouthpieces whose main purpose in the strip is to comment on that day's topic. While that concept makes for a successful web comic I don't know if it would transfer well to a video game. Will the game be nothing but an extended riff on game culture? That sounds far too meta to work as a concept and too annoying to actually play through.
It's not a game about Penny Arcade, it's just Penny Arcade producing a game about whatever they think the market isn't saturated with.
2612th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(3):Penny Arcade making a videogame" , posted Sat 9 Sep 01:36
quote: It's not a game about Penny Arcade, it's just Penny Arcade producing a game about whatever they think the market isn't saturated with.
That's what I get for not sitting through the thirty minute video report. The only other news I had seen was the press reports that made it sound like the games were going to be directly based off PA.
Tashoku Kisune
2205th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(4):Penny Arcade making a videogame" , posted Mon 11 Sep 08:35
quote: It's not a game about Penny Arcade, it's just Penny Arcade producing a game about whatever they think the market isn't saturated with.
That's what I get for not sitting through the thirty minute video report. The only other news I had seen was the press reports that made it sound like the games were going to be directly based off PA.
And that's what makes it exciting for me. I wonder what they think the market ISN'T saturated with. :D I dunno, I'm excited to see what happens. I know if they're writing all the dialogue it's gotta at least be pretty funny. XD They've rarely ever disappointed me with their skill with the one-liners and quip.
878th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member++
"Re(5):Penny Arcade making a videogame" , posted Mon 11 Sep 09:35
quote: They've rarely ever disappointed me with their skill with the one-liners and quip.
Yeah, I'd enjoy a well-done, pretty graphic adventure, which I gather haven't been done in America much for a long time since Myst's high-budget, low-fun formula sort of made it hard for them to compete. Or maybe it'd be like one of the only US RPG series I played and loved, Quest for Glory, with hilarious descriptions and narration in addition to a really interesting and puzzle-filled world. The PA crew knows their game history and have ecclectic tastes, so maybe something really good will come of it!
Dr BaghEad
3617th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(5):Penny Arcade making a videogame" , posted Mon 11 Sep 15:15
quote:XD They've rarely ever disappointed me with their skill with the one-liners and quip.
I'd agree to that statement with a stress on the "rarely":
-Cardboard Tube Samurai -Twix and Catsby -Dr Raven Darkblood (or whatever his name was) -The Merch Christmas -The Last Christmas (Cthulululu one)
all of them are not fucking funny.
So while a game written by them could be great if it's written like how Gabe and Tycho talk if it's something along the lines of a Twix and Catsby platformer or "Dr.Raven Darkblood My Cry" or a Samurai Epic invovling a tube of heavy brown paper it's gonna be the worse thing EVER storywise.
Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny) my silly little drawin's
Mav 166th Post
Regular Customer
"Re(6):Penny Arcade making a videogame" , posted Tue 12 Sep 10:20
It sounds like a joke of a hoax. They seem too busy to actually delve into the market themselves. Now if they were only doing light design and writing aspects, it's feasable. Usually sounds like they've got a busy enough schedule. Busy enough, I've felt they often lose touch with the gaming scene itself because they're involved in too much.
2045th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(7):Penny Arcade making a videogame" , posted Wed 13 Sep 06:13
quote: It sounds like a joke of a hoax. They seem too busy to actually delve into the market themselves. Now if they were only doing light design and writing aspects, it's feasable. Usually sounds like they've got a busy enough schedule. Busy enough, I've felt they often lose touch with the gaming scene itself because they're involved in too much.
There's no way they're developing it themselves. They don't know how. They can GUESS, but they don't really know how. More likely they're just handling it the same way they do the comic, one guy makes art, the other guy writes crap, then they toss it all in a blender and forget about it until someone says they're running low on budget.
Tashoku Kisune
2207th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(7):Penny Arcade making a videogame" , posted Mon 18 Sep 10:51
quote: It sounds like a joke of a hoax. They seem too busy to actually delve into the market themselves. Now if they were only doing light design and writing aspects, it's feasable. Usually sounds like they've got a busy enough schedule. Busy enough, I've felt they often lose touch with the gaming scene itself because they're involved in too much.
I hope it's not a hoax. I saw an interview with them actually saying they were doing it... so I assume it's probably true.