New SNK game name leaked - Forums

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7885th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"New SNK game name leaked" , posted Sat 9 Sep 18:08post reply

It's called Air Dash

So, yeah, new game. The question is : with the old SNK barely having enough strength to create new games (see Cool Cool Toons) what can the new SNK do ?

Also, if this is a fighting game, I'm afraid they will be trying to hunt on GG and Melty Blood's territory, and I hope they're more clever than that. Then, on the other hand, it's SNK.
At least, I hope it means no Iori this time.


Cain Highwind
712th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):New SNK game name leaked" , posted Sat 9 Sep 20:45post reply

It's called Air Dash

So, yeah, new game. The question is : with the old SNK barely having enough strength to create new games (see Cool Cool Toons) what can the new SNK do ?

Also, if this is a fighting game, I'm afraid they will be trying to hunt on GG and Melty Blood's territory, and I hope they're more clever than that. Then, on the other hand, it's SNK.
At least, I hope it means no Iori this time.

Well well, this IS a surprise. Glad to see all those cynics who thought it would just be some kind of rehash were proven wrong. Now I can't wait for TGS.

3481th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New SNK game name leaked" , posted Sat 9 Sep 21:33post reply

Well, with a name like this, it doesn't sound as a VS for me...
It sound more to an Race game...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

348th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):New SNK game name leaked" , posted Sun 10 Sep 00:25post reply

It sounds much more of a shooter. But what do I know?
Well, with a name like this, it doesn't sound as a VS for me...
It sound more to an Race game...

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

4350th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):New SNK game name leaked" , posted Sun 10 Sep 01:20post reply

It's called Air Dash

Will this be the first ever SNK game that doesn't use buttons?

1354th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):New SNK game name leaked" , posted Sun 10 Sep 02:04post reply

It's a pachinko game.


449th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):New SNK game name leaked" , posted Sun 10 Sep 02:27post reply

It's a pachinko game.


It might be some kind of sport game with ıori in it.

3521th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New SNK game name leaked" , posted Sun 10 Sep 03:55:post reply

maybe it's a windjammers sequel, if they own the rights to it somehow.

also, there's nothing yet to suggest this isn't for pachinko or mobile, now that I've checked the link. Don't get too excited yet.

[this message was edited by exodus on Sun 10 Sep 04:06]

440th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):New SNK game name leaked" , posted Sun 10 Sep 11:31post reply

Man, it's Iori on rollerblades*, how can we NOT get excited?

As usual, Hama-ya is updating a page for the line-up of the next AM Show. It seems once again SNKP is not coming...


For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.

2613th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):New SNK game name leaked" , posted Mon 11 Sep 05:01post reply

Does this mean SKNP is trying something new? Or will this be yet another fighting game based entirely around air combos? Perhaps SNKP is finally going to fully jump into the dating sim market with this mis-titled debut and a cover that features Iori staring wistfully into space while sakura blossoms circle around him.

3482th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):New SNK game name leaked" , posted Mon 11 Sep 16:49post reply

Does this mean SKNP is trying something new? Or will this be yet another fighting game based entirely around air combos? Perhaps SNKP is finally going to fully jump into the dating sim market with this mis-titled debut and a cover that features Iori staring wistfully into space while sakura blossoms circle around him.

Well like a friand said, Air Dash sound really close to Wind jammers... so a sequel to an old SNK game is always a possibility...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

3522th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):New SNK game name leaked" , posted Tue 12 Sep 01:09post reply


Well like a friand said, Air Dash sound really close to Wind jammers... so a sequel to an old SNK game is always a possibility...

WindJammers is by Data East though, just to say. They could probably get the rights, but it's hard to call it an old SNK game.