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Cain Highwind 712th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(1):New SNK game name leaked" , posted Sat 9 Sep 20:45
quote: It's called Air Dash
So, yeah, new game. The question is : with the old SNK barely having enough strength to create new games (see Cool Cool Toons) what can the new SNK do ?
Also, if this is a fighting game, I'm afraid they will be trying to hunt on GG and Melty Blood's territory, and I hope they're more clever than that. Then, on the other hand, it's SNK. At least, I hope it means no Iori this time.
Well well, this IS a surprise. Glad to see all those cynics who thought it would just be some kind of rehash were proven wrong. Now I can't wait for TGS.