Random Iggy Blog post #12 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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7890th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Random Blog news post #12" , posted Mon 11 Sep 17:46:post reply

Seaman 2 !

KIngdom Heart 2 Final Mix + "another side of FFXII's story

Garô Densetsu 15th anniversary box

Smells like TGS coming...

[this message was edited by Iggy on Mon 11 Sep 22:21]


Time Mage
2447th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Iggy Blog post #12" , posted Mon 11 Sep 18:26post reply

Random Iggy Blog post #12

You count them?

Also, what's that FFXII thing? An "international" FFXII or something like that?


7887th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Random Iggy Blog post #12" , posted Mon 11 Sep 19:12post reply

You count them?

No, but I think I will from now on. Easier and all.

Also, what's that FFXII thing? An "international" FFXII or something like that?

Not known.
Could be FFXII International, XII-2, an I-mode side story game...
One picture implied there could be some things added to the western version of FFXII, so who knows.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
In a picture with the team and... Wosura ? I don't remember his name, fighting the big fire summon, Wosura had a Mist Knack gauge. It might be an error or something, since I don't know how it could be implented, but still.

End of Spoiler

1986th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Random Iggy Blog post #12" , posted Mon 11 Sep 19:53post reply


It's "Wossler", but in English "Vossler". Nowwww...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Of course, it can't be a sequel if you can use him, as he dies about 1/3 through the game. However, you do have him long enough for them to add a mist knack for him as an extra. I suppose they could give you more to do with him not only as a coverup for what happens to him in the story, but as a new gameplay element.

End of Spoiler

It wouldn't surprise me if the US version had some new stuff in it, as it's taking so unreasonably long to come out.

But the link you posted doesn't imply that it's an upgrade, it says it's another story. ARGHHH! I don't want to play ANOTHER FF12! But the game had enough good points (among its cripplingly bad points) to at least tempt me to pick up another one if they made a sequel.

7888th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random Iggy Blog post #12" , posted Mon 11 Sep 20:22post reply

But the link you posted doesn't imply that it's an upgrade, it says it's another story. ARGHHH! I don't want to play ANOTHER FF12! But the game had enough good points (among its cripplingly bad points) to at least tempt me to pick up another one if they made a sequel.

Depending on the team making the... stuff (game or upgrade) I might very well buy it immediatly.
FFXII is the only worthwile FF with FF6, so... yeah, I may want to play another FF12.

Oh, but maybe I should finish it before I get involved in a sequel. I suddenly lost all interest in it the moment I could go the last dungeon.

Cain Highwind
713th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):Random Iggy Blog post #12" , posted Mon 11 Sep 20:52post reply

But the link you posted doesn't imply that it's an upgrade, it says it's another story. ARGHHH! I don't want to play ANOTHER FF12! But the game had enough good points (among its cripplingly bad points) to at least tempt me to pick up another one if they made a sequel.

Depending on the team making the... stuff (game or upgrade) I might very well buy it immediatly.
FFXII is the only worthwile FF with FF6, so... yeah, I may want to play another FF12.

Oh, but maybe I should finish it before I get involved in a sequel. I suddenly lost all interest in it the moment I could go the last dungeon.

According to GoNintendo, it's a sidestory for the DS

And KHII Final Mix, and here I actually believed Nomura when he said KHII was "complete" and there was no need for a Final Mix.

7889th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Random Iggy Blog post #12" , posted Mon 11 Sep 21:14post reply

Chocobo to mahô no ehon's site is so cute it gave me aids.

473th Post

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"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Mon 11 Sep 23:38post reply

Seaman 2 !

Smells like TGS coming...


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2615th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 12 Sep 01:14post reply

Uh oh, the folks at Sega have stopped taking their medication! I don't know if the world needs Seaman 2 -scholars are still debating whether we needed Seaman 1- but we're getting the sequel anyway. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. In a related matter, whatever happened to Seamail?


I'm hoping it will be on Wii so you can hand feed your freaky looking fish or smack them when they complain too much.

4281th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 12 Sep 02:06:post reply

Can someone tell me whats on the first paragraph of this link? Is Tri-ace developing a 360 game?



[this message was edited by Juan on Tue 12 Sep 02:07]

880th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 12 Sep 02:10post reply

Can someone tell me whats on the first paragraph of this link? Is Tri-ace developing a 360 game?


Yup, they seem to have recently officially announced starting gevelopment on a 360 game. Wonder what, though...


237th Post

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"Re(6):Random Iggy Blog post #12" , posted Tue 12 Sep 03:08post reply

But the link you posted doesn't imply that it's an upgrade, it says it's another story. ARGHHH! I don't want to play ANOTHER FF12! But the game had enough good points (among its cripplingly bad points) to at least tempt me to pick up another one if they made a sequel.

Depending on the team making the... stuff (game or upgrade) I might very well buy it immediatly.
FFXII is the only worthwile FF with FF6, so... yeah, I may want to play another FF12.

Oh, but maybe I should finish it before I get involved in a sequel. I suddenly lost all interest in it the moment I could go the last dungeon.

According to GoNintendo, it's a sidestory for the DS

And KHII Final Mix, and here I actually believed Nomura when he said KHII was "complete" and there was no need for a Final Mix.

Yes, supposedly the side story to FF12 is going to be for the DS. Some blogger who leaked the information took back the blog very soon after leaking it... Interesting

Are you slave to the blade?

Time Mage
2448th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 12 Sep 03:25post reply

Yup, they seem to have recently officially announced starting gevelopment on a 360 game. Wonder what, though...

Wasn't it that "Trusty Bells", inspired on a classical music composer dreams, or something?


7890th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 12 Sep 03:38post reply

Wasn't it that "Trusty Bells", inspired on a classical music composer dreams, or something?

Chopin something ?

4282th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 12 Sep 04:07:post reply

Cool, that appears to be the game. The visuals look good.
Wasn't it that "Trusty Bells", inspired on a classical music composer dreams, or something?

Chopin something ?


[this message was edited by Juan on Tue 12 Sep 04:07]

881th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(6):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 12 Sep 04:39post reply

Heh. This is Walther. He is an ugly boston terrier who howles at sirens.


442th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 12 Sep 06:33post reply

I thought Trusty Bell was by Tri-Concerto, not Tri-Ace (not that technically this is any different).


Garô Densetsu 15th anniversary box

Hmmm! So apparently there will be a special Garou movie at TGS?

For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.

7893th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 12 Sep 17:45post reply

SEGA Virtual Console Lineup

Bandai Namco games for the TGS
The number of Tales games on the Namco side is depressing.

238th Post

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"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Wed 13 Sep 00:43post reply

SEGA Virtual Console Lineup


Are you slave to the blade?

2617th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Wed 13 Sep 01:06post reply

Not even next generation consoles can avoid Altered Beast.

886th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Wed 13 Sep 02:09:post reply

No one can avoid Altered Beast! I'm surprised and glad to see good old Ristar the Shooting Star on that list, that was a beautiful and underrated Sonic Team game with nice music and levels that no one knew about. Great stuff.

edit: I still hold Echo the Dolphin a deep grudge, though. Maybe everyone just had more fun than I did, and then I skipped to the terrible last level by accident because its password was one letter different from level 2's.


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 13 Sep 02:23]

475th Post

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"Re(5):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Wed 13 Sep 11:57post reply

No one can avoid Altered Beast! I'm surprised and glad to see good old Ristar the Shooting Star on that list, that was a beautiful and underrated Sonic Team game with nice music and levels that no one knew about. Great stuff.

I totally agree! Ristar was a really good gaming experience.

(Question for the masses)
How was that PS2 version of Altered Beast?

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1987th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Wed 13 Sep 19:50post reply


(Question for the masses)
How was that PS2 version of Altered Beast?

(please disregard this post if you're talking about some Altered Beast remake I don't know about)


Wait...I think...you've probably already heard that from me. Regardless, I must say it again! It was completely awful, or at the very least completely uninspired, boring and unecessary. I didn't buy it,...so I only played it for a bit, but I have heard that it only gets more introlerable as it progresses. Not like it gets worse, but like playing it is like needing to use the bathroom and having to hold it in. As soon as you stop, you're relieved and feel better.

But then again, we have to ask the question of what someone wants from Altered Beast. If your only two qualifications are "hitting things" and "turning into monsters", then the game delivers.

Personally, I liked the first Altered Beast because it had likeable music, clothes coming off, increasingly disproportionate muscle men, silly-looking kicks and wonderful, digital voices.

7894th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Wed 13 Sep 20:09post reply

In various magazines this week :

SD Gundam G Breaker, once announced for the Revolution, is now called SD Gundam Revolution for the Wii.

Several Made in Wario clones for the Wii, from Taito or Bandai (Crayon Shinchan). Also by Bandai, a tamagochi.
Hudson has a few games for the Wii as well, a flying action thing, a fishing thing, an action puzzle thing, and a bomberman thing.
Necronesia, still for Wii, a Silent Hill/Bio Hazard clone by Spike were you fight insects. Not suitable for children under 15.

Speaking of which, Bio Hazard Umbrella Chronicles has the same producer as Bio 4 and Onimusha. Some pictures show a place that looks like BH1's manor.

Still for Wii : Dog Island, Sengoku Musô Wave (using the remote like the sword in that DQ game)

Gyakuten Saiban 4 (on NDS)
Odoroki's teacher seems to follow you, a bit like what Mayoi was doing. His name is...牙流霧人 (I don't want to take chances in reading a GS name). Spring 2007.
GS2 DS will have Phoenix Right 2 included.

Virtua Fighter 5 PS3 will be playable at the TGS, and (Horii ?) is making a VF5 stick for the PS3. Several Sega arcade games seems to have been in development for a long time on the PS3, including a golf game, Miyazato Sankyôdai Sega Golf Club.

Koei is goind a RPG on Wii.

Two of the Ryûsei Rockman are called Pegasus and Leo (I think the game has 3 declinations, like Nintendogs)

Sega Ages 2500 Virtua On (PS2)

PSP Parappa Rapper. Supposed to be a remake, but it just looks like a port.

NDS Seiken Densetsu Heroes Of Mana is... a real time strategy RPG !?
Producer : Ishii Koichi, of course.
Scenario : Katô Masato (Chrono Trigger, Radical Dreamers, Chrono Cross, Baten Kaitos, Children Of Mana...)
Ikeda is not doing the character design, but two guys I don't know (Itô Ryûma and Oguro Akira) are.
Shimomura Yôko does the music, good !

Lots of interviews of Ishii, and some previews of Seiken Densetsu 4 (PS2) as well.

a 7th Taiko no Tatsujin for PS2. An Adventure mode will be included.

Kojima Production, scoops, MGS4, MGS portable, MGS bande dessinée, Bokutai DS, etc. Nomura interview, new crappy Nomura game, KH2 Final Mix.

PS2, PSP (spring 2007), DS (december 2006) : Puyo Puyo 15th anniversary

PS2 : Outrun 2 SP. more cars, more BGM, more courses.

Wii : Sonic and the mysterious ring.
And it will have innovative uses of the remote.

NDS : Lise no Atelier.

PS2 : Hokuto no Ken Arcade (tentative title). March 2007. The fighting game, I guess ?

Coocking Mama on Wii.

Survival Kids Lost In Blue 2 this spring on NDS.

Super Monkey ball and Rayman on Wii. Iyashii Ito (???)

Sangokushi Taisen DS the 01/25.

DSL 230,081
PSP  30,462
PS2  23,290
GBASP 2,607
GBM   2,105
360  1,047
GC     901
DS     819

DS 53.9
PS2 31.7
PSP 9.3
GBA 3.6
箱360 0.6
GC 0.4
その他 0.4

1.PSU 129155
2.NewSMB 72235 2940867
3.FF3 52223 553924
4.Motto Brain somthing 49437 3129312
5.Mogichin 45988
6.Cooking 35108 442121
7.Mario Basket 31040 264259
8.Gohîkini 28022 454139
9.Rythm Tengoku 23302 101860
10.Butsumori 22565 3159471
11.Brain something 22081 2713628
12.EVE 20782
13.Kamiwaza 18642
14.Rune Factory 18415 58388
15.Learn English DS crap 16339 1293643
16.Guitar/Drum 16005
20.Tetris 12795 812590
21.Hokuto SE 10844 201689
25.Kanji crap 8957 72742
26.Pawapuro 13 7393 333832
27.Monster Hunter P best 7286 49965
29.BASARA2 7123 259441
30.Pawapuro something something 6466 66533

244th Post

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"Re(7):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Wed 13 Sep 23:13post reply


(Question for the masses)
How was that PS2 version of Altered Beast?

(please disregard this post if you're talking about some Altered Beast remake I don't know about)


Wait...I think...you've probably already heard that from me. Regardless, I must say it again! It was completely awful, or at the very least completely uninspired, boring and unecessary. I didn't buy it,...so I only played it for a bit, but I have heard that it only gets more introlerable as it progresses. Not like it gets worse, but like playing it is like needing to use the bathroom and having to hold it in. As soon as you stop, you're relieved and feel better.

But then again, we have to ask the question of what someone wants from Altered Beast. If your only two qualifications are "hitting things" and "turning into monsters", then the game delivers.

Personally, I liked the first Altered Beast because it had likeable music, clothes coming off, increasingly disproportionate muscle men, silly-looking kicks and wonderful, digital voices.

Know i know what game that is... Yes, its hard not to forget those dam fine men. Basically everyone of the animal transformations were designed by sigfried and roy, they had the animal heads which they liked, and the washboard abs, and the huge pecs of the men (win win)

Are you slave to the blade?

476th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 14 Sep 01:01post reply

b]Necronesia, still for Wii, a Silent Hill/Bio Hazard clone by Spike were you fight insects. Not suitable for children under 15.

My dreams of envoking James Sunderland's wooden-plank-with-a-nail fighting style can finally come to light!

Insects are so underrated in videogames. I'm glad this game is being made for the Wii.

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2619th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 14 Sep 03:41post reply

Wow, thanks for all the info Iggy!

Insects are so underrated in videogames. I'm glad this game is being made for the Wii.

Bugs haven't had a starring role in a game since, what, Galaga? Hopefully the insects in this game are going to be big suckers that take a few hits to bludgeon to death. Out of all the games that have been announced for the Wii this may be the first one that causes players to go into a fit of panicked flailing.

886th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 14 Sep 04:24post reply


NDS Seiken Densetsu Heroes Of Mana is... a real time strategy RPG !?
Scenario : Katô Masato (Chrono Trigger, Radical Dreamers, Chrono Cross, Baten Kaitos, Children Of Mana...)

DANGER DANGER! Without Sakaguchi and Enix's head to reign in Kato scenarios in like in Chrono Trigger, watch as NDS Seiken Densetsu tells you that every other Seiken Densetsu you played was a lie or that its heroes don't exist or were killed. God might be an alien, too.

Ishmael: well, there was Bug!, a US Saturn launch "game," but, er...


1988th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 14 Sep 06:04post reply


Ishmael: well, there was Bug!, a US Saturn launch "game," but, er...

And "Ka" don't forget "Ka"!

245th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 14 Sep 08:53post reply


KIngdom Heart 2 Final Mix + "another side of FFXII's story

Title confirmed.

FF XII Revenant Wings

Are you slave to the blade?

1990th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 14 Sep 09:08post reply


Title confirmed.

FF XII Revenant Wings

They're wrong about it being a prequel, though. Not if it's about air pirating (and judging by Penelo's costume).

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I thought that part of the ending was really lame. So Vaan decides to be a criminal, and nobody has any problem with that. Maybe Ashe decided that he was too stupid to do any real harm, and that he'd get tired of living out his air pirate fantasies after a week or so.

End of Spoiler

...but now we'll get to find out!

7896th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 14 Sep 16:21post reply

Wii taikai : 44 playable games.

Wii lineup movie

Iwata speaking about the Wii

Umbrella Chronicles

Heroes of Mana. Ugliness.

Everything about the Wii at IGN price, release date, etc.
And even more here

Oh GOD. It's a landslide. And the worst is : nothing of all this appeals to me.

249th Post

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"Re(3):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Fri 15 Sep 02:38post reply

Revenant Wings Magazine Scan

Yeah, the characters look younger, but it takes place after FFXII... silly IGN

Are you slave to the blade?

Maese Spt
294th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Fri 15 Sep 03:55post reply

Cooking Mama on Wii.

I'm sold.

Also, I'm amazed to see that, nowadays, there is people who believes that Captain Tsubasa is still popular enough to perpetrate yet another cinematic acrobatic soccer simulator. First it was that Yuyu Hakusho announcement, and now this. Human mind never ceases to amaze me.

マツケン サンバ!!!!

7899th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Fri 15 Sep 04:39post reply

Finally, Seaman 2's site is open... just to let us know they are looking for a producer and a director.

I think they don't even know what console the game will be on.


2622th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Fri 15 Sep 04:57post reply

Finally, Seaman 2's site is open... just to let us know they are looking for a producer and a director.

I think they don't even know what console the game will be on.


Hahaha! After the release of such games as Killer7, Okami and Odama I was wondering if we would ever have another game that we could marvel at while it languished in development. Seaman 2 will now be that game. Thank you Sega.

7902th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Fri 15 Sep 16:41post reply

thank god, Ikeda isn't working on Heroes of Mana because he's doing Seiken Densetsu 4
Itôken is alone to do all the musics ? Good for me, but I'm sad Shimomura is wasted on Heroes of Mana. I'm not sure Itôken alone can handle a Seiken Densetsu ambiance.

3535th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Fri 15 Sep 17:25post reply

Thank you Sega.

I am not sure sega owns vivarium...?

7905th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Fri 15 Sep 22:09:post reply

FF5 new jobs
here as well (pass : FF5), but it will die quickly.
4 cristals, 4 jobs. Well done.

Seaman 2
PS2, then.

Hokuto no Ken PS2 is the fighting game

They arrested a guy who... burned DS roms on DVD-Rs and sold them. Hey, have you ever heard of the intraweb ?

[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 15 Sep 22:10]

645th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Sat 16 Sep 00:51post reply


Hokuto no Ken PS2 is the fighting game

Damn, it was about time they made the conversion...

2623th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Sat 16 Sep 03:36post reply

I am not sure sega owns vivarium...?

Tomayto, tomahto. In the age of futurist game journalism you can mash up the developer and publisher. You could do that in normal game journalism as well now that I think about it. Anyway, Sega stamped their name all over the prop box so they're claiming some responsibility for the game.

As for the game itself I'm not sure what to think about the mini-cavemen. Part of the appeal of the original was that it was so damn weird looking. While tiny people are an odd choice they don't have that strange spark the human larva/fish had.

891th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Sat 16 Sep 04:13post reply


Wii lineup movie

Wii!! The music for the video is like Mario 3's hammer brothers theme meets that song from Katamari Damashii, in a really good way. I like Wii Music's virtual conducting of a symphony, though plyaing Crayon Shin-Chan might push me over the edge, or not.


Time Mage
2451th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Sat 16 Sep 20:10post reply

Yasumi Matsuno is doing a game for Wii.

That makes me happy.


2625th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 19 Sep 01:11post reply

CNN reports that the PS3 will solve modern medical problems. Either this means that a person can feel like they are doing something productive by doing nothing more than leaving their PS3 running or that when someone plays DMC4 they are killing people who could have been saved if the processing power of the PS3 had been used for philanthropy instead of running a game.

7908th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 19 Sep 22:57post reply

Let's all throw up together

481th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Wed 20 Sep 01:01post reply

Let's all throw up together

Is this where Nool's Midnight Bliss came out of?

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3486th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Wed 20 Sep 18:35post reply

I'm using Iggy's thread to post this.
Ninja gaiden will land on PS3. But nothing great either, it just an ehanced version of NG1+hurrican pack, and more bonuses like weapons, ennemies, and Rachel playble...

More about Ninja gaiden sigma at the TGS.

Fortes fortuna juvat...

349th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Wed 20 Sep 19:52post reply


I'm using Iggy's thread to post this.
Ninja gaiden will land on PS3. But nothing great either, it just an ehanced version of NG1+hurrican pack, and more bonuses like weapons, ennemies, and Rachel playble...

More about Ninja gaiden sigma at the TGS.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

Ikari Loona
154th Post

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"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 21 Sep 00:52post reply

Let's all throw up together

PS2 game?... what about releasing a full/tweaked/whatever verions of the doujin fighting game for Windows that came with the full Genshiken DVD collection?...

And this series isn't out yet AFAIK...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

288th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(5):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 21 Sep 01:23post reply

Am I the only one interested in a playable Rachael?

2001th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 21 Sep 07:07post reply

Am I the only one interested in a playable Rachael?

Maybe so.

Top 3 Characters I don't want to use:

1: Rachael
2: Everyone from Mortal Kombat
3: Kratos from God of War

Really, I didn't know she had any fans. From a gameplay perspective, I guess that's pretty exciting, though.

7911th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 21 Sep 17:46post reply

DBZ Sparking NEO has a number of repeating character totally.... awesome, in a twisted way.

Also, I don't like FF6A's cover

2005th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 21 Sep 18:22post reply

DBZ Sparking NEO has a number of repeating character totally.... awesome, in a twisted way.

That's sick. They could make an "all Gohan fighting game". I'm secretly pleased at the inclusion of Tao, though.

Did Sparking have the original soundtrack on the English release? The attempt to make a game that really feels like DBZ is pointless without that.

570th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 21 Sep 20:06post reply

DBZ Sparking NEO has a number of repeating character totally.... awesome, in a twisted way.

That's sick. They could make an "all Gohan fighting game". I'm secretly pleased at the inclusion of Tao, though.

Did Sparking have the original soundtrack on the English release? The attempt to make a game that really feels like DBZ is pointless without that.

If the most exciting thing isn't that this is going to be the first DBZ game with a playable Yajirobe then I don't know what it is.

Tenkaichi, the english release of Sparking, had a newly composed soundtrack and opening song (by Kenji Yamamoto?). Yeah, that sucked, plus I find it hylarious that they switched an english titled japanese game into a japanese titled game for US/Europe, when it's usually the other way around.


1272th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Ball Zapping Action" , posted Fri 22 Sep 11:53post reply


MGS4 footage. Gives a good indication about how the gameplay will be. Looks pretty good. I wonder how you will have to fight those metal gear things as it kind of shows Snake fighting it from the ground. Also, in Kojima, style there is a surpise in the end.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Another son/clone of Big Boss perhaps?

End of Spoiler

7912th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Fri 22 Sep 17:00post reply

   √ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
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2007th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Fri 22 Sep 17:23post reply

Ohmygawd, check out the boss theme music in Blue Dragon...hahaha...


Super cheesy, but any song that starts with a heavy metal wail is 100% awesome in my books. Well, as long as it has a good solo.

I need a better trailer for Trusty Bell. I can't figure out how the battle system works. I'm afraid it might be as boring as Radiata Stories, despite having other things going for it.

7913th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Fri 22 Sep 18:33post reply

Besides the music and the graphics, it looks like one of those dozens of bland RPG we used to have back during the end of the PS1/DC era.


251th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Sat 23 Sep 02:31post reply

FFXII Revenant Wings trailer

Are you slave to the blade?

7918th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Sat 23 Sep 05:41post reply

KH2Final Mix+ with COM.
FF7AC Director's cut
Phantasy Star 1-2-3-4

Sakamoto Ryûichi is doing the main theme Seiken Densetsu 4 ? Woooooh....

I love.
second : The PS4 will be a network service !
And most of all :
- Why did you lower the PS3's price ?
- Well, we began with the USA price, 500$, and they said "oh, that's cheap! Are you sure it's not to cheap?"
Then Europe, 490€. and... well, you know how they drink wine at the restaurant ? They could order beer, but no. So of course they thought it was a good price. BUT IN JAPAN, some people thought it was a bit expensive, so we lowered the price a bit.

Kutaragi Love.
This is my TGS highlight.

On the other hand, my favourite game of the TGS2007 is a game of 1998 with a sprite cropped from 1996, so.........

892th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Sat 23 Sep 06:56post reply

Blue Dragon, Kutaragi Kougeki!

Boring PS1/DC RPG's? Surely Blue Dragon can never be as cool as Beyond the Beyond. errr.

Is Kutaragi the new Bernie Stolar?
1. Yes
2. Maybe
3. No, he is the new Tomonobu Itagaki.


2010th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Sat 23 Sep 09:43post reply


Boring PS1/DC RPG's? Surely Blue Dragon can never be as cool as Beyond the Beyond. errr.

Well, some people on Gamefaqs seem to really love Beyond the Beyond! We should take their word for it. I mean, why would someone give a game a PERFECT score if it wasn't totally awesome?

I don't know that RPGs are better these days...a lot of them are really poorly put together (system stinks, but the plot is okay, plot is okay, but the challenge level is completely messed up etc.), but Blue Dragon looks remarkably generic in terms of system.

Or does that just mean we applaud it for "going back to its RPG roots"? That's a good answer to RPGs with crappy graphics, one-dimensional characters, generic plots and uninteresting systems. Sometimes innovation is bad?

Speaking of which, has anyone seen the White Knight Chronicles trailer? It seems to be simultaneously interesting and painfully bland.

893th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Sat 23 Sep 11:45post reply


Or does that just mean we applaud it for "going back to its RPG roots"?

Yuck, FFIX did that, and I sure wasn't happy with the result. Roots are overrated. But I think I made Beyond look better than it was (well, it's gamefaqs so not really), but if even that site pans it more often than not...

Also, you didn't answer the poll. minus ten!


2051th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Sat 23 Sep 12:20:post reply

Ohmygawd, check out the boss theme music in Blue Dragon...hahaha...

Yeah, I am enamoured with that incredible cock rock. Like some hair metal band jumped out of the 80's and right into my 360.

After watching the whole presentation vid I'm not overwhelmed but I'm not disappointed either. It looks like Dragon Quarter without the drab Dragon Quarter graphics.


Dunno if it's new but IGN has some more CFC DS screenshots. Dr. Wily!

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sat 23 Sep 14:14]

7920th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Sat 23 Sep 17:43post reply

Dunno if it's new but IGN has some more CFC DS screenshots. Dr. Wily!

Gaô! Atomic Guy ! That guy from World Heroes whose name I forgot ! Orochi Shermie looks good ! Totally new and awesome action and reaction cards !
I'm concerned by the number of cards that has apparently decreased (they're still talking of "over 400), but, well, maybe we don't need all the Star Gladiator and Fûun characters.

More pics

Maese Spt
306th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Sun 24 Sep 02:10post reply

Sakamoto Ryûichi is doing the main theme Seiken Densetsu 4 ? Woooooh....


Now I have a reason to be excited about this Mana!

マツケン サンバ!!!!

572th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Sun 24 Sep 22:59post reply

Sakamoto Ryûichi is doing the main theme Seiken Densetsu 4 ? Woooooh....


Now I have a reason to be excited about this Mana!

Ryuichi Sakamoto has done terrible thing in the past, like the track he did for the Appleseed Soundtrack (yes the cell shaded one), which is pretty much a pain to listen to. I'll be carefull with what he does now, but I don't think he'll do anything like that one again.


2632th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 26 Sep 03:40post reply

Because no one asked for it:

Jingi Storm test location footage.

225th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(8):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 26 Sep 04:57post reply

Because no one asked for it:

Jingi Storm test location footage.

jesus, i dont even know where to start

I mean teacher! the asshole next to me shit his pants!

897th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 26 Sep 05:52post reply


Speaking of which, has anyone seen the White Knight Chronicles trailer? It seems to be simultaneously interesting and painfully bland.

Yes, now. I like the looks of the fighting, and the fire beast boss seemed impressive. Maybe it was the simple looking character designs that seemed bland? The gameplay from the movie looks pretty fun.


7926th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Tue 26 Sep 18:15post reply

So, yeah.
Seaman 2doesn't live in the sea anymore.

182th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(4):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Wed 27 Sep 16:27post reply


Speaking of which, has anyone seen the White Knight Chronicles trailer? It seems to be simultaneously interesting and painfully bland.

It looked fairly interesting. I wonder if every battle encounter will take that long to finish. And that transformation scene was kind of power ranger-ish.

7928th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Wed 27 Sep 17:15:post reply

Speaking of which, has anyone seen the White Knight Chronicles trailer? It seems to be simultaneously interesting and painfully bland.

I think the interestng part will soon turn boring and poorly implented. I'm nonplussed.

Other news : Madhouse is doing the DMC anime. Next spring, on WOWOW.

The anime Tokimemo OnlyLove beginning next week, is based on Tokimemo Online (?)

Also, I don't think I've seen it posted anywhere, but Arcadia is soon going to stop.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 27 Sep 17:19]

2633th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 28 Sep 01:21post reply

Also, I don't think I've seen it posted anywhere, but Arcadia is soon going to stop.

Has there been any official explanation given as to why Arcadia is giving up the ghost?

7928th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 28 Sep 04:22post reply

Has there been any official explanation given as to why Arcadia is giving up the ghost?

Nobody buys it.

1363th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 28 Sep 05:04post reply

Has there been any official explanation given as to why Arcadia is giving up the ghost?

Nobody buys it.

So the entire company is going under?
No more SBO?

Or are they just going to do something else from now on?

7929th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 28 Sep 06:36post reply

So the entire company is going under?
No more SBO?

Or are they just going to do something else from now on?

Oh, enterbrain is fine. Well, I think they are. Are they even still the ones behind Arcadia ? I think so.

Well, either way, the company publishing Arcadia will stop that particular title before spring if I recall correctly.
That's it.

3487th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Random Blog news post #12" , posted Thu 28 Sep 16:45post reply

Well, either way, the company publishing Arcadia will stop that particular title before spring if I recall correctly.
That's it.

Damn but is it a deffinitive stop, like no more arcade related magazine, or more arcadia sucks we need to recreate an arcade based magazine...

Not sure if I will suscribe again....

Fortes fortuna juvat...