the most important review of Yakuza ever. - Forums
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3524th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"the most important review of Yakuza ever." , posted Thu 14 Sep 07:22 IS HERE.
7895th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Thu 14 Sep 07:40
Iggy says : "What's up with this nose ?"
3525th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Thu 14 Sep 07:45
hard hitting journalism, that's what!!
4282th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(3):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Thu 14 Sep 07:48
Too fancy, I don't think I can handle these journalistic endeavors of yours.
quote: hard hitting journalism, that's what!!
3526th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(4):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Thu 14 Sep 08:09
or...not fancy enough!?
4283th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(5):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Thu 14 Sep 08:15
Actually yeah, not fancy enough. We'll talk fancy when you act the King Gainer intro with insert credit hooligans!
quote: or...not fancy enough!?
3527th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(6):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Thu 14 Sep 08:43
well...TGS is coming up!
1989th Post
Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
"Re(6):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Thu 14 Sep 09:03
quote: Actually yeah, not fancy enough. We'll talk fancy when you act the King Gainer intro with insert credit hooligans!
I wanted to do this myself, but Gainer throws Sara pretty far in the air when she "rides" on his back.'s the best opening ever. Now I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head all week.
I wish the Yakuza review had a sequel. I was really interested in what was going to happen with the cones.
478th Post
Gold Customer
"Re(7):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Thu 14 Sep 09:15:
I aspire to have Brandon's body/gackt hair!
ティッシュに包んだ純情 悪 趣 味 な行為を 羊が百匹 羊が百一匹 眠れない
[this message was edited by Evenor on Thu 14 Sep 09:16]
3529th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(7):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Thu 14 Sep 11:55:
quote: I wish the Yakuza review had a sequel. I was really interested in what was going to happen with the cones.
Actually, here's the text version.
And this is true (not that it's unbelievable, just saying).
I put three cones around him, as a small crowd of japanese girls formed. He kept dancing, and I announced KIKEN DESU. HAKUJIN GA DANSU SHITEIRU CHUU DESU. Which is sort of unnecessarily overkill, but pleased them mightily. Then we stopped because the person we were waiting for (they were up in the don quijote) came down.
P.S. I have more feedback for thing, will respond presently.
[this message was edited by exodus on Thu 14 Sep 12:48]
888th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member++
"Re(8):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Thu 14 Sep 12:38:
"Re(10):the most important review of Yakuza ev" , posted Thu 14 Sep 16:05
You were supposed to hit him over the head with the cone since it's Yakuza and all!
Also, you need to record sound horizon's performance at TGS, because everybody(?) wants to see it.
2620th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):Re(10):the most important review of Yak" , posted Thu 14 Sep 22:43
I don't know if you're going to make it onto Big Brother: Spain with this audition tape. Perhaps the video should include more costume changes?
3530th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):Re(10):the most important review of Yak" , posted Fri 15 Sep 01:37
quote: Also, you need to record sound horizon's performance at TGS, because everybody(?) wants to see it.
and as for big brother, we were hoping the love-love dance would pull us through.
Maese Spt
292th Post
Copper Customer
"Re(9):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Fri 15 Sep 03:38
Hey, I didn't get this kind of jokes before! Somehow, I feel I'm becoming more and more cool as time passes *shrugs*
マツケン サンバ!!!!
4284th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(3):Re(10):the most important review of Yak" , posted Fri 15 Sep 04:48
That Cooking Mama manual review was lousy. Make a video of someone eating the manual in fancy manner.
1994th Post
Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
"Re(8):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Fri 15 Sep 06:13
quote: I put three cones around him, as a small crowd of japanese girls formed. He kept dancing, and I announced KIKEN DESU. HAKUJIN GA DANSU SHITEIRU CHUU DESU.
Argghhh! I missed the best part! I guess that's what I get for not going there in person!
3532th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(9):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Fri 15 Sep 07:16
quote: Argghhh! I missed the best part! I guess that's what I get for not going there in person!
I hope you at least learned your lesson!
war 209th Post
Frequent Customer
"Re(1):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Fri 15 Sep 08:06
is this so post modern that its post futurism gaming journalism or is it just post post modern gaming journalism with a
1355th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
"Re(17): Shadow Hearts from the New World" , posted Fri 15 Sep 12:22
I watched it in my workplace after hours, without any audio devices.
I did not know what to make of it.
Surely, this is a step in the post-post-modernist direction ("next-gen") of game journalism. The now-old era of post-modernist game journalism still had, unconsciously and instinctively, a need to be comprehensible. This review is a bold step away from that invisible yoke, even as it invokes bizarre metaphors and allusions to the subject matter.
3534th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):Re(17): Shadow Hearts from the New Worl" , posted Fri 15 Sep 14:04
maybe I should coin the term 'futurist game journalism'
644th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member
"Re(3):Re(17): Shadow Hearts from the New Worl" , posted Sat 16 Sep 00:41
1356th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
"Re(3):Re(17): Shadow Hearts from the New Worl" , posted Sat 16 Sep 02:03
quote: maybe I should coin the term 'futurist game journalism'
What happens when they reach the post-futurist stage?
YOU CAN'T GET MORE FUTURE THAN THE FUTURE! Leave something for the children, brandon.
646th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member
"Re(4):Re(17): Shadow Hearts from the New Worl" , posted Sat 16 Sep 03:43
quote: What happens when they reach the post-futurist stage?
YOU CAN'T GET MORE FUTURE THAN THE FUTURE! Leave something for the children, brandon.
890th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member++
"Re(5):Re(17): Shadow Hearts from the New Worl" , posted Sat 16 Sep 03:57
Man, the rest of Insert Credit is so retro-indie now. I don't know if that's my scene anymore.
4286th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(6):Re(17): Shadow Hearts from the New Worl" , posted Sat 16 Sep 04:01:
e(6):Re(17): Shadow Hearts from the New Worl
Y'all need a hair cut.
[this message was edited by Juan on Sat 16 Sep 04:01]
war 210th Post
Frequent Customer
"Re(1):the most important review of Yakuza eve" , posted Sat 16 Sep 04:20
im sorry i was unable to finish my previous post due to fire
i think i have decided that that video is recombinat video game journalism
I think I was also going to say that the game sucked and the voice acting was surprisingly mediocre and ( I add this because there was talk about it before, no?) it was not surprising that the celebrity voiced characters had little to do with the plot and thus not too much acting to do and all Spoiler (Highlight to view) - died lol which i think was a easy prediction to make
End of Spoiler .
2047th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(4):Re(17): Shadow Hearts from the New Worl" , posted Sat 16 Sep 04:51
quote: maybe I should coin the term 'futurist game journalism'
What happens when they reach the post-futurist stage?
YOU CAN'T GET MORE FUTURE THAN THE FUTURE! Leave something for the children, brandon.
Nonsense. The inability of futurist game journalism to evolve means that over years it will become retro-futurist gaming journalism. At which point someone will invent a new retro-futurist gaming journalism and send us barreling into the present.