OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother Spain - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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178th Post

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"OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother Spain" , posted Thu 14 Sep 09:41:post reply

While a part of me vividly wanted to ignorate this event, my darker self just needed to post and comment on it.

Among the contestants in the recently started Big Brother edition in Spain, surely one of the most difficult characters to understand for the masses has definetely been Mimi-chan .

And that's it folks, courtesy of youtube, her presentation video. Here you can see her cosplaying as Athena from King of Fighters, Digiko from Digi-Charat, Umi from Magic Knight Rayearth and other characters, and also dubiously performing the Gals! series Opening Aitsu while cosplaying Suu from Clover (¿?).

You know, it's hard to introduce at once and make the people digest the concepts of cosplay, j-pop, or dollfies. She introduces herself as a gal, but I can't help but thinking her looks are closer to a... what in spanish would be catalogued as "killa".

Obviously, from the show's point of view, she is just in for comic relief (her intro is ridicule, and also being the most average looking woman in this edition and last but not least, she proudly commenting on her 24-year-old kept virginity), but it is funny seeing her adressing the rest of the contestants adding the particle -chan at the end of their names and imitating generic female villain laugh.

So far the audience has just mistaken her for a generic freak and the general reaction is pitying her for still liking dolls being 24 years old and disguising herself in weird customes. Also, the spotlight has been stolen by the hotter and hornier women, so she is rather secondary (at the moment).

On a side note, 200 private photos from her have already been leaked and are available on Emule (Oh! Fame! ).

Ganbatte Mimi-chan!!!~

Further cover if I don't get excessively flamed.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

[this message was edited by Arngrim on Thu 14 Sep 10:01]


4257th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Thu 14 Sep 10:26post reply

Sheeee..... acts like one of my exs >_>

Toxico tan wants more

See??? He is a God...

246th Post

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"Re(1):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Thu 14 Sep 14:01post reply

While a part of me vividly wanted to ignorate this event, my darker self just needed to post and comment on it.

Among the contestants in the recently started Big Brother edition in Spain, surely one of the most difficult characters to understand for the masses has definetely been Mimi-chan .

And that's it folks, courtesy of youtube, her presentation video. Here you can see her cosplaying as Athena from King of Fighters, Digiko from Digi-Charat, Umi from Magic Knight Rayearth and other characters, and also dubiously performing the Gals! series Opening Aitsu while cosplaying Suu from Clover (¿?).

She's disgusting. She has a gap too! Meow :3

Are you slave to the blade?

1541th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Thu 14 Sep 16:08post reply

While a part of me vividly wanted to ignorate this event

Yeah, right...

She introduces herself as a gal, but I can't help but thinking her looks are closer to a... what in spanish would be catalogued as "killa".


You know, at first I read that in English, as if it was "killah" ... then I noticed it was in Spanish

A funny fact I'd like to add is that a lot of otaku people I know seems to have known her (before she entered this, I mean)... yes, you included, my friend.
Kinda scary actually...

Ling Yao. The king indeed.

"In the beginning there was nothing and God said: "Let there be light".
And still there was nothing but you could see it!
" -Unknown-

1284th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Thu 14 Sep 17:30post reply


178th Post

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"Re(2):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Thu 14 Sep 17:46post reply

The problem is: to what extent does this character depict realistically the otaku figure?

In my opinion, besides the fact of being an "otaku", she isa weirdo. These are two different aspects of her personality that had been erroneously linked nad mixed up.

Even though, she actually manages somehow to represent a certain branch of the otaku, mostly due to her method of claiming her uniqueness and individuality through her appearance and hobbies and overlapping the real world with her world.

Not that this exact factors don't happen with other people with other hobbies, though, but being an otaku is more noticeable due to the culture contrast and the little overall knowledge that exists in society about it.


Pd: It's taking me ages to download her 200 private photos archive!!

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

1991th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Thu 14 Sep 19:38post reply

The problem is: to what extent does this character depict realistically the otaku figure?

I haven't seen anything but the "intro" clip from her, so I can't say for sure, but she seems to act like any number of otaku girls you see at anime conventions. I'd say she's an excellent example of an otaku girl that has all of her interests.

I'm not saying she's a good example of an anime fan, but a -real- otaku...someone who is obsessed...I think she paints a fairly accurate picture, given that I've met numerous people that act just like her. You have to think if you're a "real" otaku, if you're really obsessed, it's highly likely that something's wrong with you, anyway.

888th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Thu 14 Sep 23:52post reply

Heh, yeah, I guess it's important to remember that in English the word "otaku" somehow got a more positive meaning than it should normally have, since the underground anime fandom of the 90's was looking for a label or self-description or whatever for their unique hobby. Ironically, this person sounds like she's both otaku in the unnaturally positive English sense and in the original Japanese nerd/weirdo sense. Hmmm!!


65th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Fri 15 Sep 02:49post reply

Pd: It's taking me ages to download her 200 private photos archive!!

link plz

180th Post

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"Re(6):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Fri 15 Sep 03:48:post reply

You asked for it. Download AYOR:

(rapidshare, about 7 megas)

There are NO nudes, it's headed towards funny and freaky pics. These are mostly weird posing photos from her photologs and casual ones. However, there are some really awesome and hilarious ones.

What a phenomenon, ...and I thought my stalker tendencies were gone by the time I finished Biko 3...

Pd: Sensenic GO! GO! GO!!!

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

[this message was edited by Arngrim on Fri 15 Sep 03:54]

Maese Spt
295th Post

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"Re(6):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Fri 15 Sep 03:58post reply


Actually, as sad as it is, there are LOTS of chicks like this one among spanissh geek scene.

マツケン サンバ!!!!

642th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Fri 15 Sep 04:59post reply


Actually, as sad as it is, there are LOTS of chicks like this one among spanissh geek scene.

I'D HIT IT (right in the forehead)

She doesn't look bad... for a nerdy weeaboo bitch, that is. She looks hotter than the combination of all the other otaku girls I know, and half the stupid as the smartest one, so she got my approval (i.e. sympathy).

208th Post

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"Re(1):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Fri 15 Sep 08:02post reply

TBQH id hit it with a road roller

66th Post

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"Re(8):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Fri 15 Sep 11:24post reply

weird pictures,

thanks for sharing

182th Post

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"Re(7):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Fri 15 Sep 22:29post reply


Actually, as sad as it is, there are LOTS of chicks like this one among spanissh geek scene.


..well, at least not before a couple of drinks...

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

480th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(8):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Sat 16 Sep 00:12post reply

I really hate/love the Spanish Big Brothers. Television networks in spanish are all insane.

Anyways, I think shes pretty awesome! The only thing I dislike about her is that fact she buys those really disgusting japanese dolls. I can sit here all day and type about the horror's called "stories" written by people about their dolls.

悪 趣 味 な行為を
羊が百匹 羊が百一匹 眠れない

564th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(9):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Sat 16 Sep 07:01post reply


I can sit here all day and type about the horror's called "stories" written by people about their dolls.

Oh my god, please don't! I really really really can't understand the appeal of those dolls.


Ikari Loona
153th Post

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"Re(9):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brother" , posted Sat 16 Sep 09:52post reply

Anyways, I think shes pretty awesome! The only thing I dislike about her is that fact she buys those really disgusting japanese dolls. I can sit here all day and type about the horror's called "stories" written by people about their dolls.

Anything that resembles a movie called "May"? That featured a lonely girl and her doll and got really messed up later on...

Am I the only one that thinks Big Brother may be the closest this girl gets to some "detox" time? It could end up being a good thing for her - only she'll probably be dealing with the reactions to that video and whatever further otaku-ish things she ends up doing at the house, which would otherwise be a fine opportunity to get away from it all for a while and rethink how deep she seems to have sunk into fandom...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

648th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(10):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big Brothe" , posted Sat 16 Sep 18:02post reply

Anyways, I think shes pretty awesome! The only thing I dislike about her is that fact she buys those really disgusting japanese dolls. I can sit here all day and type about the horror's called "stories" written by people about their dolls.

Anything that resembles a movie called "May"? That featured a lonely girl and her doll and got really messed up later on...

Am I the only one that thinks Big Brother may be the closest this girl gets to some "detox" time? It could end up being a good thing for her - only she'll probably be dealing with the reactions to that video and whatever further otaku-ish things she ends up doing at the house, which would otherwise be a fine opportunity to get away from it all for a while and rethink how deep she seems to have sunk into fandom...

We should make a poll about it... ¿how long do you guys think she will endure the convulsions before she ends up consumed by her addiction and gets banned from the house? She seems somewhat strong, so I bet he'll last at least another fortnight...

183th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big" , posted Sat 16 Sep 19:23post reply

Television networks in Spain are INDEED crazy.

About her "detox" time... uhm... I'm not really sure about it. Her experience somewhat seems to be watered down by the other contestants, who give her the cold shoulder everytime she seems to do some otaku joke (she started imitating Pikachu for whatever reasons, but nobody laughed nor even smiled, and whenever she starts singing in japanese, the others look at themselves with a "WTF?" expression).

And, of course, there should be the compulsory typical simple guy who asks her "Why do you wear those clothes?" filled with ill intentions, and another dupe that, aware of her virgin status, shouts "Take manga!!!" while doing pelvic thrust.

So I think that, as soon as she gets kicked from the contest, she'll return being the one she is as nothing happened, except for the fact that she will have an extra-though time finding a new job. Also, her romance possibilites are 0 there, so that experience won't do much in a long-term perspective and the possibilites of an "inflexion point" in her life due to her appearance in this contest are really scarce.

And about the dollfies aspect... YES, she does happen to write extense fanfics about her dolls personality, interactions and adventures and has photolog and livejournal accounts in which she throws in photos of her dolls cosplaying anime characters in an episodic story fashion.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

Maese Spt
297th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big" , posted Sat 16 Sep 21:59post reply


We should make a poll about it... ¿how long do you guys think she will endure the convulsions before she ends up consumed by her addiction and gets banned from the house? She seems somewhat strong, so I bet he'll last at least another fortnight...

Come on, guys, let's get serious. We all know the little geek will leave the house by herself about the end of october, when the next manga convention of Barcelona starts. She can't afford to lose it (the manga convention, I mean, lol).

マツケン サンバ!!!!

650th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Re(10):OT: Otaku fangirl enters in Big" , posted Mon 18 Sep 00:36post reply


We should make a poll about it... ¿how long do you guys think she will endure the convulsions before she ends up consumed by her addiction and gets banned from the house? She seems somewhat strong, so I bet he'll last at least another fortnight...

Come on, guys, let's get serious. We all know the little geek will leave the house by herself about the end of october, when the next manga convention of Barcelona starts. She can't afford to lose it (the manga convention, I mean, lol).

OMG, I forgot about that!!! I hope she had finished her cosplay before entering the house, otherwise she'll have to pay the entrance ticket...