POLL: Imagine a KOF DS... - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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1103th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Fri 15 Sep 19:49post reply

Imagine a KOF DS: what could go on the unused screen?
The other team members shown lounging in King's café
A close-up of your fighter's face, with his/her reactions
Stats of all kinds
A 'click here' box with a mushroom power-up
A 'click me' close-up of Mai's boobs/Clark's butt, etc...
A nice illustration by Nona


563th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Fri 15 Sep 20:37post reply

I voted for the "other" option. Some options seemed interesting but, how about showing the other team members cheering up your character, and reacting to the fight? Like they did in KOF94 - KOF98 but with improvements. They could throw in some funny events that you could trigger or handle with the stylus, or something like that!


7903th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Fri 15 Sep 21:03post reply

Other : a trauma center minigame where you try to save the life of the badly injured fighters after the first round.

Open heart surgery on Yuri !

479th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Fri 15 Sep 21:05post reply


Open heart surgery on Yuri !

She needs it. ( How old is she again, based on her FF birth)

I would be content with a portrait of Nona or Moe variations of chracters.

悪 趣 味 な行為を
羊が百匹 羊が百一匹 眠れない

Just a Person
811th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Fri 15 Sep 21:26post reply

I voted for the "other" option. Some options seemed interesting but, how about showing the other team members cheering up your character, and reacting to the fight? Like they did in KOF94 - KOF98 but with improvements. They could throw in some funny events that you could trigger or handle with the stylus, or something like that!

Great idea! The team members cheering up their fighting partner was one of the coolest thing in KOF; it should come back.

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

451th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Sat 16 Sep 01:00post reply

Great idea! The team members cheering up their fighting partner was one of the coolest thing in KOF; it should come back.


Dr Baghead
3618th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Sat 16 Sep 02:28post reply

A nice illustration by Nona

Wow, that'd truely be a DS exclusive feature wouldn't it.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

1104th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Sat 16 Sep 02:51post reply

A nice illustration by Nona

Wow, that'd truely be a DS exclusive feature wouldn't it.

LOL! I was wondering if someone was ever going to react to this option. It seems Nona is no longer the blacksheep/ or ewe? that they used to be.

647th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Sat 16 Sep 03:47post reply

It'd be great if you had the chance of playing without the bars covering the ladscapes... showing them in the unused screen. In fact, they could make double-height backgrounds, showing the bars in the upper screen and the players in the lower one...

Maese Spt
296th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Sat 16 Sep 21:53post reply

At first I was going to vote for Ikari's proposal, since it sounds pretty cool, but... MAN, IT'S CLARK'S BUTT!!!!11!ONE!

マツケン サンバ!!!!

58th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Wed 18 Oct 16:28post reply

I'm thinking portraits of your teammates that you can touch of activate a striker attack or to tag out. Maybe some meters and shit as well.

Or a movelist.


3569th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Thu 19 Oct 04:32post reply

I voted for the touching.

but seriously, I'd go for something along the lines of character portraits and stuff...I mean you couldn't really take people's eyes away from the action, so... Maybe it's not necessary.


Character/color edits would be awesome with the touch screen.

Also it'd be cool if using the two processors the DS supposedly has, you could switch between each screen for each match with no loading. That would be teh awesomez, and maybe the lower screen version could be like KOF R-2 kthx

1110th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Fri 20 Oct 02:57post reply

I voted for the touching.

but seriously, I'd go for something along the lines of character portraits and stuff...I mean you couldn't really take people's eyes away from the action, so... Maybe it's not necessary.


Character/color edits would be awesome with the touch screen.

Also it'd be cool if using the two processors the DS supposedly has, you could switch between each screen for each match with no loading. That would be teh awesomez, and maybe the lower screen version could be like KOF R-2 kthx

I have seen in my crystal ball that Exodus has been cleaning the dust off his NGPC lately.

379th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Fri 20 Oct 03:31post reply

How about something purely different, like a strategy element or RPG elements using a map in between fights. Point and click on the map to move your little character, and when a battle is triggered, the upper screen has you fighting the usual kof way... You could level up and learn new moves on the way...
I'm just throwing ideas...


Tashoku Kisune
2221th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):POLL: Imagine a KOF DS..." , posted Fri 20 Oct 05:48post reply

It'd be great if you had the chance of playing without the bars covering the ladscapes... showing them in the unused screen. In fact, they could make double-height backgrounds, showing the bars in the upper screen and the players in the lower one...

Now that is a brilliant idea!! :D