KoF MI2/2006 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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2628th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"KoF MI2/2006" , posted Fri 22 Sep 04:37post reply

After spending a bit of time with the US release of KoF MI2/2006/whatever I've decided it's a fun game but I did have a few questions about it.

1. I forgot all about the DVD that was rumored to come with the release until Burning Ranger mentioned it in another thread. Was that actually supposed to come out or was that a case of collective wishful thinking?

2. Is the sabaki system as much trouble as I suspect it's going to be? Having a Namco fighter style counter system isn't a bad idea but I'm not sure if the properties of the move make it too powerful.

Even with those questions I still find the game to be fun. Any game that is so self-aware that it can have characters complain that the KoF sponsers are always corrupt or question why Kyo is still in high school is okay with me.


1357th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):KoF MI2/2006" , posted Fri 22 Sep 05:46post reply


2. Is the sabaki system as much trouble as I suspect it's going to be? Having a Namco fighter style counter system isn't a bad idea but I'm not sure if the properties of the move make it too powerful.

Seeing as how the game has very damaging and hit confirmable combos that start off of quick moves, sabaki is a little risky on the ground. It is very powerful, but the punishment for failure is pretty high. Also, when you have been sabaki'd, you can do either Counter Attack/alpha counter or Tech Roll, and you have a rather large window to do either.

Too bad Tech Roll cannot go through the opponent.

114th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):KoF MI2/2006" , posted Fri 22 Sep 10:32post reply


1. I forgot all about the DVD that was rumored to come with the release until Burning Ranger mentioned it in another thread. Was that actually supposed to come out or was that a case of collective wishful thinking?

It was supposed to, but it seems they changed their minds.

350th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):KoF MI2/2006" , posted Fri 22 Sep 19:27post reply

I am really enjoying this game as well. I was and was not surprised that this game was underordered at the EB Games store that I bought my copy from (they only had TWO in stock on the day of release). I am not disappointed that Another Day was not packaged with it (I didn't realized it until I got home).

I think this game is suffering from the "terrible two" syndrome.

After spending a bit of time with the US release of KoF MI2/2006/whatever I've decided it's a fun game but I did have a few questions about it.

1. I forgot all about the DVD that was rumored to come with the release until Burning Ranger mentioned it in another thread. Was that actually supposed to come out or was that a case of collective wishful thinking?

2. Is the sabaki system as much trouble as I suspect it's going to be? Having a Namco fighter style counter system isn't a bad idea but I'm not sure if the properties of the move make it too powerful.

Even with those questions I still find the game to be fun. Any game that is so self-aware that it can have characters complain that the KoF sponsers are always corrupt or question why Kyo is still in high school is okay with me.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

2008th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KoF MI2/2006" , posted Fri 22 Sep 20:33post reply

I'm not trying to say that MI2 is necessarily a bad game, but I have a feeling your opinions may slightly sour on it a week or so from now.

Not getting that DVD is a severe loss. Is isn't available otherwise, is it?

2629th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):KoF MI2/2006" , posted Sat 23 Sep 02:32post reply

I'm not trying to say that MI2 is necessarily a bad game, but I have a feeling your opinions may slightly sour on it a week or so from now.

What sort of KoF game would it be if I didn't tire of it quickly? At the moment MI2 seems like one of those fighters that is fun to play but has some odd, occasionally frustrating game engine quirks that holds it back. The SNK library has a surprisingly large amount of fighters that fall into that catagory.

Seeing as how the game has very damaging and hit confirmable combos that start off of quick moves, sabaki is a little risky on the ground. It is very powerful, but the punishment for failure is pretty high. Also, when you have been sabaki'd, you can do either Counter Attack/alpha counter or Tech Roll, and you have a rather large window to do either.

Too bad Tech Roll cannot go through the opponent.

It's good to hear the sabaki system might not be as overpowering as I had initially feared. I think I was expecting a modified block when I heard about the sabaki in MI2 so finding out everyone had been turned into something resembling a counter character threw me for a loop.

2009th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):KoF MI2/2006" , posted Sat 23 Sep 06:19post reply


What sort of KoF game would it be if I didn't tire of it quickly?

A good one? I played at least one game of KOF 98 every day for over a year, and didn't tire out on many of the games until a sequel came out. Even SNK vs Capcom, which everyone pretty much hates was entertaining and fairly rewarding to play for several months.

You make it sound like I'm unfairly picking on MI2, when any fighting game that isn't continually rewarding is just as bad or worse. Past failures never excuse present ones.

But on the other hand, if you aren't playing your fighting games with friends, then MI2 lasts just as long (or longer) as any other fighting game. (that is to say, no time at all). By this point, I feel that fighters are almost always inherently boring if played one player.

In my opinion, MI2 doesn't hold up in a 2P game as well, and once you've done everything, then you're no longer distracted from its mediocre system. Based on the fact that you can't explore the game for months/over a year like you can with a truly good KOF, I can't help but say it's the inferior game.

However, there's still nothing really WRONG with MI2, and it's nice, that like some other 3D fighters (Soul Calibur) SNK has provided the player with tons of stuff to do in a 1P game.

Maese Spt
305th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):KoF MI2/2006" , posted Sun 24 Sep 02:07post reply

I for one kinda like KOF MI, so I don't mind it so much, but somehow I have the feeling that all the classic fighting sagas we know and love will end up evolving into this kind of game. Heck, even Samurai Spirits is going 3D again. So we have better to to resign ourselves...

マツケン サンバ!!!!

6th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):KoF MI2/2006" , posted Sun 24 Sep 04:09post reply

I think it's a pretty good game. I play it with my roommate quite a bit. He actually likes it ^_^.

Burning Ranger
1450th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):KoF MI2/2006" , posted Sun 24 Sep 23:11post reply

I think it's a pretty good game. I play it with my roommate quite a bit. He actually likes it ^_^.

The MI series is all right. It's no Wild Ambition (arcade ver.) but it's not bad either.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

Cain Highwind
717th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Interesting Jenet Stuff and English voices..." , posted Mon 25 Sep 11:51post reply

I find it quite interesting that Jenet's "origin" is revealed in her profile. Apparently, her real name is Jennie Behrn. I wonder if that's actually canon or made up just for MI (that and one of her pirates being named Pappy in her story)

Oh and her English voice is definetely one of the better sounding in the game, she's got a VERY SLIGHT cowgirl-like accent which suits her quite well. Her intros against Mai and Rock are just classic...

Speaking of English voices though.

Luise sounds great having a very soft, elegant voice with a German accent. She definetely outdoes Hiroko Tsuji IMO

Billy and Lilly sound much older and deeper than I imagined (it sounds like they used Lien's VA for Lilly, not right) Billy sounds a lot like Yangus from Dragon Quest VIII, hell the two of them together sound like the Beavers from Narnia.

Nagase, yes there's much hate for She-Falcoon, but she's got a decent voice, very uptight and snobbish, and it's interesting how she has a crush for Seth.

Kula's I'm torn on. Her "HA's" and battle cries can get really annoying. Plus at the end of many of her moves she says in a snobbish way "Kula's BORED!" But her story dialog isn't half bad.

Athena's VA is new and doesn't sound like an old lady like the first MI, but she has the tendency to pause between words and speak very slowly, just sounds odd.

And a big LOL at Ghetto Hanzo. He almost sounds like Doctor Claw (deep raspy voice) and ends a lot of his moves saying "PUNK!"

And Jivatma, who seems to be...Jamaican. I swear it just sounds like he out to rape people.. "Give me control of your bodies..."

I'll see if I can rip the voices later and upload them somewhere

2631th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Interesting Jenet Stuff and English voi" , posted Tue 26 Sep 03:36post reply

But on the other hand, if you aren't playing your fighting games with friends, then MI2 lasts just as long (or longer) as any other fighting game. (that is to say, no time at all). By this point, I feel that fighters are almost always inherently boring if played one player.

That's an interesting take on the situation since it seems that programmers are consciously trying to make the 1P game more playable, or at least more of an experience. At what point do story modes and unlockable doo-dads become a distraction from the central fighting game? Will shifting toward on-line play help fighters find a new audience or will it alienate players who want something besides just PvP action from the game? I'm asking these questions in an idle, rhetorical manner but I'm sure the people who actually make the games must lay up nights pondering them.

In my opinion, MI2 doesn't hold up in a 2P game as well, and once you've done everything, then you're no longer distracted from its mediocre system. Based on the fact that you can't explore the game for months/over a year like you can with a truly good KOF, I can't help but say it's the inferior game.

However, there's still nothing really WRONG with MI2, and it's nice, that like some other 3D fighters (Soul Calibur) SNK has provided the player with tons of stuff to do in a 1P game.

You're quite right, there is a deeper game engine in other games that isn't in MI2. Unless you're in the mood for the slap-happy sort of game that MI2 offers it doesn't have much to offer. At least MI2 has the good sense not to pretend to be anything it isn't. I don't want to over-defend MI2 but it does do a good job of being a flashy and -for me at least- fun game to goof around with.

Hmm, now I know how Roman Hruska felt.

Billy and Lilly sound much older and deeper than I imagined (it sounds like they used Lien's VA for Lilly, not right) Billy sounds a lot like Yangus from Dragon Quest VIII, hell the two of them together sound like the Beavers from Narnia.

I haven't spent much time fooling with the English voices but I did hear Billy's and quite liked it. I know that Engrish comes with the territory in SNK games but Billy's regular voice has always struck me as sounding more like a goat that learned to talk instead of a fierce fighter.

7th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):KoF MI2/2006" , posted Tue 26 Sep 12:38post reply

I hate the survival mode in MI2 though. I wish it was exactly the same as the Mark of the Wolves survival mode, which I could play for hours.

The "buy stuff" period between <10 second rounds is really annoying, especially if your health is already full.

483th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):KoF MI2/2006" , posted Thu 28 Sep 01:39post reply

I recently treated myself and purchased KOF2006.
Currently, it's keeping me from important academic work.

QUESTION: Any tips to perform Luise's grab super?

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羊が百匹 羊が百一匹 眠れない

2634th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):KoF MI2/2006" , posted Fri 29 Sep 01:51post reply

QUESTION: Any tips to perform Luise's grab super?

Outside of jumping in, rolling or wake up I haven't found a consistent way to land that grab. If there is a combo that you can link it to I have yet to find it although odds are the problem is that I stink at landing my moves. Of her stylish arts #14-17 seem like they might have potential. Hitting the same button twice after the second attack in those combos will cause Luise to stop the attack and do some sort of standing twirl. I'm not sure if the move counts as a roll or just what the properties of that move are but the pause might give the player enough time to input the throw command. Outside of a super cancel I don't think her will let you go into her throw which seems like a waste since if you have enough meter for her level 3 super I'm not sure why you would bother with her throw.

Hmm, I was no help whatsoever. If someone else has any suggestions let us know.

532th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Interesting Jenet Stuff and English voi" , posted Fri 29 Sep 05:34post reply

Nagase, yes there's much hate for She-Falcoon, but she's got a decent voice, very uptight and snobbish, and it's interesting how she has a crush for Seth.

She has a crush on various male charactrs. Richard, Clark, Wild Wolf and probably a couple others.

Don't care for the new parry/deflect move. The only thing I've found it good for is preventing gaurd crushes. Getting into a see-saw parry fest wasn't fun in SC III and it's not fun here.

3540th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Interesting Jenet Stuff and English voi" , posted Fri 29 Sep 08:03post reply

interesting jenet stuff...like this?

P.s. only partially work safe.

Burning Ranger
1452th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Interesting Jenet Stuff and English voi" , posted Fri 29 Sep 10:54post reply

interesting jenet stuff...like this?

P.s. only partially work safe.

What the!?! I demand an explanation!

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

293th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Interesting Jenet Stuff and English voi" , posted Fri 29 Sep 11:53post reply

Lien's neckbreaker is actually an extension of her charge back, forward + power punch special move. You do it by holding power punch down instead of just tapping it like normal.

BTW, great game so far.

Cain Highwind
718th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Interesting Jenet Stuff and English voi" , posted Fri 29 Sep 12:50post reply

I'm pretty sure back when the game came out in Japan, someone found a way to manipulate the camera while playing via Pro Action Replay/Gameshark. That's just her walking forward animation with the camera zoomd up to her chest.

898th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):Interesting Jenet Stuff and English voi" , posted Fri 29 Sep 12:54post reply

Hahahah, I remember when the ero janai no ni screenshot BBS was posted by the Professor for the Bloody Roar 4 (?) secret and "fun" screenshots. It's long gone, though I guess the tradition continues?


3542th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Interesting Jenet Stuff and English voi" , posted Fri 29 Sep 14:40post reply

What the!?! I demand an explanation!

that's simply her walking animation! Not sure how they got the camera there though.

7931th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Interesting Jenet Stuff and English voi" , posted Fri 29 Sep 17:16post reply

that's simply her walking animation! Not sure how they got the camera there though.

The camera was a bonus to look under Athena's panties in the Xbox version of the first MI... They took it of MI2 ? Or only in the US version maybe ?

294th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):Interesting Jenet Stuff and English voi" , posted Sat 30 Sep 00:28post reply

that's simply her walking animation! Not sure how they got the camera there though.

The camera was a bonus to look under Athena's panties in the Xbox version of the first MI... They took it of MI2 ? Or only in the US version maybe ?

The camera is still there in our version. Like most camera modes though you can't zoom up that close.

3543th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Interesting Jenet Stuff and English voi" , posted Sat 30 Sep 02:09post reply

Or only in the US version maybe ?

I've only played the japanese version - and actually, the game's a whole lot better than the first one!

456th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(5):Interesting Jenet Stuff and English voi" , posted Sat 30 Sep 02:13post reply

What the!?! I demand an explanation!

that's simply her walking animation! Not sure how they got the camera there though.

yeah kamera is there but it works only in pause mode as long as I know.