Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+more - Forums

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Cain Highwind
720th Post

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"Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+more" , posted Thu 5 Oct 12:52:post reply

So speaking of Garou 2 and pirated games (FFXII), I just happened to find a torrent of Real Bout Dominated Mind that was uploaded recently. This not only included the game, but the rare Second disc of fan material that came with the limited edition. It's simply some sort of interview game, where you answer trivia questions and get to know more about the characters.

Well since it's pretty much impossible to play through it in English, I ran it through PSicture and found well over 1000 pieces of artwork! I've converted them and split them up into different RAR files.

What kind of stuff is here? Well there IS some material that's in other mooks. But there's also concept artwork of ALL the characters, INCLUDING characters like Richard Meyer and Micheal Max from FF1.

And while some of the mook artwork is familiar like the Younger Geese standing in front of nun while surrounded by younger old characters like Tung Fu Rue and Jubei, or the famous Geese sitting between Ripper and Hopper. There's old pencil sketch drafts of these by Shinkiro!


There's also a section for unused character art (there's also early drafts of other characters here). I found a character looking a bit like either Ai or Athena named Alice, an early Hotaru (?), A Cowboy Terry, an Armored Mai, and old fashioned Yakuza-styled Yamazaki (resembling Amano from Last Blade).

Please note, these ARE how the files were on CD, they are not resized.

Character Sketches: These are all the FF characters with plenty of familiar artwork as well as concept sketches and early designs (and Signatures)

Concept Artwork: These feature a lot of the familiar promotionial artwork as well as Shinkiro sketches, Real Bout Special Portrait Sketches (which were done by Ogura IIRC), and the unused character designs.

Fanwork: These seem to be a collection of Fanart SNK collected. It also seems to have some professional Cosplay photos.
Interview Art: This is simply the artwork for the actual interview game. It features all the different characters sporting different facial expressions.

[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Thu 5 Oct 15:57]


2014th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Thu 5 Oct 14:43post reply

This reminds me what a good soundtrack Dominated Mind had. I'll have to get the game back from my parent's house sometime. I really liked its version of Geese's theme.

574th Post

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"Re(2):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Thu 5 Oct 15:25post reply

I own an original copy of this limited edition of Dominated Minds, but I've never bothered to go through the interview disc to unlock all that stuff, so thanks for ripping it!

Yeah, the music from Dominated Minds, well, the music from all the Real Bout games (also FF3) rules. The arranged soundtrack from Wild Ambition as well.

By the way, do you happen to know how to rip music to wav or mp3 from PS2 games? I need to rip the music from Garou Breakblow which kicks ass!


Cain Highwind
723th Post

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"Re(3):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Thu 5 Oct 16:05:post reply


By the way, do you happen to know how to rip music to wav or mp3 from PS2 games? I need to rip the music from Garou Breakblow which kicks ass!

Depends on the format. A lot of fighters on the Ps2 use the ADX format (invented for the Dreamcast). If it's pre-recorded CD quality music and not sequenced MIDI, get the small useful app PSound The official author homepage is dead now it seems, but Zophar still has the program. I also used it's sister program PSicture to rip these pictures (and can also recognize some PS2 games, namely the Namco X Capcom sprites and artwork)

[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Fri 6 Oct 04:43]

51th Post

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"Re(4):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Thu 5 Oct 17:29post reply

Wow, these are pretty awesome. Thanks a ton for ripping them and sharing!

I have a question about the SNK/Shinkiro artwork though: what mooks should I buy if I wanted most of the Shinkiro artwork and promotional pieces he did for SNK back in the day? I bet most of them are rare/out-of-print now, but I'd still like some names or even better, ISBNs to try and find them. I've only become a Shinkiro fan in recent months, and now I'm scrambling to find all the SNK stuff he's done. He's supposed to be at Capcom now, right?

337th Post

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"Re(5):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Thu 5 Oct 18:07:post reply

Links don't work for me, saves 6KB files...

Edit: Huh, rapideshare... Explains it.

"You have reached the download-limit for free-users. Want to download more?
Get your own Premium-account now! Instant download-access! (Or wait 41 minutes)" -_-

[this message was edited by Stifu on Thu 5 Oct 19:59]

Cain Highwind
722th Post

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"Re(6):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Fri 6 Oct 02:18:post reply

Links don't work for me, saves 6KB files...

Edit: Huh, rapideshare... Explains it.

"You have reached the download-limit for free-users. Want to download more?
Get your own Premium-account now! Instant download-access! (Or wait 41 minutes)" -_-

Try these from Megaupload

Character Sketches

Concept Art

Fanart and Cosplay

Interview Artwork

[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Fri 6 Oct 03:00]

337th Post

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"Re(7):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Fri 6 Oct 02:50post reply

Hmmm, doesn't work, page doesn't exist (I did copy the URL manually)...
I'll just bear with rapidshare, thanks anyway, it's cool.

Cain Highwind
722th Post

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"Re(8):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Fri 6 Oct 03:00post reply

Hmmm, doesn't work, page doesn't exist (I did copy the URL manually)...
I'll just bear with rapidshare, thanks anyway, it's cool.

Sorry about that, messed up the Http part of the url. Try now

339th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(9):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Fri 6 Oct 04:05:post reply

Works, thanks... Gonna have a look at all of that.

Edit: interesting, but the artworks are mostly ruined by the overly low resolution...

[this message was edited by Stifu on Fri 6 Oct 05:05]

575th Post

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"Re(10):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars" , posted Fri 6 Oct 05:08post reply

About the size of the pictures, that's the original resolution that the PSX displays on screen. I'm starting to feel like I should start unlocking some of those, cose they are worth watching at fullscreen!

About ripping PS2 music, using PSound I was able to find tons of sound files, like about 1500 or more. There's one file that gets you like 22000 sound files, but I bet it's a dummy file, cos the sounds are repeated.

The problem is, all that stuff are sound effects and voices. They are played alright. I was able to find about 3 music files through all those files, but they don't sound properly. I'm not talking about the sample rate, it's just that it seems that the program can't handle it properly or I don't know what, it's bumping all the time.

There's a program called MFAudio, I can rip the music from the opening and ending video and they sound cristal clear, but if I tell it to play one of those files with tons of sound files, it plays all of the sound one after another! Which is just a pain in the ass, and it seems that it doesn't play those correctly...

I'm doomed.


451th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused" , posted Sat 7 Oct 20:17post reply

The concept art section has Shinkiro designs from the Fatal Fury Movie!

Webmaster of Fighter Mania

893th Post

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"Re(1):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Sat 7 Oct 20:54post reply

i love you so much!

i'll suck your peepee for free!

443th Post

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"Re(2):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Mon 9 Oct 09:13post reply

Thanks, very interesting, I hadn't bothered with unlocking everything either.

For a nitpicker you sure dress poorly.

537th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Fri 13 Oct 01:55post reply

Thanks, very interesting, I hadn't bothered with unlocking everything either.

this is fantastic. Im in belize right now but im totally gonna download this as soon as I get home. This is from neo geo cd?

hey did you guys know they successfully run neo geo arcade roms not neo geo cd on dreamcast now? its an open source emulator....

Pretty please check out my neato sweet awesome webpage

581th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Fri 13 Oct 20:39post reply


This is from neo geo cd?

hey did you guys know they successfully run neo geo arcade roms not neo geo cd on dreamcast now? its an open source emulator....


By the way, I need a decent Neo Geo CD emulator that runs on XP, it's been a while since I looked for one, so maybe someone knows about it.


897th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Sun 15 Oct 03:09post reply


This is from neo geo cd?

hey did you guys know they successfully run neo geo arcade roms not neo geo cd on dreamcast now? its an open source emulator....


By the way, I need a decent Neo Geo CD emulator that runs on XP, it's been a while since I looked for one, so maybe someone knows about it.

well slap my ass and call me polly! i was poking around for the same thing the other day

there you go

but you had better have real copies of the cd and not just plain ol iso's otherwise i'll fly over to barcelona and cut you so you're useless to women(and kikkoken)

582th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Mon 16 Oct 02:16post reply


well slap my ass and call me polly! i was poking around for the same thing the other day

there you go

but you had better have real copies of the cd and not just plain ol iso's otherwise i'll fly over to barcelona and cut you so you're useless to women(and kikkoken)

Ok, I had that one around, it's quite decent but it doesn't play sound effects properly, doesn't display proper loading backgrounds, and the speed isn't correct sometimes...

I've been searching again and found the Neo-Geo CDZ emu, it works like a charm, better than the latest release of Nebula.

Also, you don't have to worry, it only seems to run original games on CD. Anyways, you would have a hard time looking for me in Barcelona!


Cain Highwind
727th Post

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"Bah! Curse you Finnicky PC!" , posted Tue 17 Oct 17:46:post reply


Also, you don't have to worry, it only seems to run original games on CD. Anyways, you would have a hard time looking for me in Barcelona!

I don't know why, but it seems my computer is just plain stubborn in reading NeoGeo CDs. I don't know how you guys can do it, but when I try to load my real copy of Real Bout Special, the emulator (I've tried them all) just doesn't see it, it doesn't even see any of the audio tracks (yet I can pop it into a normal CD, skip the first track and listen to the music just fine.

Maybe having all the latest patches and updates in Windows XP is stopping me, because I swear I could do it before (although even then, I'd usually have to open and close the emu a few times to get it to work, now it doesn't work AT ALL)

EDIT: Plus my computer can't seem to burn Dreamcast compatible CDRs like it used to anymore, so I can't try the Dreamcast NGCD emulator either ;_;

[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Tue 17 Oct 17:48]

340th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Bah! Curse you Finnicky PC!" , posted Wed 18 Oct 01:37:post reply

Cain: I think you should try updating your ASPI drivers.


[this message was edited by Stifu on Wed 18 Oct 01:37]

3133th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Wed 18 Oct 01:45post reply

Thank you so much for this. Lots of great artwork that I didn't have. I'm especially grateful to get the Blue Mary stuff.

872th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Wed 18 Oct 02:44post reply

The files are gone, so sad :(

I only grabbed the first one...

Play to win.

Cain Highwind
728th Post

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"Re(3):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Wed 18 Oct 04:26:post reply

The files are gone, so sad :(

I only grabbed the first one...

They're still up on MegaUpload, about halfway through this thread I have alternate links.

And Stifu, thanks, it's not the dirvers, they're all updated with the versions you linked me to. I stayed up to 3 in the morning, and just when I was about to go to bed, it worked. Go figure.

EDIT: I tried it again this morning and it just seems like my drive just doesn't like NeoGeo CDs it either sees it as an Audio CD with random track numbers that don't work, it says it's corrupt, or it works but doesn't seem to see the Audio tracks.

I'm going to copy the emulator to my laptop and see if that works.

[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Wed 18 Oct 04:50]

874th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Tue 24 Oct 01:56post reply


They're still up on MegaUpload, about halfway through this thread I have alternate links.

Got it! Thanks :)

Play to win.

Hagen de Merak
915th Post

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"Re(2):Found rare Garou artwork: Unused chars+" , posted Sat 28 Oct 01:33post reply

This reminds me what a good soundtrack Dominated Mind had. I'll have to get the game back from my parent's house sometime. I really liked its version of Geese's theme.

never thought id see the day that i would agree with something you said.