Okami - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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2638th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Okami" , posted Sat 7 Oct 01:28post reply

I lost track of the thread where Okami was being discussed so now that a few more parts of the world have access to the game I figured I should start a new thread for it.

As for my take on what I've played of Okami so far is that it feels a lot like a Zelda game only good and you get to play as a dog. It's impressive that what seemingly started out as an artistic exercise featuring a wolf was somehow successfully shoe-horned into an established video game format.


3553th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Okami" , posted Sat 7 Oct 02:07post reply

Still haven't played it, but I did get Godhand!

I think it's funny that Okami got delayed long enough here that Godhand came out the month after. heh.

7939th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Okami" , posted Sat 7 Oct 02:11post reply

To me it's a kind of mix between Zelda and Sonic, except that I don't like Zelda nor Sonic and I love this game. Also, it's kind of like a god game, mostly because you can go through at least 3/4th of the game without being even put in danger of dying.

Other than that, yeah, you play a dog, it's pretty, but most of all the game is all about feeding little birds and rabbits to make them fell in love with you.

Also, the long monologs of each god when you free them, at least in japanese, is just the best thing ever.
And I'm playing a game with a Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot right now, so I know a lot about awesome things.

Maese Spt
312th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Okami" , posted Sat 7 Oct 03:37post reply

The game looks just awesome and I can't wait to play it, something I will (hopefully) be able to do tomorrow.

But now a question comes to mind: is there any reason for Amaterasu to be a doggie? I mean, I don't recall Amaterasu having anything to do with wolves (or any other animal for what's worth) in japanese myths. Regarding other mythological fursonas, you could relate Athena with an owl, Zeus with an eagle, etc., but I don't see the vinculation between Amaterasu and a friggin' canis lupus. But maybe someone more versed on japanese folklore could enlighten me.

Not that it matters very much, anyway. Albino wolves are kewl, fancy, kawaii etc., so I guess I'll simply have fun playing with the doggie and stop muttering nonsense for a while.

マツケン サンバ!!!!

81th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Okami" , posted Sat 7 Oct 04:13post reply

I'm enjoying the helllllll out of Okami

it's a lot like Ocarina of Time, except that looking at it for too long doesn't induce vomiting!

226th Post

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"Re(1):Okami" , posted Sat 7 Oct 04:32post reply

Bored the hell out of me :P

I'm going to give it another shot someday! Well, after I finish my second playthrough of the RS remake, beat SMT3 on hard with a clean save, etc and a bunch of other things I'll never do.

For some reason everytime I think "Damn, I really should finish Okami", and start playing, I realize I've completely forgot the controls and actually manage to die. Not the brush techiniques, but the controls themselves. Okami is too complicated for me.

Tashoku Kisune
2214th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Okami" , posted Sat 7 Oct 05:19post reply

My friend Lori has just gotten that game. I haven't played it yet but it looks awesome. It does seem to have a Zelda-y feel. I look forward to getting my hands on it. (She works at Game Stop and she got me one of the promotional items for the game. It's a Buddha Board. It's awesomeness! :D )

And I admit that I enjoy that Amaterasu is female. It's rare that female leads are both cool and competent. And on top of that, it's even rarer that they're not even human. So I look foward to see what they do with that.

2016th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Okami" , posted Sat 7 Oct 06:37post reply

Bored the hell out of me :P

I'm glad someone has mentioned this. Okami is a beautiful game (and I don't just mean in the graphical sense), but you spend most of your time just screwing around. You can avoid almost all of the battles, there's tons and tons of just running from one place to another, it's entirely too easy and almost everyone talks too much. (though as Iggy mentioned, the scenes with the Gods are quite amusing, and the major plot scenes are usually good as well)

Honestly, I have never played a game as easy as Okami. I never died once. I never even came close. Furthermore, I never failed to figure out a puzzle almost immediately or got lost in the "mazes" even with my sorry sense of direction.

Still...it was beautiful. It had some tremendously memorable scenes, some of the best (if not THE best) boss fights ever, fantastic environments and characters (some of them) great music...

Just...man...it was boring. The exact opposite of God Hand, which is perfectly challenging with non-stop action from beginning to end.

By the way Brandon, what are the people you pay to play games for you telling you to feel about God Hand?

3555th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Okami" , posted Sat 7 Oct 06:39post reply


By the way Brandon, what are the people you pay to play games for you telling you to feel about God Hand?

ah, you're slightly confusing things...I get paid to edit things written by people who make games (thus, not writers). Game playing I do by accident only.

They haven't told me what to feel yet, because it's sitting right here, unopened. Just arrived today!

356th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Okami" , posted Sat 7 Oct 07:04post reply

I wanted to play it until this thread came about. I will wait until it comes out in the "Greatest Hits" line.
I lost track of the thread where Okami was being discussed so now that a few more parts of the world have access to the game I figured I should start a new thread for it.

As for my take on what I've played of Okami so far is that it feels a lot like a Zelda game only good and you get to play as a dog. It's impressive that what seemingly started out as an artistic exercise featuring a wolf was somehow successfully shoe-horned into an established video game format.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

7942th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Okami" , posted Sun 8 Oct 17:18:post reply

Just...man...it was boring. The exact opposite of God Hand, which is perfectly challenging with non-stop action from beginning to end.

I think God Hand and Ôkami are meant to be exact opposite (maybe even to the beautiful/ugly 3D).
God Hand is a difficult game, for those who want some challenge. Ôkami is a game that doesn't offer any challenge at all, because it's a game to play when you're tired, or sad or exhausted or anything, to be cured.
Remember one of the genres proposed for the game was wafû iyashi. It is an iyashi game.

Therefore, its purpose is totally different of most games, and saying it's too easy would be like accusing Mario to lack blood or GTA to lack pretty ponies.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Sun 8 Oct 17:20]

195th Post

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"Re(4):Okami" , posted Sun 8 Oct 21:16post reply

I have not tried God Hand yet...

...but I've tried Ôkami, it REALLY impressed me, really. It's a beatiful game. But... I know it is supossed to be a relaxing game but... those mangled voices... really get on my nerves.

The last game I tried with that resource was Killer7. In that case, it seemed to fit with the weirdness and eerieness, and I found that a good a pretty good choice, but in Ôkami, after hearing mangled voices for about half an hour of the intro, I felt like killing the ones who chose that option.

Are those mangled voices in the Japanese version as well? I know that in the Japanese version of Killer7, instead of mangled voices the characters had really bad engrish voices. I don't know if that's the case in Ôkami.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

228th Post

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"Re(4):Okami" , posted Mon 9 Oct 02:54post reply

Ôkami is a game that doesn't offer any challenge at all, because it's a game to play when you're tired, or sad or exhausted or anything, to be cured.

Yes, but at least with my experiences with Okami, there was complete lack of accomplishment. I'd come home tired, play the game for 2 hours or so, and then after shutting it off, realize all I'd really done is feed rabbits and boars and maybe rejuvenate some dying trees. I was cured though, when I discovered that by drawing a penis on the village sake maker, depending on how shaky my hands were, sometimes it would become a bomb and blow her up

2639th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Okami" , posted Mon 9 Oct 04:41post reply


Other than that, yeah, you play a dog, it's pretty, but most of all the game is all about feeding little birds and rabbits to make them fell in love with you.

It's amazing how much enjoyment I get from the act of feeding animals. It reminds me of one of the reasons that I loved the first Actraiser game but hated the sequel: nobody worshiped me in Actraiser 2. In addition to everything else Okami is tapping into the selfless joy of doing good and the selfish delight that comes with having everyone you meet fall in love with you. I'm not sure why more games don't draw on those emotions since it's a very addictive sensation.

2019th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Okami" , posted Mon 9 Oct 06:27post reply


In addition to everything else Okami is tapping into the selfless joy of doing good and the selfish delight that comes with having everyone you meet fall in love with you. I'm not sure why more games don't draw on those emotions since it's a very addictive sensation.

If you had asked me how I felt about Okami 1/3 or maybe halfway through it, I would have said the exact same thing. For much of the game, I enjoyed doing good for the sake of doing good...for that little sense of accomplishment. But there's a point where I felt like that became irrelevant to the story and was beginning to be tiresome and pointless.(especially after, you know...40 hours of it)

And while Iggy may be right, that doesn't mean I wouldn't like Mario -more- with blood. (though even ponies couldn't get me to like GTA) The thing is, there was a point in Okami where I felt that it really worked...actually two points. In the beginning, before it felt stale and irrelevant to help people, and on the oni island part, which was a satisfying, somewhat challenging (or at least engaging) maze. After that, I felt like I needed some time to heal people...to grow a little stronger...to experience the world as a whole again. To me, the best game would come from a mix of the two, where when you went into a dungeon, you knew you would have to be prepared, and when you were done, you would want to "cool" down with the healing aspect. If there was that sort of balance, I would have enjoyed the game much more.


No, they're "mangled" in the Japanese as well. It wouldn't bother me at all if everyone didn't have SO MUCH TO SAY, or perhaps if the mangled noises were a bit more expressive. There's very little variation in them to express emotion.

I am very upset now about the Killer 7 thing, though. I played the Japanese one only briefly and enjoyed the bizarre half English thing. However, I wanted to buy the game in English (which, when a company doesn't screw something up, believe it or not, is still my preference) to finally go through it. Now, I'm torn...

229th Post

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"Re(4):Okami" , posted Mon 9 Oct 07:09post reply


I am very upset now about the Killer 7 thing, though. I played the Japanese one only briefly and enjoyed the bizarre half English thing. However, I wanted to buy the game in English (which, when a company doesn't screw something up, believe it or not, is still my preference) to finally go through it. Now, I'm torn...

It's not bad . But, then again, I liked Okami's jibberish speak.

1366th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Okami" , posted Mon 9 Oct 07:42post reply

I know that in the Japanese version of Killer7, instead of mangled voices the characters had really bad engrish voices. I don't know if that's the case in Ôkami.

Eh, I don't know about that. I tried both, and to be honest the only difference I could hear in what was spoken is that in the English release the speech audio is more muffled. Besides that, they seemed the same to me.

That said, I played through the entire english version but only tried about two hours of the JP one, so I could be wrong. Like I said, I don't know.

Tashoku Kisune
2220th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Okami" , posted Tue 17 Oct 00:58post reply

Ôkami is a game that doesn't offer any challenge at all, because it's a game to play when you're tired, or sad or exhausted or anything, to be cured.

Well, sometimes games are good when they're like that. But I'll have to lower my expectations for their puzzles, then. Cheap thrills and easy wins can be depressing at the right time. '_';

But speaking of puzzles... I'm hooked on bejewled2 and I'm gonna go play that now. XD