Fall Anime Season - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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196th Post

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"Fall Anime Season" , posted Sun 8 Oct 22:09post reply

I know this topic is a little late, but I had to wait for the subs to pop up in order to have some sort of opinion of my own.

So far, all goes as expected. No real surprises.

The highlights for this season, in my opinion, are:

Death Note is one of the most interesting proposals of this season. Those who are familiar with the manga already know that the plot is character-centered and heavily dialogue-based. The interesting point is that this time around, the main character is the "villain" a you get to follow the story through his point of view. Also, the Death Gods are awesome. I hope they treat well the Raye Penber/Naomi Misora arc. It's outstanding.

D.GrayMan is another of the most interesting proposals. The plot deals with a group of exorcists confronted with the devils who want to destroy the humanity. I know it may sound cliché, but the presentation of the elements, the more adult and dark approach and the characters make this show really enjoyable. I have my hopes high in this. Also, the Noah Family members and Miranda Lotte will be reason enough to watch this if they are treated well.

Kanon is based on the legendary dating-sim by KEY (Air, Planetarium, Clannad). This game acclaimed such a legion of fans that this series have been highly anticipated since they were just announced. The studio Kyoto Animation (Air, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu) is doing this remake of the 2002 anime doubling its lenghth (and quality). The premise for the story is simple: a guy returns to his home town after several years remembering almost nothing of what happened when he lived there. Desite of it, the story in well known for its touching, dramatic and tragic events, so you all know what to expect.

This far, these mainly are the most interesting new series for me. Am I forgetting something?

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.


7101th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Fall Anime Season" , posted Sun 8 Oct 22:15post reply

009-1 rocks. It's like a mores erious but still fanservicey Cutie Honey. And being based in a manga by the Cyborg 009 artist I assume the stories will be quite dramatic. The most promising on this season if you ask me.

SRWOG Divine Wars is a retelling of the first OG game, and introduces new elements to the story, like Cobray and both Astranagant. Low budget compared to other series, but the 3D used for the mecha is better than I expected.

news - art

1290th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Fall Anime Season" , posted Sun 8 Oct 23:30post reply

I liked Megadere.

And I didn't like the character changes for Kujibiki Unbalance, but liked the anime anyway. The dvd needs to come out now just so I can see ogiue

There's also black lagoon?

2057th Post

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"Re(3):Fall Anime Season" , posted Mon 9 Oct 02:17post reply

I'm watching Pumpkin Scissors.


That doesn't mean anything, I just like saying Pumpkin Scissors.

227th Post

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"Re(4):Fall Anime Season" , posted Mon 9 Oct 02:30post reply

Gonna watch me some SOTEN NO KEN

and Tokyo Tribes, probably, depending on how it's adapted and if anyone bothers to sub it.

But, I didn't watch anything besides Mushi and Ouran the past couple of seasons, so I have a lot of catching up to do (Kemono, etc).

2021th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Fall Anime Season" , posted Mon 9 Oct 06:35post reply

To me, Soten no Ken just doesn't "go" into anime right. I can read the manga (though I don't), but I can't watch the anime because it fails to reproduce the original without introducing anything new.

As for Death Note, I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW GOOD IT LOOKS! Since Jump anime usually has something horrendously wrong with it, I was quite shocked that Death Note had so much style and artistry to it. What it can't reproduce from the manga, it makes up for in different ways. I can't expect the budget to keep up, but I hope it still does the series justice.

D Gray man looks good enough, but it doesn't look so good that I can't say "if you want D Gray Man, just read the manga."

489th Post

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"Re(6):Fall Anime Season" , posted Mon 9 Oct 06:42post reply


As for Death Note, I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW GOOD IT LOOKS! Since Jump anime usually has something horrendously wrong with it, I was quite shocked that Death Note had so much style and artistry to it. What it can't reproduce from the manga, it makes up for in different ways. I can't expect the budget to keep up, but I hope it still does the series justice.

I am only intrigued by the series because Nightmare is doing the OP.

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2022th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Fall Anime Season" , posted Mon 9 Oct 06:47post reply


I am only intrigued by the series because Nightmare is doing the OP.

And ending. Mannnn the opening is so cooool! Not the song (which is maybe a little better than usual for Nightmare), but the animation, direction, photoshop filters abound...neat.

Still, it seems kind of funny that they couldn't find two different bands to do songs...just Nightmare twice. Like they're the only band that can represent Death Note.

231th Post

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"Re(8):Fall Anime Season" , posted Mon 9 Oct 07:51:post reply

Goddamn, Death Note is good. I was going to skip it because I figured the premise would be watered down some. I doubt I'll watch the entire series, but the colors, Ryuko's VA, the direction, ahhhhhhhh been a while since a good suspense drama was out.

Hopefully they'll cut it short or rewrite most of it :p

edit: crap, 37 episodes.....

[this message was edited by war on Mon 9 Oct 07:54]

Bata kun
2934th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Fall Anime Season" , posted Mon 9 Oct 10:55post reply

Uh, I am watching "Negima!?" Yes, the new "Negima" series. Sure, Asuna's eyes match this time around, but at least it's better than that Xebec anime.

I'm going to watch "Kanon's" new series also. Outside of that, I probably won't watch much else. I still need to finish "Zero no Tsukaima" and I can't remember where I left off at "Bokura ga Ita".

490th Post

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"Re(8):Fall Anime Season" , posted Mon 9 Oct 11:16post reply


Still, it seems kind of funny that they couldn't find two different bands to do songs...just Nightmare twice. Like they're the only band that can represent Death Note.

What's the name of the ending song?

I just know " THE WORLD" is the opening theme.

悪 趣 味 な行為を
羊が百匹 羊が百一匹 眠れない

1435th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):Fall Anime Season" , posted Mon 9 Oct 17:50post reply

I've been watching Kemonodzume with some interest... it's the latest series out of Mad House. The storyline really isn't much new... Japanese demon hunters with a Romeo and Juliet angle to it... but the art style is very unique. It has this weird sketchy kind of look to it... sort of like the ending credits of Gad Guard.

197th Post

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"Re(9):Fall Anime Season" , posted Tue 10 Oct 00:01post reply


What's the name of the ending song?

I just know " THE WORLD" is the opening theme.

The ending song's name is "Alumina" (by Nightmare, as said before).

I've been following Kemonodzume with great interest since it was stated as being from the creators of "Mind Game" ...so you know what to expect from these series, and it's exactly what what they offer.

I know it may have its detractors, but personally, I love Kemonodzume. Artsy schematic drawing with monochromatic scenes, unusual visual ideas and perspectives, bizarre plot and a jazz soundtrack which creates a very particular setting. Also, it's just 12 eps. I'm definetely following it, even though I understand a lot of people is unable even to finish the first chapter because of the animation and the "anti-moe" drawing style.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

658th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(10):Fall Anime Season" , posted Tue 10 Oct 05:42post reply

I'm eagerly waiting for "Raoh Gaiden", but perhaps I should get a glimpse of this Mad House series you wrote about in the meanwhile...

1367th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Fall Anime Season" , posted Tue 10 Oct 16:22post reply

Is Zaizen Jotaro still running?

It's so terrible (but sometimes in ways I haven't seen before!) that I need to see more of it.

661th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):Fall Anime Season" , posted Thu 12 Oct 01:27post reply

Gonna watch me some SOTEN NO KEN

I just finished watching the first episode, and I think things couldn't get worse : the art looks like crap (some designs differ too much from Hara's art) and the animation... I even wondered whether they forgot to add the in-between frames, in some parts it feels like an animated .gif...

I hope this series improves a bit, ruining a great story like this one would be so great a shame...

232th Post

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"Re(6):Fall Anime Season" , posted Thu 12 Oct 02:23post reply

I just finished watching the first episode, and I think things couldn't get worse : the art looks like crap (some designs differ too much from Hara's art) and the animation... I even wondered whether they forgot to add the in-between frames, in some parts it feels like an animated .gif...

I hope this series improves a bit, ruining a great story like this one would be so great a shame...

Damn :(

Well, still hope for Raoh Gaiden.

And Phantom Blood :)

1438th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Busou Renkin" , posted Thu 12 Oct 17:23post reply

I was surprised when I saw Busou Renkin out today... I didn't know an anime was in production. It's been a long time since I read the manga... I only followed a couple chapters when it first came out... but it's not toooo bad. The character design seems less Watsuki-ish and the voices seem to match up well. It was also interesting that the first episode skipped the opening credits... much like another famous Alchemy based anime from not too long ago. ;)

Bata kun
2936th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Busou Renkin" , posted Sat 14 Oct 04:13post reply

I was surprised when I saw Busou Renkin out today... I didn't know an anime was in production. It's been a long time since I read the manga... I only followed a couple chapters when it first came out... but it's not toooo bad. The character design seems less Watsuki-ish and the voices seem to match up well. It was also interesting that the first episode skipped the opening credits... much like another famous Alchemy based anime from not too long ago.

How is the manga? I think it came out the year before last year? I can't remember.

2034th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Busou Renkin" , posted Sat 14 Oct 07:55post reply

It was also interesting that the first episode skipped the opening credits... much like another famous Alchemy based anime from not too long ago.

How is the manga? I think it came out the year before last year? I can't remember.

My tastes are probably radically different than yours, but I found the manga to be awful. A complete waste of time. It has no life, no interesting concepts and nothing new. If anyone other than Watsuki would have presented it, I feel like it would have been cancelled in 2 months. Actually, for the entire duration of its run I said "this is still going?" every week.

It's not offensively bad or anything, but it's totally pointless...and not in a fun way.

As for the no opening credits, isn't that pretty common? I remember trying a lot of show's first episodes only to be irritated that I don't get to see the opening.

200th Post

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"Negima?!" , posted Sat 14 Oct 19:10:post reply


As for the no opening credits, isn't that pretty common? I remember trying a lot of show's first episodes only to be irritated that I don't get to see the opening.

Yeah, it's VERY common to skip the OP, and even the ED, in the first and last eps, in order to gain some little extra time for the story. For instance, I remember I was going crazy for seeing Jigoku Shôjo's OP (Sakasama no Chou, by SNoW), but had to wait til the second ep. The most extreme case I've seen of this was in Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien (a.k.a. "The saddest animu on history"), in which the OP was introduced ...in episode 5 or 6? It served for dramatic purpose, I presume (and worked, really).

This season, another show that has done this trick is Negima?!, the new season of Negima directed by Shaft studio (Pani Poni Dash, Tsukuyomi Moon Phase), which looks incredibly interesting (even though I'm a big Negima fan, I didn't watch the other season by Xebec studio because it was HORRIBLE). And the OP for Negima?!, in my opinion, is one of the best of the season. It's imaginative, artsy and experimental ...which are adjectives that I though I would never relate to Negima, really.

You can see for yourself here or via youtube .

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

[this message was edited by Arngrim on Sat 14 Oct 19:38]

1294th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Busou Renkin" , posted Sat 14 Oct 19:10post reply

It was also interesting that the first episode skipped the opening credits... much like another famous Alchemy based anime from not too long ago.

How is the manga? I think it came out the year before last year? I can't remember.

My tastes are probably radically different than yours, but I found the manga to be awful. A complete waste of time. It has no life, no interesting concepts and nothing new. If anyone other than Watsuki would have presented it, I feel like it would have been cancelled in 2 months. Actually, for the entire duration of its run I said "this is still going?" every week.

It's not offensively bad or anything, but it's totally pointless...and not in a fun way.

As for the no opening credits, isn't that pretty common? I remember trying a lot of show's first episodes only to be irritated that I don't get to see the opening.

You just said everything that I was going to say! Stop that!

Time Mage
2456th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Busou Renkin" , posted Sat 14 Oct 23:58post reply

It was also interesting that the first episode skipped the opening credits... much like another famous Alchemy based anime from not too long ago.

How is the manga? I think it came out the year before last year? I can't remember.

My tastes are probably radically different than yours, but I found the manga to be awful. A complete waste of time. It has no life, no interesting concepts and nothing new. If anyone other than Watsuki would have presented it, I feel like it would have been cancelled in 2 months. Actually, for the entire duration of its run I said "this is still going?" every week.

It's not offensively bad or anything, but it's totally pointless...and not in a fun way.

As for the no opening credits, isn't that pretty common? I remember trying a lot of show's first episodes only to be irritated that I don't get to see the opening.
You just said everything that I was going to say! Stop that!

I also agree. Boring, repetitive designs, and just painfully dull.


662th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Fall Anime Season" , posted Mon 16 Oct 21:29post reply


Damn :(

Well, still hope for Raoh Gaiden.

And Phantom Blood :)

Yeah, IIRC Raoh Gaiden will be available on DVD at the end of this month (around 24th or so), and by the looks of the TV special aired some months ago, it's going to be awesome (in spite of Shu appearing on it, though :P).

And Phantom Blood will be awesome anyways... though it is rumored that Speedwagon won't appear, due to time restrictions (I hope they introduce him somehow, thus keeping the continuity and allowing them to make a sequel)

BTW, Nekomudzume looks like shit. It reminds me of the comic "Automatic Kafka", but the animation makes it look even worse...

239th Post

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"Re(8):Fall Anime Season" , posted Mon 16 Oct 22:51post reply


BTW, Nekomudzume looks like shit. It reminds me of the comic "Automatic Kafka", but the animation makes it look even worse...

How far have you watched? I wasn't planning watch more then one ep after I read who the director was, but the first encounter between diaper boy and Yuka at the end changed my mind. The animation style (and the rapid switches between styles too) takes a while to get used to (and appreciate, I suppose, I still get frustrated sometimes haha) but the story, the dialogue, the sudden genre switches, etc is really worth it imo. Also, episode 6 has a pretty bizarre/humorous atatatatatata related gag that goes on almost too long.

I really, really disliked Masaaki Yuasa's previous work, but Kemono's direction....

664th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(9):Fall Anime Season" , posted Mon 16 Oct 23:39post reply


BTW, Nekomudzume looks like shit. It reminds me of the comic "Automatic Kafka", but the animation makes it look even worse...

How far have you watched?

I couldn't endure more than half a chapter without throwing up... it was a hard time, much in the likes of Gankutsuoh but even less stylish than the latter...

How come that watching high-quality anime is so difficult nowadays?

Tashoku Kisune
2218th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Fall Anime Season" , posted Tue 17 Oct 00:51post reply

I know this topic is a little late, but I had to wait for the subs to pop up in order to have some sort of opinion of my own.

So far, all goes as expected. No real surprises.

The highlights for this season, in my opinion, are:

Death Note is one of the most interesting proposals of this season. Those who are familiar with the manga already know that the plot is character-centered and heavily dialogue-based. The interesting point is that this time around, the main character is the "villain" a you get to follow the story through his point of view. Also, the Death Gods are awesome. I hope they treat well the Raye Penber/Naomi Misora arc. It's outstanding.

D.GrayMan is another of the most interesting proposals. The plot deals with a group of exorcists confronted with the devils who want to destroy the humanity. I know it may sound cliché, but the presentation of the elements, the more adult and dark approach and the characters make this show really enjoyable. I have my hopes high in this. Also, the Noah Family members and Miranda Lotte will be reason enough to watch this if they are treated well.

Kanon is based on the legendary dating-sim by KEY (Air, Planetarium, Clannad). This game acclaimed such a legion of fans that this series have been highly anticipated since they were just announced. The studio Kyoto Animation (Air, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu) is doing this remake of the 2002 anime doubling its lenghth (and quality). The premise for the story is simple: a guy returns to his home town after several years remembering almost nothing of what happened when he lived there. Desite of it, the story in well known for its touching, dramatic and tragic events, so you all know what to expect.

This far, these mainly are the most interesting new series for me. Am I forgetting something?

I like the sound of these. Though I was already vaguely familiar with the concept of Death Note. Still, I'll be looking for them in sub. XD