X360 Deal made for UndeadFred - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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1527th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"X360 Deal made for UndeadFred" , posted Mon 9 Oct 13:21:post reply

Xbox 360 system with Dead Rising and Saint's Row for $360.
I just finished Dead Rising myself, and have to say it's an amazing game that was worth buying the system for it alone, but I had to pay $100 more for it than this deal, and didn't get no Saint's Row for free either.

With all the recent deals coming out, I definitely jumped in too soon.

Edit: It comes with Test Drive Unlimited as well. Damn!

Ammadeau.net - My own personal waste of time.

[this message was edited by Ammadeau on Mon 9 Oct 13:22]


Undead Fred
2736th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):X360 Deal made for UndeadFred" , posted Mon 9 Oct 13:46post reply

Xbox 360 system with Dead Rising and Saint's Row for $360.
I just finished Dead Rising myself, and have to say it's an amazing game that was worth buying the system for it alone, but I had to pay $100 more for it than this deal, and didn't get no Saint's Row for free either.

With all the recent deals coming out, I definitely jumped in too soon.

Edit: It comes with Test Drive Unlimited as well. Damn!

Dammit! I got mine just a little too early... I didn't really want Test Drive that badly and I just wanted to try Saint's Row, but it'd be a much better deal that what I got.

1527th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):X360 Deal made for UndeadFred" , posted Mon 9 Oct 14:43post reply

Dammit! I got mine just a little too early... I didn't really want Test Drive that badly and I just wanted to try Saint's Row, but it'd be a much better deal that what I got.

Test Drive is a pretty cool casual driving around type game. Saint's Row I didn't like, but you can get $40 for reselling it fairly easily. Probably better bundles coming closer to the holidays too. Really doesn't pay to be an early adopter.

Ammadeau.net - My own personal waste of time.

3557th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):X360 Deal made for UndeadFred" , posted Tue 10 Oct 01:33post reply

link's dead - was that core or premium?

2023th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):X360 Deal made for UndeadFred" , posted Tue 10 Oct 03:48post reply

link's dead - was that core or premium?

Premium. Craaaazyyyy!

I still need to sell mine so I can get a Japanese one.

4288th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):X360 Deal made for UndeadFred" , posted Tue 10 Oct 05:12post reply

That's an awesome deal, specially with Dead Rising on the bundle. Saint's Row is a pretty good rental, but might not recommend getting it until it drops to 20 bucks.

link's dead

So is Phantasy Star Universe pretty ok? i'll probably get it for the 360. I liked pso before it turned into .hack without an angsty main character and mistery floating cat thing. I'm guessing the server side saves will probably cut most of the cheating.


3558th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Pantasy Star" , posted Tue 10 Oct 06:07post reply

Man, that is a pretty good deal!

My japanese one was $260, so thankfully I don't feel cheated.

As for PSU, to be honest I didn't play PSO...or any other Phantasy Star. But I did like this game, pretty much.

Here are some impressions:

I had access to three worlds - First is Guardians HQ - this is where your room is, which you can decorate as you see fit, with stuff you can buy in the mall, and you can often hook up with other players here. There are training missions, and also missions you can get from the Guardians dispatch, but I was unable to get on any of those during the beta. Not sure if anyone else did...

Second world I went to was Parum...sort of drab introductory world, but with a good shopping area. There was a 'flight deck' or something, from which you can go on missions that don't have to be dispatched, and which can be redone over and over. Good place to get money/items/EXP/try out new weapons. This is where I leveled up.

Third world was Neudaiz (something like that...they had a lot of puns in the game, like that one, and shop names like D-mode or...something. Foggy brain.). This place was higher level (the flight deck missions you could take had monsters at level 15+, as opposed to the 10+ enemies in Parum), and this is apparently a good place for Force characters, as they sell lots of force tech and gear there. I met two out of four people that I met during the whole beta there, and they were both force characters, so...I guess that's that. This is a 'mystical orient'-themed place, with lots of big buddhist looking gates and western-vision-of-asia type architecture. Very nice looking, koi ponds and all. The flight deck missions from there had much nicer environments, with leafy autumn-colored trees, or blue islands (two missions were available here).

You can upgrade your weapons in the game, but only at the planet of the weapon's manufacturer, which is a little silly, but not a big inconvenience, as when you fly from planet to planet you can choose what area to start from (ie you can just choose to transport straight to the shopping mall). I never did this, because I was conserving money. Right at the end I got a pike from an enemy drop that I wanted to try to upgrade, but the beta period ended literally five minutes after I got it.

I stayed hunter class, as I feel it suits me better than ranger or force, so I had a big sword, then a small saber/gun combo. Not sure how it was in PSO, but the large sword combos three times, and can hit a wide horizontal range of enemies. It was ultimately too slow for my tastes, and I wound up never using it after I got my first spear(which was better than the pike from the item drop, incidentally). The spear I bought was faster, also three hit combo, but only in a straight vector from the character. You could hit two enemies or more at once if they were either right next to each other or one behind the other though. Powerful and fun.

The Gun/Saber combo was good because after completing the training mission, you got a photon arts skill to link to the saber. These are special skills that require photon points, which gradually charge up during battle. Some weapons have more photon points to start with than others, and you can charge them if you don't want to wait, at various points in the game (towns, or sometimes in the field). Saber is quick (the second one I bought was really quick), but short range. I still used it a lot though, and the force character I fought with used it constantly. The gun is also useful because you can toggle a first person mode (I assume you could do this in PSO?) even if you're not a ranger, and blast away at the flying creatures, which are otherwise tough to hit. You can't move while you're doing this.

The synthesis stuff is ok, not super exciting yet because I don't know how to make any weapons. (Note, synthesis is like recipes - you find 'boards', feed them to your Personal Machine or whatever it's called, and then it can make items for you if you have the ingredients. There's more to this machine than I know, at this point, because you can give him items and it seems to increase his stats.)

Really annoying how it keeps logging me off and putting me on another server, especially when I'm grouped with someone and in combat. This could have been my connection some of the time, but not all the time, I don't think.

Combat is pretty fun, overall, except sega has never learned how to use a camera in games, and this is no exception. It changes around all the time so you can't see your enemies, and sometimes scenery or gates will block your view completely. This can be frustrating. But it's cool that unlike some other MMOs, you can run away to dodge your enemies' attacks, then come back at them. It's very action game-oriented.

Everything seemed pretty expensive. I met a level four force person who I grouped with, and (s)he seemed unable to buy any force tech because of a lack of funds. I guess you work up to that point, but if you're force, you should be able to get that stuff, I figure... Maybe they just handn't done enough questing. For reference, the lowest decent armor cost 2400 meseta, while decent weapons are only 800. Kind of odd...
Enemies drop from 30-70 meseta, round there, when they do drop money at all.

People were generally nice so far, and helpful. Everyone I met seemed willing to talk, if not group. I only got to goup and quest with one person, but it was an enjoyable experience, even if we went somewhere that was well above our level and just crapped out.

As for whether I'd pay for it...probably, it can't be that much money. I think I'd go with the 360 version simply for ease of use (I forgot how ridiculously time/resource consuming it is to install a PC game), but it's a shame I won't get to keep my character...also a shame that you can't play with the PS2/PC users on the 360...each is its own entity. Final Fantasy XI did it, but not PSU. Only worry is the lack of a keyboard (not sure if it supports regular USB keyboards or not), because typing to folks while playing was quite fun.

Should still be fun though. Don't know how much time I'd have to put into online quests, but I could already see the fun of an MMC questing group. Lemme know if you want to know more...

4290th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Pantasy Starrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" , posted Tue 10 Oct 07:19:post reply

Cool, thanks for the notes. Sounds like a nice follow up from pso.

The first game got expensive, specially when feeding the mags. But if its like the first one you can probably get money much easier after you level some, or if someone makes a pacman trail of pesetas on the lobby with cheats (hah).

The weapon combinations sound nice. There was no first person shooting on pso, but sounds very useful. Sometimes it was hard to auto target flying enemies on pso.

The camera in pso was sort of clunky, but you could still play with no problems. But if you want a hilarious camera check the Sonic 360 demo. I really wish they would stop trying making Sonic games with a 3rd person camera. They should stick to making games like Sonic Rush using 3d models with 2d/2.5d gameplay.

Oh hay, PSOU beta for 360 on the 11th and 12th of this month-


I hope they do leave the ability to type stuff. I'm using a keyboard on the console to type live text messages or in game stuff.




[this message was edited by Juan on Tue 10 Oct 07:23]

3559th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Pantasy Starrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" , posted Tue 10 Oct 07:35post reply

ah, interesting.

yeah, did I mention you hold the gun in one hand, the saber in the other? So (with the keyboard, I couldn't get the controller to work) you press down to attack with the saber, up to aim your gun then down to attack with it while holding up. Sounds clunky, but worked really well. In first person mode obviously you don't have to hold up anymore, and can just shoot like a bandit. You also seem to get better range that way!

Yeah, I heard about the open beta...I might try it but I don't want to lose all my character data again!!

1292th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Pantasy Starrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" , posted Tue 10 Oct 16:53:post reply

I got no 360!

edit: PSU

[this message was edited by Zepy on Tue 10 Oct 20:41]

269th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):X360 Deal made for UndeadFred" , posted Thu 12 Oct 07:03post reply

This deal was a mistake and orders were cancelled. The new price is 450 for today and tomorrow. Still a good deal if you want the games, but not ridiculously great like the previous price.

Undead Fred
2737th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):X360 Deal made for UndeadFred" , posted Thu 12 Oct 08:25post reply

This deal was a mistake and orders were cancelled. The new price is 450 for today and tomorrow. Still a good deal if you want the games, but not ridiculously great like the previous price.

Heh heh.... I was gonna say, Jesus! Did they make a deal with Satan to shave that much off the price? Still not a bad deal though, but now it doesn't make me regret getting my 360 when I did.

4291th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Pantasy Starrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" , posted Sat 14 Oct 00:49post reply

The PSU beta is up on the marketplace. If anyone wants to play add the gamertag Prepaidpenguin. My motherboard croaked and looks like the replacement part doesnt get here till next week, so wont be able to check the board.

You can use a USB keyboard to type. That's good because my drunken Russian accent is too hard to understand in voice chat.

edit: PSU



1293th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Pantasy Starrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" , posted Sat 14 Oct 01:52post reply

So... all the potential PSU players here are going to play 360?

4292th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Undead Pantasy StaFrrrreeeeeeedddddddd" , posted Sat 14 Oct 07:37post reply

Leaning towards the 360 version at the moment. Probably runs a little better and to make the brick scratch disks other than Dead RUMBLE RRRRROSES Rising and Sengoku Musou.

So... all the potential PSU players here are going to play 360?


2033th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Pantasy Starrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" , posted Sat 14 Oct 07:50post reply

So... all the potential PSU players here are going to play 360?

Probably not, in my case. Since I'm planning on selling my 360 in the near future and all my friends have PS2s, I'll probably play on that if I play at all.

I dunno...I was able to make a really cute character, but the game is so sluggish and one dimensional in comparison to Monster Hunter that I might be better off investing my time in something else. I'm dying to play an online game that doesn't eat your life, though...

3564th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Undead Pantasy StaFrrrreeeeeeedddddddd" , posted Sun 15 Oct 07:36post reply

Probably 360 for me as well, given that I'll be shattered by the loss of my PC-based character when the beta's whiped again. It's easy to start fresh on another platform - on the PC I'd be tempted to try to rebuild him.