Today is a horrible day - Forums

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233th Post

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"Today is a horrible day" , posted Thu 12 Oct 02:50post reply

US releases of



Tales of the Abyss

Poor, poor wallet.......


7946th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Today is a horrible day" , posted Thu 12 Oct 03:18post reply





Tales of the Abyss


Horrible indeed.

Poor, poor America...

234th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(2):Today is a horrible day" , posted Thu 12 Oct 04:11post reply



Horrible indeed.

Poor, poor America...

Luckily, america still has the new Mortal Kombat to fall back on for heart warming inter-chapter skits and character driven plots in case it is shamed into not playing certain RPGs.

2026th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Today is a horrible day" , posted Thu 12 Oct 09:37post reply

If you like Tales games at all, I would make Abyss a priority. I can't speak for the English version...for all I know, they found some way to ruin the game, but from my experience it is one of only two truly excellent RPGs on the system.

I can't say the same for Raidou, although it's not a bad game.

God Hand is also one of my favorites on the system, and it's cheaper (and comes with the soundtrack, right?), so I'd say the ideal is ToA and God Hand, but if you're too poor then pick up God Hand later, as its blistering action might make TOA or Raidou seem boring by comparison.

Hmmm..that's a different way to look at it...if you play TOA, THEN Raidou, then Raidou will seem horrendously slow and boring in comparison. So from that perspective, the order of least exciting to most exciting, if you're SURE you're going to play all three is Raidou->TOA->God Hand.

Not like you asked for my advice or anything.

236th Post

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"Re(4):Today is a horrible day" , posted Thu 12 Oct 10:46:post reply

Well, I ended up only buying Godhand. Tales was sold out, and I ran into some communication issues with Raidou .... that is I had no idea what the American title was and didn't have the wisdom to check beforehand. Five people in line behind me, and "I think it has Raidou in the title" did not amuse the clerk. Damn internet's fault with all the stupid nicknames for Megaten games.

Godhand is GREAT. had some prior experience with the import but it still took me an hour to get up to Elvis. I love how hard it is and I want to type more about it but my fingers hurt like hell.
If you like Tales games at all

I actually hate (most) Tales games. The only one I enjoyed (and finished) was Eternia, and I skipped all the next gen system Tales. But this one has been praised so highly elsewhere for the characters (and I think here, I don't remember, mmcafe is relatively slow compared to other bbs' I lurk at and trolling 4chan rots my brain) that I have to at least give it a try.

As for Raidou....

It could be as bad as Avatuna2, but I am sold on the setting (and cute girls) alone.

[this message was edited by war on Thu 12 Oct 10:52]

2027th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Today is a horrible day" , posted Thu 12 Oct 11:54post reply


It could be as bad as Avatuna2, but I am sold on the setting (and cute girls) alone.

I didn't really think Avatar Tuner 2 was that bad...just "okay". The story was fairly interesting up until the ending, which was horrible...but the mazes and bosses were just average. I expect a lot more from a Megaten game. The first game, to me, had interesting mazes and bosses, but almost no plot to speak of. Raidou is just cursed by a boring (sluggish) battle system.

I'm confused as to what Tales games you hate, if you haven't played any next gen ones and you liked Eternia. You're saying you hate Phantasia and Destiny, right? I think both, are terribly overrated, and Destiny is (in my opinion) the worst in the series.

I enjoyed Eternia, tolerated Phantasia, did NOT tolerate Destiny, did not even BEGIN to tolerate Legendia, would have enjoyed Symphonia if it wasn't STUPIDLY EASY and enjoyed what I played of Rebirth, though I don't regret not finishing it. Oh wait, that leaves Destiny 2, which has the worst, most ridiculous story I've ever seen, but was tremendously fun all the same.

ToA is a class above all the others, but I still like the ToR battle system better. It seemed really clever and revolutionary that I thought it would become the standard.

493th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(6):Today is a horrible day" , posted Thu 12 Oct 12:28:post reply


It could be as bad as Avatuna2, but I am sold on the setting (and cute girls) alone.

I didn't really think Avatar Tuner 2 was that bad...just "okay". The story was fairly interesting up until the ending, which was horrible...but the mazes and bosses were just average. I expect a lot more from a Megaten game. The first game, to me, had interesting mazes and bosses, but almost no plot to speak of. Raidou is just cursed by a boring (sluggish) battle system.

I'm confused as to what Tales games you hate, if you haven't played any next gen ones and you liked Eternia. You're saying you hate Phantasia and Destiny, right? I think both, are terribly overrated, and Destiny is (in my opinion) the worst in the series.

I enjoyed Eternia, tolerated Phantasia, did NOT tolerate Destiny, did not even BEGIN to tolerate Legendia, would have enjoyed Symphonia if it wasn't STUPIDLY EASY and enjoyed what I played of Rebirth, though I don't regret not finishing it. Oh wait, that leaves Destiny 2, which has the worst, most ridiculous story I've ever seen, but was tremendously fun all the same.

ToA is a class above all the others, but I still like the ToR battle system better. It seemed really clever and revolutionary that I thought it would become the standard.

WHAT WAS SO BAD ABOUT ToD?? I remember in 4th grade being in love with Rutee. Eternia was fun though. I loved Chat.

Question: Do most of you play "Tales of" games with other people?

It's mandatory for me.

悪 趣 味 な行為を
羊が百匹 羊が百一匹 眠れない

[this message was edited by Evenor on Thu 12 Oct 12:42]

2028th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Today is a horrible day" , posted Thu 12 Oct 14:17post reply


WHAT WAS SO BAD ABOUT ToD?? I remember in 4th grade being in love with Rutee. Eternia was fun though. I loved Chat.

Question: Do most of you play "Tales of" games with other people?

It's mandatory for me.

It was a transition game. If you look at the ToP battle system, it was like a modified real-time version of a normal RPG battle style where you still were in control of the team as a whole. It worked very well.

Then, when you look at the TOE system, it was a good step towards being more like an action game, with less control over the team as a whole, but much more gratifying gameplay in terms of combos and such.

Tales of Destiny failed on both accounts by not reproducing a "normal" RPG battle system and not providing anything satisfying from an action perspective. All of the Tales battle systems have something exploitable, but I feel like the ToD system had more holes than substance. They didn't get it right until ToE.

Similarly, the graphics were quite ugly. They would have been fine for a SNES game, but they had no artistry to them for something on PS. The towns were needlessly big, overused relatively few tiles and had tons and tons of nothing. You would go in the same house over and over (be unable to steal anything) and talk to people who never had anything good to say. I have never played a game with so many useless quotes from townpeople. They weren't funny, they weren't clever and they didn't contribute to the world. You would get nonsense like:

Dad: I love my wife's meatloaf!
Mom: I love fixing meatloaf for my family!
Kid: I hope we have meatloaf again.

The plot was also poorly constructed to the point that I had to ask myself several times "why am I here again?" There were a few good twists, but the game was too long for itself and was mostly either "busy work" or going through the same sorts of scenarios over and over.

Also, the soundtrack was average at best. I'm not picking on that, but it's nothing to appluad, either.

The only thing about the game that's been able to hold up are the characters. I don't like most of them, especially by today's standards, but they're consistantly popular and definitely the best part of the game.

You say you played it when you in 4th grade, and I think it's an acceptable game for a 4th grader. It's a great game for someone who hasn't been playing RPGs for years or who has never played and RPG with action elements. However, with the exception of Legendia, which I don't count, because it's just a mess (despite its amazing soundtrack), I can't see how ToD isn't the weakest game in the series. That doesn't make it trash, but it's still overrated, and it's nothing to applaud, either.


I -have- played Tales games with friends, but I don't generally have time to sit down and just play RPGs with people. I was having fun doing the cameo fight in the arena on TOA on the hard setting with my friends, though.

1362th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Wait till you see my dick." , posted Thu 12 Oct 14:19post reply

Beat the pussy up.
Beat the pussy up.

1107th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Wait till you see my dick." , posted Thu 12 Oct 17:31post reply

And what will happen when we do

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
see your dick

End of Spoiler


895th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Wait till you see my dick." , posted Thu 12 Oct 17:52post reply

And what will happen when we do ?

how did i know kikkoken would respond to this


2643th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"God Hand is..." , posted Thu 12 Oct 21:55post reply

...Samurai Western. In retrospect I should have seen that one coming.

2061th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):God Hand is..." , posted Thu 12 Oct 22:40post reply

...Samurai Western. In retrospect I should have seen that one coming.

Though I haven't played Samurai Western, I'm not sure any game in an old west setting can match up to the legendary ridiculousness and catchy theme song of Rising Zan, the Samurai Gunman.

I do want to play God Hand badly, though.

4291th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):God Hand is..." , posted Thu 12 Oct 23:39:post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
poison chihuahua

End of Spoiler

better grab that antidote

...Samurai Western. In retrospect I should have seen that one coming.


[this message was edited by Juan on Thu 12 Oct 23:39]

236th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(2):God Hand is..." , posted Fri 13 Oct 08:32post reply

i think i like the way this thread is going

can someone hook me up with a good AA penis site? I lost all mine and feel the need to inflate my post count.
I didn't really think Avatar Tuner 2 was that bad...just "okay".

I liked the original Avatuna, the second one just seemed rushed. Lack of dungeons, zero interesting new designs, and some downright horrible pacing. Only part I found worthwhile was the reincarnation concepts. Oh, and the Serph identity and fusion sequence gave me goosebumps and made dealing with the constant party changes worthwhile. HOWEVER, I hold a special and private place in the hell of my heart for developers who miss some sort of trigger loophole that allows a player to skip a very important cutscene that explains a veeeeery important part of the story. In Avatuna2's case, Cielo's origin. Other residents of this hell: Xenosaga and KOTOR2.
You're saying you hate Phantasia and Destiny, right?

Pretty much, yup yup. Bad combat system, predictable plot, etc. I had Eternia pegged as the same old crap and was planning to give up on it like I had the first two, but then Namco introduced the most magnificent asshole alive, Keele. He made me finish the game. I also had help from my roomate for the second disk.

Symponasiastha I skipped because I don't own a GC and the character designs offended me more so then FFX. Legendia I own, but I have no idea where it is!!!!! Didn’t do more than check to see if the disc worked. I gather it is not worth playing? I will disregard whatever paragraph you write because 40 dollars > internet opinion!!!!!!!!! Also you gave me a pretty good idea of what to expect.

...Samurai Western. In retrospect I should have seen that one coming.

Best game ever made TBQH

even better then Godhand!

God bless Red

237th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):Today is a horrible day" , posted Fri 13 Oct 12:06post reply

I found Raidou today and bought it....


is it just me

or does this game look and play like a first gen title?

I was totally unprepared for prerendered backgrounds. I love the atmosphere they lend...

1363th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Today is a horrible day" , posted Fri 13 Oct 12:28post reply

first gen?

wtf is that? that 2 player black hole spaceship game played on an oscilliscope?

i swear to GOD people say some stupid fucking shit around here

wait till ya see my dick!
ima beat that poooosay uuuup!

896th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Today is a horrible day" , posted Fri 13 Oct 12:56post reply

first gen?

wtf is that? that 2 player black hole spaceship game played on an oscilliscope?

i swear to GOD people say some stupid fucking shit around here

wait till ya see my dick!
ima beat that poooosay uuuup!

actually youre close it was played on an osciliscope but it was tennis in 1958

ho ho ho

multiplayer spacewar action didn't arrive till a couple years later at MIT(i think)

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

can i touch your pepe?

End of Spoiler

1369th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):God Hand is..." , posted Fri 13 Oct 14:46post reply

...Samurai Western. In retrospect I should have seen that one coming.

Nah. Samurai Western is a buggy game that is not actually that much fun and is mostly about collecting goofy items. It does have at least one kickass song, though.

God Hand is actually fun to play, only somewhat about collecting goofy stuff, and has many good (very good) songs.

Rising Zan had awesome cutscenes and one of the most kickass opening songs ever made for a video game. Unfortunately I didn't find it that much fun to play back then (aside from the bosses), and I doubt it has aged well.

2031th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):God Hand is..." , posted Fri 13 Oct 19:33post reply


Symponasiastha I skipped because I don't own a GC and the character designs offended me more so then FFX. Legendia I own, but I have no idea where it is!!!!! Didn’t do more than check to see if the disc worked. I gather it is not worth playing? I will disregard whatever paragraph you write because 40 dollars > internet opinion!!!!!!!!! Also you gave me a pretty good idea of what to expect.

even better then Godhand!

God bless Red

Legendia had a terrible plot, obnoxious characters and a battle system that was a huge step back from the other games in the series. Playing it after Rebirth was like some kind of sick joke. There are many MANY better games out there to play and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone but otaku-types that don't know a good game when they play one. However, in its defense, the soundtrack is beyond excellent and I heard it gets quite good towards the end. (though I can't imagine it being worth the suffering required to get there)

I'm glad to see someone else that likes Samurai Western, but it's too repetitive, short and one-dimensional to compare to God Hand in my book. I had a tremendously fun time with it, though...and I suppose its one-dimensional-ness could be alleviated somewhat if you cycled enough different sword styles.

238th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):Today is a horrible day" , posted Fri 13 Oct 23:19post reply

first gen?

wtf is that? that 2 player black hole spaceship game played on an oscilliscope?

i swear to GOD people say some stupid fucking shit around here

wait till ya see my dick!
ima beat that poooosay uuuup!

TBQH the game looks like a first gen ps2 title (and plays like one too IMHO).

I'm really sorry if I insulted your favourite game by the way.

Really really sorry.

I know how you crazy otaku get worked up everytime someone seemingly insults a game that portrays japan, oh I'm sorry again, a million pardons, the Great Nihon, in any sort of realistic way with demons and stuff and did not think you would take offense. Please do not put off your masturbating to ecchi or TEFL studying to reply to me, please. I'm not worth it.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I actually hated Samurai Western somewhat. Some of the sword styles really made the game worthwhile. But not the 40 bucks spent on it. The two player mode was pretty funny to TRY to play lol

End of Spoiler

200th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Somewhat horrible, indeed" , posted Wed 18 Oct 05:04post reply

US releases of



Tales of the Abyss

Poor, poor wallet.......

Finally, I've tried Godhand after hearing some mixed opinions about it.

I think that I don't really get the point on this game. So far... it's a rather bad game.

...I presume that it's all a big joke and self-parody of the genre, I mean: I've played the whole first stage. For the first 2 or 3 areas, I was constantly thinking about shutting off my PS2 and never trying this game again.

The music on the first stage is painful to hear, it gives a Tarantinesque feel to it, at least, and I can't help but thinking that it was like a giant wink to those 2D beat'em up on NES like "The Adventures of Bayou Billy".

You can attribute to the characters and the story all the trashy adjectives you can imagine: they look cliché, flat, stereotyped and predictable. Just seeing devil enemies at the very first stage put me on the mood of "B-Movie". I'm somehow amused by that one of the main villains which is a mexican dressed like Gouki and swearing all the time in spanish while talking in english coño, cabrón!. Also, the Poison Chihuahua is... cute. I'm specially disgusted by the gay sub-bosses. I know it all goes with the "grotesque and disturbing" theme, but I found that choice... unfortunate.

Well, I really puzzled. Is there really any hope anywhere in this game? Or should I give it up because it just is not my cup of tea?

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

4294th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Somewhat horrible, indeed" , posted Wed 18 Oct 05:24post reply

Like you said, the game is a giant wink to old 2d beat em ups and it doesnt take itself seriously at all. You do get some cool boss battles after the bosses you mentioned, specially at the end. Also, once you get more moves you can make nice combos and other super moves.

But if these things bother you might as well return it/delete it yarrrrr

coño, cabrón!


7954th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Today is a horrible day" , posted Wed 18 Oct 06:10post reply

About God Hand and the death of Clover : it should be noted that Inaba left Capcom in June (after Ôkami).

Mikami and Kamiya were still there for God Hand, but Inaba was already freelance then.

202th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(2):Today is a horrible day" , posted Wed 18 Oct 06:42:post reply

About God Hand and the death of Clover : it should be noted that Inaba left Capcom in June (after Ôkami).

Mikami and Kamiya were still there for God Hand, but Inaba was already freelance then.

Iggy if you saw the sub-boss battle against the gay couple (who dangerously look like Chô Aniki) after more or less the first half of hour of the game, your assumptions on the meaning of "Creativity" in the clefting "Clover" (from "Creativity Lover") would definetely change.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

[this message was edited by Arngrim on Wed 18 Oct 23:41]

902th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Today is a horrible day" , posted Wed 18 Oct 09:27post reply



202th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):Somewhat horrible, indeed" , posted Wed 18 Oct 23:44post reply


Yes, that Aniki precisely.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

3567th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Today is a horrible day" , posted Thu 19 Oct 01:11post reply

"Creativity" in the clefting "Clover" (from "Creativity Lover") would definetely change.

Clover does not come from 'creativity lover'.

203th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(4):Today is a horrible day" , posted Thu 19 Oct 01:39post reply


Clover does not come from 'creativity lover'.

Really... oh... I thought it was official.

I know that the name is really created after the name of its composers.

Even though, I'm not really sure if it's some extra play on words just added after or originally planned, but that interpretation of the name was thrown in at some point.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

3568th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Today is a horrible day" , posted Thu 19 Oct 04:27post reply


Even though, I'm not really sure if it's some extra play on words just added after or originally planned, but that interpretation of the name was thrown in at some point.

strange...I feel like the marketing people must've thrown that in afterward or something. He definitely didn't mention that in the interview I just did (which is going up on monday), when I directly asked where the naem came from.

204th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(6):Today is a horrible day" , posted Thu 19 Oct 07:21post reply


strange...I feel like the marketing people must've thrown that in afterward or something. He definitely didn't mention that in the interview I just did (which is going up on monday), when I directly asked where the naem came from.

Can't wait to read that whole interview!

Well, at least, I've read that information presented as official in several sources, so I'm a little surprised you hadn't heard of it, but anyways, I think the more connotations a name has, the more interesting it gets.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

3575th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Today is a horrible day" , posted Thu 19 Oct 07:27post reply

I'd heard of it, but I thought it was just people being stupid.

Oh well! Heh.

679th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Today is a horrible day" , posted Thu 19 Oct 12:49post reply

US releases of



Tales of the Abyss

Poor, poor wallet.......

Hahahahaha... I'm still working on Valkyrie Profile 2.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

206th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(2):Today is a horrible day" , posted Fri 20 Oct 00:27post reply


Hahahahaha... I'm still working on Valkyrie Profile 2.

Wise choice. I'm with it too atm.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.