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1292th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Clover Studio" , posted Thu 12 Oct 19:13post reply


2060th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Clover Studio" , posted Thu 12 Oct 19:21post reply

Well, nuts.

2029th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Clover Studio" , posted Thu 12 Oct 19:37post reply

I wonder if this is due to mediocre sales from both God Hand and Okami. That must have really hurt on Okami, since the game seemed to be fairly high budget.

2644th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Clover Studio" , posted Thu 12 Oct 22:08post reply

Did any of Clover's games make money?

Now that I think about it I've always been a bit hazy on what the point of Clover Studios was. Were there differences in the management structure and the general way the games are created when compared to the methods usually used at Capcom? Was it a form of vanity press given to a group of developers to make them happy or to keep them from becoming fully independent and/or going to a different company? Is creating and disbanding in-house studios standard procedure in making games with the difference being that Clover was more high profile than most?

Maese Spt
315th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):Clover Studio" , posted Fri 13 Oct 01:00post reply

Stop the press! Clover *may be* not over yet:

Not that I'm much inclined to believe a random guy's delusions in a blog, but after reading this entry the whole disbanding affair makes more sense to me.

I somewhat didn't see how Clover style and working habits could fit on Capcom's general policy, so the poor selling figures of Ôkami and God Hand probably have been a heaven's gift for Capcom's top executives.

However, I hope this blog rumor proves true, and I wish they would have more luck as an independent studio. I, for one, will look forward to their games; Clover was one of the very few developpers who constantly strived to offer something, if not artistic, at least different to the public.

マツケン サンバ!!!!

3560th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Clover Studio" , posted Fri 13 Oct 01:43post reply


Rumors abounded (prior to this announcement) that Inaba wanted to go indie and leave capcom.

This is probably just the ZOMG JAPAN way of doing it. I think Clover will be just fine.

1368th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Clover Studio" , posted Fri 13 Oct 02:12post reply


Rumors abounded (prior to this announcement) that Inaba wanted to go indie and leave capcom.

This is probably just the ZOMG JAPAN way of doing it. I think Clover will be just fine.

I certainly hope that's true. To release God Hand and then spontaneously die seems just too farcical.

I'm still shocked that a game with so much money behind it and with such potential mainstream appeal like Okami could've sold poorly.

7947th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Clover Studio" , posted Fri 13 Oct 05:23post reply

I'm still shocked that a game with so much money behind it and with such potential mainstream appeal like Okami could've sold poorly.

It's not that it has sold poorly, it's that a game that has been 3 years in development needs to seel millions to be even.

Now this is official, I understand God Hand : "OK guys, we're leaving this company in 4 month, let's see what we can do in 4 month".
Kinda clever.

1370th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Clover Studio" , posted Fri 13 Oct 14:55post reply

By the way, Iggy, have you played God Hand yet?
What do you think of it?

I've already beaten it and I love it, but it's always fun to hear your opinions.

7948th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Clover Studio" , posted Fri 13 Oct 19:13post reply

By the way, Iggy, have you played God Hand yet?

No, these times I'm totally stuck in a TGS 2004 timezone.
now I'm wasting all my time on Oz.

2030th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Clover Studio" , posted Fri 13 Oct 19:26post reply


No, these times I'm totally stuck in a TGS 2004 timezone.
now I'm wasting all my time on Oz.

What do you think? I almost loved the game, but was forced only to like it, because I feel like it needed just a little more work. I think it would have been dramatically improved if you could guard-break the enemies by calling your partners to hit them in the back. It drove me nuts when the enemies would block from 3 directions at once. I thought that's what having someone attack from behind was FOR!

7949th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Clover Studio" , posted Fri 13 Oct 19:28post reply

I think it would have been dramatically improved if you could guard-break the enemies by calling your partners to hit them in the back.

But... you can ? If the partner hit him in the back and not on the side, it works ?

So far, yeah, I love it. Big breasted pirates always win.

2032th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Clover Studio" , posted Fri 13 Oct 19:46post reply


But... you can ? If the partner hit him in the back and not on the side, it works ?

So far, yeah, I love it. Big breasted pirates always win.

Especially when they remind me of Kiriko from Blackjack.

I remember complaining about all 3 characters attacking and the enemies "blocking from behind" for absurd lengths of time, but if you're playing the game and guard breaking them from behind, then I can only assume that I was mistaken and either didn't know how to play, or need Sesame Street to teach me the difference between "in front" and "behind."

7950th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Clover Studio" , posted Fri 13 Oct 20:12post reply

I remember complaining about all 3 characters attacking and the enemies "blocking from behind" for absurd lengths of time

I think that's it, you have to attack it only from before and behind (so with two characters) ; if all characters attack from various directions a monster already blocking, I assume it begins to block everything from everywhere.

3561th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Clover Studio" , posted Fri 13 Oct 23:58post reply


Sesame Street to teach me the difference between "in front" and "behind."

actually I think iggy is the perfect person to teach you this valuable difference. well maybe not *you*, but you know...

256th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Clover Studio" , posted Sat 14 Oct 02:16post reply


where is the Q&A?

Are you slave to the blade?

2645th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Clover Studio" , posted Sat 14 Oct 02:46post reply

where is the Q&A?

Conspiracy theories should start right about... now!