I've FINALLY started my web-comic! - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Dr Baghead
3623th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"I've FINALLY started my web-comic!" , posted Sat 14 Oct 08:37:post reply

So as some long time board members know, I've been talking about starting a web-comic for some years now but never get around to it because I end up disliking the idea right when I get it going.

Well all that's over as I present my web-comic; Rio Palillos: Devil Hunter For Hire.

See if the results of 7 years of trying to figure out what exactly I wanted to draw was worth it!

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

[this message was edited by Dr Baghead on Sat 14 Oct 08:39]


1441th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):I've FINALLY started my web-comic!" , posted Sat 14 Oct 09:55post reply

The premise definitely works and I like it that the comic doesn't take itself too seriously. Splattered zombie brains are always funny... I like what you've done so far but the real challenge to a webcomic is keeping a regular update schedule, so good luck to you. ;)

7952th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):I've FINALLY started my web-comic!" , posted Sat 14 Oct 18:17post reply

Good luck ! I hope you'll be able to keep drawing the pages on a regular basis.

Ikari Loona
155th Post

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"Re(1):I've FINALLY started my web-comic!" , posted Mon 16 Oct 21:05post reply

Well all that's over as I present my web-comic; Rio Palillos: Devil Hunter For Hire.

See if the results of 7 years of trying to figure out what exactly I wanted to draw was worth it!

Nice work so far.

Having it hosted at DeviantArt can get a bit annoying for the viewer though - to read the text bubbles I had to click the image to see it full-sized, and repeat the process everytime I moved to the following page.
You might want to consider moving that to someplace like ComicGenesis.com, since they provide the whole webcomic-handling coding along with their free hosting for it.

I hope you manage to keep finding the inspiration, time and drive to keep it up now that you got it started.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

Dr Baghead
3623th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):I've FINALLY started my web-comic!" , posted Tue 17 Oct 08:56post reply

Nice work so far.

Having it hosted at DeviantArt can get a bit annoying for the viewer though - to read the text bubbles I had to click the image to see it full-sized, and repeat the process everytime I moved to the following page.
You might want to consider moving that to someplace like ComicGenesis.com, since they provide the whole webcomic-handling coding along with their free hosting for it.

I'm in the process of buliding a personal web-page to host it (as well as the rest of my portfolio) I just started it on DA since I needed a place to host my portfolio in addition to my comic.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

3134th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):I've FINALLY started my web-comic!" , posted Wed 18 Oct 03:09post reply

Looks good so far. Good job.

Dr Baghead
3624th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):I've FINALLY started my web-comic!" , posted Sat 21 Oct 14:12post reply




Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

Tashoku Kisune
2223th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):I've FINALLY started my web-comic!" , posted Mon 23 Oct 15:20post reply

So as some long time board members know, I've been talking about starting a web-comic for some years now but never get around to it because I end up disliking the idea right when I get it going.

Well all that's over as I present my web-comic; Rio Palillos: Devil Hunter For Hire.

See if the results of 7 years of trying to figure out what exactly I wanted to draw was worth it!

Hey, you have DA! Me too! :D I'm shigure-kisune. Can I add you to my friends? XD Well, not that you could STOP ME. But I thought it polite.

Dr Baghead
3626th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):I've FINALLY started my web-comic!" , posted Sat 28 Oct 13:46post reply


THREE MORE PAGES!! This time safe for work and full of glorious text instead of pink censor bars.

So here's a serious question for y'all:
What's the best way to release a web-comic in this structure?
Does 3 pages a week so there's new material every week work or would the full 20-30 pages being uploaded as a block every 2 months or so be prefered so the whole story can be absorbed at once?

I'm gonna keep with the 3 pages a week schedule for Comic 0, I'd just like imput for the next one.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

Ikari Loona
159th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):I've FINALLY started my web-comic!" , posted Sun 29 Oct 06:42post reply

So here's a serious question for y'all:
What's the best way to release a web-comic in this structure?
Does 3 pages a week so there's new material every week work or would the full 20-30 pages being uploaded as a block every 2 months or so be prefered so the whole story can be absorbed at once?

I'm gonna keep with the 3 pages a week schedule for Comic 0, I'd just like imput for the next one.

I still think a system like comicgenesis.com's would work fine, as the comic and pages relatd to it aren't the only thing they'll host, provided whatever you have in the site is yours.


If you're hosting it on your own, then you can at least draw some inpiration from established navigation systems, namely by chapter, with the classic First, Previous, Next and Latest links, perhaps with a few extra ones for the latest 3 or so individually, in cse someone was away for the week and won't simply catch up from the latest page.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"