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Sensenic 1544th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Spanish: The Gathering" , posted Sat 21 Oct 02:59
So, it's that time of the year again.
The time of the year for Time Mage to say "Next year I'll come", the time of the year for me, Ikari and Arngrim to meet...
And thus, I again make this thread in the (vane?) hope that someone else might as well join.
It's time, in short, for the 2 of the greatest geeky events of Barcelona to take place (at the friggin' same time! darn! ), which serves as an excuse for this very enjoyable meeting.
These 2 events be:
- Art Futura, (English version), or the latest technologies applied to the Creation of Art (such as videogames :p ), which, given last year, has most certainly won the honor of being mentioned first.
- And Salón del Manga, the biggest Otaku convention we have in this, our humble little Spain (no matter what PP says).
Unfortunately, this year the choice and distribution of timetables seems will be freakin' hard as Hell... Not to mention it will be the most painful week for my poor little wallet in months... On one hand, we have Masaya Matsuura, creator of Vib Ribbon, The projection of A Scanner Darkly (I'll be oh so there), Aardman Studios introducing their latest movie, a CG one (why, Aardman, why? ), a documentary and a conference about that same A Scanner Darkly, and much moar, including the always astounding Art Futura Show.
Whereas on the other hand, seems this time the Salón del Manga will get a little better than your usual expensive and uber-crowded manga market... Take a look at the guest artists - Hironobu Kageyama singing "Cha-la! Hey! Cha-la!" (I hope. For his own good). I wonder if it will be possible to breath in there at that point.... - For the first time, a visual concert, by those Blood... I don't care much about this one, but I know it's attracting many people to this edition... - Masakazu Katsura and Monkey Punch...
Unfair. Just plain unfair.
Anyway.... So, anyone passing by?
Ling Yao. The king indeed.
 "In the beginning there was nothing and God said: "Let there be light". And still there was nothing but you could see it!" -Unknown-
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IkariDC 584th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(4):Spanish: The Gathering" , posted Mon 23 Oct 00:29:
This a calling for those of you who feel misfit, outcasted in this world.
Ever wanted to see a big fat man cosplaying Card Captor Sakura?
Ever wanted to buy a fan-doujinshi where mixed characters from your favourite series have sexual intercourse, practice cropophagy and kill each other in just a few pages?
Ever wanted to hear the screams of a zillion yaoi fan-girls?
Ever wanted to take a photo with the full cast from Advent Children?
Come to the Salón del Manga.
This is your place.
I can't relate to any of these choices, but I'm still going anyways. 
I'm puzzled with this year's Salón del Manga, there are too many interesing guests! This year is going to be all about planning. I'm happy to hear that this time you're gonna be available full-time, Arngrim!
It's no use to put the schedule in english so I'll put this in spanish. We should update it as more information is available, an then I'll bring it on my iPod so we can decide on the fly what we want to do.
We only have to know when is going to be Katsura's signing session, and post an Art Futura schedule.
Salón del Manga
Kazuhiko Kato AKA Monkey Punch
-12:30 – 13:30 : SESIÓN FIRMAS EN STAND DE FIRMAS. [Firmará ejemplares de su manga Lupin III o un dibujo especial realizado en exclusiva para el evento.]
-16:30 – 17:30 : SESIÓN DE FIRMAS EN “ISLA MANGALINE” . [Firmará ejemplares de su manga Lupin III exclusivamente]
-12:30 –13:30 : SESIÓN DE FIRMAS EN “ISLA MANGALINE” . [Firmará ejemplares de su manga Lupin III]
--Únicamente firmará un autógrafo por persona--
*Nota: Queda por confirmar si se realizará una cuarta sesión de firmas el sábado por la tarde.
Hironobu Kageyama, Akira Kushida & Blood
-13:30 -14:00 En el escenario MINI CONCIERTO. Hironobu Kageyama Interpretará 2 temas de Dragon Ball Z y 1 tema de Saint Seiya. Durante el intermedio del Cosplay y mientras el jurado delibera podréis disfrutar de esta fantástica actuación.
-16:00 -17:15 En el Stand de Selecta Visión (7A) SESIÓN DE FIRMAS.
Trae tu volumen en DVD de “Dragon Ball Z” o “Saint Seiya” y Hironobu Kageyama te lo firmará.
Se repartirán números para controlar el tiempo de las firmas y de esta forma nadie tendrá que esperar en cola con la duda de si tendrá tiempo o no de conseguir un autógrafo de Hironobu Kageyama.
Los números se repartirán a las personas que formen la cola 15 minutos antes del comienzo de las firmas, de forma que sólo podrán seguir haciendo cola aquellos que posean números.
-19:30 Blood ofrecerán una pequeña actuación en La Farga de l’Hospitalet, después, los miembros de Blood estarán en el stand de Jonu Media donde autografiarán los CDs que adquieran los visitantes.
Y la madre que los pario por poner el concierto completo de kageyama el domingo a la noche, siempre pensando en la gente que viene de fuera... Como no vayais vosotros 2 os arreo.
[this message was edited by IkariDC on Mon 23 Oct 00:55] |