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Iggy 7957th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Arcana Heart" , posted Tue 24 Oct 00:16:
At last, Yűki's new game after Tenkaichi, this time without relation with SNK.
10 characters, all female. But the sprites are really nice, it's not another ugly Melty Blood micmac.
4 buttons, weak medium strong and arcana button. A power gauge, and a homing gauge.
You choose your arcana(something like the element ?) at the beginning of the match in a (quite long) list. Each arcana has its own set of moves that are added to your character's.
The 10 characters are generic, the goth loli, the miko, the school bathsuit, the warrior, the wizard, the chinese girl... The school mizugi is the loliest character, and she's the grappler (with her slime).
The balance was not very good for a location test, and the game was floating, like if they were fighting under water. But the general impression was positive ; plus, it's Yűki we're talking about.
The game is scheduled for december.
Edit : Tons of stuff
[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 24 Oct 00:17] | | Replies: |
Arngrim 211th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(1):Arcana Heart" , posted Tue 24 Oct 04:43
I'm extremely interested in this!!!
These are so good news!! The designs so far look ok, full of clichés, but ok.
I like the artist. He/She is correct, not extreme in any way, and has this element of "appealing to the masses".
Under my point of view, setting a full-feminine cast is quite striking. I can't help but seeing this new proposal as a millimetrically conceived marketing product. But that is fine too, I have high hopes for this.
I understand Pollyana stating that the characters lack deep. I completely agree. Of course, we are not in front of the next Guilty Gear, but I think this proposal does not pretend it by any means. It it, from its roots, insubstantial, fan-servicey fun. You can't get blood from a stone.
It has potential enough to become a mini-phenomenon (and I am pretty sure that it will receive luke-warm response by the H-doujinshi market). I'm glad, anyway, they did not fell in the "strip" excuse in order to get more attention (as I said before, H-doujinshis will do justice).
Another point I like to comment... is the nostalgia factor the first screenshots of this game have produced me. I felt like watching the preview for a new SNES fighting game. And that has appealed to me. The overall pattern seems to "follow a tradition", which is almost presented as too heavy at the moment to be left aside.
Well... too much talk maybe ^^U ...I just hope for a correct, balanced, fun and beatiful 2D fighter (and I know, I may be already asking for too much).
 But I still want to quench your thirst. Because I am the one that put you into the desert.