videogames can teach you useful things - Forums

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3583th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"videogames can teach you useful things" , posted Tue 24 Oct 02:07post reply

That can be applied in your everyday life!

see here.

Yes, I'm linking a normal site about a western-developed game, and I feel very dirty for it, so please don't call extra attention to it.


2652th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):videogames can teach you useful things" , posted Tue 24 Oct 03:17post reply

That can be applied in your everyday life!

see here.

Yes, I'm linking a normal site about a western-developed game, and I feel very dirty for it, so please don't call extra attention to it.

"I am such a player!"


Yes, I know this is a bald faced attempt at courting controversy by Rockstar. Still, there's something oddly impressive about the nerve and stupidity that went into putting something like this in a game that they knew was going to be overly scrutinized by the non-gaming segment of the US public.

876th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):videogames can teach you useful things" , posted Tue 24 Oct 03:35post reply

This is a powder keg just waiting to explode. :)

The real question is, why is this a powder keg in the first place?

Play to win.

907th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):videogames can teach you useful things" , posted Tue 24 Oct 03:40:post reply


The real question is, why is this a powder keg in the first place?
Oh, I think you know...


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 24 Oct 03:41]

213th Post

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"Re(1):videogames can teach you useful things" , posted Tue 24 Oct 05:21post reply

Well that's striking.

Really, I can not express how glad I am to be finally able to break the dogmatic imposition of the "heterosexual love story" cliché in game history.

This choice should have already been implemented WAY much time before. At first I thought that new and experimental games like Persona 3 would already have added that option, but sadly did not.

...and I'm not a yaoi fan-boy, what I'm claiming is my freedom to choose. Choose whoever I want the main character to be paired with. I mean, if I'm already aiming from the beginning for an homosexual couple, I would like the characters to really mirror what I am aiming for, not just the "best friends" excuse.

I really hope this to become a general tendency instead of a peak in a particular game.

"I'm hot. You're hot. Let's make out. MMMMMH!! MMMMHH!!!! MMMMMMMMH!!!"

...Ok, now that is rather silly, I admit.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

907th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):videogames can teach you useful things" , posted Tue 24 Oct 05:48post reply

I agree, actually, though this being Rockstar I'm not exactly impressed at their doing it for any reason than the sensationalism. Sorta like Fear Effect 2, hahah.


Undead Fred
2742th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):videogames can teach you useful things" , posted Tue 24 Oct 14:55post reply

That can be applied in your everyday life!

see here.

Yes, I'm linking a normal site about a western-developed game, and I feel very dirty for it, so please don't call extra attention to it.

You can rap on the square button to make him moan Jack Thompson's name while they make out for uncomfortable lengths of time.

Tashoku Kisune
2225th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):videogames can teach you useful things" , posted Wed 25 Oct 08:34post reply

That can be applied in your everyday life!

see here.

Yes, I'm linking a normal site about a western-developed game, and I feel very dirty for it, so please don't call extra attention to it.

.... wow. That's... that's something else. And to think videogames only taught ME how to DRIVE!

Maese Spt
321th Post

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"Re(2):videogames can teach you useful things" , posted Thu 26 Oct 01:17post reply

So these are those so called next generation games..?

/Add random やらないか? joke here/

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