Capcom's New Fighter Based of New Anime - Forums

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Cain Highwind
730th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Capcom's New Fighter Based off New Anime" , posted Thu 26 Oct 15:45:post reply

Thanks to TRIEU for the original Link

It's based of an Anime that just started airing in Japan called Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi

I had to do a double take because I thought I saw Batsu.

[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Thu 26 Oct 15:51]


2042th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Capcom's New Fighter Based off New Anim" , posted Thu 26 Oct 16:06post reply

It looks like any and every other mediocre anime-based fighting game. I...I don't get it. Maybe I'll be surprised, but I'll probably just be depressed.

3591th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Capcom's New Fighter Based off New Anim" , posted Thu 26 Oct 16:24post reply

yeah, looks super lame. my only ridiculously optimistic hope is that they're using this game to train up a new generation of fighting game makers.


3491th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Capcom's New Fighter Based off New Anim" , posted Thu 26 Oct 16:48post reply

yeah, looks super lame. my only ridiculously optimistic hope is that they're using this game to train up a new generation of fighting game makers.


Well they'll maybe realise that SF still have some potential...And even if they keep the blah blah blah 2D not reliable enough blah blah...
They'll myabe realise that they have at least 2 3D series...

Fortes fortuna juvat...

167th Post

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"Re(1):Capcom's New Fighter Based off New Anim" , posted Thu 26 Oct 17:15post reply

At least the manga is fun.

Not so sure about the game.

Only four characters pictured so far? (Kenichi, Miu, Kisara, and the blond guy.)

7962th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Capcom's New Fighter Based off New Anim" , posted Thu 26 Oct 17:32post reply

A Capcom anime adaptation without Funamizu, and based on a recent anime, so without the love and dedication of a staff.... Eh.

2655th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Capcom's New Fighter Based off New Anim" , posted Thu 26 Oct 22:27post reply

Has anyone heard who is working on the game?

I can't say I feel much one way or the other about the game since I don't know the source material or how the game itself will play. One thing that did surprise me was that one of the girls was sporting a pair of one legged jeans like that brat from the old Fatal Fury anime. Has that look come back into style? Has that look ever been in style?

Just a Person
816th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):Capcom's New Fighter Based off New Anim" , posted Thu 26 Oct 23:38post reply

I'd rather have a new SF game (and by new, I mean NEW, not Mega Street Fighter II XX or whatever). A new DarkStalkers game would be welcome, as well.

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

172th Post

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"Re(5):Desparate" , posted Fri 27 Oct 02:22post reply

The girl seems to have alot of polygon power and rendering devoted to her ass. This, that all girl game, extreme 2, and SNK's otaku genre stuff; its all kind of depressing. Do Cap, SNK, Ninja really need to do this?

Companies are still making traditional shmups, why not fighters?

Bata kun
2943th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Uh..." , posted Fri 27 Oct 02:56post reply

I really don't like the look of the game. There are cases in which I don't mind 3D, but the game looks so horrid. I never read the tankoubon and the anime was never on my must watch list to begin with.

my only ridiculously optimistic hope is that they're using this game to train up a new generation of fighting game makers.


Let's hope that this is their only horrid project.

Companies are still making traditional shmups, why not fighters?

Companies think that people will not like traditional fighters anymore? I highly doubt it.

214th Post

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"Re(1):Uh..." , posted Fri 27 Oct 04:15post reply

Looks terribly plain and uninteresting for the moment.

So generic it hurts.

I won't care for this game yet, at least until it shows something that draws my attention in an effective way.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

168th Post

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"Re(6):Desparate" , posted Fri 27 Oct 05:06post reply

The girl seems to have alot of polygon power and rendering devoted to her ass. This, that all girl game, extreme 2, and SNK's otaku genre stuff; its all kind of depressing. Do Cap, SNK, Ninja really need to do this?

Miu, the girl in the skin tight body suit, has a lot of art devoted to her ass and breasts in the manga as well.

So it is sticking pretty close to the source in that aspect. Same goes for if the game adds Shigure.

Kisara is the girl with the torn jeans. Kenichi is the guy with the bandages on his hands.

For anyone that cares, you can find scanslations online through around volume 5 of the manga.

760th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):Desparate" , posted Fri 27 Oct 10:12:post reply

Haven't Capcom and SNK been doing this since Street Fighter 2 (try doing a leg sweep on Chun-Li) and Fatal Fury 2, anyways?

[this message was edited by TiamatRoar on Fri 27 Oct 10:14]

169th Post

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"Re(8):Desparate" , posted Fri 27 Oct 10:27post reply

Haven't Capcom and SNK been doing this since Street Fighter 2 (try doing a leg sweep on Chun-Li) and Fatal Fury 2, anyways?

While someone might could almost argue Chun Li's design, there is no way that her later full body fireball motion was anything less than sexual.

Mai's design hardly pretended at the start, and didn't even try to pretend later.

Morrigan... Blue Mary... Most women in fighters approach or surpass "sexual object" in design.

1581th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Capcom's New Fighter Based off New Anim" , posted Fri 27 Oct 11:16post reply

I'd rather have a new SF game (and by new, I mean NEW, not Mega Street Fighter II XX or whatever). A new DarkStalkers game would be welcome, as well.

I do too, but it seems like Capcom lost alot of steam when CFAS got cancelled.

2068th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Capcom's New Fighter Based off New Anim" , posted Fri 27 Oct 14:15post reply

I do too, but it seems like Capcom lost alot of steam when CFAS got cancelled.

According to the people at the beta test, they lost that steam long before CFAS was cancelled.

667th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Desparate" , posted Sat 28 Oct 00:30post reply

It looks painfully generic, but the gal in purple tights will save the game from a total failure. the game will be a standard failure (which, in capcom terms means a really great one...)

7103th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"humm" , posted Mon 30 Oct 20:57post reply

Am I the only one that thinks this doesn't looks that bad? I know I've seen way uglier licensed games, plus being Capcom this may be fun at least.

And since when fanservice is such a bad thing? This is more tame that Rumble Roses, or that overhyped pile of crap that's DOA.

"It's 3D!" "It has boobs!" "it doesn't has Ryu!" don't seem to be be valid arguments to say it's bad with the little we've seen.

news - art

2658th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):humm" , posted Tue 31 Oct 00:47post reply

Am I the only one that thinks this doesn't looks that bad? I know I've seen way uglier licensed games, plus being Capcom this may be fun at least.

I agree. Capcom has always been good at capturing the essence of a licensed property or at least finding something in the original piece that can be successfully built upon. As an example the excess of the Marvel games really captured the spirit of the US comics that were being put out during that time period. Also, the last thing I would want a licensed game to do is to be mis-presented because the source material didn't fit with the tastes of the game developers. Capcom didn't make the characters in JoJo look like heterosexuals so they certainly aren't going to scrimp on the presentation of the purple girl's butt either. Good for them.

215th Post

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"Re(1):humm" , posted Tue 31 Oct 02:10post reply

Am I the only one that thinks this doesn't looks that bad? I know I've seen way uglier licensed games, plus being Capcom this may be fun at least.

And since when fanservice is such a bad thing? This is more tame that Rumble Roses, or that overhyped pile of crap that's DOA.

"It's 3D!" "It has boobs!" "it doesn't has Ryu!" don't seem to be be valid arguments to say it's bad with the little we've seen.

The main problem here is none other than expectations.

Surely, this game can be vindicated in several aspects. But the premise shown so far is kind of a let down to all those fans who are (still after all) wishing for a new, powerful, stunning fighting game.

3D or not, with or without fanservice and with or without Ryu are just secondary features (in my opinion), and not strong by any mean to use as statements to consider the (overall) quality of a game.

"The fans are not amused."

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

Time Mage
2463th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):humm" , posted Tue 31 Oct 02:59post reply

3D or not, with or without fanservice and with or without Ryu are just secondary features (in my opinion), and not strong by any mean to use as statements to consider the (overall) quality of a game.

"The fans are not amused."

And what kind of information do you have that I don't, that tells you that the game won't be good? So far, we only know that: It's a 3D fighting game. It's based on a manga/anime. It's developed by Capcom. It can turn out good, or bad, but you just can't say anything objective about it.

Let's give the game an opportunity, at least.


3596th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):humm" , posted Tue 31 Oct 03:33post reply


And what kind of information do you have that I don't, that tells you that the game won't be good?

no information - simply experience with this sort of thing, which lends us to think the game has a lower chance of being good. Anime licensed games are usually pretty poor. Anime fighting games are usually the worst of the lot, because they take the least design effort to make (aside from dating sims). The game looks like all those other generic anime fighters, so there's more reason to expect something mediocre than there is to expect something excellent. And frankly, there's no point in releasing something that isn't excellent, aside from making a few bucks off people who can't tell the difference.

None of us knows this game will suck - we're just not getting our hopes up.

216th Post

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"Re(3):humm" , posted Tue 31 Oct 03:34post reply


And what kind of information do you have that I don't, that tells you that the game won't be good? So far, we only know that: It's a 3D fighting game. It's based on a manga/anime. It's developed by Capcom. It can turn out good, or bad, but you just can't say anything objective about it.

Let's give the game an opportunity, at least.

As I said, I'm not judging the game. It can be vindicated, for sure, and for multiple reasons, I'm not denying it. We'll have to wait to know.

What I'm judging is the premise. That's the only information I have.

What I'm saying is that, as you can see by the general impression, people are not hyped at all. The fans expect something more from Capcom, and that premise does not live up to their expectations.

And that's because the game looks plain so far.

I know this can be tricky, I know about "don't judge a book by its cover", etc. Maybe we even are in front of the finest fighting game ever. I highly doubt it, though (again, basing on the premise).

Sorry if that sounded subjective but I didn't meant to be objective, though, just reflecting my opinion ^^U

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

585th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):humm" , posted Tue 31 Oct 04:24post reply


"The fans are not amused."

Fans of Capcom or fans of the anime? If you are a Capcom fan, then I can understand why you aren't amused, or why you might be asking to yourself why did they pick up that license.

But from the viewpoint of a fan of the anime, it's like "Hey, non other than Capcom is doing a fighting game from my 'beloved' anime!". Hey, I don't know anything about this anime so maybe it's not interesting from either of those two sides...



Since when do you say this like, twice per second? Yesterday, I stopped counting after a while.


3598th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):humm" , posted Tue 31 Oct 05:34post reply


Since when do you say this like, twice per second?

Spiderman 2!

217th Post

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"Re(5):humm" , posted Tue 31 Oct 07:23post reply


Spiderman 2

Haven't heard that song! (yet)


Since when do you say this like, twice per second? Yesterday, I stopped counting after a while

Basically it's an insanely catchy meme used by my friends. Also... you know... there are so many things to vindicate! (and even more in the context we were yesterday!!!)

Well ...back on topic:

I haven't read History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, but I might try. It looks like a pretty generic and plain shonen series with modest art, which is the main reason why it did not draw my attention.

I like Capcom, though, I recognise I keep an eye on anything they do. Some people might think that this is a step in the right direction, but I think that, so far, this game drags the same lacks that its referent has.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

6th Post

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"Re(6):humm" , posted Tue 31 Oct 08:42post reply

Why any "anime fan" can be happy with cel-shaded polygons instead of sprite art was always beyond me.

2045th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):humm" , posted Tue 31 Oct 09:01post reply

Why any "anime fan" can be happy with cel-shaded polygons instead of sprite art was always beyond me.

This is a good point, but what irritates me way more about anime games is how they (these days) have extended, shitty story modes. People who aren't into the series are going to be confused and unimpressed by the sloppy story-telling, and people who are already into the series are going to be disappointed by the shitty presentation of the plot.

The cell-shading thing is worth complaining about when it's done out of laziness, but there are a lot of types of games that can't be achieved without 3D. The only time it really gets me is when there's a series that's obviously suited to be a 2D fighter and they do something completely different (and completely crappy) with it.

3599th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):humm" , posted Tue 31 Oct 09:24post reply


Spiderman 2

Haven't heard that song! (yet)

it sucks. it's also catchy.

170th Post

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"Re(5):humm" , posted Tue 31 Oct 09:30post reply

But from the viewpoint of a fan of the anime, it's like "Hey, non other than Capcom is doing a fighting game from my 'beloved' anime!".

Hearing Capcom is doing an anime fighter generally tends to bother me, because I end up expecting the anime crossed with Street Fighter 2 moves.

Just look at Cyclops doing a dragon punch. Or Wolverine doing a dragon punch. Or "insert name here" doing a dragon punch. Storm and Psylocke sprites that were given Chun Li's legs.

Bata kun
2947th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Uh..." , posted Wed 1 Nov 02:53:post reply

I so should choose my words carefully.

What I meant to say is that the visuals don't look good, but I can't say that the game is overall horrid because I don't know the mechanics. A game can look horrid and still be a terrific game just because of the way the game works. That's the key here. "Jingi Storm" does look nice though dated, but from what I have heard, the gameplay, aside from what we already know, is not kind at all.

I've seen way uglier licensed games

So have I.

Anime licensed games are usually pretty poor. Anime fighting games are usually the worst of the lot, because they take the least design effort to make (aside from dating sims). The game looks like all those other generic anime fighters, so there's more reason to expect something mediocre than there is to expect something excellent. And frankly, there's no point in releasing something that isn't excellent, aside from making a few bucks off people who can't tell the difference.

Anime licensed games today: yes. Anime licensed games back in the Super Famicom days or before those: no. Anime fighting games these days are pretty horrid overall these days, though "Jojo's", from what little experience I had, wasn't bad at all.

As far as I know, I have yet to see a horrid anime/manga-based game involving Capcom. I mean, I sort of like "Jojo" (only because I was never that familiar with it) and "Area 88" is one of the best shooting games I have played ever. So, there.

Edit: grammar.

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Thu 2 Nov 00:35]

2047th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Uh..." , posted Wed 1 Nov 08:30post reply


Anime licensed games today: yes. Anime licensed games back in the Super Famicom days or before those: no.

While I can name more oldschool license games that I like compared to new ones, some of that is nostalgia, and much of that doesn't hold up to today's standards. There were a LOT of crap games back then, just like today.

Returning to the point about polygons, I think I would have liked most of those games much much less if they were in 3D. By that standard, it's hard to say that they're better games based only on the virtue of them being sprite-based.

879th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Uh..." , posted Wed 1 Nov 08:35post reply

Let's all pray that Capcom still has a team capable of making a good fighting game.

Play to win.

2073th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Uh..." , posted Wed 1 Nov 20:36post reply

So out of curiosity I've been watching the anime, and it's okay. But because of the premise, I wouldn't expect much of a competitive game to come out of this. I think it will end up being more of a single-player game.