New Street Fighter movie from Japan - Forums

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1282th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"New Street Fighter movie from Japan" , posted Tue 31 Oct 11:03post reply

From what I can tell it focuses on Chun-Li. My Japanese isn't too good so I can't get into the details.


1601th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):New Street Fighter movie from Japan" , posted Tue 31 Oct 12:04:post reply


From what I can tell it focuses on Chun-Li. My Japanese isn't too good so I can't get into the details.

Psst, over here

[this message was edited by whitesword on Tue 31 Oct 12:09]

2072th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):New Street Fighter movie from Japan" , posted Tue 31 Oct 15:13post reply

Wow... this is so random I hardly know what to say. Why now? Why a movie?

183th Post

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"Re(3):New Street Fighter movie from Japan" , posted Tue 31 Oct 15:55post reply

I hope this isn't the Hyde Park Entertainment that they're talking about.

7970th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Street Fighter movie [important news inside]" , posted Tue 31 Oct 21:47:post reply

Why now?

Because 2007 is Street Fighter's 20th anniversary.
Why a movie?

Because they think americans will like it better.
Japanese people will get an animated series and a new game
I hope this isn't the Hyde Park Entertainment that they're talking about.

They are.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 31 Oct 21:50]

Time Mage
2465th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Street Fighter movie [important news in" , posted Tue 31 Oct 22:19post reply

and a new game

Of course, they aren't specifying more, right? A "new game" can range from the "ultra-super-mega definitive compilation" to Street Fighter IV. Sadly, I guess it will be way closer to the former :/


7970th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Street Fighter movie [important news in" , posted Tue 31 Oct 23:19post reply

A "new game" can range from the "ultra-super-mega definitive compilation" to Street Fighter IV. Sadly, I guess it will be way closer to the former :/

You're being optimistic.
My money is either on "Street Fighter ONE on Xbox live !" or "Street Fighter EX 2 + Alpha on PSP !"

2659th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Street Fighter movie [important news in" , posted Wed 1 Nov 00:41post reply

If this movie gets made -and that's a mighty big "if"- I'm sure it will head straight to DVD. I can already picture it for rent at my local video store, tucked between the latest releases from Dolph Lundgren and Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Japanese people will get an animated series and a new game

Whoa, whoa, is this an actual announcement or another one of those vague promises that Capcom occasionally makes but never intends to keep?

218th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(3):Street Fighter movie [important news in" , posted Wed 1 Nov 01:58post reply

Chun-li centered movie??? I'm sold. How did it take that long!!! Knowing the power of this character (in terms of charisma and fandom), this is a fairly safe choice. I'm really surprised it has not happened before, judging the weight given to the character (remember the slogan "She is back" for Street Fighter III 3rd Strike).

New SF game??? I'm prepared for a 20th Anniversary re-edition of the original Street Fighter, or something like that. This works as a perfect excuse to offer the same old product in a new and fancy package. I find pretty unlikely that this would be a step forward in the saga.

New anime??? my opinion, the anime produced from the game so far did not decently managed the characters nor the plot correctly. I hope this tendency ends with this new announced anime.

But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one that put you into the desert.

3600th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Street Fighter movie [important news in" , posted Wed 1 Nov 02:17post reply

You're being optimistic.

it may well be new - I know many companies have been pitching capcom for the next street fighter.

7971th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Street Fighter movie [important news in" , posted Wed 1 Nov 03:40post reply

Exodus sucks with <br>s.

3602th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Street Fighter movie [important news in" , posted Wed 1 Nov 04:10post reply

Exodus sucks with <br>s.

it looks weird with just one!

thanks for the post btw <3

7973th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Street Fighter movie [important news in" , posted Wed 1 Nov 04:22:post reply

it looks weird with just one!

It looked even weirder with a <br<.

(And I just did it because I peed on that announcement. It's mine, I tell you)
Also, you are a filthy pervert, you and your silly pictures.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 1 Nov 04:23]

Just a Person
818th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Topic + Chun-Li in GameFAQs Character Battle" , posted Wed 1 Nov 04:42:post reply

Chun-li centered movie??? I'm sold. How did it take that long!!! Knowing the power of this character (in terms of charisma and fandom), this is a fairly safe choice. I'm really surprised it has not happened before, judging the weight given to the character (remember the slogan "She is back" for Street Fighter III 3rd Strike).

New SF game??? I'm prepared for a 20th Anniversary re-edition of the original Street Fighter, or something like that. This works as a perfect excuse to offer the same old product in a new and fancy package. I find pretty unlikely that this would be a step forward in the saga.

New anime??? my opinion, the anime produced from the game so far did not decently managed the characters nor the plot correctly. I hope this tendency ends with this new announced anime.

Yay! That sounds great! Well, maybe the Chun-Li movie gets really lame, but if Capcom makes it with some effort, maybe it turns out to be a pretty decent movie (it's live action from what I read, right? That's a little scary, but if Sailor Moon managed to get good in live action, why not Chun-Li??).

About the anime, that's great news as well. SF the movie (the anime one, not that pile of garbage starred by Van Damme) and SF II-V weren't very loyal to the actual game story, but nevertheless I liked them very much! Let's hope it fits the game plot this time!

About the game, I really hope it's really a NEW game. Come on, SFII is a great legendary game, everybody knows, but it has already been milked to death... let it go, Capcom, people want SFIV...

BTW, Chun-Li will face FFX/FFX-2's Yuna in the GameFAQs Character Battles on Thursday. Who do you guys think will win the poll? I read that RPG characters (and mainly FF ones) usually are the winners, but Chun-Li managed to defeat Lara Croft in a previous poll; plus, she's one of the original video game gals, so... who knows??

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Wed 1 Nov 05:02]

Just a Person
818th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"News are spreading fast..." , posted Wed 1 Nov 09:33post reply

Here in Brazil, I´ve already seen two articles about the new SF movie. Or, as both articles say, "Chun-Li´s solo movie":

Chun-Li ganhará filme solo (Chun-Li will get a solo movie)

Chun-Li terá filme solo (it´s basically the same title that the previous one; someone got lazy...)

The first article is more technical, but it refers to Chun-Li as "the true main character from Street Fighter". The second one even mentions the Van Damme SF movie, stating that Ming-Na probably won´t repeat the role as Chun-Li because the producers may want someone younger, and that the Van Damme movie really sucks...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

2048th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):News are spreading fast..." , posted Wed 1 Nov 10:24post reply

Only Jackie Chan can play Chun-Li properly. I'm not getting my hopes up, though.

shin ramberk
299th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):Street Fighter movie [important news in" , posted Wed 1 Nov 11:50post reply

You're being optimistic.

it may well be new - I know many companies have been pitching capcom for the next street fighter.

No kidding. This doesn't surprise me. The franchise is still very viable damnit. Of course, I don't know any company that I would trust to make a new SF game (American or Japanese). Sammy/Arc Systems/Sega only seem to rehash GGXX.

Just a Person
819th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):News are spreading fast..." , posted Wed 1 Nov 20:18post reply

Only Jackie Chan can play Chun-Li properly. I'm not getting my hopes up, though.

Heh, Mr. Chan did impress as Chun-Li... pity that he's not hot enough for the role. Zhang Ziyi, perhaps? But I guess she'd demand a lot of money...

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Burning Ranger
1456th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):News are spreading fast..." , posted Wed 1 Nov 21:16post reply

If it's a younger Chun-Li, then it probably won't be based on "Thunder Thighs" (aka SF3 version). Pity.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

1254th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):News are spreading fast..." , posted Wed 1 Nov 22:30post reply

If it's a younger Chun-Li, then it probably won't be based on "Thunder Thighs" (aka SF3 version). Pity.

So Jennifer Lopez is out of the question as lead?

Just a Person
820th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):News are spreading fast..." , posted Wed 1 Nov 23:40post reply

If it's a younger Chun-Li, then it probably won't be based on "Thunder Thighs" (aka SF3 version). Pity.

So Jennifer Lopez is out of the question as lead?

LOL!! Great one!
If Capcom wants to make another lame movie, Jennifer Lopez would be a great choice, since I haven't seen a single movie where her acting wasn't lame...

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

2660th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):News are spreading fast..." , posted Thu 2 Nov 01:01post reply

Chun-Li terá filme solo (it´s basically the same title that the previous one; someone got lazy...)

Every other article I've seen the Chun-Li/SF movie has used screen grabs from SF2 to illustrate the story. This is the only one I've seen that uses Chun-Li's previous notable moment in cinematic history.

Just a Person
822th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):News are spreading fast..." , posted Thu 2 Nov 01:25:post reply

Chun-Li terá filme solo (it´s basically the same title that the previous one; someone got lazy...)
Every other article I've seen the Chun-Li/SF movie has used screen grabs from SF2 to illustrate the story. This is the only one I've seen that uses Chun-Li's previous notable moment in cinematic history.

Yeah, that's because they mention this moment in the text: "Bom, tendo a famosa cena do banho da Chun-Li (olha aí do lado) que pudemos ver num dos filmes animados, já vai estar valendo."

Translating: "Well, as long as it [the movie] gets the famous Chun-Li's shower scene (take a look to the right) that we managed to see in one of the animated movies, it [the new live-action movie] will already be worth [to watch]."

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Thu 2 Nov 01:26]

3604th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):News are spreading fast..." , posted Thu 2 Nov 01:36post reply

zhang ziyi is not appropriate, she's too skinny. I think they will use a no-name actress who has the proper body type. This is not going to be a big-budget feature, I imagine.

670th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):News are spreading fast..." , posted Thu 2 Nov 18:41post reply

LOL, this gonna be fun to watch. I hope it ends being even worse than the Raul Julia/Van Damme one, so that I can die breaking up my diaphragm due to massive laughs!!!

171th Post

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"Re(4):News are spreading fast..." , posted Fri 3 Nov 06:10post reply

zhang ziyi is not appropriate, she's too skinny. I think they will use a no-name actress who has the proper body type.

Proper body type will probably be one of the least concerns when it comes to casting.

Red Falcon
5732th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):News are spreading fast..." , posted Sun 5 Nov 05:05post reply

I hope they make Chun Li in to some kind of "Ultra Violet" type heroine... that would be absolutely hilarious.

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173th Post

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"Re(6):News are spreading fast..." , posted Sun 5 Nov 18:50post reply

Street Fighter the Movie has its moments:)

I know everyone dogs Street Fighter for being such a bad movie. It really is. But sometimes I'll watch it again to see Raul Julia. Like many, he's a really good actor who just did alot of bad/so so movies but a few good ones too (spiderwoman, adams). Kind of like Johnny Depp. He does alot of bad/so so movies, but they all have interesting characters (scissorhands, secret window, pirates). I think Raul just liked interesting roles.

In Street Fighter I'm sure he knew it was stupid, but had stupid fun with it and still outshown everyone. Van Damme had already given up real acting in his roles at that time. Universal Solider was probably his peak. But Raul acted well even in the crappy ones and with pride in what he did.

Chun Li: My father saved his village at the cost of his own life. You had him shot as you ran away. A hero at a thousand paces!

Bison: I'm sorry... I don't remember any of it.

Chun Li: You don't remember?

Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me... it was Tuesday.

Dr Baghead
3628th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):News are spreading fast..." , posted Mon 6 Nov 09:37post reply

I hope they make Chun Li in to some kind of "Ultra Violet" type heroine... that would be absolutely hilarious.

See I would think they'd go the "Kill Bill" route instead of "Ultra Violet"... which is the same damn thing (chick with a sword hacking people up in an unstoppable fury out for revenge) but it's focus was on old timey Kung-Fu rather gene splicing...

Either way, I bet they do make her all "grrl power" and give her a samurai sword still making it absolutely hiliarious.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
my silly little drawin's

174th Post

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"Re(7):News are spreading fast..." , posted Mon 6 Nov 15:46:post reply

I think Raul just liked interesting roles.

Raul Julia said he had never heard of Street Fighter.

He mentioned the movie offer to his family, his grandkids (I think) went ballistic, so he agreed to do the movie because they wanted him in it. From the way Julia described the event, he was pretty dismissive of the offer until he saw their response, so he might not have taken it at all otherwise.

[this message was edited by Baines on Mon 6 Nov 15:52]

674th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):News are spreading fast..." , posted Mon 6 Nov 20:49post reply

I hope they make Chun Li in to some kind of "Ultra Violet" type heroine... that would be absolutely hilarious.

See I would think they'd go the "Kill Bill" route instead of "Ultra Violet"... which is the same damn thing (chick with a sword hacking people up in an unstoppable fury out for revenge) but it's focus was on old timey Kung-Fu rather gene splicing...

Either way, I bet they do make her all "grrl power" and give her a samurai sword still making it absolutely hiliarious.

And talking about hilarious flicks... what about Dead or Alive? Was it as bad as everyone expected or was it even worse?

Just a Person
823th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):News are spreading fast..." , posted Mon 6 Nov 22:05post reply

I hope they make Chun Li in to some kind of "Ultra Violet" type heroine... that would be absolutely hilarious.

See I would think they'd go the "Kill Bill" route instead of "Ultra Violet"... which is the same damn thing (chick with a sword hacking people up in an unstoppable fury out for revenge) but it's focus was on old timey Kung-Fu rather gene splicing...

Either way, I bet they do make her all "grrl power" and give her a samurai sword still making it absolutely hiliarious.


There´s one thing that seems to be unclear, though: is this a movie ABOUT Chun-Li, or a movie about the Street Fighter characters FEATURING Chun-Li??

I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!

2665th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):News are spreading fast..." , posted Tue 7 Nov 02:58post reply

And talking about hilarious flicks... what about Dead or Alive? Was it as bad as everyone expected or was it even worse?

If anyone is in a country where DoA has been released please let the rest of us know how it was. The US release was pushed back until December for some unknown reason. Perhaps the distributors thought that in addition to all the other holiday celebrations that take place at the end of the year the whole family would want to get together and watch DoA?

459th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(9):News are spreading fast..." , posted Tue 7 Nov 05:41post reply

If anyone is in a country where DoA has been released please let the rest of us know how it was. The US release was pushed back until December for some unknown reason. Perhaps the distributors thought that in addition to all the other holiday celebrations that take place at the end of the year the whole family would want to get together and watch DoA?

It was released in turkey two or more months ago and it was showing on another saloon but we choosed Adam sandlers "Click".Next week it wasn't on.

676th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(9):News are spreading fast..." , posted Tue 7 Nov 18:25post reply

And talking about hilarious flicks... what about Dead or Alive? Was it as bad as everyone expected or was it even worse?

If anyone is in a country where DoA has been released please let the rest of us know how it was. The US release was pushed back until December for some unknown reason. Perhaps the distributors thought that in addition to all the other holiday celebrations that take place at the end of the year the whole family would want to get together and watch DoA?

Oh, so it got delayed uh? Perhaps they want to improve the final cut, in order to even satisfy the tastes and expectations of the most demanding fans...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
This film will suck anyway!!!

End of Spoiler